S/390 System Utilities Main index

For comments or questions:Jan Jaeger

ZZSA Version 98341

Standalone utilities for MVS, including editor, VTOC list, device list, DASD ZAP etc.

You can also run ZZSA (or any 360/370/390 operating system) on your PC running Linux and the Hercules S/390 emulator.

ZZSA description and download

NODSI Version 94336

An utility to manipulate datasets that have GRS ENQs against them.

NODSI description and download

F1REWALL Version 98033

An implementation of the VTAM session management exit ISTEXCAA to control session setup by means of RACF profiles.

F1REWALL description and download

MPF$NTFY Version 93227

A MPF exit which transforms WTO messages into JES2 notify messages.

MPF$NTFY description and download

PARMTZ Version 98322

An Unix System Services program which will allow you to set the TZ variable from CLOCKxx or the Sysplex Timer.

PARMTZ description and download

IRXFMATH Version yyddd

A REXX function package which provides mathematical functions.

WHOHAS Version 92119

An ISPF utility to display GRS ENQ resources and requestors.

WHOHAS description and download

VMCP Version 97334

Provides a CP operator command to MVS when it is running under VM.

VMCP description and download

JSCH Version yyddd

Like ASCH, a transaction scheduler, but this one schedules started tasks rather then ASCH transactions.

PDS upload/download utilities Version yyddd

Utilities to create IEBUPDTE format sequential files from partitioned datasets, and restore ISPF statistics after rebuilding PDS using IEBUPDTE.