//MVSMODS1 JOB 527TEC000S0003,TEC,CLASS=8,MSGCLASS=5,PRTY=10, DOC FILE // REGION=512K,PERFORM=12,TYPRUN=HOLD,NOTIFY=TS15500 DOC FILE //*VERSION 508 DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* FILE 01 IS RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=32720 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ******************** * DOC FILE //* * VERSION 12-19-24 * * Final * DOC FILE //* ******************** Version * DOC FILE //* * VERSION # 508 * * DOC FILE //* ******************** * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***CBT TAPE NAME SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* C B T T A P E N A M E S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- C B T M V S U T I L I T I E S T A P E -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Every time that MVS is mentioned here, except for the -- * DOC FILE //* -- times when we refer to MVS 3.8 (circa 1978 and modified),-- * DOC FILE //* -- we usually mean z/OS(R), which is a trade mark of IBM. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- This tape contains more utilities than system mods. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Therefore, this tape shall no longer be called the -- * DOC FILE //* -- CBT MVS Mods Tape, because that is now misleading. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Much of this material is actually external to the MVS -- * DOC FILE //* -- operating system itself. This tape is huge - vast. -- * DOC FILE //* -- This tape potentially can help an MVS installation -- * DOC FILE //* -- and its programmers in many ways. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- This collection is full of many tools for making the -- * DOC FILE //* -- support of z/OS (and earlier MVS systems) much easier. -- * DOC FILE //* -- It is the work of many "MVS" practitioners, over the -- * DOC FILE //* -- span of many years. I myself use many of these tools -- * DOC FILE //* -- and save myself tons of time. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- And it can save ANY INSTALLATION much money and time. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- This tape is the CBT MVS Tape. It is not to be confused -- * DOC FILE //* -- with the "SHARE" MVS Tape (a very very different tape.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- (By the way, the contents of the "SHARE MVS Tape" are -- * DOC FILE //* -- now on the CBT Overflow Tape, Files 104 through 234.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- PLEASE DO NOT REFER TO THIS TAPE AS THE "SHARE TAPE". IT -- * DOC FILE //* -- IS NOT IN ANY WAY CONNECTED TO THE "SHARE" ORGANIZATION. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- This tape is NOT CONNECTED IN ANY WAY to NaSPA either, -- * DOC FILE //* -- except for the fact that NaSPA used to be one of its -- * DOC FILE //* -- vehicles for distribution (from 1989 thru 1998. NaSPA -- * DOC FILE //* -- used to make copies of the tape, before we got our web -- * DOC FILE //* -- site, www.cbttape.org). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- To clarify: The CBT Tape is independently produced. -- * DOC FILE //* -- On the other hand, various committees of -- * DOC FILE //* -- the "SHARE" organization produced their own -- * DOC FILE //* -- tapes, including the "SHARE MVS committee". -- * DOC FILE //* -- The SHARE MVS committee's tape is often -- * DOC FILE //* -- conceptually confused with this CBT Tape. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Nowadays, most of the SHARE committees no -- * DOC FILE //* -- longer produce tapes. If I understand -- * DOC FILE //* -- correctly, they put their software -- * DOC FILE //* -- contributions on the SHARE web site: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- http://www.share.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Note: The SHARE MVS committee has officially -- * DOC FILE //* -- "killed" its MVS tape. The contents of -- * DOC FILE //* -- the last SHARE MVS Tape are now on Files -- * DOC FILE //* -- 104 - 234 of the CBT Overflow Tape. -- * DOC FILE //* -- "SHARE" now distributes its software at -- * DOC FILE //* -- the SHARE web site: www.share.org . -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I have a copy of the last SHARE cd-rom -- * DOC FILE //* -- disk. If you want to know more about -- * DOC FILE //* -- those materials, please email me at: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The Share Program Library Agency has been -- * DOC FILE //* -- discontinued by the SHARE organization. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Please email Sam Golob to find out about -- * DOC FILE //* -- the latest news for obtaining S.P.L.A. -- * DOC FILE //* -- distributed materials. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Many of these materials can now be obtained -- * DOC FILE //* -- either at the CBT web site: www.cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- or on the CBT Overflow Tape. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Sam Golob's email: sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- For your convenience, the addresses for -- * DOC FILE //* -- obtaining various other tapes, are also -- * DOC FILE //* -- listed below. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- See File 071 on this tape which is a pds -- * DOC FILE //* -- that contains documentation files for the -- * DOC FILE //* -- various public tapes which we know about. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- "Everything in this collection is intended to make life -- * DOC FILE //* -- easier for the systems programmer (as long as it is -- * DOC FILE //* -- free)." (Arnie Casinghino) -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- WHAT IS THE CBT TAPE COLLECTION? -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- BACKGROUND: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- IBM AND THE OS OPERATING SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 1. IBM developed the "OS Architecture" operating -- * DOC FILE //* -- systems in the mid to late 1960s, so that the -- * DOC FILE //* -- architecture would be upwardly compatible. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Therefore, many programs that were written 40 or -- * DOC FILE //* -- more years ago, still can run unchanged, on today's -- * DOC FILE //* -- z/OS systems. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 2. When one of the older programs does break, it is -- * DOC FILE //* -- often from something minor, which IBM had to change -- * DOC FILE //* -- for some reason. Example: Looking up the devices -- * DOC FILE //* -- that are attached to the system. IBM had to change -- * DOC FILE //* -- that mechanism several times, because of the advent -- * DOC FILE //* -- of new banking needs, and brokerage needs (ATM's, -- * DOC FILE //* -- and computer market trading). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 3. When an IBM program does "break", then IBM either -- * DOC FILE //* -- fixes their own programs, or else IBM makes them -- * DOC FILE //* -- obsolete. They provide their customers with an -- * DOC FILE //* -- alternative, but sometimes the alternative isn't as -- * DOC FILE //* -- good as "the old way". (But often it's better. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Nevertheless, sometimes people want "the old way" -- * DOC FILE //* -- to continue to work, because they are used to it, -- * DOC FILE //* -- etc.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- IBM AS A SOFTWARE HOUSE -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 1. IBM (software-wise), is a software developer for -- * DOC FILE //* -- their operating system and its utilities. They can't -- * DOC FILE //* -- develop "just any tools" that people want. They -- * DOC FILE //* -- are restricted by payroll needs to pay programmers, -- * DOC FILE //* -- they are restricted by the most urgent needs of the -- * DOC FILE //* -- customers (customer-driven), and they are restricted -- * DOC FILE //* -- by safety, which means that they don't want to write -- * DOC FILE //* -- something that will (even remotely) cause a problem -- * DOC FILE //* -- to someone. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 2. When IBM does not write a tool that people need, -- * DOC FILE //* -- then the commercial vendors come in. BUT: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- A. Commercial vendors have to develop their tools -- * DOC FILE //* -- on expensive IBM hardware, that can run to 6 or -- * DOC FILE //* -- 7 figures. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- B. Commercial vendors also have "pay restrictions", -- * DOC FILE //* -- as well, just like IBM. They have to pay -- * DOC FILE //* -- programmers for their time, so they also have to -- * DOC FILE //* -- carefully schedule which projects that their -- * DOC FILE //* -- programmers can work on. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- C. Because of their (necessarily) large overhead, -- * DOC FILE //* -- commercial vendors have to charge exorbitant -- * DOC FILE //* -- amounts of money for their products, usually in -- * DOC FILE //* -- the 5 to 6 figure range. THIS SEVERELY LIMITS -- * DOC FILE //* -- THE NUMBER OF INSTALLATIONS THAT CAN AFFORD -- * DOC FILE //* -- TO HAVE VENDOR-WRITTEN TOOLS. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THAT IS WHERE WE COME IN -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 1. IBM was nice enough to tell the systems programmers -- * DOC FILE //* -- enough about "the internals", so systems programmers -- * DOC FILE //* -- could write their own tools. These systems -- * DOC FILE //* -- programmers usually work for big companies who run -- * DOC FILE //* -- their own big computer installations. So there was -- * DOC FILE //* -- no "extra development expense" incurred by these -- * DOC FILE //* -- programmers. They could program whatever tools they -- * DOC FILE //* -- needed. This is basically, FREE DEVELOPMENT. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 2. These systems programmers, who developed their own -- * DOC FILE //* -- tools, would use them for themselves. But what was -- * DOC FILE //* -- really needed, was a "central depository", where -- * DOC FILE //* -- other people could have access to this code and -- * DOC FILE //* -- share it. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 3. That is what the CBT Tape collection is. It was -- * DOC FILE //* -- started by Arnold Casinghino at the Connecticut Bank -- * DOC FILE //* -- and Trust Company (CBT) in 1975. Arnie kept the -- * DOC FILE //* -- collection up for 15 years, until 1990, when I took -- * DOC FILE //* -- it over. We have been maintaining the collection -- * DOC FILE //* -- pro-actively for over 34 more years. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 4. Therefore, people have a place to send in their -- * DOC FILE //* -- user-developed software, and they can benefit from -- * DOC FILE //* -- that type of software which was developed by others. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Much of the time, a systems programmer can find any -- * DOC FILE //* -- tool needed, AND THEY CAN GET IT FOR FREE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 5. Systems programmers in the IBM Mainframe world (the -- * DOC FILE //* -- z/OS part of it), depend heavily on this -- * DOC FILE //* -- collection, for software that is (either) not -- * DOC FILE //* -- provided by IBM, or some equivalent of it is -- * DOC FILE //* -- provided by vendors, but it is too expensive for -- * DOC FILE //* -- them to afford. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 6. OF COURSE, IT IS "USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK". We -- * DOC FILE //* -- can't warranty anything, but usually this software -- * DOC FILE //* -- has passed in front of "many eyes", and if someone -- * DOC FILE //* -- spots an error, they usually fix it themselves and -- * DOC FILE //* -- report it to us, or we try and fix it. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 7. THAT'S ALL, FOLKS! -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Loading CBT Tape files FROM A TAPE : SYSUPLOG FILE -- * DOC FILE //* -- ------- --- ---- ----- ---- - ---- -------- ---- -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** Also see the SYSUPLOG Section below *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THIS SECTION ONLY APPLIES IF YOU ARE LOADING CBT FILES -- * DOC FILE //* -- FROM A TAPE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- * DOC FILE //* -- This does not apply if you are downloading CBT Files -- * DOC FILE //* -- from the www.cbttape.org website, or from the CBTA01 -- * DOC FILE //* -- disk pack that was backed up and tersed. -- * DOC FILE //* -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- If you are using the JCL from File 003 to load a CBT -- * DOC FILE //* -- Tape File from a TAPE (not from the XMIT files on the -- * DOC FILE //* -- web site and NOT from the CBTA01 disk pack): -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- AND you are using the PDSLOAD program with the UPDATEO -- * DOC FILE //* -- procedure: (which you now MUST USE, in the UPDATEO proc) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THEN: ****--->> You need access to the SYSUPLOG file. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The SYSUPLOG file is a pds with each member corresponding - * DOC FILE //* -- to one CBT Tape file, one which was cut from the CBT Tape - * DOC FILE //* -- using the UPDATEO procedure (and not IEBCOPY). The -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 007 SYSUPLOG file is a sequential file, which YOU -- * DOC FILE //* -- RUN AS A JOB, TO CREATE THE NECESSARY SYSUPLOG PDS. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- You can create the SYSUPLOG file by running the SYSUPLOG -- * DOC FILE //* -- job in member SYSUPLOG of CBT FILE 008. OR, a copy of -- * DOC FILE //* -- it exists on the CBTA01 disk volume containing all of -- * DOC FILE //* -- the CBT Tape files for a given CBT Tape version number. -- * DOC FILE //* -- OR, it is contained in File 007 of any new CBT Tape. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The following files will not have perfect data integrity -- * DOC FILE //* -- using the UPDATEO procedure, unless you have and use the -- * DOC FILE //* -- SYSUPLOG file, which is on CBT File 008, member FILE007. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 008 014 033 047 134 182 264 311 312 314 387 404 -- * DOC FILE //* -- 546 547 570 593 599 612 614 680 702 760 795 814 -- * DOC FILE //* -- 847 850 854 862 875 883 888 889 890 896 897 898 -- * DOC FILE //* -- 917 935 939 952 967 969 979 985 988 995 1002 1048 -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Without using the SYSUPLOG file in the UPDATEO procedure -- * DOC FILE //* -- the string: "><" in column 1, if it was originally -- * DOC FILE //* -- there, will be wrongly changed into the string "./" . -- * DOC FILE //* -- This is a disaster, if it happens in a zip file or a -- * DOC FILE //* -- PDF file, or a Microsoft WORD file. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>> AGAIN, SEE THE SYSUPLOG SECTION BELOW. <<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- XEPHON Materials -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Thomas Publications, which acquired all rights for the -- * DOC FILE //* -- Xephon materials from www.xephon.com, has given support -- * DOC FILE //* -- rights for all the materials, up thru the end of -- * DOC FILE //* -- the year 2005, to www.cbttape.org. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Therefore, XEPHON materials republished here, certainly -- * DOC FILE //* -- have a right to be here, so you don't have to worry -- * DOC FILE //* -- about using them. Please ignore the Xephon copyright -- * DOC FILE //* -- notices (which look quite frightening). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The Xephon magazines have a rather scary copyright -- * DOC FILE //* -- notice printed on each page. This copyright notice no -- * DOC FILE //* -- longer applies, since Xephon gave the rights to Thomas, -- * DOC FILE //* -- and Xephon is defunct. But I have found it impossible -- * DOC FILE //* -- to edit these out of the magazines, so they simply -- * DOC FILE //* -- need to be ignored. Please use these materials as you -- * DOC FILE //* -- see fit. If you use any code, though, you should give -- * DOC FILE //* -- attribution to the author. It is only right to do that. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Sam Golob (12-2009, 07-2016, 06-2023) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- This applies to all of the Xephon magazines except for -- * DOC FILE //* -- VM. The VM magazine rights were bought by SDS-USA, and -- * DOC FILE //* -- I got permission from Jim Lampi of SDS to post them on -- * DOC FILE //* -- our website, or put them on the CBT Tape, provided that -- * DOC FILE //* -- attribution is given to SDS (Software Diversified -- * DOC FILE //* -- Services). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Also, go to www.cbttape.org/xephon -- * DOC FILE //* -- where we have magazines from 1998 thru 2005 in PDF -- * DOC FILE //* -- format, with copyright notices changed, as far as -- * DOC FILE //* -- possible, and protections removed where they previously -- * DOC FILE //* -- existed. Use of these materials is now according to -- * DOC FILE //* -- the disclaimers on the CBT Tape. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 830 also contains Xephon MVS materials from before -- * DOC FILE //* -- 1998, so it is worth while to search the contents of -- * DOC FILE //* -- that file. The "raw" version of File 830 is File 814. -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 830 is a "fixed up" version of File 814, with much -- * DOC FILE //* -- effort put in, to correct errors. Not perfect yet, but -- * DOC FILE //* -- much better. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- CBT TAPE CONTRIBUTION CONDITIONS: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The only rules I have, regarding CBT Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- contributions are: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 1- The disclaimers in the "Disclaimer Section" of the -- * DOC FILE //* -- CBT Tape documentation (i.e. File 001) always apply, -- * DOC FILE //* -- and they override all other statements, both in the -- * DOC FILE //* -- actual file's documentation and elsewhere, regarding -- * DOC FILE //* -- the fitness and merchantability, etc. of the -- * DOC FILE //* -- materials in each file in the collection. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 2- There should be no "time-outs". Somebody using the -- * DOC FILE //* -- tape ten or more years from now should be able to -- * DOC FILE //* -- run the materials then too. (Of course if the MVS -- * DOC FILE //* -- Operating System changes, we have no control over -- * DOC FILE //* -- that, and all disclaimers apply. But there must be -- * DOC FILE //* -- no artificial time-outs or expirations built into -- * DOC FILE //* -- the software.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 3- There should be no restrictions about who can copy -- * DOC FILE //* -- the materials. No contributor will be able to stop -- * DOC FILE //* -- anybody from copying the entire CBT tape for -- * DOC FILE //* -- themselves. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- 4- The contributor may (if he/she wants) retain -- * DOC FILE //* -- ownership of the materials, using copyright notices -- * DOC FILE //* -- to indicate that fact. However, the owner may not -- * DOC FILE //* -- restrict others from copying or using the file. If -- * DOC FILE //* -- the owner wishes to prohibit commercial use, he/she -- * DOC FILE //* -- may do so, by saying so. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Important Note: CBT Tape Materials vs. stuff on the Web -- * DOC FILE //* -- --------- ---- --- ---- --------- --- ----- -- --- --- -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- There is a fundamental difference between what's on -- * DOC FILE //* -- the CBT Tape, and what's on a URL somewhere. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The URLs depend on someone keeping them up. They are -- * DOC FILE //* -- dynamic by nature. Somebody has to pay the bill for -- * DOC FILE //* -- them. If the bill isn't paid, the URL -- * DOC FILE //* -- disappears--it's almost that simple--or sometimes the -- * DOC FILE //* -- provider itself disappears. One prominent example of -- * DOC FILE //* -- this, is the www.xephon.com website, whose URL has now -- * DOC FILE //* -- been taken over by some Chinese company, and it is -- * DOC FILE //* -- now unrecognizable, besides being nonexistent. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- But the CBT Tape, at bottom line, is a tape. Or it -- * DOC FILE //* -- can be kept on a cd-rom, which is almost the same -- * DOC FILE //* -- thing. Someone can keep it in the closet for 10 -- * DOC FILE //* -- years. Then it can be fished out and looked at, -- * DOC FILE //* -- and it'll still be useful. This difference is -- * DOC FILE //* -- something that many people (unless they stop to -- * DOC FILE //* -- think about it) don't realize. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- So what it boils down to, is that the CBT Tape, -- * DOC FILE //* -- besides being an MVS-related software repository, -- * DOC FILE //* -- is also a place to keep stuff and be able to refer -- * DOC FILE //* -- to it much later. IT IS MEANT TO LAST A LONG TIME, -- * DOC FILE //* -- WHEREAS WEB SITES MAY NOT LAST. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Announcement - (Differences in Installation Procedure) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>> ------------- ------------ ------------ <<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>> Contributors' Installation Instructions <<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>> ------------- ------------ ------------ <<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Many of these contributions were originally packaged -- * DOC FILE //* -- to be installed from somebody's web site. There are -- * DOC FILE //* -- some differences in installation procedure when you -- * DOC FILE //* -- install a package from the CBT Tape, from the CBT -- * DOC FILE //* -- Tape website (www.cbttape.org) or from files that -- * DOC FILE //* -- were downloaded from a private website. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>> ------------- ------------ ------------ <<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>> Contributors' Installation Instructions <<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>> ------------- ------------ ------------ <<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- A CBT Tape file is a complete partitioned dataset, -- * DOC FILE //* -- usually, with the separate files as its MEMBERS. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Rarely, once in a while, it is a sequential dataset. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Many of the components of the package, originally -- * DOC FILE //* -- intended to be separate files, or complete libraries, -- * DOC FILE //* -- are actually MEMBERS of this pds. IF YOU HAVE A -- * DOC FILE //* -- CBT TAPE FILE, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEPARATELY DOWNLOAD -- * DOC FILE //* -- THOSE FILES AND SEPARATELY UPLOAD THEM TO YOUR MVS -- * DOC FILE //* -- OR Z/OS SYSTEM. YOU ALREADY HAVE THEM, READY TO -- * DOC FILE //* -- BE USED, as MEMBERS of the CBT Tape file pds. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Please be careful to note these differences in the -- * DOC FILE //* -- installation procedures, when you install from a CBT -- * DOC FILE //* -- Tape file. Sometimes we did not have time to redo -- * DOC FILE //* -- the installation instructions, to tell you that you -- * DOC FILE //* -- are not installing from the contributor's web site. -- * DOC FILE //* -- SO IT IS UP TO YOU TO ACCOUNT FOR THE DIFFERENCES. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I have received some horrific looking emails from -- * DOC FILE //* -- people who have gotten confused. (E.g. "I have just -- * DOC FILE //* -- allocated 16 sequential files with blocksize 3600 -- * DOC FILE //* -- and I don't know what to do.....") -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- * * * * * * * * * * * * -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Often, we have packaged entire pds'es in a CBT Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- file, as XMIT-format MEMBERS of the install pds. So -- * DOC FILE //* -- in order to get that pds into proper shape on an MVS -- * DOC FILE //* -- system, you will need to do something like: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- TSO RECEIVE INDS('CBT.Vver.FILEnnn.PDS(xmitmem)') -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- and answer the prompts to change defaults, if that is -- * DOC FILE //* -- necessary. Sometimes we have included a $RECEIVE -- * DOC FILE //* -- batch job to get this done, but sometimes not. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- XMIT and RECEIVE are commands from IBM, so that -- * DOC FILE //* -- IBM has HELP members for RECEIVE and XMIT (TRANSMIT) -- * DOC FILE //* -- in SYS1.HELP, and you should refer to them for -- * DOC FILE //* -- details on how to use these commands. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- BUT...... -- * DOC FILE //* -- If you don't have easy access to a "Mainframe"..... -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Several PC-based readers for XMIT-format files on -- * DOC FILE //* -- the PC are available for free. See Files 907 and -- * DOC FILE //* -- 871. File 871 also has a reader for XMIT-format -- * DOC FILE //* -- files on an Android phone. Also see the Un-XMIT -- * DOC FILE //* -- program on Sourceforge. File 916 contains a copy -- * DOC FILE //* -- of the XMIT-Manager program which is installable -- * DOC FILE //* -- on 64-bit Windows machines. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- All of these programs can also (and more easily) -- * DOC FILE //* -- be found on the main page of www.cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- on the left side, under "Xmit Manager" and -- * DOC FILE //* -- under "Xmit Viewers". -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- * * * * * * * * * * * * -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- On other occasions, we have packaged entire pds'es in -- * DOC FILE //* -- IEBUPDTE SYSIN format, or PDSLOAD (CBT File 093) -- * DOC FILE //* -- format, which is almost the same as IEBUPDTE, but it -- * DOC FILE //* -- preserves ISPF statistics of the individual members. -- * DOC FILE //* -- These pds'es will also be one MEMBER of the CBT Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- file. The IEBUPDTE SYSIN or PDSLOAD formats are much -- * DOC FILE //* -- easier to understand than XMIT, in that they are just -- * DOC FILE //* -- the individual pds members strung together in one -- * DOC FILE //* -- single sequential file, with control cards in -- * DOC FILE //* -- between, telling IEBUPDTE or PDSLOAD how to -- * DOC FILE //* -- reconstruct the individual members in the actual pds. -- * DOC FILE //* -- PDSLOAD can also restore ISPF statistics for the -- * DOC FILE //* -- individual unloaded pds members. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Sample PDSLOAD JCL may be found on File 093, or maybe -- * DOC FILE //* -- it might be packaged together with that individual -- * DOC FILE //* -- CBT Tape file, depending on how we packaged that -- * DOC FILE //* -- individual file. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Note that a TAPEMAP (CBT File 299) of the CBT Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- will show individual members of an IEBUPDTE SYSIN -- * DOC FILE //* -- format MEMBER which is really a pds. The member -- * DOC FILE //* -- names will show up in TAPEMAP's SYSPRNT2 DD name, -- * DOC FILE //* -- prefixed by a wedge > instead of a dash - . -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- An ASCII-format TAPEMAP printout of the current CBT -- * DOC FILE //* -- Tape version, can be found on the www.cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- web site, at: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- http://www.cbttape.org/ftp/cbt/CBTMAP.txt -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- So please use your head about this stuff. When you -- * DOC FILE //* -- have any further problems or questions about the -- * DOC FILE //* -- install of a package, please email me (Sam Golob) at: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- SYSUPLOG Section -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) November 2018 -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- *----------------------------------------------------* -- * DOC FILE //* -- * THE FOLLOWING APPLIES, ONLY IF YOU ARE RELOADING * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * YOUR CBT TAPE FILES FROM AN ACTUAL TAPE....!!! * -- * DOC FILE //* -- *----------------------------------------------------* -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 007 of the CBT Tape contains a job that creates -- * DOC FILE //* -- "the SYSUPLOG pds" (see below) -- * DOC FILE //* -- (File 007 is sequential. The SYSUPLOG file is a pds.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- This job must be run, if you are reloading disk -- * DOC FILE //* -- files from a "tape". (Not necessary if you are -- * DOC FILE //* -- getting your files from the CBT Tape web site.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 008 now contains all the files and jobs -- * DOC FILE //* -- necessary to create the CBT collection as a "tape". -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 008 also contains all the jobs necessary to -- * DOC FILE //* -- re-create the disk files, from the "tape files", -- * DOC FILE //* -- if that is where you want to get your CBT Tape files -- * DOC FILE //* -- from. These jobs are named: VverJnn, where -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ver is the current tape version, e.g. 505 -- * DOC FILE //* -- nn is the sequence number of the job. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Example: V496J05 will dump all CBT files from -- * DOC FILE //* -- 401 thru 500, to disk. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- (Of course, these jobs can be customized by you.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- -->> See the next announcement below.... <<-- -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* AN ACTUAL EXAMPLE * DOC FILE //* OF A SYSUPLOG FILE (FOR CBT FILE 314) * DOC FILE //* (these are the exception records) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Member Line First 60 bytes of the record * DOC FILE //* Name Sequence for eyeballing and diagnosis * DOC FILE //* Number * DOC FILE //* -------- ------- -------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* TXT2HTML 0002118 >
' n = n + 1 * DOC FILE //* TXT2PDF@ 0000816 ><΅ΗΤ < Ψ??%Φ_>₯Τ * DOC FILE //* XMITIP 0011478 >' /* added by aja */ * DOC FILE //* XMITIP 0023813 >"_m_" "_d_" "); * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Note that the string '><' is present in columns 1 and 2 * DOC FILE //* for each record. This is legitimate, and the string was * DOC FILE //* NOT originally './', produced by LISTPDS or OFFLOAD. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Only the first 16 bytes: member name, and line sequence * DOC FILE //* number, are actually used by the PDSLOAD program. The * DOC FILE //* rest of the record is for the programmer, to help him/her * DOC FILE //* eyeball which record in the file was an exception, while * DOC FILE //* looking at the original file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Also see the "OFFLOAD SECTION" below. * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* CBT Tape Files which require the SYSUPLOG file in order * DOC FILE //* to preserve their data integrity (only when loading them * DOC FILE //* from a TAPE, are: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 008 014 033 047 1002 1048 134 182 264 311 312 314 387 * DOC FILE //* 404 546 547 570 593 599 612 614 680 702 760 795 814 * DOC FILE //* 847 850 854 862 875 883 888 889 890 896 897 898 917 * DOC FILE //* 935 939 952 967 969 979 985 988 995 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * DOC FILE //* * * * DOC FILE //* * A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S * * DOC FILE //* * * * DOC FILE //* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I kept the tape up across an assortment of jobs, * DOC FILE //* and also through the kindness of several data * DOC FILE //* centers, all of whom are owed a big "thank you". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* VERY VERY SPECIAL THANKS go to the late Gilbert * DOC FILE //* Saint-flour, who left us far too soon. Gilbert was * DOC FILE //* solely responsible for providing a work platform * DOC FILE //* to support the making of this tape, for at least * DOC FILE //* 5 years. He owned a P/390 that he used, to run his * DOC FILE //* business, and he gave me a userid on his machine * DOC FILE //* so I could support the CBT Tape from there. * DOC FILE //* Later on, when I was working at an MVS site in * DOC FILE //* another company, the lines were always open to * DOC FILE //* Gilbert's machine as well, so that everything could * DOC FILE //* be preserved and none of the material ever got lost. * DOC FILE //* BTW this was with written permission from that * DOC FILE //* company. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* More thanks........ * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Also, big thanks have to go to Scott Sherer and * DOC FILE //* NaSPA, for contracting to duplicate the tapes after * DOC FILE //* I made the first one. This went on for almost ten * DOC FILE //* years, until we started the www.cbttape.org website * DOC FILE //* at the end of 1998. NaSPA's support began in 1989, * DOC FILE //* when Arnie was still making CBT Tapes at CBT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Even before Arnie's shop lost their tape drives, * DOC FILE //* Scott and NaSPA were already duplicating CBT tapes * DOC FILE //* at Deluxe Check Printers. Credit goes to Marty Kuntz * DOC FILE //* who worked duplicating the tapes at Deluxe. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Arnie's "Connecticut Bank & Trust" data center * DOC FILE //* got rid of their tape drives in 1990. * DOC FILE //* (We had about 1 1/2 years' advance warning before * DOC FILE //* we were obligated to completely switch over). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Even more special thanks go to Sam Knutson, who * DOC FILE //* started the website, paid for it himself, administers * DOC FILE //* it, and so forth. The fact that he put it on a * DOC FILE //* reliable provider with much redundancy and almost no * DOC FILE //* down time, is a great boon to someone who is doing an * DOC FILE //* IPL of a new system during off hours, especially on a * DOC FILE //* Sunday. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* We owe a big debt of gratitude to Innovation Data * DOC FILE //* Processing, the makers of FDR and other fine software * DOC FILE //* products, for sponsoring the www.cbttape.org web site * DOC FILE //* during much of its existence (for at least 15 or 16 * DOC FILE //* years). Thanks to John Mazzone in particular. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If some tool breaks, while you are installing a new * DOC FILE //* version of z/OS, you can hunt around on our site for * DOC FILE //* a newer version of what broke, and the hour doesn't * DOC FILE //* matter. The credit for this convenience, goes solely * DOC FILE //* to Sam Knutson. (sknutson@cbttape.org) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Many other pats on the back go to Sam Knutson, also. * DOC FILE //* (This is for a lot of other stuff he does, to * DOC FILE //* constantly contribute, and for his continued and * DOC FILE //* continuous enthusiasm. AND for his sessions at SHARE.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Our gratitute goes out to all the other data centers * DOC FILE //* which have helped me out over the years: * DOC FILE //* (I have left several of them out intentionally, but * DOC FILE //* we still owe all of them a big "thank you".) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 0- Newsweek, Inc, of course..... * DOC FILE //* Credit goes posthumously to my boss Stan McGinley. * DOC FILE //* 1- First National Bank of Toms River, NJ. * DOC FILE //* Credit goes to Fred Hetzel. * DOC FILE //* 2- Jensen Research Corp. (Credit to Eric Jensen) * DOC FILE //* 3- Brooklyn College of the City of New York * DOC FILE //* (To Howard Givner and the whole crew there) * DOC FILE //* 4- City University of New York * DOC FILE //* (Ben Klein and Aron Eisenpress in particular.) * DOC FILE //* 5- DOITT - Department of Information Technology * DOC FILE //* and Telecommunications - New York City * DOC FILE //* (To everyone there--a wonderful environment) * DOC FILE //* 6- The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company * DOC FILE //* (Now defunct. They were helpful.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ===>> 7- An extra special thank you, of the highest order, * DOC FILE //* must be made to the Open Mainfram Project of the * DOC FILE //* Linux Foundation who (as of September 2020) have * DOC FILE //* made their IBM mainframe available to us for the * DOC FILE //* purpose of software development for CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* products. Thank you to all the people there, too * DOC FILE //* numerous to mention. And thank you to all the * DOC FILE //* CBT Tape contributors who are using this system * DOC FILE //* to further develop their products that we are * DOC FILE //* distributing here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SPECIAL, SPECIAL, SPECIAL...... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I worked for my father, Milton J. Golob, of blessed * DOC FILE //* memory, for about a year. During that time, I was * DOC FILE //* accumulating contribution tapes (this was before * DOC FILE //* the Internet) in several satchels. My father gave * DOC FILE //* me a few months off, so I could work at an MVS * DOC FILE //* site and make CBT Tapes there. Many thanks to him too! * DOC FILE //* (He allowed me to accept the contract at Brooklyn * DOC FILE //* College while I was still working for him.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* More thanks go to the many contributors of material. * DOC FILE //* THE ENTIRE COLLECTION DEPENDS ON ALL OF YOU....... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Separate thanks go to people who help me fix things * DOC FILE //* on a regular basis: John McKown, Bill Godfrey, Greg * DOC FILE //* Price, John Kalinich, Ze'ev Atlas, Gabriel Gargiulo, * DOC FILE //* Roland Schiradin, Willy Jensen, Robert AH Prins, Rob * DOC FILE //* Prins (two different people), and many, many others. * DOC FILE //* I can't mention everybody, but many thanks go to you * DOC FILE //* all...!! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Other thanks go to people who insisted that I NOT * DOC FILE //* BE ABLE TO MAKE ONE PENNY from this endeavor. It * DOC FILE //* has certainly kept the spirit of the CBT Tape up, * DOC FILE //* and the costs down. All the best of everything to * DOC FILE //* all of you. (I mean it.) YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...!! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* R.I.P. to Dave Andrews and John Hooper, my dear friends. * DOC FILE //* And of course to Rick Fochtman, Ken Tomiak, * DOC FILE //* and Gerhard Postpischil. We miss you all.... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* John Hooper is responsible for very reliable code, * DOC FILE //* in CBT File 019. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Much of Gerhard's code is in CBT Files 860, 861, & 862. * DOC FILE //* These are very large files, and are worth exploration. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* You all owe Dave Andrews and his former boss, Bill * DOC FILE //* Winters, for the fact that you are able to have the * DOC FILE //* HLASM Assembler. WITHOUT THEM, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE IT.!! * DOC FILE //* Both of them have also passed on, as has John Ehrman. * DOC FILE //* We have to be grateful to all of them, for their work. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) October 2015 -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- A NEW PROCESS IN THE MAKING OF THIS TAPE. IT IS -- * DOC FILE //* -- NECESSARY TO USE A NEW FILE TO DUMP THE TAPE FILES TO -- * DOC FILE //* -- DISK, WHEN YOU ARE USING CBT FILE 003 JCL, OR THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- ---- --- --- ----- --- ---- --- --- -- * DOC FILE //* -- VverJnn (e.g. V496J05) jobs from File 008. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- YOU WILL NEED A NEW FILE CALLED THE SYSUPLOG PDS -- * DOC FILE //* -- WHICH WAS CREATED WHEN MAKING THIS TAPE VERSION. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- TO CREATE THE SYSUPLOG PDS, YOU NEED TO RUN THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- JOB ON EITHER MEMBER "SYSUPLOG" OR MEMBER "FILE007" -- * DOC FILE //* -- WHICH IS IN FILE 008. OR ELSE, JUST DUMP FILE 007 -- * DOC FILE //* -- OF THE CBT TAPE (A SEQUENTIAL FILE), AND RUN THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- JOB TO CREATE THE SYSUPLOG PDS. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ----- WHY ??? ----- -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- IF YOU ARE RESTORING FILES FROM AN ACTUAL TAPE, -- * DOC FILE //* -- YOU *MUST* USE THE PDSLOAD PROGRAM FROM FILE 093 -- * DOC FILE //* -- (PACKAGED IN THE CBTCREAT.LOAD LOAD LIBRARY ON -- * DOC FILE //* -- FILE 008, MEMBER LOADLIB). THE REASON FOR THIS -- * DOC FILE //* -- IS EXPLAINED BELOW. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ------------------------------------------------ -- * DOC FILE //* -- ------------ IMPORTANT NOTE BELOW ------------ -- * DOC FILE //* -- ------------------------------------------------ -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- CONCERNING REPLACEMENT OR NON-REPLACEMENT -- * DOC FILE //* -- OF ./ TO >< AND VICE-VERSA -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The PDSLOAD program (which performs a lot of the -- * DOC FILE //* -- functionality of IEBUPDTE) loads a partitioned dataset -- * DOC FILE //* -- from a sequentialized version of it, using "./ ADD -- * DOC FILE //* -- NAME=memname" cards to separate what should be each -- * DOC FILE //* -- member. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Sometimes, such a sequentialized pds (now a PS -- * DOC FILE //* -- sequential file) is ITSELF a member of a pds. And we -- * DOC FILE //* -- package CBT Tape files that way quite often. The CBT -- * DOC FILE //* -- Tape file is itself a pds, but some of ITS members are -- * DOC FILE //* -- sequentialized pds'es, containing a lot of "./ ADD -- * DOC FILE //* -- NAME=" cards beginning in column 1. How do we prevent -- * DOC FILE //* -- IEBUPDTE, or PDSLOAD, from unwanted expansion of these -- * DOC FILE //* -- "inner" pds'es, while we are busy reloading the "outer" -- * DOC FILE //* -- pds? -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- What we do, while we are sequentializing the outer pds, -- * DOC FILE //* -- is that automatically, using either the LISTPDS program -- * DOC FILE //* -- or the OFFLOAD program, we change all "./ ADD -- * DOC FILE //* -- NAME=memname" to ">< ADD NAME=memname" in the inner -- * DOC FILE //* -- pds. Then, when we go the opposite way, to make a pds -- * DOC FILE //* -- out of the "outer" sequential file, the inner pds -- * DOC FILE //* -- remains as a single sequential file, and there is no -- * DOC FILE //* -- confusion between any >< cards in the inner pds, and -- * DOC FILE //* -- the ./ cards in the outer pds. There are simply no ./ -- * DOC FILE //* -- cards in the inner pds. They are all changed to ><. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Upon expansion of the outer pds, the inner pds remains -- * DOC FILE //* -- a single member in the expanded outer pds that was -- * DOC FILE //* -- created (by IEBUPDTE or PDSLOAD) from the "outer" -- * DOC FILE //* -- sequentialized pds file. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- In order to further expand the "inner pds" which is now -- * DOC FILE //* -- a member of the "outer" pds (which is a pds), we have -- * DOC FILE //* -- to change all the "><" strings in IT, to "./" strings -- * DOC FILE //* -- in column 1. The PDSLOAD program does this -- * DOC FILE //* -- automatically, when we tell it to, using a PARM of -- * DOC FILE //* -- UPDTE(><). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Nowadays, with new expanded techniques in packaging CBT -- * DOC FILE //* -- Tape files, this leads to a problem. A member of a pds -- * DOC FILE //* -- on a CBT Tape file, may not only be a "sequentialized -- * DOC FILE //* -- pds", sequentialized using IEBUPDTE or LISTPDS, or -- * DOC FILE //* -- OFFLOAD, and containing the >< string in column 1 -- * DOC FILE //* -- purposely. It may also be other stuff that possibly -- * DOC FILE //* -- might contain the string >< in column 1 of the (FB-80) -- * DOC FILE //* -- pds member. And how can that happen? -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- We sometimes fold zip files as FB-80, and include them -- * DOC FILE //* -- as members of an FB-80 pds, in a CBT Tape file. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Sometimes the member might be a folded over Word docx -- * DOC FILE //* -- file, or a PDF file, or it might even be a file of a -- * DOC FILE //* -- load module in Greg Price's REVLOAD format. If it would -- * DOC FILE //* -- happen that the string >< lands in column 1, PDSLOAD -- * DOC FILE //* -- would automatically change it to a ./ string, and that -- * DOC FILE //* -- would wreak a lot of havoc in a zip file, and -- * DOC FILE //* -- considerable havoc in a Word or PDF file. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- HOW DO WE STOP THAT? -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- An excellent programmer, a person with much experience -- * DOC FILE //* -- in this area, has created a way to flag these -- * DOC FILE //* -- "exceptional cases" using the optional DDNAME of -- * DOC FILE //* -- SYSUPLOG, to be used by both the LISTPDS and PDSLOAD -- * DOC FILE //* -- programs. The LISTPDS program which sequentialized the -- * DOC FILE //* -- pds orignally, flags which records have the string >< in -- * DOC FILE //* -- column 1. And the PDSLOAD program, which re-creates the -- * DOC FILE //* -- pds from its sequentialized form, reads that "exception -- * DOC FILE //* -- file" and purposely DOES NOT change the >< (which should -- * DOC FILE //* -- be there) back to ./ (which shouldn't be there). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- This preserves the integrity of the CBT Tape files when -- * DOC FILE //* -- they are reloaded to disk FROM TAPE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The NEWTnnnx members of File 008 and the VnnnJmxx -- * DOC FILE //* -- members of this pds have been changed to add this DDNAME -- * DOC FILE //* -- for all LISTPDS invocations. This seems to have solved -- * DOC FILE //* -- the problem of file integrity in the disk expansions of -- * DOC FILE //* -- all the CBT Tape files. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- So if you use PDSLOAD to preserve the ISPF statistics -- * DOC FILE //* -- on the tape files, you must include the //SYSUPLOG DD -- * DOC FILE //* -- name, at least on the problematic files, which have -- * DOC FILE //* -- non-null members in the SYSUPLOG pds. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- One problem is that to properly load some of the CBT -- * DOC FILE //* -- Tape disk files from tape, you need to have the -- * DOC FILE //* -- SYSUPLOG file made by LISTPDS when that version of -- * DOC FILE //* -- the CBT Tape was created. So for each level of the -- * DOC FILE //* -- CBT Tape, we have begun to provide the appropriate -- * DOC FILE //* -- SYSUPLOG file here. Just look at CBT File 008. -- * DOC FILE //* -- And run the SYSUPLOG job or the FILE007 job member -- * DOC FILE //* -- of CBT File 008. You will thus generate the proper -- * DOC FILE //* -- SYSUPLOG file. Then you can run the VnnnJmm jobs -- * DOC FILE //* -- (on File 008) properly. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) (07/05) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The regular CBT Tape has filled up again, and I have -- * DOC FILE //* -- decided to let it run over the length of a normal -- * DOC FILE //* -- IDRC compressed cartridge. So if you have a 3490E -- * DOC FILE //* -- cartridge the CBT Tape will still fit on one cart. -- * DOC FILE //* -- But otherwise you will have to split the tape into -- * DOC FILE //* -- two, using the COPYNLNL program (see below). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- *-----------------------------------------------------* -- * DOC FILE //* -- * * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * IF THE TAPE IS DISTRIBUTED IN AWS FORMAT, THERE * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * WILL BE NO DIFFERENCE FROM BEFORE. THE TAPE FILE * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * WILL JUST BE LONGER. * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * Since an AWS tape is not a physical tape with a * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * magnetic strip of a fixed size, but it is a disk * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * file, it only matters how much disk space you * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * need to hold it. Therefore, it is possible to * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * have an AWS-format "3480" tape that will hold * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * many gigabytes. * -- * DOC FILE //* -- * * -- * DOC FILE //* -- *-----------------------------------------------------* -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Announcement - ($$$#DATE member in the newer files) -- * DOC FILE //* -- (Now, all CBT files should have such -- * DOC FILE //* -- a member. SG 07/2022) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Most of the files on this tape have a date stamp, -- * DOC FILE //* -- which is a member called $$$#DATE, that states when -- * DOC FILE //* -- this file was prepared for distribution. You can -- * DOC FILE //* -- use this member as a kind of "version" indicator. -- * DOC FILE //* -- The REXX programs or CLISTs which create this member -- * DOC FILE //* -- may be found on CBT File 006. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The CLISTs which can produce the $$$#DATE member can -- * DOC FILE //* -- be found on File 006, called GENDAT and GENDATE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- (In practice, I usually use GENDATR, which was created -- * DOC FILE //* -- by Gabriel Gargiulo for this purpose.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The principal purpose of the $$$#DATE member is for -- * DOC FILE //* -- marking the level of a particular file on our web -- * DOC FILE //* -- site's UPDATES page. On that page, files are posted -- * DOC FILE //* -- in between tape version releases, so you may want to -- * DOC FILE //* -- compare your version of a file with the tape's -- * DOC FILE //* -- version, at a particular tape release level, or with -- * DOC FILE //* -- the level currently on the www.cbttape.org Updates -- * DOC FILE //* -- page. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- See www.cbttape.org and click on Updates . -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Further Note: We shall sometimes post versions of this -- * DOC FILE //* -- file (File 001) on the Updates page of www.cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- to show the intermediate versions (between releases). -- * DOC FILE //* -- Such versions of File 001 will be marked as an -- * DOC FILE //* -- "Intermediate Version". The version of File 001 that -- * DOC FILE //* -- goes with a final cut of the tape, will be marked as -- * DOC FILE //* -- a "Final Version". -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Contents of a typical $$$#DATE member: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* REGULAR CBT TAPE - VERSION 486 FILE: 832 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ORIGINAL DSNAME: SBGOLOB.CBT486.FILE832 * DOC FILE //* --------------- * DOC FILE //* --RECFM-LRECL-BLKSIZE-DSORG * DOC FILE //* FB 80 5600 PO * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* PDS117I 18 MEMBERS COUNTED; CUMULATIVE SIZE IS 11,612 RECORDS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* TIME THIS PDS WAS SHIPPED: 03/18/13 13:52:03 UTC-4:00 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Note: For accuracy, during Daylight Savings Time in my area, * DOC FILE //* I will adjust the UTC-5:00 to UTC-4:00. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Announcement - Hercules Note: (still true 12/2009) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The MVS world today (in 2002) is starting to split -- * DOC FILE //* -- into two distinct and still coherent parts: the -- * DOC FILE //* -- commercial MVS sites, running OS/390 and z/OS, and -- * DOC FILE //* -- the Hobbyist sites, running MVS 3.8 under Hercules, -- * DOC FILE //* -- or variants of MVS 3.8. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I am now trying to accommodate both of these valid -- * DOC FILE //* -- MVS platforms. Many tools that were developed on -- * DOC FILE //* -- one of these platforms, also will run on the other -- * DOC FILE //* -- platform. The two are very often, mutually -- * DOC FILE //* -- beneficial. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Improvements to MVS tools that run under Hercules, -- * DOC FILE //* -- sometimes are the inspiration for corresponding -- * DOC FILE //* -- improvements to the same tools that run on OS/390 -- * DOC FILE //* -- and z/OS, and vice-versa. It's a good situation. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- One example of this is on File 134, and is the full -- * DOC FILE //* -- screen editor portion of the REVIEW program from -- * DOC FILE //* -- Greg Price. The editor is invoked using the UPDATE -- * DOC FILE //* -- command from a REVIEW session (or "U" from a REVIEW -- * DOC FILE //* -- directory list). This is an ISPF-like editor which -- * DOC FILE //* -- runs under RAW TSO (i.e. TSO READY mode). This -- * DOC FILE //* -- editor is a magnificent recovery tool which also -- * DOC FILE //* -- runs under z/OS (either under ISPF or in TSO READY -- * DOC FILE //* -- mode). So you see, that "necessity was the mother -- * DOC FILE //* -- of invention", in the MVS 3.8 environment where ISPF -- * DOC FILE //* -- wasn't available, but in the z/OS environment, a -- * DOC FILE //* -- fantastic new file recovery tool has now become -- * DOC FILE //* -- available to us!!! You can fix PARMLIB without -- * DOC FILE //* -- ISPF being available, and so forth. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Another such tool is ZZSA, which is an IPL-able -- * DOC FILE //* -- multi-utility and (primitive) editor for MVS packs -- * DOC FILE //* -- and files. ZZSA comes as IPL text. It can be -- * DOC FILE //* -- either loaded from a CD-rom to IPL a mainframe from -- * DOC FILE //* -- the hardware console, or it can be IPL-ed from a pack -- * DOC FILE //* -- or a mini-disk where its IPL text was loaded onto. -- * DOC FILE //* -- See Files 437 and 538 for the ZZSA materials. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Using ZZSA, you can read MVS disk packs without being -- * DOC FILE //* -- licensed for MVS, OS/390, or z/OS. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- On File 538 there is a zipped one-cylinder mini-disk -- * DOC FILE //* -- in P/390 AWS format which (after expansion) can be -- * DOC FILE //* -- IPL-ed to run ZZSA. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- If you have a Windows PC, and you want to learn how -- * DOC FILE //* -- to use ZZSA, there is a completely self-contained -- * DOC FILE //* -- system on CBT File 979 to construct a Hercules -- * DOC FILE //* -- environment, IPL ZZSA, and run it against a minidisk -- * DOC FILE //* -- in 3390 format. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- (Under Hercules, I think you have to run it in ESA390 -- * DOC FILE //* -- mode, but that is no problem. Just include all -- * DOC FILE //* -- the other disks you want to look at, in the Hercules -- * DOC FILE //* -- config file.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Announcement - Hercules-specific tools for MVS 3.8 -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- In the light of the fact that many people are running -- * DOC FILE //* -- MVS 3.8 in their homes, under the Hercules emulation -- * DOC FILE //* -- of S/390 hardware on their home PC, we have placed -- * DOC FILE //* -- some files which have predominantly Hercules-oriented -- * DOC FILE //* -- tools, on the CBT Tape. Some of these files are: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 035 - PDS 8.6 load module, tailored to run -- * DOC FILE //* -- under MVS 3.8. Load module name is -- * DOC FILE //* -- PDS8538. (Similar on File 135) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 052 - From Jim Morrison. SHOWMVS retro-fitted -- * DOC FILE //* -- to run as a batch program under MVS 3.8. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 077 - From Brian Westerman. Tools tested to -- * DOC FILE //* -- work under MVS 3.8. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 182 - PDS 8.6 has been fitted with a set of -- * DOC FILE //* -- options so it can run in line mode, under -- * DOC FILE //* -- MVS 3.8. See member $$$HERC. From John -- * DOC FILE //* -- Kalinich. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 415 - From Rob Prins. This is the famous RPF -- * DOC FILE //* -- TSO-based fullscreen edit program and -- * DOC FILE //* -- productivity package, designed to be a -- * DOC FILE //* -- lot like ISPF, in look and feel. Not -- * DOC FILE //* -- exactly ISPF, but it has some great -- * DOC FILE //* -- features, and it works under MVS 3.8. -- * DOC FILE //* -- (RPF/XA for MVS/XA and above, is on -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 417.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 547 - From Volker Bandke. The "Father of the -- * DOC FILE //* -- MVS 3.8 Turnkey System" exhibits his -- * DOC FILE //* -- special collection of MVS 3.8 (and higher) -- * DOC FILE //* -- tools. This is a large collection. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 571 - From Jim Morrison. These are the XMIT370 -- * DOC FILE //* -- and RECV370 batch programs, to allow -- * DOC FILE //* -- MVS 3.8 to produce and "receive" TSO -- * DOC FILE //* -- XMIT-format unloaded pds'es. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 601 - A specially spiffed up version of QUEUE -- * DOC FILE //* -- for MVS 3.8 from Greg Price. It is more -- * DOC FILE //* -- SDSF-like than the original version of -- * DOC FILE //* -- QUEUE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 887 - Scott Vetter's very large collection of -- * DOC FILE //* -- utilities specifically geared to run on -- * DOC FILE //* -- MVS 3.8. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 979 - A completely self-contained, non-IBM -- * DOC FILE //* -- environment, to be run on a Windows PC, -- * DOC FILE //* -- where you can learn how to use ZZSA, -- * DOC FILE //* -- the standalone IPL-able dataset fixer -- * DOC FILE //* -- upper. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Announcement - (lowercase characters in this file) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- We have started to introduce lowercase characters -- * DOC FILE //* -- into this file, because some of the URL's need -- * DOC FILE //* -- them, and some people who were trying to reach -- * DOC FILE //* -- an address on the Internet, which we have supplied, -- * DOC FILE //* -- weren't able to get there because of that. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- If an Internet server is running on a UNIX system, -- * DOC FILE //* -- the file names are case sensitive. You can usually -- * DOC FILE //* -- recognize this, by the forward slash(es) in the -- * DOC FILE //* -- Internet address. If you see forward slashes, -- * DOC FILE //* -- then suspect that the file names are case sensitive. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Try lower case first. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I'm assuming that nowadays, there aren't too many -- * DOC FILE //* -- printers which can't print these characters. In -- * DOC FILE //* -- the past, that wasn't true. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Lower case characters are also easier to read on -- * DOC FILE //* -- a terminal. I made an informal poll on the IBM-MAIN -- * DOC FILE //* -- newsgroup, and the votes came back overwhelmingly -- * DOC FILE //* -- in favor of introducing lower case characters. -- * DOC FILE //* -- (36 yes, 1 no.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Announcement - (Breaking this file into a pds) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Note ............ -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I have written a program, called CBTUPD, which will -- * DOC FILE //* -- break this file into a pds. I maintain File 001 -- * DOC FILE //* -- as members of that pds, and then I put them together -- * DOC FILE //* -- to create the sequential file which you are reading. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- There are currently close to 1500 members in that pds. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 004 of this tape contains source for CBTUPD, -- * DOC FILE //* -- in uncompressed form: RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=32720,LRECL=80 -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 006 of this tape contains all of the related -- * DOC FILE //* -- materials, at this time, including a "fixed" -- * DOC FILE //* -- version of the edit macro CBTUPDTE. File 006 is in -- * DOC FILE //* -- the normal CBT973-compressed IEBUPDTE SYSIN format. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The CBTUPDTE edit macro has been superseded by the -- * DOC FILE //* -- assembler program called CBTUPD. Also, CBTUPD was -- * DOC FILE //* -- fixed to handle greater than 1000 files, whereas -- * DOC FILE //* -- (I think) the CBTUPDTE edit macro has not been -- * DOC FILE //* -- fixed that way. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The CBTUPD assembler program should be run in batch, -- * DOC FILE //* -- because it does a lot of I/O. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- JCL to run the CBTUPD program (sample - customize): -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- //MYIDUPD JOB (ACCT#),S-GOLOB, -- * DOC FILE //* -- // NOTIFY=&SYSUID, -- * DOC FILE //* -- // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X -- * DOC FILE //* -- //* -- * DOC FILE //* -- //INSERT EXEC PGM=CBTUPD -- * DOC FILE //* -- //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=MYID.LOAD -- * DOC FILE //* -- //INPUT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=MYID.CBT.EDIT(FILE001) -- * DOC FILE //* -- //OUTPUT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=MYID.CBTDOC.TEST(FILE001$) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- INPUT and OUTPUT files are RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, and -- * DOC FILE //* -- any appropriate blocksize. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The OUTPUT file is a copy of the original File 001 -- * DOC FILE //* -- introducing ./ ADD NAME=membname cards of appropriate -- * DOC FILE //* -- member names as seperators, in appropriate places. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The member names have been chosen to sort in collating -- * DOC FILE //* -- sequence, so the pieces of File 001 will remain in -- * DOC FILE //* -- the proper sort order (EBCDIC). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The OUTPUT file will thus be input to a PDSLOAD or -- * DOC FILE //* -- IEBUPDTE reload job, to create the pds. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- If you want to create File 001 from the pds, you just -- * DOC FILE //* -- run program OFFLOAD with no separators (PARM=NOSEP) -- * DOC FILE //* -- to run all the members into a sequential dataset, -- * DOC FILE //* -- in member sort order. This will properly re-create -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 001. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Longer Explanation: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- In response to a request that this file is too big -- * DOC FILE //* -- to use easily, we have supplied an assembler program -- * DOC FILE //* -- called CBTUPD in File 004 of this tape. CBTUPD will -- * DOC FILE //* -- insert ./ ADD NAME= (IEBUPDTE separator) cards into -- * DOC FILE //* -- this file. With these cards, you can use IEBUPDTE -- * DOC FILE //* -- PARM=NEW, or the PDSLOAD program from File 093, to load -- * DOC FILE //* -- a partitioned dataset with smaller chunks from this -- * DOC FILE //* -- file, as separate members. Additional tools to deal -- * DOC FILE //* -- with File 001 have been included in File 006. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I deliberately chose the member names generated by -- * DOC FILE //* -- the CBTUPD program, so that they will sort (EBCDIC) -- * DOC FILE //* -- in collating sequence, so the smaller pieces of File 001 -- * DOC FILE //* -- will remain in their proper order. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I wrote CBTUPD to put the separator cards in the -- * DOC FILE //* -- same places, to generate a pds with the same member -- * DOC FILE //* -- names, that I myself use when I update this file. -- * DOC FILE //* -- (SG - 04/04/13, since 02/1999). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The member names are important, because they are in -- * DOC FILE //* -- collating sequence (EBCDIC - alphabetical) order, so that -- * DOC FILE //* -- when you put all the members back together with the -- * DOC FILE //* -- OFFLOAD program (from File 093) or with LISTPDS (from -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 316) or with the REVIEW (File 134) subcommand called -- * DOC FILE //* -- =OFFLOAD (which writes the members to a sequential file -- * DOC FILE //* -- previously allocated to the SYSUT2 ddname), or with the -- * DOC FILE //* -- STARTOOL (vendor product from Serena Inc.) command called -- * DOC FILE //* -- COMBINE, they will go back together in the proper order. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Then you can rebuild File 001 from the members of -- * DOC FILE //* -- this partitioned dataset. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Please note that in all of the new CBT Tape files, -- * DOC FILE //* -- the @FILEnnn member will be equal to that component of -- * DOC FILE //* -- CBT File 001 which describes that particular file's -- * DOC FILE //* -- contents. So there is a correspondence between the -- * DOC FILE //* -- @FILEnnn member of a file, and its description on CBT -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 001. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Our naming convention for these members, if the file -- * DOC FILE //* -- number is 4 digits, is @FILnnnn. The regular CBT Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- now has over 1000 files, so that this naming convention -- * DOC FILE //* -- is now being used in a practical sense. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Announcement - (Microsoft WORD documentation -- * DOC FILE //* -- and documentation as PDF files) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- On some of the files on this tape, I've included -- * DOC FILE //* -- documentation by the authors of the files, that is in -- * DOC FILE //* -- either Microsoft WORD format, or in PDF format. I -- * DOC FILE //* -- discourage this, because you need a PC that has WORD, -- * DOC FILE //* -- or a Microsoft Word Reader (downloadable from -- * DOC FILE //* -- www.microsoft.com), in order to read the stuff. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Or you need the ADOBE PDF reader or equivalent program, -- * DOC FILE //* -- to read the PDF-format files. (But nowadays these -- * DOC FILE //* -- programs are readily available to most people.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Whenever I could, I have created plain text files to -- * DOC FILE //* -- replace the WORD stuff, but sometimes I've also had to -- * DOC FILE //* -- include the original doc from the file's author. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Nowadays, I don't usually try to translate Microsoft -- * DOC FILE //* -- WORD files or PDF files into plain text. (SG 04/2013) -- * DOC FILE //* -- This is because most people don't have any trouble -- * DOC FILE //* -- reading them with the tools available on their PC's. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- To read such files, download them to a PC in "binary" -- * DOC FILE //* -- (i.e. no translation or carriage-return or line feed) -- * DOC FILE //* -- and they should be readable by WORD, on the PC. Or -- * DOC FILE //* -- the PDF files should be readable by the Adobe Reader, -- * DOC FILE //* -- the Foxit PDF reader, or by some equivalent program. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***Y2K SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Y 2 K S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Some files on the CBT Tape and the CBT Overflow Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- may be marked in their documentation that an attempt -- * DOC FILE //* -- was made to make (all or some of) their software Y2K -- * DOC FILE //* -- compliant. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THE DISCLAIMER BELOW (DISCLAIMER SECTION) OVERRIDES -- * DOC FILE //* -- ALL SUCH STATEMENTS. NO RESPONSIBILITY OR GUARANTEE -- * DOC FILE //* -- OF ANY KIND, IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OR TO BE CONSTRUED -- * DOC FILE //* -- IN ANY STATEMENT ON THESE TAPES, TO THE EFFECT THAT ANY -- * DOC FILE //* -- SOFTWARE OR MATERIALS ARE Y2K COMPLIANT. ALL SUCH A -- * DOC FILE //* -- STATEMENT MEANS, IS THAT THE AUTHOR OF THE MATERIALS -- * DOC FILE //* -- HAS ATTEMPTED TO ADDRESS YEAR 2000 ISSUES, ETC. BUT -- * DOC FILE //* -- (AS IT IS FOR ALL THE REST OF THE MATERIALS ON THESE -- * DOC FILE //* -- TAPES) NO RESPONSIBILITIES ARE ASSUMED BY ANY PERSON, -- * DOC FILE //* -- ORGANIZATION, CORPORATION, OR LEGAL ENTITY WHO HANDLES -- * DOC FILE //* -- THESE TAPES, AS TO THE ACCURACY, USABILITY, ETC. OF THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- MATERIALS. THE USER OF THE MATERIALS DOES SO ENTIRELY -- * DOC FILE //* -- AT HIS/HER OWN RISK. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***ANNOUNCEMENT SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A N N O U N C E M E N T S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 043 now has a novel way of accessing all of the -- * DOC FILE //* -- information on this tape. If your site has an FTP -- * DOC FILE //* -- connection with www.cbttape.org , it is now possible -- * DOC FILE //* -- to download the complete CBT Tape and CBT Overflow Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- to your own z/OS system, and keep the Updates current -- * DOC FILE //* -- as well...!! This system was developed by Lionel Dyck. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Look at CBT File 043 for all the details. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- DOCUMENTATION FOR CBT TAPE(S) IS NOW AVAILABLE AT A -- * DOC FILE //* -- WEB SITE ON THE INTERNET: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- http://www.cbttape.org in ASCII or in EBCDIC -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ALL FILES FROM THE CBT TAPE AND CBT OVERFLOW TAPE ARE -- * DOC FILE //* -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- http://www.cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ALSO CHECK OUT http://www.cbttape.org FOR OTHER MVS -- * DOC FILE //* -- MATERIALS, AND FOR THE OLD CBT TAPE VERSION 249 (07/85), -- * DOC FILE //* -- AND POSSIBLY, FOR MANY OTHER OLD CBT TAPE VERSIONS. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- http://www.cbttape.org/c249down.htm -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Xephon materials are at: www.cbttape.org/xephon . -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Other relevant materials, some PC-based, may be obtained -- * DOC FILE //* -- at this web site. Content may vary. Sam Knutson is the -- * DOC FILE //* -- proprietor of the web site, and its contents. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- email: sknutson@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The SHARE/GUIDE JES3 Tape materials and the SHARE JES2 -- * DOC FILE //* -- Tape materials are also available there. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- An FB-80 version of the JES2 Song Book (from the SHARE -- * DOC FILE //* -- sing-alongs on Thursday night) is available on File 033. -- * DOC FILE //* -- The SHARE officials have now given me permission to put -- * DOC FILE //* -- a Microsoft WORD version of the song book on the CBT -- * DOC FILE //* -- Tape, as well. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- This site is advertised to be available 24 hours a day, -- * DOC FILE //* -- 7 days a week, and usually it is always online, except -- * DOC FILE //* -- once when there was a general power outage in the -- * DOC FILE //* -- entire Washington D.C. area for a big length of time. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- We are using this site because Systems Programmers -- * DOC FILE //* -- often need access to CBT Tape materials at odd times, -- * DOC FILE //* -- and the site is very reliable, redundant, and has lots -- * DOC FILE //* -- of fast communication lines. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I HAVE TRIED TO UPDATE THE ADDRESSES OF CONTRIBUTORS -- * DOC FILE //* -- IN THIS FILE. IF ONE ADDRESS FOR A GIVEN CONTRIBUTOR -- * DOC FILE //* -- IS MENTIONED IN FILE 001, AND ANOTHER IS EMBEDDED IN -- * DOC FILE //* -- THE ACTUAL PDS THAT COMES FROM THE DATA FILE ON THIS -- * DOC FILE //* -- TAPE, IT IS PROBABLE THAT THE ADDRESS ON THIS FILE IS -- * DOC FILE //* -- THE MOST RECENT. (ESPECIALLY IF IT INCLUDES AN EMAIL -- * DOC FILE //* -- ADDRESS.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- SOMETIMES IT HAPPENS THAT THE CONTRIBUTOR EMBEDS HIS -- * DOC FILE //* -- OWN ADDRESS IN THE DATA FILE, AND THE ADDRESS IN THIS -- * DOC FILE //* -- DOCUMENTATION (FILE 001) WASN'T UPDATED. SO IN THAT -- * DOC FILE //* -- CASE, THE DATA FILE HAS THE MORE RECENT ADDRESS. I'D -- * DOC FILE //* -- SUGGEST TO TRY THE FILE 001 ADDRESS FIRST, AND THEN -- * DOC FILE //* -- TRY THE ONE IN THE DATA FILE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- There are some problems with keeping both addresses -- * DOC FILE //* -- up-to-date. Often, the contributor will tell me about -- * DOC FILE //* -- a new contact address or email address. I will have -- * DOC FILE //* -- to find all occurrences of the old address and update -- * DOC FILE //* -- them. Sometimes, I'll do a perfect job, and sometimes -- * DOC FILE //* -- maybe not. Old files have a problem, because the -- * DOC FILE //* -- authors themselves (if they are still working) don't -- * DOC FILE //* -- bother to inform me at all. In any case, if you are -- * DOC FILE //* -- trying to contact an author, please write to me at -- * DOC FILE //* -- sbgolob@cbttape.org and I will do my best to help you. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- (S.GOLOB 04/13) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- ADVICE .... -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- FOR INFO ON USING THIS TAPE, SEE: -- * DOC FILE //* -- "USING THIS TAPE" SECTION, BELOW IN THIS DOC. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- FOR MORE ADVICE, SEE: -- * DOC FILE //* -- "WHAT TO DO WITH THIS TAPE FIRST" SECTION, BELOW. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* --+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 999 Files (12/2020) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 980 Files (11/2018) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 940 Files (08/2014) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 920 Files (06/2013) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 900 Files (12/2012) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 880 Files (01/2012) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 860 Files (01/2011) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 840 Files (08/2010) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 820 Files (12/2009) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 1050 Files (04/2023) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 780 Files (05/07) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- After going first to 700 files and then to 750, -- * DOC FILE //* -- I am now adding 10 files at a time to the end of -- * DOC FILE //* -- the tape. Version 474 contains 780 files. Sam -- * DOC FILE //* -- Knutson had suggested that I add files gradually, -- * DOC FILE //* -- so I am adding them 10 at a time. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) 600 Files (01/01) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I HAVE DECIDED TO EXTEND THIS TAPE FROM 500 TO 600 -- * DOC FILE //* -- FILES. We are very grateful that we have more than -- * DOC FILE //* -- filled up all of the 500 file slots. Thanks to all -- * DOC FILE //* -- of you contributors! -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) (02/03) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I now have the following email address: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I do not use my sbgolob@aol.com address anymore. It is -- * DOC FILE //* -- not valid, and please do not send mail to me there, -- * DOC FILE //* -- anymore. My former attglobal.net address is also -- * DOC FILE //* -- not valid anymore. Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ---- Division of Responsibility ---- -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Sam Knutson, who is the www.cbttape.org webmaster, can -- * DOC FILE //* -- be contacted at: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- sknutson@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Sam Golob should be contacted regarding contributions -- * DOC FILE //* -- and any information about tape contents and programs. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THESE EMAIL ADDRESSES (FOR SAM GOLOB) MAY BE USED FOR -- * DOC FILE //* -- CORRESPONDENCE WITH HIM, AND/OR SUBMISSION OF NEW -- * DOC FILE //* -- MATERIAL FOR EITHER CBT TAPE (I.E. THIS TAPE, OR THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- CBT OVERFLOW TAPE). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I'D ALSO LIKE TO REQUEST ALL CONTRIBUTORS, PAST AND/OR -- * DOC FILE //* -- PRESENT, TO CONTRIBUTE THEIR CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS, AS -- * DOC FILE //* -- WELL AS THEIR TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR VOICE COMMUNICATION -- * DOC FILE //* -- AT LEAST TO ME. I AM HOPING THAT THE CBT MATERIAL WILL -- * DOC FILE //* -- BECOME MORE USEFUL, IF PARTICIPANTS WILL BE ABLE TO -- * DOC FILE //* -- TALK TO EACH OTHER. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- CONTRIBUTIONS TO THIS TAPE SHOULD NOW BE MADE -- * DOC FILE //* -- ELECTRONICALLY. PLEASE SEE THE CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION -- * DOC FILE //* -- BELOW, OR COMMUNICATE WITH ME BY EMAIL FOR FURTHER -- * DOC FILE //* -- INFORMATION. (SG 10/97) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- If you want to contribute material to this tape, you -- * DOC FILE //* -- can also find Contributor Information at -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- http://www.cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) (01/01) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- (not relevant now, but the techniques still are) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- The regular CBT Tape and the CBT Overflow Tapes have -- * DOC FILE //* -- filled up (as uncompressed 3480 cartridges). I have -- * DOC FILE //* -- therefore decided to distribute the CBT Tape on IDRC -- * DOC FILE //* -- compressed cartridges, which contain more data. If -- * DOC FILE //* -- you need 3480 uncompressed, please email me at: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- You can now use the COPYNLNL program which is on -- * DOC FILE //* -- Files 229 and 316, to split an NL tape. You can -- * DOC FILE //* -- use COPYNLNL to put, say, the first 300 NL files -- * DOC FILE //* -- on one tape, and the next 300 files on a second -- * DOC FILE //* -- tape. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) (05/96) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THIS TAPE HAS FILLED UP. I HAVE NOW ESTABLISHED A NEW -- * DOC FILE //* -- "CBT OVERFLOW TAPE" WHICH WILL BE DISTRIBUTED BY THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- SOURCES THAT DISTRIBUTE THIS TAPE (SEE BELOW). THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- NEW TAPE CONTAINS MUCH MORE MATERIAL THAN WHAT WAS -- * DOC FILE //* -- DELETED FROM THIS TAPE, AND IS VERY MUCH WORTH HAVING. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- NEW MATERIALS INCLUDED (BESIDES DELETED STUFF FROM -- * DOC FILE //* -- THE CBT TAPE) INCLUDE: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- U.K. G.U.I.D.E. Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- GERMAN G.U.I.D.E. Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- SWISS G.U.I.D.E. Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- AUSSIE G.U.I.D.E. Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- SHARE ISPF "Smoke and Mirrors" Tape (never, ever -- * DOC FILE //* -- distributed elsewhere....) -- * DOC FILE //* -- The Entire SHARE MVS Tape (SPLA Tape) -- * DOC FILE //* -- The Entire SHARE PL/1 Tape -- * DOC FILE //* -- Many other new materials...... -- * DOC FILE //* -- SELECTED FILES THAT WERE DELETED FROM THE CBT TAPE -- * DOC FILE //* -- A LONG TIME AGO. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THE OVERFLOW TAPE WILL INCLUDE OTHER OLD CODE THAT -- * DOC FILE //* -- HAS PROVEN USEFUL IN THE PAST. THIS WILL BE A WAY -- * DOC FILE //* -- OF MAKING SUCH CODE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- > With the advent of the Hercules S/390 emulator for < -- * DOC FILE //* -- > PC's, and with a lot of people now running MVS 3.8, < -- * DOC FILE //* -- > these files have suddenly become quite relevant. < -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THE OVERFLOW TAPE VERSION NUMBERS -- * DOC FILE //* -- WILL FOLLOW CORRESPONDING REGULAR CBT TAPE NUMBERS, -- * DOC FILE //* -- SUFFIXED BY A "V". -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- For Example: VERSION 413V OF THE OVERFLOW TAPE -- * DOC FILE //* -- CORRESPONDS TO VERSION 413 OF THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- REGULAR CBT TAPE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I WILL GENERALLY PRODUCE MORE REGULAR CBT TAPES THAN -- * DOC FILE //* -- OVERFLOW TAPES. THEREFORE, SOME OVERFLOW TAPE VERSION -- * DOC FILE //* -- NUMBERS MAY BE SKIPPED, IF THE OVERFLOW TAPE DOESN'T -- * DOC FILE //* -- HAVE TO BE CHANGED WHEN THE REGULAR TAPE HAS TO BE -- * DOC FILE //* -- CHANGED. ( Download files from: www.cbttape.org ). -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- As of 03/99 it looks as if the CBT Overflow Tape too, -- * DOC FILE //* -- is about to fill up. I may have to distribute the -- * DOC FILE //* -- Overflow Tape as 3480 IDRC cartridges as well as the -- * DOC FILE //* -- regular CBT Tape. If you need 3480 uncompressed, -- * DOC FILE //* -- please email me at: sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- (This last paragraph is not too relevant now - 11/18) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Please note that the COPYNLNL program on Files 229 -- * DOC FILE //* -- and 316, can be used to split the NL CBT Tape. You -- * DOC FILE //* -- can use COPYNLNL to put, say, the first 300 files -- * DOC FILE //* -- on one tape, and the next 300 files on a second tape. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- If you get a CBT "Tape" as an AWS-format emulated -- * DOC FILE //* -- tape, you can use the VTT2TAPE program from CBT File -- * DOC FILE //* -- 533, to cut a real, physical tape from the AWS-format -- * DOC FILE //* -- tape. You'll have to upload (FTP?) the AWS-format -- * DOC FILE //* -- tape image from PC disk, to an FB-80 -- * DOC FILE //* -- (RECFM=FB,LRECL=80) MVS sequential file in BINARY, and -- * DOC FILE //* -- then the VTT2TAPE program will convert that file into -- * DOC FILE //* -- an actual tape on your tape drive. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* --+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - (FROM SAM GOLOB) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- email: sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Whatever my current email address is, is also -- * DOC FILE //* -- posted at www.cbttape.org , where there is a -- * DOC FILE //* -- button to click, if you want to send an email -- * DOC FILE //* -- to me. (07/01) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THIS TAPE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NaSPA, BUT I -- * DOC FILE //* -- PERSONALLY AM A MEMBER OF NaSPA. (I don't know -- * DOC FILE //* -- if they've renewed my membership lately.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - WHEN FILES WERE UPDATED ON THIS TAPE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- See the new "FILE UPDATE SECTION" below, just above -- * DOC FILE //* -- the "CHANGES SECTION", to learn how to tell which -- * DOC FILE //* -- files have been updated on this tape since the last -- * DOC FILE //* -- time you ordered this tape. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- I have made a 'serious' effort to correct spelling -- * DOC FILE //* -- and grammar errors in this file. (From now on, you -- * DOC FILE //* -- can call me "Teach".) Anyway, this is just to say, -- * DOC FILE //* -- that regarding any contribution from an "English" -- * DOC FILE //* -- speaking country (i.e. England or Australia, as -- * DOC FILE //* -- opposed to the U.S.), the national spelling customs -- * DOC FILE //* -- from that country will be adhered to. For example, -- * DOC FILE //* -- colour, authorisation, and so forth. From Dave -- * DOC FILE //* -- Cartwright or Greg Price, these will be tolerated, -- * DOC FILE //* -- and even encouraged. (My, am I a generous -- * DOC FILE //* -- sort....) but from others, these spellings are a -- * DOC FILE //* -- no-no. I'll send the cookie monster after you. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- All contributors, please don't worry. Just send -- * DOC FILE //* -- your stuff in as it is. Who cares. I'll just -- * DOC FILE //* -- hack it all up as I see fit. Any complaints? -- * DOC FILE //* -- Please let me know loudly and clearly (and -- * DOC FILE //* -- politely). -- * DOC FILE //* -- --- THE EDITOR -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT - ANNOUNCEMENT - ANNOUNCEMENT - ANNOUNCEMENT -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ****** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ****** -- * DOC FILE //* -- ****** ( 3 4 9 0 E C A R T S ) ****** -- * DOC FILE //* -- ****** ( OR T W O T A P E S ) ****** -- * DOC FILE //* -- ****** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ****** -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 342 is longer than 2400 FEET long *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 404 took up 3158.3 FEET ... *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 443 definitely needs IDRC ONLY .. *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- and took up 4257.3 FEET. -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 471 DEFINITELY NEEDS 3490E ... *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- and took up 5653.2 Feet. -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 478 DEFINITELY NEEDS 3490E ... *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- and took up 6975.7 Feet. -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 496 (I don't know what it needs.) *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- (some kind of 3590 ??) -- * DOC FILE //* -- It took up 18161.8 Feet. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- --------------------------------------- -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 486 is a whopping 12663.0 Feet. *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 488 is a whopping 14306.0 Feet. *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 496 is a whopping 18161.8 Feet. *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- *** VERSION 505 is a whopping 19911.6 Feet. *** -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- There is no trouble with this tape in -- * DOC FILE //* -- AWS format, but as a real tape, I think -- * DOC FILE //* -- that maybe only a 3590 will hold it now. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Most people will probably want to -- * DOC FILE //* -- download individual files, from -- * DOC FILE //* -- www.cbttape.org, or maybe they would -- * DOC FILE //* -- want to use the DFDSS or FDR-unloaded -- * DOC FILE //* -- disk pack (3390-3) containing all -- * DOC FILE //* -- files from the CBT Tape itself. See -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- http://www.cbttape.org/dumpedformatlibrary.htm -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- --------------------------------------- -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> I HAVE NOW ESTABLISHED A NEW "CBT <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> OVERFLOW TAPE", WHICH CONTAINS MATERIAL <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> DELETED FROM THIS TAPE, AND MUCH MORE. <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> SEE FILE 071 FOR CONTENTS OF THE <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> CBT OVERFLOW TAPE. <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT: THE FULL CONTENTS OF THIS TAPE WILL NOW -- * DOC FILE //* -- PROBABLY ONLY FIT ON SOME KIND OF 3590 CARTRIDGE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- These materials are now available for download -- * DOC FILE //* -- from the worldwide web at: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- http://www.cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- MY BEST CONTACT INFORMATION, AS OF THIS WRITING, IS -- * DOC FILE //* -- THROUGH MY EMAIL ADDRESS: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS ALSO POSTED AT www.cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- on the first page, where it says: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- Send email about CBT Tape in general, to Sam Golob. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT: In order to help you see if what you need -- * DOC FILE //* -- is on some other tape, I am establishing File 071 -- * DOC FILE //* -- as a doc file which contains actual documentation -- * DOC FILE //* -- from other public tapes. Until now, we had some -- * DOC FILE //* -- of this documentation scattered in various files -- * DOC FILE //* -- on this tape. But now they are being gathered -- * DOC FILE //* -- in one file for your convenience. If you are -- * DOC FILE //* -- thinking of ordering some other tape, check in -- * DOC FILE //* -- File 071 first. -- * DOC FILE //* -- SG - 03/30/92 -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- This is kind of obsolete now, but you should -- * DOC FILE //* -- look anyway. I may have these materials lying -- * DOC FILE //* -- around somewhere. SG - 10/27/2014 -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANNOUNCEMENT: WE HAVE A *FIRST* FOR THIS TAPE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- CARMINE CANNATELLO, AUTHOR OF AN EXTREMELY RELEVANT -- * DOC FILE //* -- BOOK CALLED "ADVANCED ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE AND MVS -- * DOC FILE //* -- INTERFACES", PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY, HAS DONATED -- * DOC FILE //* -- HIS MACHINE-READABLE CODING EXAMPLES TO THIS TAPE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- John Wiley, the publisher, has just announced that -- * DOC FILE //* -- a second edition of Carmine's book is now being -- * DOC FILE //* -- published. Its ISBN number is: 0471-361-763 . -- * DOC FILE //* -- See below, for the publisher's phone number, and -- * DOC FILE //* -- how to order a copy. (It is now out of print.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- ANYONE WHO HAS THE BOOK, AND I STRONGLY RECOMMEND -- * DOC FILE //* -- THAT YOU GET HOLD OF ONE, CAN NOW HAVE THE MATERIALS -- * DOC FILE //* -- ON THE OPTIONAL DISKETTE FOR FREE, INSTEAD OF HAVING -- * DOC FILE //* -- TO PAY FOR THEM. THESE MATERIALS ARE NOW ON FILE 069 -- * DOC FILE //* -- OF THIS TAPE. (File 069 has the 1st Edition code.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THIS BOOK EXPLAINS ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE CODING -- * DOC FILE //* -- TECHNIQUES SO CLEARLY, THAT YOU CAN LEARN THEM -- * DOC FILE //* -- POSSIBLY EVEN FROM ONE READING. IF YOU HAVE ANY -- * DOC FILE //* -- PROBLEM UNDERSTANDING ANY OF THE SOURCE CODE ON THIS -- * DOC FILE //* -- TAPE, IT'S A GOOD BET THAT CARMINE EXPLAINS THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- RELEVANT PRINCIPLES SOMEWHERE IN HIS BOOK. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- AGAIN, SEE FILE 069 ON THIS TAPE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- THE ADDRESS OF THE PUBLISHER IS: -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- John Wiley & Sons Inc. -- * DOC FILE //* -- Professional, Reference and Trade Group -- * DOC FILE //* -- 605 Third Avenue -- * DOC FILE //* -- New York, NY 10158-0012 -- * DOC FILE //* -- (212) 850-6000 MAIN NUMBER -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- web site: http://www.wiley.com/compbooks -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- To order a copy of the second edition of this book, -- * DOC FILE //* -- please call: 1-800-225-5945 extension 2497 -- * DOC FILE //* -- ISBN number: 0471-361-763 -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* -- (This book is not too available nowadays. Check -- * DOC FILE //* -- Amazon or Ebay, or maybe someone you know, might -- * DOC FILE //* -- lend it to you.) -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION DISCLAIMER SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* D I S C L A I M E R S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The tapes commonly referred to as "The CBT MVS Utilities * DOC FILE //* Tape", and "The CBT Overflow Tape", as well as "The CBT * DOC FILE //* Overflow Tape Two" are hereinafter referred to as "this * DOC FILE //* tape". The materials on these "tapes", even if they are * DOC FILE //* not physically on a tape, but they exist on a cd-rom disk, * DOC FILE //* or on any other machine-readable medium, or printed, or * DOC FILE //* written, or in analog or digital form, or in any data * DOC FILE //* representation format, such as EBCDIC or ASCII or any other * DOC FILE //* data representation scheme, or they are in any compressed * DOC FILE //* or encrypted format, shall fully be included in all * DOC FILE //* disclaimers of responsibility, as though these materials * DOC FILE //* were actually physically on tape. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THIS TAPE CONTAINS FREE SOFTWARE, NOT TO BE CHARGED FOR, * DOC FILE //* EXCEPT FOR HANDLING COSTS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THIS TAPE MAY BE FREELY DUPLICATED. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* NOTICE. There are certain copyrighted sections on this tape * DOC FILE //* which contain reservations of rights. Owners of these * DOC FILE //* sections have given permission for the use of their * DOC FILE //* materials subject to the conditions stated in each case. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THESE RESERVATIONS DO NOT APPLY TO THE ENTIRE TAPE ... !!!. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* DISCLAIMER REGARDING "NON-FREE" MATERIALS. * DOC FILE //* The editor and/or any other persons or institutions, * DOC FILE //* corporations, or any other entity handling this tape, * DOC FILE //* do not assume responsibility for the inadvertent inclusion * DOC FILE //* of "non-free" materials. If any such materials are found * DOC FILE //* to have been accidentally included on this tape, please * DOC FILE //* inform the editor immediately, and such materials will be * DOC FILE //* promptly removed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ALL DISCLAIMERS OF RESPONSIBILITY, ABOVE AND BELOW, APPLY * DOC FILE //* TO ALL PERSONS AND/OR INSTALLATIONS OR ANY OTHER ENTITY * DOC FILE //* EDITING, DUPLICATING, PROCESSING, OR OTHERWISE HANDLING * DOC FILE //* THIS TAPE, AS WELL AS TO ALL AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS OF * DOC FILE //* MATERIAL TO THIS TAPE. NO RESPONSIBILITIES ARE ASSUMED * DOC FILE //* BY ANY OF THESE PERSONS, INSTALLATIONS, CORPORATIONS, * DOC FILE //* ENTITIES, INSTITUTIONS, OR ORGANIZATIONS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* No warranty, expressed or implied, is provided by any or * DOC FILE //* all of the persons and/or installations editing, * DOC FILE //* duplicating, or otherwise handling this tape, as well as * DOC FILE //* by all authors and contributors of material to this tape. * DOC FILE //* Persons and/or installations using any of the programs or * DOC FILE //* materials on this tape, do so entirely at their own risk. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* NO WARRANTY IS MADE TO THE ACCURACY OF THE PROGRAMS OR * DOC FILE //* RELATED MATERIAL AND NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED FOR ANY * DOC FILE //* MODIFICATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY CAUSED BY THE USE OF * DOC FILE //* THIS SOFTWARE. IT IS THE USER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO EVALUATE * DOC FILE //* THE USEFULNESS OF THE MATERIAL SUPPLIED. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* We do not guarantee to keep any material provided up to * DOC FILE //* date, nor do we guarantee to provide any corrections or * DOC FILE //* extensions described by anyone, or corrections or * DOC FILE //* extensions made in the future. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS PROVIDED BY ANY OR * DOC FILE //* ALL OF THE PERSONS AND/OR INSTALLATIONS EDITING, * DOC FILE //* DUPLICATING, OR OTHERWISE HANDLING THIS TAPE, AS WELL AS * DOC FILE //* BY ALL AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS OF MATERIAL TO THIS TAPE. * DOC FILE //* PERSONS AND/OR INSTALLATIONS USING ANY OF THE PROGRAMS OR * DOC FILE //* MATERIALS ON THIS TAPE, DO SO ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This software is provided by the contributors and/or * DOC FILE //* copyright holders "as is", and any express or implied * DOC FILE //* warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied * DOC FILE //* warranties of merchantability and fitness for a * DOC FILE //* particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall * DOC FILE //* anybody involved in handling this tape collection, or * DOC FILE //* the contributors or copyright owners be liable for any * DOC FILE //* direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or * DOC FILE //* consequential damages (including, but not limited to, * DOC FILE //* procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of * DOC FILE //* use, data, or profits; or business interruption) * DOC FILE //* however caused and on any theory of liability, whether * DOC FILE //* in contract, strict liability, or tort (including * DOC FILE //* negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the * DOC FILE //* use of this software, even if advised of the * DOC FILE //* possibility of such damage. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THE EDITOR AND/OR ANY OTHER PERSONS, INSTITUTIONS, * DOC FILE //* CORPORATIONS, OR ANY OTHER ENTITY HANDLING THIS TAPE, AS * DOC FILE //* WELL AS ANY AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS OF MATERIAL TO THIS * DOC FILE //* TAPE, DO NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, * DOC FILE //* OR TO BE CONSTRUED IN ANY WAY, TO UPDATE THIS TAPE AT * DOC FILE //* ALL. ANY STATEMENTS TO THE CONTRARY, ANYWHERE ON THIS * DOC FILE //* TAPE, ARE HEREBY OVERRIDDEN BY THIS STATEMENT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Specifically, but not limited thereto, no responsibility * DOC FILE //* is assumed, in any way, by anyone handling this tape, or * DOC FILE //* by any author or contributor of material to this tape, to * DOC FILE //* ensure YEAR 2000 compliance of any materials on this * DOC FILE //* tape, at all. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THESE STATEMENTS, IN THEIR GENERAL APPLICATION, AND NOT * DOC FILE //* LIMITED TO YEAR 2000 CONSIDERATIONS, APPLY TO ALL * DOC FILE //* MATERIALS CONTAINED ON THIS TAPE, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* These statements OVERRIDE ANY STATEMENT OF DOCUMENTATION, * DOC FILE //* anywhere else on this tape, that any software or materials * DOC FILE //* contained on this tape are YEAR 2000 compliant or functional. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***TAPE DUPLICATION SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* T A P E D U P L I C A T I O N S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THIS TAPE CONTAINS FREE SOFTWARE, NOT TO BE CHARGED FOR, * DOC FILE //* EXCEPT FOR HANDLING COSTS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THIS TAPE MAY BE FREELY DUPLICATED. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* NOTICE. There are certain copyrighted sections on this tape * DOC FILE //* which contain reservations of rights. Owners of these * DOC FILE //* sections have given permission for the use of their * DOC FILE //* materials subject to the conditions stated in each case. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THESE RESERVATIONS DO NOT APPLY TO THE ENTIRE TAPE ... !!!. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* All authors give their implied permission to allow their * DOC FILE //* materials to be duplicated. No contributor restricts the * DOC FILE //* ability of any user of this tape, to duplicate the entire * DOC FILE //* tape. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* DUPLICATION ADVICE. (USE THIS ON YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Nowadays, most people do not obtain these materials from * DOC FILE //* a "tape", as it used to be. Most people download these * DOC FILE //* materials, a file at a time, from the www.cbttape.org web * DOC FILE //* site. At the web site, you can get a DFDSS or FDR backup * DOC FILE //* of a 3390-format disk, containing all the materials in one * DOC FILE //* version of the "tape". Or you can download the "tape" in * DOC FILE //* AWS format (emulating a 3480, but it is very long). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* So the following remarks are for general knowledge only, * DOC FILE //* and the techniques can apply to duplicating any tape. * DOC FILE //* But the general principles also apply to duplicating any of * DOC FILE //* these CBT Tape materials. (SBG - Nov 2018). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The tape copying program called "COPYMODS" on File 229 * DOC FILE //* of this tape, is useful for making byte-for-byte copies * DOC FILE //* of this, and other tapes. Up to 16 copies may be made * DOC FILE //* at one time. See documentation with that file. It is * DOC FILE //* the editor's experience that cartridges are handled without * DOC FILE //* any problems by the "COPYMODS" program. COPYMODS can also * DOC FILE //* do tape-to-cart or cart-to-tape, but if you have multiple * DOC FILE //* output tapes, do not mix unit types. COPYMODS can now copy * DOC FILE //* tapes with files of up to 64K block size. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Note: SL TAPES ARE COPIED BY THE "COPYMODS" PROGRAM, * DOC FILE //* LABELS AND ALL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THE "TAPEMAP" PROGRAM ON FILE 299, OR THE "TAPESCAN" * DOC FILE //* PROGRAM ON FILE 102, MAY BE OF FURTHER USE IN THIS AND * DOC FILE //* RELATED ENDEAVORS. ALSO SEE "TAPECOPY" ON FILE 174. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* You can now use the COPYNLNL program from Files 229 and * DOC FILE //* 316, to copy some NL files from the CBT Tape to one tape, * DOC FILE //* and the rest of them to a second tape. This should allow * DOC FILE //* 2-tape versions of the CBT Tape to be made, for 3480 * DOC FILE //* uncompressed cartridges, or even for 3480 IDRC carts. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* For example, you can use COPYNLNL to copy the first 300 NL * DOC FILE //* files of the CBT Tape to one output tape, and then copy * DOC FILE //* Files 301 to the end, over to a second output tape. This * DOC FILE //* way, if the tape is too long for 3480 non-IDRC, someone * DOC FILE //* who can read an IDRC tape can copy it properly to two * DOC FILE //* 3480 uncompressed tapes, and so forth. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This tape is now too long for a 3600 foot reel, or for * DOC FILE //* a 3480 cart, or for a 3480 IDRC cart. To contain the * DOC FILE //* materials on one reel, you need a 3490E cart, at least. * DOC FILE //* Most likely, you would need a 3590 cartridge. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If you want to have all the files on this tape in one place, * DOC FILE //* either use an AWS-format "tape" file on disk, whose "length" * DOC FILE //* is only limited by the amount of disk space to hold the file, * DOC FILE //* or else, try the alternative Tersed DFDSS or FDR backups of * DOC FILE //* a 3390 disk containing all the tape files, which can be found * DOC FILE //* at our web site, www.cbttape.org. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If your shop has direct FTP access to the www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* web site, then you can use the software on CBT Tape File 043 * DOC FILE //* to directly download the entire tape from the web site to * DOC FILE //* your z/OS system's DASD. (Most convenient.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***UPLOAD DOWNLOAD SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* U P L O A D D O W N L O A D S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This section refers to what happens when people email stuff * DOC FILE //* to me in ASCII. If you can avoid that (as per the remarks * DOC FILE //* below), please do so. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I prefer contributions on cartridge or tape because they * DOC FILE //* are not as subject to error, as what we shall describe * DOC FILE //* below. For this reason, in this Internet age, I prefer * DOC FILE //* contributions in TSO XMIT format, which never had to * DOC FILE //* undergo an ASCII to EBCDIC translation (and vice-versa). * DOC FILE //* Hovever if your data has undergone ASCII <--> EBCDIC * DOC FILE //* conversion..... and since .... * DOC FILE //* we have fully entered the era of PC's, some of the * DOC FILE //* contributions to this tape have been obtained from diskette * DOC FILE //* downloads and uploads. Sometimes, the upload-download * DOC FILE //* software will make a mistake in character translation. * DOC FILE //* This editor would appreciate when anyone notices such * DOC FILE //* errors on any file in this tape. Please inform me about * DOC FILE //* them so they can be corrected. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* For your information, most contributions nowadays are sent * DOC FILE //* via email, with attached software sent in TSO XMIT format, * DOC FILE //* which is ALWAYS in EBCDIC character representation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* -- email: sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ERRORS WE KNOW ABOUT ARE - * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* HEX 53 SHOULD BE CHANGED TO HEX 5F USUALLY. * DOC FILE //* HEX 6A SHOULD BE CHANGED TO HEX 4F OR VICE-VERSA. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* PLEASE CALL THESE OR ANY OTHER ERRORS IN TO ME. THANKS AGAIN. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***NEWS BULLETIN SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* N E W S B U L L E T I N S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* -- THERE IS A LOT OF NEW NEWS AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS FILE. -- * DOC FILE //* -- PLEASE RE-READ THIS STUFF, BECAUSE IT CHANGED WITH THE -- * DOC FILE //* -- CHANGE OF EDITORS OF THIS TAPE. I HOPE TO USE THIS PART -- * DOC FILE //* -- OF FILE 001 FOR PROVIDING NEWS BRIEFS. -- * DOC FILE //* --------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I WILL TRY (WITHOUT PROMISING) TO PRODUCE UPDATES TO THIS * DOC FILE //* TAPE AS OFTEN AS I CAN. ONE OF THE NICE THINGS THAT ARNIE * DOC FILE //* HAS ALWAYS DONE, WAS TO KEEP THIS TAPE CURRENT. SBG 9/90. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* On the CBT Tape web site: www.cbttape.org , there is an * DOC FILE //* Updates page, which contains the latest versions of files. * DOC FILE //* These files are updated (almost) daily. If a file contains * DOC FILE //* a $$$#DATE member, that is an indication of the update date * DOC FILE //* and time, for that file. So please look there. * DOC FILE //* -- ------ ---- ----- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ANNOUNCEMENT ------*-*-*-*-*------ DOC FOR OTHER TAPES. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* NOTE: The arrival of Github and SourceForge has changed * DOC FILE //* much of the dynamics here. But I think that the * DOC FILE //* remarks below, still apply to a considerable extent. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* There is now documentation for the contents of other public * DOC FILE //* tapes on this tape. See File 071. Some of these materials * DOC FILE //* had been scattered in various files on this tape, and were * DOC FILE //* probably hard to find. We are now making it easier to find * DOC FILE //* this material, so if you want to order some other tape, you * DOC FILE //* can get some idea of what it has on it. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* We can't guarantee that whenever somebody else makes an * DOC FILE //* update, we can keep up. We'll do the best we can without * DOC FILE //* making promises. We will try to make File 071 reflect the * DOC FILE //* latest tapes that we have obtained ourselves. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A lot of the other tapes have now been incorporated into the * DOC FILE //* CBT Overflow Tape, such as the SPLA MVS Tape, the SHARE PL/1 * DOC FILE //* Tape, the L.A. MVS Users Group Tape, and the European GUIDE * DOC FILE //* Tapes. SG 5/00. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* We have also established Files 050 and 051, to contain URLs * DOC FILE //* that can help point you to materials (many of them free) * DOC FILE //* which we can't put on this tape for some reason or other. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A notable example of a free tool is TASID from Doug Nadel, * DOC FILE //* who worked for IBM's ISPF development. Doug is now retired. * DOC FILE //* Since Doug developed TASID on IBM equipment and while working * DOC FILE //* for them, TASID is copyrighted by IBM, but it is free. * DOC FILE //* Another such example was the compression program, TRSMAIN, * DOC FILE //* which is free, but a derivative of TRSMAIN called AMATERSE, * DOC FILE //* is now part of the z/OS operating system (in SYS1.MIGLIB). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* TASID can now be obtained here: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24009131 * DOC FILE //* (UCL checked by SBG, 12/18/2024) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A bunch of zaps to TASID 5.21 were supplied by Vladimir * DOC FILE //* Mironov on CBT File 980, so that the initiator display * DOC FILE //* of TASID will now work. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* So please see File 980, where there is a zap for this * DOC FILE //* version of TASID, so it will display initiators properly * DOC FILE //* (Option 4) under z/OS 2.2 and 2.3. (Tested on 2.5 as well) * DOC FILE //* (This zap doesn't seem to work on z/OS 3.1.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Doug's site is now obsolete, as far as his IBM mainframe * DOC FILE //* creations are concerned. You can refer to File 683, where * DOC FILE //* a lot of IBM downloads are still available. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* See: ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* To get TRSMAIN, go to www.ibm.com , and search for * DOC FILE //* TRSMAIN. Current URL to get TRSMAIN (as of 03/01) is: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/s390/mvs/tools/packlib/ * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (It doesn't seem to work - use AMATERSE in SYS1.MIGLIB) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (Yes, as of Nov 2018 it is still there, in its old form, * DOC FILE //* from 1998.) But, for the newest version of TRSMAIN... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* TRSMAIN is now distributed with the z/OS operating system * DOC FILE //* under the name AMATERSE. On a z/OS 2.x system, it is on * DOC FILE //* SYS1.MIGLIB, as follows: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* NAME DATA ALIASOF * DOC FILE //* AMATERSE * DOC FILE //* GIMUNPCK AMATERSE * DOC FILE //* TRSMAIN AMATERSE * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* We hope these services will be of help to everyone. SG * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* With the advent of "retro-MVS computing", which you can do at * DOC FILE //* home with the HERCULES S390 emulator that runs on a PC, I'd * DOC FILE //* appreciate finding out about old utilities that might have * DOC FILE //* been forgotten over the years. If you have information about * DOC FILE //* old utilities, please email me at sbgolob@cbttape.org . * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Now, we can all run MVS in our house, only depending on * DOC FILE //* licensing issues for the software. Many people currently * DOC FILE //* are running MVS 3.8J, which is free. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If you want to find out about Hercules, there is a news group. * DOC FILE //* Current URLs are (as of 05/01): yahoogroups.com is no longer * DOC FILE //* active. Go to groups.io for Hercules-related user groups * DOC FILE //* now. (12/20) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* New group now: https://hercules-390.groups.io/g/group * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Hercules is now available in several different versions: * DOC FILE //* One very good version is from: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* http://www.softdevlabs.com/hercules * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* To find out a lot about Hercules, see the MOSHIX YouTube * DOC FILE //* videos at: (you can refer to File 977 as well) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* https://www.youtube.com/user/moshe5760/videos * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please see Files 077 and 547, which contain utilities that * DOC FILE //* have been tested to run under MVS 3.8, running under the * DOC FILE //* Hercules emulator. Some of those tools might also run under * DOC FILE //* OS/390, or z/OS, but they haven't been tested there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Thanks to Volker Bandke for File 547, and to Brian Westerman * DOC FILE //* for File 077. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* To obtain an MVS system which can be installed on your PC * DOC FILE //* in a couple of minutes, complete with TSO and many utilities, * DOC FILE //* go to the TK5 website, which was put together by * DOC FILE //* Rob Prins.... (This is MVS 3.8, greatly enhanced * DOC FILE //* and completely legal to run.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* https://hercules-390.groups.io/g/group * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* IMPORTANT - IF ANYBODY HAS AN OLD VERSION OF THE CBT TAPE: * DOC FILE //* IMPORTANT - IF ANYBODY HAS AN OLD VERSION OF THE CBT TAPE: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* >>> DEFINITION OF "OLD": BEFORE VERSION 248. <<<<< * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Looking at these old tapes makes it possible for us * DOC FILE //* to support any level of the MVS operating system, back * DOC FILE //* to the late 1970's at least. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* PLEASE MAKE A COPY ON A LARGE REEL OR CARTRIDGE, AND * DOC FILE //* SEND IT TO THE EDITOR: (CARTRIDGE PREFERRED) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SAM GOLOB NEW ADDRESS * DOC FILE //* P.O. BOX 702 * DOC FILE //* Pomona, NY 10970 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* -- email: sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* To obtain copies of some old tapes that we have, * DOC FILE //* in AWS format, please go to: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* http://www.cbttape.org/c249down.htm * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THESE OLD TAPES MAY BE VERY IMPORTANT IN THE FUTURE, * DOC FILE //* FOR ALL KINDS OF PURPOSES. WE ARE LOOKING INTO WAYS * DOC FILE //* OF MAKING THE INFORMATION "VERY COMPACTLY" AVAILABLE * DOC FILE //* TO ALL. (POSSIBLY 20 OR 30 VOLUMES WORTH OF INFO ON * DOC FILE //* ONE DVD.) NO PROMISES YET, BUT PLEASE HELP !!!! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I'D PREFER IF YOU MAKE THE COPIES USING THE "COPYMODS" * DOC FILE //* PROGRAM FROM FILE 229 OF THIS TAPE. I KNOW THAT PROGRAM * DOC FILE //* WORKS, AND WILL GRAB ALL THE FILES. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THANKS IN ADVANCE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A THANK YOU: (for all the OS/360 materials available) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Thanks to Glen Herrmannsfeldt of the University of Washington * DOC FILE //* who sent me an OS/360 source tape. This tape contains, among * DOC FILE //* other things, source code for the free IBM compilers. How * DOC FILE //* complete the source code is, I'm not sure. I've included * DOC FILE //* source for the OS/360 ALGOL compiler and library on Files * DOC FILE //* 309 and 310 of this tape. Executable code is on File 176. * DOC FILE //* You can judge for yourselves. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Note: If you are using the old OS/360 ALGOL compiler, or if * DOC FILE //* you wish to do so, we have a complete reworking of that * DOC FILE //* compiler on CBT File 876, from Tom Armstrong. Tom has tried * DOC FILE //* to correct all the errors and omissions found on the OS/360 * DOC FILE //* tapes that we had, and it is probably best, if you want * DOC FILE //* to use OS/360 ALGOL, to use his fixed version on File 876. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (S.GOLOB 10/2014) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Rick Fochtman has now made a cd-rom of the OS/360 source code. * DOC FILE //* If you want a copy of this cd-rom, please feel free to email * DOC FILE //* me at sbgolob@cbttape.org and inquire. * DOC FILE //* (S.GOLOB 05/00) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* STILL ANOTHER REQUEST: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If anyone has a copy of a free software tape for MVS from any * DOC FILE //* country (such as the UK GUIDE tape, etc.), I would appreciate * DOC FILE //* for you to send me a copy of it, and I will try and recipro- * DOC FILE //* cate by sending a CBT Tape to you. Thank you very much (it's * DOC FILE //* hard to get that stuff over here.) Also, language isn't too * DOC FILE //* much of a barrier. I can manage several languages well * DOC FILE //* enough, and MVS is universal. If I adapt any of that stuff * DOC FILE //* to this tape later, I'll try and make sure it's translated * DOC FILE //* into English first, but I can't make a firm promise on that. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Since it is now possible to send entire tapes over the * DOC FILE //* Internet, with the tapes being in AWS format, please email * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob at sbgolob@cbttape.org , if you can send a * DOC FILE //* tape in this way. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION FILE DESCRIPTION SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* F I L E D E S C R I P T I O N S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This section contains a one-line description of each non-empty * DOC FILE //* file on the CBT MVS Utilities Tape. Its purpose is to provide * DOC FILE //* a more detailed description of each file's contents, than is * DOC FILE //* provided in the File Status Section of this documentation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Empty files are marked as such, and the descriptions of them * DOC FILE //* should be regarded as placeholders, in case the file number * DOC FILE //* would become occupied at a future date. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //*+File 001: Detailed documentation of the CBT MVS Utilities Tape *# DOC FILE //*+File 002: CBT973 Compression-Decompression Program for Files * DOC FILE //*+File 003: JCL member to load each tape file to disk *# DOC FILE //*+File 004: Put ./ ADD cards into this file to make a PDS * DOC FILE //*+File 005: VMREXX exec to load CBT tape to VM - V2.0 * DOC FILE //*+File 006: Collection of Utilities to manipulate File 001 doc *# DOC FILE //*+File 007: SYSUPLOG (keep as EBCDIC only) - sequential data *# DOC FILE //*+File 008: Jobs used to create the previous CBT Tape version *# DOC FILE //*+File 009: Gene Lew old RACF exits * DOC FILE //*+File 010: IMON for z/OS - a comprehensive z/OS monitor * DOC FILE //*+File 011: MVS DEBE, MSG2USER, System Info into CLIST variables * DOC FILE //*+File 012: John Hancock Mutual ISPF Background Jobs driver * DOC FILE //*+File 013: SHARE RACF mods tape - SETPW2 fixed - WHOIS fixed * DOC FILE //*+File 014: Sam Golob's PDS & SMP/E Introduction tutorial, etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 015: Warner Brothers collection of Utilities and Exits * DOC FILE //*+File 016: Scott & White Hospital User Exits * DOC FILE //*+File 017: LISTDD program from Firemen's Fund * DOC FILE //*+File 018: TSUPDATE program from Conrail * DOC FILE //*+File 019: Utilities from John Hooper *# DOC FILE //*+File 020: A collection of system level REXX execs * DOC FILE //*+File 021: BELL & HOWELL operator communication utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 022: A collection of utilities from Mark Hedges * DOC FILE //*+File 023: Mods to LOGON to TSO under a secondary JES2 * DOC FILE //*+File 024: XFERDUMP from MCI - originally from Howard Dean * DOC FILE //*+File 025: TSO Console Pgm and other pgms from TU Services * DOC FILE //*+File 026: Program to take a survey at TSO LOGOFF time * DOC FILE //*+File 027: Date Check utility from DAYCO Products * DOC FILE //*+File 028: CLISTs to generate JCL to backup a list of datasets *# DOC FILE //*+File 029: Cook Book instructions to Enlarge the VTOC of a pack * DOC FILE //*+File 030: Mods to change console pfkeys MVS370 thru XA 2.1.7 * DOC FILE //*+File 031: IGGPRE00 exit with RACF interface * DOC FILE //*+File 032: JCLSCAN, COPYPACK, DOWNDATE programs * DOC FILE //*+File 033: SHARE JES2 Song Book * DOC FILE //*+File 034: RACFUSER - program to print PASSWORD info by userid * DOC FILE //*+File 035: LOAD MODULE file - Quick install of useful programs *# DOC FILE //*+File 036: FIXPDS. ISPF-based utility. Restore deleted members * DOC FILE //*+File 037: COPYCAT - pgm to copy and reorganize CVOLs * DOC FILE //*+File 038: KLINGON - TSO based reverse STAR TREK game * DOC FILE //*+File 039: CITIBANK - SMF 14-15 pgm, and IPOUPDTE mod & doc * DOC FILE //*+File 040: Clean a PDS, string scan-repl, super file copy, etc * DOC FILE //*+File 041: JES2 Exits to drive XEROX printers * DOC FILE //*+File 042: Utilities for IBM Connect:Direct - John Bradley * DOC FILE //*+File 043: The Official CBT Dialog for easy access to all files *# DOC FILE //*+File 044: ASMTOZAP - code your system zaps in assembler lang * DOC FILE //*+File 045: PDS Compare program adapted from Yale compare pgm * DOC FILE //*+File 046: PACKRAT program to scratch datasets from a DASD pack * DOC FILE //*+File 047: NOCELL-LISTICAT etc. Jim Lane's large collection. * DOC FILE //*+File 048: LISTVOL, LISTSPC, LOCINDEX: doc and help for them * DOC FILE //*+File 049: STATS program to report structure of datasets * DOC FILE //*+File 050: Internet URLs for Free Downloads * DOC FILE //*+File 051: Internet URLs for some Relevant Vendor Sites * DOC FILE //*+File 052: SHOWMVS for MVS 3.8 - from Jim Morrison * DOC FILE //*+File 053: Deluxe Check Printers ISPF system - source code * DOC FILE //*+File 054: Deluxe Check Printers ISPF system - ISPF panels * DOC FILE //*+File 055: Deluxe Check Printers ISPF system - ISPF messages * DOC FILE //*+File 056: Deluxe Check Printers ISPF system - ISPF skeletons * DOC FILE //*+File 057: Deluxe Check Printers ISPF system - ISPF clists * DOC FILE //*+File 058: TSO command to display the LINKLIST * DOC FILE //*+File 059: IPL DATE display under ISPF * DOC FILE //*+File 060: Software Status Report ISPF. Source and ISPF panels * DOC FILE //*+File 061: Software Status Report ISPF. Load Modules * DOC FILE //*+File 062: Software Status Report ISPF. Indxtbl init record * DOC FILE //*+File 063: Software Status Report ISPF. Prodtbl init record * DOC FILE //*+File 064: Software Status Report ISPF. History init record * DOC FILE //*+File 065: Mod to put uncataloged dataset into LINKLIST - old * DOC FILE //*+File 066: Alan Field utility collection * DOC FILE //*+File 067: IEFDB401 and IEFUJV exits from Coca Cola Corp. * DOC FILE //*+File 068: TSTVS - Console Editor and Dataset Utility-Rob Prins * DOC FILE //*+File 069: Coding Examples from Carmine Cannatello's ASM book * DOC FILE //*+File 070: Computer Sciences Corp - was Gen Dynamics Sysmods * DOC FILE //*+File 071: Documentation for the contents of other free tapes * DOC FILE //*+File 072: PANEXEC ISPF interface - ISPPLIB * DOC FILE //*+File 073: PANEXEC ISPF interface - ISPLLIB * DOC FILE //*+File 074: NASPA MACLIB - ISPF macros from NaSPA VIP Tape * DOC FILE //*+File 075: PANEXEC ISPF interface - ISPALIB * DOC FILE //*+File 076: PANEXEC ISPF interface - PROCS * DOC FILE //*+File 077: MVS 3.8 Utilities for Hercules from Brian Westerman * DOC FILE //*+File 078: ISPF EDIT macros from John Kalinich - SHARE cd-rom * DOC FILE //*+File 079: SCRIPT/VS DCF ISPF Interface * DOC FILE //*+File 080: RACF Data Reformatter to allow postprocessing * DOC FILE //*+File 081: MVS DEBE * DOC FILE //*+File 082: Reference Manuals: IEHMAP, MAPLPA, PTXREF, SUPERZAP * DOC FILE //*+File 083: IEHMAP Source and Object, with Installation JCL * DOC FILE //*+File 084: MAPLPA Object * DOC FILE //*+File 085: PTXREF Object * DOC FILE //*+File 086: SUPERZAP Object * DOC FILE //*+File 087: ISPF SYSLOG Archival Utility from Mark Diehl * DOC FILE //*+File 088: Brian Westerman Utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 089: University of Manitoba DYNALLOC Interface * DOC FILE //*+File 090: DELINKI - in PL/I and assembler - delink load mods * DOC FILE //*+File 091: PROCs for PL1/F, FORTRAN G & H, RPG/F and ALGOL * DOC FILE //*+File 092: PL1/F Compiler - moved to CBT Overflow Tape File 092 * DOC FILE //*+File 093: PDSLOAD, OFFLOAD, UPDTE, UNUPDTE: Sequentialize PDS * DOC FILE //*+File 094: DAF from Mike Cleary - Dataset Audit Facility * DOC FILE //*+File 095: ISPF EDIT MACRO collection from Paul Davis - 1 * DOC FILE //*+File 096: University of Missouri Hospital Utilities & Exits * DOC FILE //*+File 097: Old Peoples Bank Disk Mgmt stuff plus new VVDSLIST * DOC FILE //*+File 098: ISPF interface for XMIT/RECEIVE - source and data * DOC FILE //*+File 099: REXX Code Snippets - contributed *# DOC FILE //*+File 100: Deluxe Check Printers ISPF/PDF customizations * DOC FILE //*+File 101: Deluxe Check Printers ISPF Clists * DOC FILE //*+File 102: TAPESCAN program - Now 64K capable * DOC FILE //*+File 103: ISPF DIALOGS from Bill Horton of Tennessee Eastman * DOC FILE //*+File 104: JES2 Remote Printers (JRP package) - OS/390 level * DOC FILE //*+File 105: ISPF 3.8 OUTLIST replacement and enhancement * DOC FILE //*+File 106: Utility to list RACF access of Users to Entities * DOC FILE //*+File 107: Clemson University Structured Macro Library * DOC FILE //*+File 108: Clemson University Structured Macro SAMPLIB * DOC FILE //*+File 109: IEFACTRT exit code from First Chicago * DOC FILE //*+File 110: IEFACTRT sample output from File 109 code * DOC FILE //*+File 111: REVLON utility collection from Jim Purdy * DOC FILE //*+File 112: VTOC TSO command processor *# DOC FILE //*+File 113: SMPSCAN documentation * DOC FILE //*+File 114: SMPSCAN jobstream samples * DOC FILE //*+File 115: SMPSCAN source code * DOC FILE //*+File 116: Disk Seek Analysis program * DOC FILE //*+File 117: WTO Exits from Jim Cook of Coca Cola * DOC FILE //*+File 118: SMPPTFIN preprocessing - sort by FMIDs & their PTFs *# DOC FILE //*+File 119: Howard Dean Utility collection - 1st File * DOC FILE //*+File 120: Sam Golob's "MVS Tools & Tricks" and other articles * DOC FILE //*+File 121: Wide illustrations from Sam Golob's articles * DOC FILE //*+File 122: RMSG Subsystem and JES2 exits from Allergan * DOC FILE //*+File 123: TSO Echo Programs for "TSO Command Restriction" * DOC FILE //*+File 124: State of Wisconsin ISPF/PDF applications * DOC FILE //*+File 125: State of Connecticut RMF analysis system - in SAS * DOC FILE //*+File 126: Password Modification - ESA * DOC FILE //*+File 127: CHRYSLER utilities collection * DOC FILE //*+File 128: LDS utilities - ISPF/VTAM cmds, CHIMP, SYSLOG scan * DOC FILE //*+File 129: Shared DASD Checkpoint mod - XA and OS/390 * DOC FILE //*+File 130: Southwestern Public Service - Utilities colleciton * DOC FILE //*+File 131: SAR Security user exit - DMS/OS auto-restore exit * DOC FILE //*+File 132: First Nationwide Bank utilities - from George Ramas * DOC FILE //*+File 133: Alan Field Utility collection * DOC FILE //*+File 134: Greg Price Utility collection - REVIEW, etc. *# DOC FILE //*+File 135: Greg Price Load Module library *# DOC FILE //*+File 136: Howard Dean Utility collection - 2nd File * DOC FILE //*+File 137: Report Distribution System with Security * DOC FILE //*+File 138: Program called SYSTEM to report system info * DOC FILE //*+File 139: Dennis Longnecker Utilities + WHOHAS * DOC FILE //*+File 140: Data Archival/Recovery System (DARS) DASD Managemnt * DOC FILE //*+File 141: SYS1.BRODCAST package from Tim Vanderwall * DOC FILE //*+File 142: Invoke other VTAM applications from within TSO * DOC FILE //*+File 143: Online IDCAMS application, CLISTs etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 144: VPS User Exit 14 * DOC FILE //*+File 145: KERMIT for TSO - load library * DOC FILE //*+File 146: KERMIT for TSO - source * DOC FILE //*+File 147: ARCHIVER All your non-VSAM datasets to 1 VSAM file *# DOC FILE //*+File 148: Panvalet ISPF interface * DOC FILE //*+File 149: UCLA utilities collection * DOC FILE //*+File 150: ISPF Interactive Data Transmission Facility (XMIT) * DOC FILE //*+File 151: Load LISTCAT info into INFO/MVS database * DOC FILE //*+File 152: Harold Zbiegien Utilities - PSF emphasis, & others * DOC FILE //*+File 153: Harold Zbiegien - 3800 Character set samples * DOC FILE //*+File 154: Program to show SMP ELEMENTS from APPLY/ACCEPT run * DOC FILE //*+File 155: Dave North's REXX execs - go VB-255 to FB-80 etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 156: IEBASAP - source code * DOC FILE //*+File 157: IEBASAP - sample reports * DOC FILE //*+File 158: ISPF & REXX * DOC FILE //*+File 159: UCBFIND * DOC FILE //*+File 160: TSO CPS - Chuck Hoffman + ISPFPRIM from File 010 * DOC FILE //*+File 161: Jim Marshall - ISPF interfaces to utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 162: XREFASM * DOC FILE //*+File 163: DUDA UTILITIES * DOC FILE //*+File 164: RESCUE SYSTEM * DOC FILE //*+File 165: RACF 1.7 SYSTEM * DOC FILE //*+File 166: Vinh Vu Utilities collection * DOC FILE //*+File 167: CATELLUS UTIL * DOC FILE //*+File 168: Bill Godfrey Utilities collection * DOC FILE //*+File 169: Kevin Williams Utilities collection * DOC FILE //*+File 170: DUMPCSA program from Frank O'Quinn, USERS * DOC FILE //*+File 171: DISASM, TAPEMAP, SMFSPLIT, TPX, FX, SUTL, DLIUTILS * DOC FILE //*+File 172: David Cartwright's collection of Utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 173: Ted Bestani's collection - SMPETOOL etc etc * DOC FILE //*+File 174: TAPECOPY program from Aron Eisenpress * DOC FILE //*+File 175: PHILIPS Utilities from Clark Morris * DOC FILE //*+File 176: ALGOL Compiler - moved to CBT Overflow Tape File 089 * DOC FILE //*+File 177: Add OPCODES to the assembler as MACROS (MNEMAC lib) * DOC FILE //*+File 178: An IPCS interface for IDMS * DOC FILE //*+File 179: Leonard Woren's MACLIB * DOC FILE //*+File 180: Leonard Woren's TSO Commands * DOC FILE //*+File 181: Leonard Woren's MVS Programs * DOC FILE //*+File 182: PDS Command Package--Version PDSE Support *# DOC FILE //*+File 183: Gilbert Saint-flour's collection of Utilities, etc. *# DOC FILE //*+File 184: Tom Bryant's way of setting up IPCS * DOC FILE //*+File 185: IKJTABLS Source Code and Auth Table handling tools *# DOC FILE //*+File 186: EMPTY * DOC FILE //*+File 187: CLIST Conversion Program: FB-80 <---> VB-255 * DOC FILE //*+File 188: IBM Source Tapes - a system to keep track of them * DOC FILE //*+File 189: IBM Source Tapes - sample report output - File 188 * DOC FILE //*+File 190: VSMDUMP from Bob Styma - who used parts of CSA * DOC FILE //*+File 191: Started Task accnting information system, Walt Sapp * DOC FILE //*+File 192: Generalized Recovery Routine, ESTAEX, FRR, ARR etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 193: TCOPY - tape copying program - now 64K capable * DOC FILE //*+File 194: CUT-PASTE edit macros from Jim Marshall * DOC FILE //*+File 195: Eli Duttman's "simple but useful" CLISTs * DOC FILE //*+File 196: JES2 Exit Loader - an older and more imperfect one * DOC FILE //*+File 197: IMS 3.1 Mods from Rockwell - large collection * DOC FILE //*+File 198: JES2 Exit Dynamic Reloader Commands from Bob Break * DOC FILE //*+File 199: BLKSPTRK, CMDPGM, more programs from Dave Cole * DOC FILE //*+File 200: Collection of Utilities from TWA * DOC FILE //*+File 201: IKJCT44B CLIST user exit to get system information * DOC FILE //*+File 202: Sample output from IEFU83 exit reporting I/O counts * DOC FILE //*+File 203: Produce STK Silo Eject cards from TMSGRW report * DOC FILE //*+File 204: MVS CROSS SYSTEM from Ken Tomiak & Joel Perlman * DOC FILE //*+File 205: MVS XSYS Doumentation in SCRIPT format * DOC FILE //*+File 206: DCOLLECT REXX execs from Linnea Nichols * DOC FILE //*+File 207: FSE a free version of old Full Screen Edit for TSO * DOC FILE //*+File 208: LSPC Command - Displays attributes of devices * DOC FILE //*+File 209: Hex Calculator written in REXX, by Art Tansky * DOC FILE //*+File 210: CICS Version of Cross System - moved CBT Overflow 310* DOC FILE //*+File 211: CICS XSYS Documentation - moved, CBT Overflow 311 * DOC FILE //*+File 212: DB2 CROSS SYSTEM - moved, CBT Overflow 312 * DOC FILE //*+File 213: DB2 XSYS Documentation - moved, CBT Overflow 313 * DOC FILE //*+File 214: MVS Control Blocks formatted for COBOL 2 * DOC FILE //*+File 215: Two CLISTs to help you use SMP/E better * DOC FILE //*+File 216: Date Conversion and Manipulation Routine * DOC FILE //*+File 217: Disassembler - From Load modules to ASM code * DOC FILE //*+File 218: MPL and ASM Monitor under RMFMON, from Jim Cook * DOC FILE //*+File 219: REXX execs from Tony Forte * DOC FILE //*+File 220: EDP Auditor Tool collection updated from Lee Conyers * DOC FILE //*+File 221: EDP Auditor REXX tools updated from Lee Conyers * DOC FILE //*+File 222: EMPTY * DOC FILE //*+File 223: FREE Tape Management System - reports all mounts * DOC FILE //*+File 224: FREE Tape Management System - sample outputs * DOC FILE //*+File 225: OFFLOAD program - Dave Cole's original version * DOC FILE //*+File 226: COMPRSEQ - Dave Cole's compare program - orig vers * DOC FILE //*+File 227: TSO authorization code from CBT Company * DOC FILE //*+File 228: DFHSM Dataset Recovery - ISPF dialog * DOC FILE //*+File 229: COPYMODS and other utilities for Tape Copying * DOC FILE //*+File 230: ISPF facilities demo from SHARE 66 presentation * DOC FILE //*+File 231: Source code for ISPF demo from File 230 * DOC FILE //*+File 232: Convert MVS IOGEN deck into approx HCPRIO for VM * DOC FILE //*+File 233: GBHABEND Program - produces any ABEND code (S or U) * DOC FILE //*+File 234: New Disassembler by Dick Thornton-author of File 217 * DOC FILE //*+File 235: LPA Loader program - MODREP * DOC FILE //*+File 236: ZAP to shorten LISTC LEV( ) display * DOC FILE //*+File 237: Load Library CSECT Cross Reference report program * DOC FILE //*+File 238: ISPF Interactive Disassembler - Load Modules * DOC FILE //*+File 239: ISPF Interactive Disassembler - ISPF Panels * DOC FILE //*+File 240: ISPF Interactive Disassembler - ISPF Messages * DOC FILE //*+File 241: ISPF Interactive Disassembler - JCL * DOC FILE //*+File 242: ISPF Interactive Disassembler - Formatted CBLKS * DOC FILE //*+File 243: ISPF Interactive Disassembler - Source Code * DOC FILE //*+File 244: UK GUIDE Tape Supplement - 1993A * DOC FILE //*+File 245: UK GUIDE Tape - Norwich Union Insurance Supplement * DOC FILE //*+File 246: Issue Console Commands from Batch * DOC FILE //*+File 247: Broadcast Manager Utilities to manage SYS1.BRODCAST *# DOC FILE //*+File 248: Jim Boysen Utility collection * DOC FILE //*+File 249: Programs from Eileen Barkow - WMOD updated for z/OS * DOC FILE //*+File 250: DISPLAY GRS LONG RNAMES - Console Command * DOC FILE //*+File 251: ISPF EDIT MACRO collection from Paul Davis - 2 * DOC FILE //*+File 252: JEFF KAPLAN Source Code * DOC FILE //*+File 253: JEFF KAPLAN REXX execs * DOC FILE //*+File 254: JEFF KAPLAN CNTL * DOC FILE //*+File 255: JEFF KAPLAN ISPPLIB * DOC FILE //*+File 256: JEFF KAPLAN ISPTLIB * DOC FILE //*+File 257: ZAPS to Linkage Editor to take BLKSIZE=32720 * DOC FILE //*+File 258: WIN3270 - 3270 Device Tools - SAS/C source code * DOC FILE //*+File 259: WIN3270 - 3270 Device Tools - Load Modules * DOC FILE //*+File 260: Quick Disk Mapping program - Updated for 3390-9 etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 261: Moved CMD1 Subsystem to File 296 of Overflow Tape * DOC FILE //*+File 262: PTFXREF Program * DOC FILE //*+File 263: MACROS from the UK G.U.I.D.E. Tape * DOC FILE //*+File 264: LOOK program for 64-bit addresses, DUDASD and JLOG * DOC FILE //*+File 265: BF Goodrich LOGON exit * DOC FILE //*+File 266: SS0104 TAPE MAP - SS0278 TAPE COPY measure footages * DOC FILE //*+File 267: HETUTL Utility-read a tape-make AWS or HET file * DOC FILE //*+File 268: REXX function package to access VSAM files * DOC FILE //*+File 269: PL/I source code for ADVENTURE game * DOC FILE //*+File 270: Washington State Utility Collection *# DOC FILE //*+File 271: Dynamic Proclib modification from Amdahl * DOC FILE //*+File 272: Mod to put Variable info into VTAM Logo * DOC FILE //*+File 273: TSO LOGON to a secondary JES2 * DOC FILE //*+File 274: Dynamic Proclib modification for ESA Release 4 * DOC FILE //*+File 275: Mark Hedges programs - APFLIST, PACKOFF, etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 276: REXX to calculate CHECKSUM in ZAP statements * DOC FILE //*+File 277: Program to substitute values in JCL * DOC FILE //*+File 278: ISPF package to keep track of SLSS subscription * DOC FILE //*+File 279: Documentation for File 278 * DOC FILE //*+File 280: Waterloo Script Documentation * DOC FILE //*+File 281: Waterloo Script Load Modules * DOC FILE //*+File 282: Waterloo Script Macro Library * DOC FILE //*+File 283: Waterloo Script Memo to Users * DOC FILE //*+File 284: Waterloo Script Source Code * DOC FILE //*+File 285: Waterloo Script Hyphenation File * DOC FILE //*+File 286: Waterloo Script Object Modules * DOC FILE //*+File 287: Waterloo Script TSO Prompter * DOC FILE //*+File 288: TSO Command Processor to invoke Waterloo Script * DOC FILE //*+File 289: PTF XREF REPORTS - Know BEFORE you RECEIVE...!! * DOC FILE //*+File 290: GPSAM - General Purpose Access Method * DOC FILE //*+File 291: CPU Instruction Speed monitor * DOC FILE //*+File 292: Utility to convert CBT Doc File to HTML * DOC FILE //*+File 293: CKIEBGEN versions (copy program) - Warren Whitford * DOC FILE //*+File 294: VSAM Analysis TSO command called VSAMANAL * DOC FILE //*+File 295: A Heartfelt Essay about programming, by Dave Cole * DOC FILE //*+File 296: TSO Utilities. Use with PDS86 package or standalone. * DOC FILE //*+File 297: GRS ISPF Interface from Mike Cleary * DOC FILE //*+File 298: GTE Panvalet-PDS member backup system * DOC FILE //*+File 299: TAPEMAP program - Reads tape files in many formats * DOC FILE //*+File 300: Jim Marshall's enormous collection of TSO programs *# DOC FILE //*+File 301: A version of CDSCB which checks auth thru RACF * DOC FILE //*+File 302: Program from Mike Cleary--Show LPA and Linklist info * DOC FILE //*+File 303: SIMTERM OS/390 from Alex Brodsky - VTAM pgms in TSO * DOC FILE //*+File 304: LSTVOL program source from Bruce Hogman * DOC FILE //*+File 305: LSTVOL assembly and linkedit printout * DOC FILE //*+File 306: The original version of TSSO from Bill Godfrey * DOC FILE //*+File 307: IEV90 program which invokes HLASM (ASMA90) * DOC FILE //*+File 308: Console display of system info from Alan Field * DOC FILE //*+File 309: ALGOL Compiler Source Code - a few modules incomplete* DOC FILE //*+File 310: ALGOL Library Source Code * DOC FILE //*+File 311: Dave Alcock's large Utilities collection *# DOC FILE //*+File 312: Lionel Dyck Collection of Utilities. A thru R *# DOC FILE //*+File 313: Lionel Dyck Collection of Utilities. S thru TS * DOC FILE //*+File 314: Lionel Dyck Collection of Utilities. TX thru Z *# DOC FILE //*+File 315: Dave Lees Utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 316: Jim Marshall's large collection of batch programs *# DOC FILE //*+File 317: BOOKMANAGER management REXX exec from Tim Henness * DOC FILE //*+File 318: REXX exec to print from a tape in POFFLOAD Format * DOC FILE //*+File 319: SMF type 14 and 15 Report Program * DOC FILE //*+File 320: DF/DSS Driver exits from John Sullivan * DOC FILE //*+File 321: COBOL Analyzer from Roland Schiradin & post processor* DOC FILE //*+File 322: TSO SLEEP programs (like the VM ones) * DOC FILE //*+File 323: REXX Function Package from Gerard Nicol * DOC FILE //*+File 324: Gerard Nicol package to access StorageTek API - HSC * DOC FILE //*+File 325: TSO Command Processor Programs from Wells Fargo * DOC FILE //*+File 326: Free FORTRAN G & H - moved to CBT Overflow File 090 * DOC FILE //*+File 327: Free RPG/F Compiler - moved to CBT Overflow File 091 * DOC FILE //*+File 328: IGGPRE00, IGGPOST0 code from Aron Eisenpress * DOC FILE //*+File 329: Southern California Edison JES2 Exit 6 * DOC FILE //*+File 330: ISPF dialog for SMF88, CICS CSD and COBANAL display * DOC FILE //*+File 331: COBOL subrtnes to set an area in W-S to an address * DOC FILE //*+File 332: Automatic Job Scheduler in MVS JES2 environment * DOC FILE //*+File 333: MVS Version of GZIP Compression - Load Module * DOC FILE //*+File 334: MVS Version of GZIP Compression - SOURCE .H * DOC FILE //*+File 335: MVS Version of GZIP Compression - SOURCE .C * DOC FILE //*+File 336: Utilities collection from Rice University * DOC FILE //*+File 337: Search entire system for PDS member name-Atalay Gul * DOC FILE //*+File 338: P390 Utilities from Gilbert Saint-flour * DOC FILE //*+File 339: JES2 Exit 5 - commands to better control job status * DOC FILE //*+File 340: DCM - Report statistics from 7980-3 controllers * DOC FILE //*+File 341: Code to load PLPA programs into CSA-structrd macros * DOC FILE //*+File 342: ISPF interface to Model 204 database-John Kalinich * DOC FILE //*+File 343: A VTOCLIST program - Peter Havercan & John Kalinich * DOC FILE //*+File 344: REXX execs and other tools from Joerg Berning * DOC FILE //*+File 345: Generalized MPF Exit - from Murray Nicholas * DOC FILE //*+File 346: JES2 Exits from Bob Break * DOC FILE //*+File 347: MODLIST program-list original COBOL compile options * DOC FILE //*+File 348: Programs to list a PDS directory in order * DOC FILE //*+File 349: REXX update ISPF in-storage & stored command tables * DOC FILE //*+File 350: JES2 exits to convert JOB affnty JCL to WLM SCHENV= * DOC FILE //*+File 351: Programs to list the LE Level currently installed * DOC FILE //*+File 352: INTEL large collection - moved to Overflow File 301 * DOC FILE //*+File 353: Collection of programs from Brian Cook - ETPS etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 354: Randy Hall's collection of utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 355: KONCAT program from Kaiser Permanente * DOC FILE //*+File 356: NETSOL-VTAM multi-session mgr - updated for OS/390 * DOC FILE //*+File 357: Carl Hafner's large collection of Utilities-PDSMATCH * DOC FILE //*+File 358: SYSOUT archive package from Eric Bielefeld * DOC FILE //*+File 359: Utilities from Howard Dean and Bill Smith * DOC FILE //*+File 360: State of Wisconsin utilities - COMMAND, VOLS updated *# DOC FILE //*+File 361: Frank Johnston Utilities - CXYPSCAN, ZZRELINK * DOC FILE //*+File 362: Frank Johnston Utilities - Load Library * DOC FILE //*+File 363: ISPF Name Change Exit * DOC FILE //*+File 364: Control Card Subsystem - CCSS * DOC FILE //*+File 365: System to send files error-free using TSO XMIT * DOC FILE //*+File 366: World Clock and PDSADD prgms from Marvin Shaw * DOC FILE //*+File 367: ASCB and TSO User REXX commands from John Kalinich * DOC FILE //*+File 368: Utility collection from James Williams * DOC FILE //*+File 369: Planning Research Corp collection of programs * DOC FILE //*+File 370: ZAPs-I/O counts in IEF285I msgs-see IEFU83,File 134 * DOC FILE //*+File 371: Load Modules-programs on File 270-Washington State * DOC FILE //*+File 372: DYNALLOC Program from Ken MacKenzie * DOC FILE //*+File 373: GTE TSO command - SAL - show dataset allocations * DOC FILE //*+File 374: SAS Programs to format IBM-produced SMF records * DOC FILE //*+File 375: SAS Programs to format Vendor SMF records * DOC FILE //*+File 376: ZDF Display Facility & utilities form David Marsden * DOC FILE //*+File 377: Exits and mods to run TCAS under SUB=MSTR: Ed Jaffe * DOC FILE //*+File 378: SORTTRAK to report on DFSORT SMF records: S.Kowalski * DOC FILE //*+File 379: PROCLIB Cross Reference reports * DOC FILE //*+File 380: REXX execs and other stuff from David McRitchie * DOC FILE //*+File 381: First Computer Services - programs and JES2 exits * DOC FILE //*+File 382: Paul Gillis utilities collection * DOC FILE //*+File 383: INTEL CLISTS for Techinfo system on File 352 * DOC FILE //*+File 384: Moved CDS programs to File 297 of Overflow Tape * DOC FILE //*+File 385: LPA Compare program from Jerry Lawson * DOC FILE //*+File 386: Salvador Carrasco EXECs and other programs * DOC FILE //*+File 387: Stony Brook PASCAL Distribution * DOC FILE //*+File 388: David Cole's Job Scheduler package * DOC FILE //*+File 389: QUEUE program for JES2 5.1, 5.2 * DOC FILE //*+File 390: Schudel QUEUE for ESA 5.2 thru OS390, early z/OS * DOC FILE //*+File 391: TRACE390 Instruction Trace Program from Robert Ngan * DOC FILE //*+File 392: QUEUE from Leonard Woren - JES2 4.2 and below * DOC FILE //*+File 393: RACFGRPS exec from Robert Lamerand & Ken MacKenzie * DOC FILE //*+File 394: Jan Jakubek collection of Utilites, and KSDSPACE Pgm * DOC FILE //*+File 395: CATIND exec to do bulk cataloging for a new system * DOC FILE //*+File 396: FINDSTR exec to invoke ISRSUPC automatically in 3.4 * DOC FILE //*+File 397: PACK and UNPK execs to do numeric conversions * DOC FILE //*+File 398: Generate system macro invocations more simply * DOC FILE //*+File 399: TSSO modifications, applications, and clists * DOC FILE //*+File 400: DYNAMASK program - for pre-dynamic UCB systems * DOC FILE //*+File 401: SPITBOL 360 Compiler and Library *# DOC FILE //*+File 402: SMF Display Consolidation from Multiple MVS systems * DOC FILE //*+File 403: Message Display Facility (UMSG) from Ugur Cilesiz * DOC FILE //*+File 404: TSSO for OS/390 and z/OS * DOC FILE //*+File 405: Defense Logistics Agency Exits and Utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 406: CQX (purge all jobs with same name), & FIND TSO cmds * DOC FILE //*+File 407: DYNAMIC BLDL - by David Cole - For pre-ESA * DOC FILE //*+File 408: David Cole's Macros - needed for his other pgms * DOC FILE //*+File 409: Rob Scott's MXI monitor package - FB-80 members * DOC FILE //*+File 410: Rob Scott's MXI monitor package - load modules * DOC FILE //*+File 411: Rob Scott's utilities - source code and FB-80 *# DOC FILE //*+File 412: Rob Scott's utilities - load modules * DOC FILE //*+File 413: Ashley Street's FADH Utility collection * DOC FILE //*+File 414: Convert printouts from machine control to ANSI * DOC FILE //*+File 415: RPF TSO-based ISPF-like editor, etc. Vers 1.9.9 *# DOC FILE //*+File 416: Deluxe Check Printing - useful programs * DOC FILE //*+File 417: RACFADM - ISPF Dialog to make RACF admin easier. *# DOC FILE //*+File 418: Combined Insurance collection of programs * DOC FILE //*+File 419: Dignus C language source and compiled assembler src * DOC FILE //*+File 420: Dignus Load Library - Compiled C to OS/390 utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 421: XACORZAP program by Robert Budge (INCORZAP author) * DOC FILE //*+File 422: Don Marquardt collection of utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 423: Jeff Broido collection - TSO commands and utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 424: VETAPE - 3420 to 3480 conversion program * DOC FILE //*+File 425: IEFUSI Exit from Mike Loos * DOC FILE //*+File 426: Started Task Accounting, and Jobnames processor * DOC FILE //*+File 427: IHASTOW macro source * DOC FILE //*+File 428: Programs to extract and display control block info * DOC FILE //*+File 429: Allergan Utilities - from Paul Banks * DOC FILE //*+File 430: McEvoy Utilities collection * DOC FILE //*+File 431: Steve Bacher's utilities, packages, and offerings * DOC FILE //*+File 432: Thierry Falissard's selected programs and stuff * DOC FILE //*+File 433: Frank Clarke's collection of REXX execs, etc. *# DOC FILE //*+File 434: Mark Zelden collection of Utilities and REXX execs *# DOC FILE //*+File 435: Frank Clarke's execs having to do with TSO userids *# DOC FILE //*+File 436: COMPCODE - sends NOTIFY & email for job completion * DOC FILE //*+File 437: Jan Jaeger utilities collection, including ZZSA * DOC FILE //*+File 438: Dan Snyder collection of structured macros & others * DOC FILE //*+File 439: PDSX Utility to scan all pds'es--from Volker Mielke * DOC FILE //*+File 440: Load Library for PDSX * DOC FILE //*+File 441: 2 Pgms for RACF from Brian Vogt - RESUME & RA#NAMES * DOC FILE //*+File 442: REVIVE Utility from Tetsuya Kimura (Kimu) * DOC FILE //*+File 443: Other Utilities from Tetsuya Kimura (Kimu) * DOC FILE //*+File 444: Ron Tatum pgms - create and read big blocks on tape * DOC FILE //*+File 445: Object Deck Disassembler from Chris Kendon * DOC FILE //*+File 446: COBOL Program which uses UNIX system services * DOC FILE //*+File 447: ENQMON from Rick Fochtman - GRS displays like MIM's * DOC FILE //*+File 448: Package to Insert Date into Global system variables * DOC FILE //*+File 449: AMDAHL Bookmanager Package * DOC FILE //*+File 450: REXX exec to globally search for character strings * DOC FILE //*+File 451: Gary Scarcella REXX execs - CUTCLEAR, SUBCAN * DOC FILE //*+File 452: Dan Dalby's MVS-JES2 Utilities + STEPLIB, etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 453: Paul Moinil collection of Utilities: Index * DOC FILE //*+File 454: Paul Moinil collection of Utilities: Basic Material * DOC FILE //*+File 455: Paul Moinil collection of Utilities: Complementary * DOC FILE //*+File 456: Paul Moinil collection of Utilities: Additional * DOC FILE //*+File 457: Paul Moinil collection of Utilities: Demo/Games * DOC FILE //*+File 458: Paul Moinil collection of Utilities: CBT Extracted * DOC FILE //*+File 459: Paul Moinil collection of Utilities: Supplementary * DOC FILE //*+File 460: ISPF GUIDE Tape - ISPCLIB file * DOC FILE //*+File 461: ISPF GUIDE Tape - Doc file * DOC FILE //*+File 462: ISPF GUIDE Tape - Edit Macros * DOC FILE //*+File 463: ISPF GUIDE Tape - Help file * DOC FILE //*+File 464: ISPF GUIDE Tape - ISPFMACS * DOC FILE //*+File 465: ISPF GUIDE Tape - JCL file * DOC FILE //*+File 466: ISPF GUIDE Tape - ISPMLIB file * DOC FILE //*+File 467: ISPF GUIDE Tape - ISPPLIB file * DOC FILE //*+File 468: ISPF GUIDE Tape - ISPSLIB file * DOC FILE //*+File 469: ISPF GUIDE Tape - Source file * DOC FILE //*+File 470: ISPF GUIDE Tape - SVC99MAC file * DOC FILE //*+File 471: ISPF GUIDE Tape - MACRO file * DOC FILE //*+File 472: MURPHY - TSO command to display one-liners randomly * DOC FILE //*+File 473: CHKASVT program to find non-reusable ASIDs. * DOC FILE //*+File 474: LIBCLEAN - compare contents of pds's. Rob Wunderlich * DOC FILE //*+File 475: Doc for the Large Block Interface (LBI) for tape * DOC FILE //*+File 476: LISP for MVS - moved back to CBT from Overflow Tape * DOC FILE //*+File 477: AWSUTIL Utility to Create AWS-format "tapes" on DASD * DOC FILE //*+File 478: RAWSTAPE from Jan Jaeger * DOC FILE //*+File 479: Broadcast Notices EDIT, BKMGR search, YAHTZEE * DOC FILE //*+File 480: Baldomero Castilla Utilities - Source Code * DOC FILE //*+File 481: Baldomero Castilla Utilities - Load Modules * DOC FILE //*+File 482: GDGCOPY Utility * DOC FILE //*+File 483: Thomas Ramseier collection of Utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 484: Cache Manager ISPF utility * DOC FILE //*+File 485: VTAM application from Binyamin Dissen * DOC FILE //*+File 486: SETCLOCK program * DOC FILE //*+File 487: REXX to trap and display output from TSO Commands * DOC FILE //*+File 488: Jim Iannone Utilities for Production Control * DOC FILE //*+File 489: Jim Iannone Utilities for Shared Medical Systems pkg * DOC FILE //*+File 490: INSTASM - Assembler Macros for Reentrant code * DOC FILE //*+File 491: XMITMAIL - Lite XMITIP written in COBOL + BATCHART * DOC FILE //*+File 492: SHOWzOS 8.03 and 7.25, plus SHOWMVS 7.10 and 6.30 *# DOC FILE //*+File 493: Utilities from Jim Connelley - VC, CRC32, C2F * DOC FILE //*+File 494: IKJEESX9 LISTBC exit - partial use of SYS1.BRODCAST * DOC FILE //*+File 495: Dynamic ISPF installs of products - from Tom Conley * DOC FILE //*+File 496: REXX exec to do LISTA (display allocations) * DOC FILE //*+File 497: CSVLLIX1 LLA Fetch exit example from A.Colombo * DOC FILE //*+File 498: Match Merge program from Craig Schneiderwent * DOC FILE //*+File 499: Utilities and RACF Panels from Ed Ross - * DOC FILE //*+File 500: MVS & z/OS Automation ECF V23-Event Capture Facility * DOC FILE //*+File 501: SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) Server - K.Clapp * DOC FILE //*+File 502: ZAP to AMASPZAP program to eliminate AMA117D message * DOC FILE //*+File 503: MBRLIST exec that runs under raw TSO * DOC FILE //*+File 504: Software Inventory System * DOC FILE //*+File 505: ASSIST Assembler - moved to Overflow Tape File 085 * DOC FILE //*+File 506: REXX execs for handling SMP/E output * DOC FILE //*+File 507: TPL V6.0 for MVS. Table Producing Language (pub dom) * DOC FILE //*+File 508: EXCMD - Command Processor to execute CLISTs & REXX * DOC FILE //*+File 509: Application to web-enable the SHOWMVS command * DOC FILE //*+File 510: IEBLIST and SPACE dataset listers - Ricardo Paranhos * DOC FILE //*+File 511: VSAM Space Analysis program from Geoffrey McIntyre * DOC FILE //*+File 512: ISPF CUT-PASTE - from Luc van Rompaey * DOC FILE //*+File 513: Tools to use OPERLOG in a sysplex, like SYSLOG * DOC FILE //*+File 514: ICHRTX00 special-purpose SAF exit - Larry Williams * DOC FILE //*+File 515: Alex Brodsky REXX functions (assembler) & ISPF stuff * DOC FILE //*+File 516: CA-1 (TMS) program. Inquire VOLSER against CTSQSTS. * DOC FILE //*+File 517: XPL Compiler Generator System * DOC FILE //*+File 518: Sam Knutson's Utilities - AUXBOOST, PUTPARM others * DOC FILE //*+File 519: Compare TMS (CA-1) volume data to IBM VTS vol status * DOC FILE //*+File 520: REXX Functions from Robin Ryerse * DOC FILE //*+File 521: Some EREP jobstreams from Tom Bryant * DOC FILE //*+File 522: Write User SMF records from Application Programs * DOC FILE //*+File 523: General SMF Record Selection Program from Paul Dion * DOC FILE //*+File 524: EXCP Tape Functions in a Subroutine, from Ron Tatum * DOC FILE //*+File 525: Zap to CFMON free IBM utility to work past OS/390 2.6* DOC FILE //*+File 526: Top Secret Security Administration package * DOC FILE //*+File 527: Matthew Stitt collection of programs & new LISTICAT * DOC FILE //*+File 528: J.McKown REXX--Look at LISTCAT and create IDCAMS srce* DOC FILE //*+File 529: Programs to report CICS SMF records, more - M.Stitt * DOC FILE //*+File 530: PL/I program to format PL/I programs - Roy Gardiner * DOC FILE //*+File 531: Compound EXEC to detect DSNames, and other EXECs * DOC FILE //*+File 532: Extensive collection of Roscoe RPFs - Charles Hottel * DOC FILE //*+File 533: AWS Tape,FKT<->Real Tape Conversion Utilities on MVS * DOC FILE //*+File 534: SPACE command from Paul Dion * DOC FILE //*+File 535: Concat, Alloc, Deconcat CMD from D.Sudibyo * DOC FILE //*+File 536: CA-Xcom and CA-Dispatch Report Distribution Extension* DOC FILE //*+File 537: Entry and Exit Assembler macros * DOC FILE //*+File 538: IPL Text for ZZSA (Standalone Utils) & ZZSA minidisk * DOC FILE //*+File 539: DSNUSAGE - a mini-app in SAS and REXX from H. White * DOC FILE //*+File 540: PARM Checker Routine - for setting program options * DOC FILE //*+File 541: CCKD DASD compression routines to be run on MVS * DOC FILE //*+File 542: Alastair Gray-replacement for MCNVTCAT, other tools * DOC FILE //*+File 543: REXXs and Assembler Program to display System Info * DOC FILE //*+File 544: Material and Code for setting up Stanford PL360 * DOC FILE //*+File 545: Stanford University PL360 EBCDIC distribution * DOC FILE //*+File 546: Documentation for Stanford PL360 * DOC FILE //*+File 547: Volker Bandke's Hercules Supplementary Utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 548: REXX Functions from Alfred Nikolyn * DOC FILE //*+File 549: ISPF Dialog to display Unit Names - from Mark Baron * DOC FILE //*+File 550: Dan Snyder's Structured Macro Toolkit Set * DOC FILE //*+File 551: Exits to control users of the CONSOLE TSO command * DOC FILE //*+File 552: COBOL 2 and COBOL/MVS Analysis Program * DOC FILE //*+File 553: SUBMITC Edit Macro to submit jobs, with "smarts" * DOC FILE //*+File 554: "MVS Power Programming" ESA Coding Examples * DOC FILE //*+File 555: Solomon Santos Utility and Subroutine collection * DOC FILE //*+File 556: HTTP Socket Requestor - Get a text file from the web * DOC FILE //*+File 557: Soundex Code Generator package from Jim Moore * DOC FILE //*+File 558: Dick Thornton's Large Collection of Assembler Code * DOC FILE //*+File 559: Dick Thornton's Large Collection of C-Language Code * DOC FILE //*+File 560: Dick Thornton's Large JCL Collection * DOC FILE //*+File 561: Dick Thornton's CLIST Collection * DOC FILE //*+File 562: Dick Thornton's EXECs, with PANELS and MESSAGES * DOC FILE //*+File 563: Dick Thornton's Large Collection of COBOL Code * DOC FILE //*+File 564: Dick Thornton's Documentation PDS'es * DOC FILE //*+File 565: Dick Thornton's Classes - C, COBOL, Dump Reading * DOC FILE //*+File 566: Sam Bass Utilities collection-copy 256K block tapes * DOC FILE //*+File 567: Clark Jennings CSVLLIX2 exit and Module Fetch Stats * DOC FILE //*+File 568: TSO Games circa 1980 - contributed by Dick Thornton * DOC FILE //*+File 569: Rules and Notes for File 568 TSO Games * DOC FILE //*+File 570: MVS Tips and 'How-To's - Please contribute your own! * DOC FILE //*+File 571: XMIT370 and RECV370 from Jim Morrison * DOC FILE //*+File 572: MVS zipping programs from Jeff Kaplan * DOC FILE //*+File 573: IEFUJV exit for System Symbolic substitution in JCL * DOC FILE //*+File 574: Some MVS 3.8-related items from Wolfgang Schaefer * DOC FILE //*+File 575: Read and Combine JES2 Spool Offload Files Directly * DOC FILE //*+File 576: Easy Handy Dataset Copying tool from Mick Sheehy * DOC FILE //*+File 577: Interesting REXX execs from Pergentino Arias * DOC FILE //*+File 578: General ISPF Table Handling Facility - Roy Gardiner * DOC FILE //*+File 579: BREAK and CONTINUE addon macros for HLASM Toolkit * DOC FILE //*+File 580: New CUT and PASTE macros from Michael R. Smith * DOC FILE //*+File 581: Complete Disaster Recovery System from Tom Hutchins * DOC FILE //*+File 582: TAPEMAP for MVS 3.8 (from File 299) and PDSLOAD * DOC FILE //*+File 583: PROFSET and EPROF packages from Jim Moore * DOC FILE //*+File 584: AUTOINIT (DASD Initialization in Batch)-Ugur Cilesiz * DOC FILE //*+File 585: AWSSL - Dataset to SL AWS Tape Utility - Reed Petty * DOC FILE //*+File 586: Generalized ISPF Application Starter - Robin Murray * DOC FILE //*+File 587: Older VTOC command-improved features-MVS38 can run it* DOC FILE //*+File 588: Automated System Shutdown from Sergey Makogonov * DOC FILE //*+File 589: HSCTOOL and Utilities - Philippe Leite - HERCMD * DOC FILE //*+File 590: Exercises from Knuth books in Assembler by C. Hottel * DOC FILE //*+File 591: VM REXXFORM - REXX exec reformatter * DOC FILE //*+File 592: DISPLAY function in Assembler programs - R.L. Rice * DOC FILE //*+File 593: ASMG * DOC FILE //*+File 594: Dataset Display Facility (DDF) from Roy Gardiner * DOC FILE //*+File 595: LABEL macro to trace program execution - R.L. Rice * DOC FILE //*+File 596: SWP EDIT macro from David Chambers * DOC FILE //*+File 597: MPF exit to issue START commands based on message id * DOC FILE //*+File 598: Utilities from Richard Rice * DOC FILE //*+File 599: REXX execs to summarize the ISPF environment * DOC FILE //*+File 600: SMF Exit and Programs to process TCP/IP SMF records * DOC FILE //*+File 601: MVS 3.8 version of QUEUE from Greg Price * DOC FILE //*+File 602: REXX execs from Mike Newell * DOC FILE //*+File 603: QWIKSCAN pds scanning utility from Sebastian Welton * DOC FILE //*+File 604: SIT SNOBOL4 load module, version 3.5 *# DOC FILE //*+File 605: ACF2 to RACF password capture conversion aid * DOC FILE //*+File 606: AWSSL V19J+ - supports creation of HET and AWS tapes * DOC FILE //*+File 607: A free IND$FILE version from Mike Rayborn - V1.0.6 * DOC FILE //*+File 608: Free Space Lister TSO command from Bob Glover * DOC FILE //*+File 609: RESCUE systems, RACF tool, etc. from John Miller * DOC FILE //*+File 610: CHANGE71 and WTOR programs from somitcw * DOC FILE //*+File 611: REXX to submit job based on RC from previous job * DOC FILE //*+File 612: DUDASD, DSPACE, LOCATE (modules) SYSINCRD - A.Cheng *# DOC FILE //*+File 613: JCL to create and renew a RESCUE system from prod * DOC FILE //*+File 614: SHOWMVS and SHOWzOS Load Libraries FB-80 XMIT format * DOC FILE //*+File 615: ISPF and DYNALLOC macro libraries - Lionel Dyck * DOC FILE //*+File 616: Programs etc. from Nigel Thomas * DOC FILE //*+File 617: REXX exec to produce SMF 30 Report from P. Berrios * DOC FILE //*+File 618: Cryptographic Interface from Pergentino Arias * DOC FILE //*+File 619: Dynamic Proclib modification for MVS 3.8J * DOC FILE //*+File 620: COBOL precompiler to extend COPY statements * DOC FILE //*+File 621: NPF Exits-print MVS datasets to PCL network printers * DOC FILE //*+File 622: MATRIX package - easy interface to data spaces * DOC FILE //*+File 623: Automated System Shutdown and Automated IPL - H Zhou * DOC FILE //*+File 624: FIND REXX to get all instances of a DSN. And TSOUCB. * DOC FILE //*+File 625: REXX to recatalog all datasets listed in a LISTCAT * DOC FILE //*+File 626: EN (display enqueues), JI (JES2 inits), CSA execs * DOC FILE //*+File 627: AUTOMAN Console Operations Package * DOC FILE //*+File 628: Convert TCP/IP packet trace into TCPDUMP format * DOC FILE //*+File 629: An SNTP Server from Andrew Armstrong * DOC FILE //*+File 630: DFDSS Move/Copy datasets in the foreground * DOC FILE //*+File 631: REXX to search a pds for strings * DOC FILE //*+File 632: BASE64 conversion on MVS for emails - Gary Cherlet * DOC FILE //*+File 633: Updated DSPACE TSO command and ISPF dialog using it * DOC FILE //*+File 634: List all or some UCBs defined to your MVS system * DOC FILE //*+File 635: REXX to generate mass file renames * DOC FILE //*+File 636: Execute TSO commands against datasets in LISTC LEV( )* DOC FILE //*+File 637: Program to compare load modules - Nolan Young * DOC FILE //*+File 638: Send Email With Attachments from Hunter Zhou * DOC FILE //*+File 639: Set System Clock program from Hunter Zhou * DOC FILE //*+File 640: VPS Dynamic Separator Page Printer exit * DOC FILE //*+File 641: For MVS 3.8, Display maxcc in Job Notify Message * DOC FILE //*+File 642: OPERLOG scan program and SMP/E API interface - R.Hobt* DOC FILE //*+File 643: Paul A. Scott macros and programs including CALENDAR * DOC FILE //*+File 644: FUSION - change management package from J. Caughman * DOC FILE //*+File 645: Update to SHOWMVS to show if it's running authorized * DOC FILE //*+File 646: CLIST to REXX conversion tool * DOC FILE //*+File 647: An XML parser written in REXX from Andrew Armstrong * DOC FILE //*+File 648: ZRMS Resource Monitoring Subsystem from Ben Marino * DOC FILE //*+File 649: PDS2PDS utility from Mike Newell * DOC FILE //*+File 650: A CSA Reporting and Tracking Tool from Mike Reeves * DOC FILE //*+File 651: Batch program to reset BWO flags from Chip Grantham * DOC FILE //*+File 652: A system-specific FIND utility from Richard Rice * DOC FILE //*+File 653: Dynamic Allocation utilities from Jim Harrison * DOC FILE //*+File 654: TSO FSI - Full Screen Interface from Tommy Sprinkle * DOC FILE //*+File 655: Catalog Cleanup Tool from David Kopischke * DOC FILE //*+File 656: Large collection of REXX utlities from Kannan Ak * DOC FILE //*+File 657: z/OS 1.4 RESCUE system build, from Kevin Mitts * DOC FILE //*+File 658: CRC check Assembler program and REXX that calls it * DOC FILE //*+File 659: Create P/390 DASD recipe - from Glenn Siegel * DOC FILE //*+File 660: Edit macro to check REXX execs for compile errors * DOC FILE //*+File 661: HOTRDR package to submit jobs, from Peter McFarland * DOC FILE //*+File 662: Automated system to convert CA-1 to FLEX-ES Faketape * DOC FILE //*+File 663: Public Domain C Runtime Library * DOC FILE //*+File 664: Date Conversion Routines and programs - Jay Moseley * DOC FILE //*+File 665: Field fixing routines from Jay Moseley * DOC FILE //*+File 666: Random number generator and COMB sort implementation * DOC FILE //*+File 667: An RPG Tutorial from Jay Moseley - see File 327 also * DOC FILE //*+File 668: OFFLOAD JES2 spool to datasets, from Hunter Zhou * DOC FILE //*+File 669: REXX save & retrieve variables, read/write VSAM-more *# DOC FILE //*+File 670: REXX math function package * DOC FILE //*+File 671: ZOOM edit macro to "cursor retrieve" datasets * DOC FILE //*+File 672: NETINIT - issue system cmds after VTAM is up, etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 673: CCFDELET utility to delete datasets using JCL * DOC FILE //*+File 674: REXX-based TSO/ISPF toolkit from Robin Murray * DOC FILE //*+File 675: REXX execs pertaining to DB2 by Isaac Yassin * DOC FILE //*+File 676: VPS exits and other exits from Jim Marshall * DOC FILE //*+File 677: Parallel Sysplex Manager ISPF Application, M.Willemse* DOC FILE //*+File 678: Write DFDSS dump to AWS-format file instead of a tape* DOC FILE //*+File 679: Edit macro to construct a flowchart from JCL w/VISIO * DOC FILE //*+File 680: Edit Macro, ISPF, REXX, PDSMAN courses - Bruce Koss * DOC FILE //*+File 681: Updated PL/I Execution Analyzer (PLEA) from Bob Styma* DOC FILE //*+File 682: ESO command processor to display Esoterics * DOC FILE //*+File 683: BPXSTOP URL from IBM with their website infromation * DOC FILE //*+File 684: Rick Fochtman's PDSUPDTE program and misc. exits etc.* DOC FILE //*+File 685: TXT2XML - Text to XML and back, from Pierre Delaunoy * DOC FILE //*+File 686: SMFDUMP program * DOC FILE //*+File 687: Compare VVDS'es to referenced Catalogs * DOC FILE //*+File 688: IMS - Generate DBRC INIT commands automat. + ACBLIST * DOC FILE //*+File 689: Peter Sawyer's famous paper on how to use SVC 26 * DOC FILE //*+File 690: Cross Memory storage browser from Martin Kline * DOC FILE //*+File 691: READSEQ program to pick records, and BRODCAST stuff * DOC FILE //*+File 692: UATAPE tape mapping and copying utility-D. Merrifield* DOC FILE //*+File 693: PDSCLEAN program: expand dir & empty PDS, empty PDSE * DOC FILE //*+File 694: MACTREE macro from Mark Yuhas to do a binary search * DOC FILE //*+File 695: Useful REXX execs from J.D. Acevedo * DOC FILE //*+File 696: System to imitate z/OS tape robot on FLEX-ES * DOC FILE //*+File 697: Reports for CICS/TS using Linux, Perl, and PostgreSQL* DOC FILE //*+File 698: RACF reporting using Linux, Perl, and PostgreSQL * DOC FILE //*+File 699: ISPF/assembler SUBMIT edit macro, returns JOB id * DOC FILE //*+File 700: Useful ISPF REXX execs from Jim Haire * DOC FILE //*+File 701: DB2 Admin helpers from Marino Drazeta * DOC FILE //*+File 702: JES2 Mellon Mod equivalents at z/OS 1.6 level, etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 703: Program to convert Fujitsu FAL stats to ISPF stats * DOC FILE //*+File 704: DRDASD program to report status of your disk packs * DOC FILE //*+File 705: Performance tuning z/OS on Flex-ES using TSSO, etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 706: Create line charts from your data using SVG * DOC FILE //*+File 707: Customize ISPF 3.4 dataset lists according to users * DOC FILE //*+File 708: A very general MPF exit system with great capability * DOC FILE //*+File 709: MPFCMD program from Bob Shannon * DOC FILE //*+File 710: TSO commands to display DASD volume and dataset recds* DOC FILE //*+File 711: Free LIBRARIAN program package * DOC FILE //*+File 712: Send a file or send mail from CICS using TCP/IP * DOC FILE //*+File 713: The EMPTYPDS batch program to "empty" a pds * DOC FILE //*+File 714: FLEXCLI program to issue FLEXES commands on MVS * DOC FILE //*+File 715: Tape Erase Program * DOC FILE //*+File 716: QUERYENQ ISPF implementation from Jim Moore * DOC FILE //*+File 717: JumpList program package from Joseph Caughman * DOC FILE //*+File 718: TSO or JES/MSTR Logon, Garry Green-Futurity Software * DOC FILE //*+File 719: Offline DASD Dump/Restore Program from Greg Smith * DOC FILE //*+File 720: Collection of Utilities from Bill Sweeney * DOC FILE //*+File 721: ChangeWiz - Program Change History - Shirley Huhtanen* DOC FILE //*+File 722: FileWiz - File Compare Program from Shirley Huhtanen * DOC FILE //*+File 723: Available Storage Displays, from Jim Moore * DOC FILE //*+File 724: HLASM Toolkit Improvements from Ed Jaffe * DOC FILE //*+File 725: CICS Auxiliary Trace Analyzer from Andrew Armstrong * DOC FILE //*+File 726: Generate VSAM DEFINE statements from VSAM file * DOC FILE //*+File 727: COPYVBS program using EXCP to read full 3390 tracks * DOC FILE //*+File 728: ICHPWX01 - RACF Password Quality Exit - Dave Jousma * DOC FILE //*+File 729: MAXITRAN REXX to script batch FTP from an MVS client * DOC FILE //*+File 730: Program to run COBOL programs in batch under z/OS. * DOC FILE //*+File 731: IKJTSOxx Parmlib info-Display/Chg XMIT parms-UCBDASD *# DOC FILE //*+File 732: A familiar version of the WHOHAS command * DOC FILE //*+File 733: ALGOL 68C Cambridge University distribution - 1976 * DOC FILE //*+File 734: Original PDS command, circa 1975. Still works. * DOC FILE //*+File 735: Edit macros from Tom Barthold * DOC FILE //*+File 736: Perl Script from Mark Naughton to display IODF detail* DOC FILE //*+File 737: Package to clear all DASD to X'00' after D/R Test * DOC FILE //*+File 738: Package to reallocate and reorg VSAM clusters * DOC FILE //*+File 739: Heavy Duty ISPF Commands Tool - by Ron Brown * DOC FILE //*+File 740: REXX Package to Execute SQL statements - Alan Wynne * DOC FILE //*+File 741: BASE64 encoding and decoding program in Assembler * DOC FILE //*+File 742: PDS member versioning tool from Bob Birdsall * DOC FILE //*+File 743: MODLIST program from Terry Miller * DOC FILE //*+File 744: RACF "Rules" Enforcer - RRE 3.40 * DOC FILE //*+File 745: FM "File Formatter" program package * DOC FILE //*+File 746: MVS and C Versions of Richard Tsujimoto's Parser * DOC FILE //*+File 747: System Logger Reader - from Mark Naughton * DOC FILE //*+File 748: BASE64 to text decoding; EMAIL Change Approval System* DOC FILE //*+File 749: Gilbert Saint-flour Utilities adapted for MVS 3.8 * DOC FILE //*+File 750: ISPF Productivity REXX EXECs by Ted MacNeil * DOC FILE //*+File 751: Tape Programs and Code from somitcw * DOC FILE //*+File 752: ISPF Profile Dumping Utility from Robin Ryerse * DOC FILE //*+File 753: Robin Ryerse's REXX Function Package * DOC FILE //*+File 754: ISPF Profile Searching Tool from Henrik Salminen * DOC FILE //*+File 755: Improved version of JRP which runs on MVS 3.8 * DOC FILE //*+File 756: Powerful JCL preprocessor from Daniel Gaeta * DOC FILE //*+File 757: LOGGRASM Utility to track Assembler code execution * DOC FILE //*+File 758: LOADWORD package from Craig Schneiderwent * DOC FILE //*+File 759: CICS MQ api crossing exit to trace MQ api calls * DOC FILE //*+File 760: Ken Tomiak's z/OS and PC sysprog helper's package * DOC FILE //*+File 761: FINDALL package of REXX execs from Mark Baron * DOC FILE //*+File 762: DDNAME info to nullify OEM products, and JCL info * DOC FILE //*+File 763: Convert FB-80 Hex to 2 lines printable and back, more* DOC FILE //*+File 764: Alex Kara Utility REXXes, etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 765: Forms Based Authentication for HTTP Server under z/OS* DOC FILE //*+File 766: Shared Spool Mods-"Mellon"-for JES2 z/OS 1.7 and 1.8 * DOC FILE //*+File 767: REXX Frontends for TERSE and UNTERSE - D. Gaeta * DOC FILE //*+File 768: VM/CMS version of VTT2DISK, VTT2TAPE... from File 533* DOC FILE //*+File 769: R. Prins' edit macros to convert code/text into HTML * DOC FILE //*+File 770: Event Management System for Automation - Deru Sudibyo* DOC FILE //*+File 771: ICSF (Cryptographic Services Facility) Monitor * DOC FILE //*+File 772: Stephen Bacher collected public work * DOC FILE //*+File 773: Disassemble a Chunk of Storage - Arthur Fichtl * DOC FILE //*+File 774: Upgraded 80-byte compress program like CBT973-RL Rice* DOC FILE //*+File 775: App under CICS COBOL to respond to HTTP requests * DOC FILE //*+File 776: RECV390 for the PC, zip file from Edgar Hofmann * DOC FILE //*+File 777: REXX exec to measure disk occupancy - Philippe Cochy * DOC FILE //*+File 778: Programs to access GIMAPI (SMP/E API) using REXX * DOC FILE //*+File 779: COBOL pgm to access SDSF and do Symbolic JCL Substit.* DOC FILE //*+File 780: Fullscreen interface using REXX without ISPF- D.Gaeta* DOC FILE //*+File 781: Modification of IBM Sample RACSEQ program - J. McKown* DOC FILE //*+File 782: Powerful Windows program to look at AWS-format tapes * DOC FILE //*+File 783: PL/I Scientific Subroutine Package for 360 (OS) * DOC FILE //*+File 784: J.McKown implementations of a "Dataset List" web page* DOC FILE //*+File 785: Substitute system symbols into JCL - K-H Doppelfeld * DOC FILE //*+File 786: Separate CBTF1.zip file into separate HTML datasets * DOC FILE //*+File 787: Send data to remote hosts in multi-Sysplex environmnt* DOC FILE //*+File 788: MA1K Application for MQ series by C.Schneiderwent * DOC FILE //*+File 789: Batch job to automate and email IBM's SCRT report * DOC FILE //*+File 790: SRS (Sysout Retrieval Services) pkg from Dave Danner * DOC FILE //*+File 791: STORAGE OBTAIN/RELEASE REXX Function - Anthony Rudd * DOC FILE //*+File 792: DISKMAP for z/OS EAV support-earlier z/OS too. * DOC FILE //*+File 793: R.L.Rice updates for SDF 3.4 - alpha * DOC FILE //*+File 794: RXMEM REXX function - beta version - from D.F.Gaeta * DOC FILE //*+File 795: HTTP Server in Assembler--ALPHA--needs expert to fix.* DOC FILE //*+File 796: Lindy Mayfield Utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 797: LWATMGR, LLWA, TSUB.Fix your TSO session auth tables *# DOC FILE //*+File 798: Job Scheduler written in COBOL from Kevin Dengsong * DOC FILE //*+File 799: SMF Type 30 post processor written in COBOL * DOC FILE //*+File 800: RECEIVE/UNXMIT tool written in REXX for the PC * DOC FILE //*+File 801: Create Browseable Bar Charts in Silverlight format * DOC FILE //*+File 802: DELINK program in C from Jason Winter * DOC FILE //*+File 803: ISPF Macro collection * DOC FILE //*+File 804: TAPEMAP reworked with JUMP instructions * DOC FILE //*+File 805: Establish SNMP sub-agent, and an EMC monitoring STC..* DOC FILE //*+File 806: SMF 110 CICS Performance Monitor Analysis Tools * DOC FILE //*+File 807: HFSELECT and SUPRDUMP from M.Karlin and others * DOC FILE //*+File 808: PC un-XMIT in object REXX. ZIP file from File 800. * DOC FILE //*+File 809: Fixed DITTO from Richard L. Rice * DOC FILE //*+File 810: Fixed ONSCREEN rework of FM (File 745) from R.L. Rice* DOC FILE //*+File 811: Fixed LIBRARIAN from Richard L. Rice (was File 711) * DOC FILE //*+File 812: Fixed DISASM from Richard L. Rice (was on File 171) * DOC FILE //*+File 813: Fixed SUTL from Richard L. Rice (was on File 171) * DOC FILE //*+File 814: Old XEPHON MVS articles in zipped text - from E.Vogt * DOC FILE //*+File 815: SRCHE multiple dataset search facility - Bob Glover * DOC FILE //*+File 816: Instant change of Default Notices number in ACCT/SYNC* DOC FILE //*+File 817: FIXCATLG program - Other pgms from M. Wojtukiewicz * DOC FILE //*+File 818: Assembler stub to call AMODE64 module from COBOL pgm * DOC FILE //*+File 819: RACF Exit Dynamic UPDATE/DELETE/REMOVE Facility "ICH"* DOC FILE //*+File 820: 64/20 Assembly Language Development Platform-R.Harper* DOC FILE //*+File 821: CC - ISPF Edit Macro to plug values into a Skeleton * DOC FILE //*+File 822: Softcap CPU Utilization and Measuring Tool for LPARs * DOC FILE //*+File 823: Expand ISPF command shell panel to retain 20 commands* DOC FILE //*+File 824: ISPF-based VTOC zapper that interfaces with RACF * DOC FILE //*+File 825: SSL Handshake diagnosis program * DOC FILE //*+File 826: TSO command to make a job cancelable or non-swap etc.* DOC FILE //*+File 827: RACF Profiling Utility from John C. Miller * DOC FILE //*+File 828: Updated DELAY program from somitcw * DOC FILE //*+File 829: TIDYASM program to neaten Assembler source code * DOC FILE //*+File 830: XEPHON MVS articles from 07/1987 thru 12/1996 EBCDIC * DOC FILE //*+File 831: Dynamic Concatenation TSO command * DOC FILE //*+File 832: Package to Print MVS files on TCPIP printers * DOC FILE //*+File 833: Label Aid Facility to look at COBOL programs in ISPF * DOC FILE //*+File 834: Dataset Migration Allocation Aid facility+Misc REXX's* DOC FILE //*+File 835: Programs and REXX to display the PPT under ISPF & TSO* DOC FILE //*+File 836: Xephon MVS Update programs/other pgms working on z/OS* DOC FILE //*+File 837: Exits. Inform TSO user about pending files to RECEIVE* DOC FILE //*+File 838: Dynamic Allocation macro that generates SVC99 params * DOC FILE //*+File 839: Long Parameters in EXEC - JCL symbolic substitution * DOC FILE //*+File 840: ICSF KGUP exit to make updates dependent on RACF * DOC FILE //*+File 841: Run CA-Optimized COBOL pgms with CA-Optimizer removed* DOC FILE //*+File 842: Create multiple XMIT-format datasets on MVS by prefix* DOC FILE //*+File 843: Panel recovery of HSM datasets from ISPF 3.4 or 6 * DOC FILE //*+File 844: ENQWATCH - Long running task - announce ENQ conflicts* DOC FILE //*+File 845: HOSTCMD, SYSCMD, RUNAUTH from G. Bliznets * DOC FILE //*+File 846: TRK0SAVE, TRK0UPD, EOFDISK by somitcw +"ONLINE CLIP" * DOC FILE //*+File 847: Development of COPYMODS program thru 88 versions * DOC FILE //*+File 848: LIBSPOOL * DOC FILE //*+File 849: Display TSO Users - DT cmd, Display Active - DA cmd * DOC FILE //*+File 850: RAKF Security System for MVS 3.8 * DOC FILE //*+File 851: RMMCOPY - generate JCL to copy tapes with 256K blocks* DOC FILE //*+File 852: GCCMVS - GCC C-Compiler and Library - 3.2.3 MVS 9.0 * DOC FILE //*+File 853: GCCMVS - GCC C-Compiler and Library - 3.4.6 MVS 1.0 * DOC FILE //*+File 854: Free Instructional Papers from "The Trainer's Friend"* DOC FILE //*+File 855: Excel spreadsheet to figure DASD sizes * DOC FILE //*+File 856: Shared Spool Mods (Mellon Mods) for z/OS 1.9 - 1.13 * DOC FILE //*+File 857: Interactive EREP Report from Marco Serafini * DOC FILE //*+File 858: Clemson University Structured Macro Library * DOC FILE //*+File 859: Clemson University Service Processor Source Modules * DOC FILE //*+File 860: Gerhard Postpischil miscellaneous source code * DOC FILE //*+File 861: Gerhard Postpischil macro library * DOC FILE //*+File 862: Gerhard Postpischil more code * DOC FILE //*+File 863: IKJEFF10 TSO SUBMIT exit - J. Callihan * DOC FILE //*+File 864: John McKown UNIX Shell Commands for z/OS * DOC FILE //*+File 865: Free zip/unzip (MINIZIP and MINIUNZ) for MVS * DOC FILE //*+File 866: BSPUFI - C SQL-DB2-TSO Processor/Executor/Monitor * DOC FILE //*+File 867: RDW2VB (add BDWs) and RECU2AWS programs from somitcw * DOC FILE //*+File 868: DISKCOMP trk-by-trk compare of 2 offline DASD packs * DOC FILE //*+File 869: Getmain/Freemain Trace with IPCS support * DOC FILE //*+File 870: HTTP REXX scripts from Rick Turnbull * DOC FILE //*+File 871: Un-XMIT for Android - from Roland Scholz * DOC FILE //*+File 872: z/OS port of Julian Seward's bzip2 library - R.Scholz* DOC FILE //*+File 873: Macros for ULUT-based UCB scans. 64-bit ULUT, Type 3.* DOC FILE //*+File 874: HELP members for some programs in the CBT collection *# DOC FILE //*+File 875: ALGOL 68C from Chris Cheney, et al * DOC FILE //*+File 876: ALGOL F v2.1 source and executables from T.Armstrong * DOC FILE //*+File 877: MAKE tool for z/OS. Includes V/B/E macros. * DOC FILE //*+File 878: TSO BURN command newly rewritten by Joe Reichman * DOC FILE //*+File 879: TSOFIND from Tom Hall. Also fixed for z/OS. * DOC FILE //*+File 880: Extension of ADRDSSU to manage dumps in a network * DOC FILE //*+File 881: Modification to Excel format Julian Calendar from CBT* DOC FILE //*+File 882: Console Automation Tools * DOC FILE //*+File 883: Manage DFHSM migration in a small environment * DOC FILE //*+File 884: Abe Kornelis macro library and other tools * DOC FILE //*+File 885: Disassembler with Jump Instructions-from Albert Cheng* DOC FILE //*+File 886: Init large quantities of DASD volumes - Ed Petka * DOC FILE //*+File 887: Scott Vetter collection of mods and pgms for MVS 3.8J* DOC FILE //*+File 888: MVSEXP - Browse z/OS system info with a web browser * DOC FILE //*+File 889: Hercules 3.12 - 64 bit for Windows + Hyperion 4.4.1 * DOC FILE //*+File 890: SIMULA 360/370 Compiler, Library, and PDF Format Doc * DOC FILE //*+File 891: REXX to flowchart, graph structure of COBOL programs * DOC FILE //*+File 892: TERSE pgms - DOS, OS/2, AIX, Windows, Linux, Mac OS-X* DOC FILE //*+File 893: SMFLOG - SMF Type 4, 20, 35 - Logons, Logoffs, Inits * DOC FILE //*+File 894: Collection of helpful REXX execs for OE from R.Zenuk * DOC FILE //*+File 895: STEMEDIT update and related mods to File 183-R.Nowak * DOC FILE //*+File 896: Misc. TSO Tools - from SHARE 1993 - still useful * DOC FILE //*+File 897: Port of SQLITE 3.8 to z/OS - File 923 is newer... * DOC FILE //*+File 898: Alex Kara collected works * DOC FILE //*+File 899: TSO command DACEE - Display and Format an ACEE * DOC FILE //*+File 900: MD5 and SHAx calculation programs for MVS and z/OS * DOC FILE //*+File 901: ASSIST assembler presented by Jay Moseley * DOC FILE //*+File 902: Callable Date Conversion routines from Jay Moseley * DOC FILE //*+File 903: Field formatting routines from Jay Moseley * DOC FILE //*+File 904: IBM Connect:Direct add-ons and exits from A. Cieri * DOC FILE //*+File 905: Common Storage info about selected PARMLIB members * DOC FILE //*+File 906: STLSPACE (nice LSPACE command) from Steve McColley * DOC FILE //*+File 907: XiFrame XMI Explorer for the PC, from Nick Barnes * DOC FILE //*+File 908: ISPF Client Server Local Dialogs and Facilities * DOC FILE //*+File 909: GSMAIL - package to email CA-Dispatch reports * DOC FILE //*+File 910: NoSQLz DBMS from Thierry Falissard * DOC FILE //*+File 911: Problems from "The REXX Language on TSO" - Gargiulo * DOC FILE //*+File 912: Don Higgins macro collections and programs * DOC FILE //*+File 913: Send z/OS SMS free space data to an iPhone * DOC FILE //*+File 914: Shared Spool Mods (Mellon Mods) for z/OS 2.1 * DOC FILE //*+File 915: Generic Tracker Facility - ISPF dialog, EAV planning * DOC FILE //*+File 916: Xmit Manager - installable on Win-64-bit - RAR format* DOC FILE //*+File 917: SELECTIT - Extremely powerful file manipulaton & copy* DOC FILE //*+File 918: Port of BASH 4.2 to z/OS - executables only * DOC FILE //*+File 919: Port of BASH 4.2 to z/OS - with source & executables * DOC FILE //*+File 920: Generate DEFINE statements from existing VSAM file * DOC FILE //*+File 921: ISPFDSN utility. Allocate ISPF datasets in native TSO* DOC FILE //*+File 922: DSPACE TSO command tailored for EAV volumes * DOC FILE //*+File 923: SQLITE 3.8.7 for z/OS, ported by John McKown * DOC FILE //*+File 924: LDSI list information about datasets (from ISPF 3.4) * DOC FILE //*+File 925: ENL - enlarge non-VSAM and VSAM datasets * DOC FILE //*+File 926: AMORT - payment schedule pgm from Phil Polchinski * DOC FILE //*+File 927: PRMEVSAM program from Steve Wentworth * DOC FILE //*+File 928: Adaptation of regex.h header file to COBOL copybooks * DOC FILE //*+File 929: REALNAME REXX function for GDG's etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 930: Support material for Phil Polchinski Calendar File * DOC FILE //*+File 931: Code from "TSO CLIST to TSO REXX Conversion Handbook"* DOC FILE //*+File 932: Calendar File (EBCDIC) - LRECL=35 * DOC FILE //*+File 933: Calendar File (ASCII text with Doc - zipped) * DOC FILE //*+File 934: DFSORT job to produce maximum Calendar File * DOC FILE //*+File 935: SQLITE 3.8.11 for z/OS, ported by John McKown * DOC FILE //*+File 936: Port of NAWK (New AWK) to z/OS from John McKown * DOC FILE //*+File 937: EMPTY * DOC FILE //*+File 938: SSINFO program * DOC FILE //*+File 939: PCRE2-Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions 10.44 z/OS * DOC FILE //*+File 940: Program to list libraries controlled by LLA * DOC FILE //*+File 941: G. Bliznets utilities - AMBLIST, DDL, ISP<->CSV * DOC FILE //*+File 942: Display VSAM info from ISPF 3.4. Create DEFINE's * DOC FILE //*+File 943: Xephon CICS Update articles - Sep 87 thru Jan 93 * DOC FILE //*+File 944: Xephon SNA Update articles - Mar 91 thru Dec 92 * DOC FILE //*+File 945: Xephon VSAM Update articles - Apr 91 thru Jan 93 * DOC FILE //*+File 946: Xephon VM Update articles - Sep 87 thru Jan 93 (SDS) * DOC FILE //*+File 947: Xephon VSE Update articles - Mar 91 thru Dec 92 (SDS)* DOC FILE //*+File 948: CICS and DB2 SMF execs - PDS2SEQ * DOC FILE //*+File 949: PDSUR - IEHMOVE substitute - easier to use * DOC FILE //*+File 950: Norbert Haas REXX Utilities - AUTOMAT etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 951: GDGP Utility for GDG's from Nick Light * DOC FILE //*+File 952: Valuable OS/360 Documents in PDF format * DOC FILE //*+File 953: John Gateley macro library and utilities * DOC FILE //*+File 954: Make addrspce CANCELABLE, FORCIBLE, NON-*** and more * DOC FILE //*+File 955: z/OS Remote Syslog Facility - John C. Miller * DOC FILE //*+File 956: Steve Myers programs: DSREF, ICOPY, DASDSUM, etc. * DOC FILE //*+File 957: IEBUPDTX program, macros, etc. from Seymour Metz * DOC FILE //*+File 958: Manipulate and Display the TSO Relogon Buffer * DOC FILE //*+File 959: Release unused DASD space without opening datasets * DOC FILE //*+File 960: REXX execs to use & demonstrate many useful z/OS APIs* DOC FILE //*+File 961: Additional ISPF Edit and View commands, Yves Colliard* DOC FILE //*+File 962: ISPF Interface for Mounting and Unmounting UNIX files* DOC FILE //*+File 963: Dynamic ISPF file allocation pkg from Al Ferguson * DOC FILE //*+File 964: Display VSAM dataset details ISPF 3.4 or PDS LISTC/F * DOC FILE //*+File 965: SQLITE 3.21.0 for z/OS, ported by John McKown * DOC FILE //*+File 966: HLASM - TSO prompter to run High-Level Assembler * DOC FILE //*+File 967: CBT Usermods Collection for ISPF (CUCI) *# DOC FILE //*+File 968: Show PARMLIB concatenation in ISRDDN format * DOC FILE //*+File 969: PDSEGEN multi-utility for PDSE v2 member generations *# DOC FILE //*+File 970: Ken Tomiak's version of RCNVTCAT (batch job) * DOC FILE //*+File 971: Program EMPTYTST: is a dataset or pds member empty? * DOC FILE //*+File 972: GENIE edit macro - like IBM's MODEL but extensible * DOC FILE //*+File 973: WATFIV (Fortran) compiler and library * DOC FILE //*+File 974: Rewrite of TSSO/AOF using enhanced console support * DOC FILE //*+File 975: Count & Statistics of Reserved Words in a COBOL pgm * DOC FILE //*+File 976: USYNC command: ADD/DEL userid entry in Broadcast DS * DOC FILE //*+File 977: URL Table for MOSHIX YouTube Mainframe Videos * DOC FILE //*+File 978: Beta version of GENIE edit macro - from K. Tomiak * DOC FILE //*+File 979: ZZSA Tutorial Package - complete setup to learn ZZSA * DOC FILE //*+File 980: ZAP for TASID 5.21 to fix Initiator Display (4) * DOC FILE //*+File 981: REXX Utilities from Larry Zuckett * DOC FILE //*+File 982: JOL from Clement Clarke * DOC FILE //*+File 983: Mainframe Software Installation Customizer (MSIC) * DOC FILE //*+File 984: Ken Tomiak REXX execs * DOC FILE //*+File 985: REXX execs from Marius Lewin * DOC FILE //*+File 986: A TSO PUTLINE programming interface - W. Jensen * DOC FILE //*+File 987: Programs from NaSPA VIP tape, fixed to run on z/OS * DOC FILE //*+File 988: OS/360 Storage Zap - original program from S. Metz * DOC FILE //*+File 989: FINDMEM package. Give member name, find the datasets *# DOC FILE //*+File 990: ISPF Developer Tips and Tricks - doc and code - V1.10* DOC FILE //*+File 991: From John Hamlet - SVCUPDTE * DOC FILE //*+File 992: Example code to put "security" in TSO commands * DOC FILE //*+File 993: COBOL program to read many types of SMF records * DOC FILE //*+File 994: TSO commands - Display entire load modules in hex * DOC FILE //*+File 995: WYLBUR and accessory tools for MVS 3.8 and MVS/SP * DOC FILE //*+File 996: Slaten pkgs-Loadlib Scanner, Rexx Toolkit, String pkg* DOC FILE //*+File 997: ISPF Git Interface - ZIGI *# DOC FILE //*+File 998: RACFROD reporting system for RACF * DOC FILE //*+File 999: CICSPlex aware batch facility-manage CICS resources * DOC FILE //*+File1000: Dan Dirkse Edit Macro Mass Change Facility * DOC FILE //*+File1001: REXX Execs from Peter Vels * DOC FILE //*+File1002: SMP/E Tutorial SHARE Presentations - in PDF format * DOC FILE //*+File1003: Programs from Peter Sylvester * DOC FILE //*+File1004: PRECIS Tape Mapping Program from UNC - improved * DOC FILE //*+File1005: Assembler Structured Programming Tool Set-Sylvester * DOC FILE //*+FILE1006: Load Module compare program from Reed Starnes * DOC FILE //*+FILE1007: DATOC - VTOC zapping tool in Batch from UNC * DOC FILE //*+FILE1008: ISPPREP modification from Kevin Ferguson * DOC FILE //*+FILE1009: DB2 User Defined Functions from Salvador Carrasco * DOC FILE //*+FILE1010: Some structured macros from Dan Snyder * DOC FILE //*+FILE1011: SDSF Exit so DA command does not call RMF * DOC FILE //*+FILE1012: Thoughts for Beginning Systems Programmers * DOC FILE //*+FILE1013: System Programmer Thoughts from David Spiegel * DOC FILE //*+FILE1014: REXX code to show the codes from a Jobstraam or TSU * DOC FILE //*+FILE1015: DB2 Multi-Utility - U. Braeuer - second edition * DOC FILE //*+FILE1016: TSO commands from Steve Myers * DOC FILE //*+FILE1017: Load Module Contents Analyzer - Batch - Steve Myers * DOC FILE //*+FILE1018: A "super duper" IEFACTRT exit * DOC FILE //*+FILE1019: Steve Myers' SMF-related programs * DOC FILE //*+FILE1020: Steve Myers' XREFASM package for modern Assemblers * DOC FILE //*+FILE1021: Steve Myers' improved program to make block letters * DOC FILE //*+FILE1022: Glenn Siegel automation process for IBM SCRT report * DOC FILE //*+FILE1023: REXX Xreference Utility from Richard Humphris * DOC FILE //*+FILE1024: Utilities from Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw * DOC FILE //*+FILE1025: Batch DSLIST program from Steve Myers * DOC FILE //*+FILE1026: Jay Moseley documentation for his favorite utilities * DOC FILE //*+FILE1027: Convert JES2 output to email - P.Lemons * DOC FILE //*+FILE1028: SUPERXMT program implemented by Kevin Ferguson * DOC FILE //*+FILE1029: RXP (EXECIO-like) function package from Daniel Gaeta * DOC FILE //*+FILE1030: RXSQLITE from D.Gaeta-Alternative to SQLITE in REXX * DOC FILE //*+FILE1031: Find and Fix some irregular ISPF stats * DOC FILE //*+FILE1032: ZXPC 1.1.0 General "Service Provider" from Ben Marino* DOC FILE //*+FILE1033: REXX routine to calculate dates * DOC FILE //*+FILE1034: Easily copy a dataset under ISPF - DSU program * DOC FILE //*+FILE1035: zPipe - Free Pipes-like package written in REXX * DOC FILE //*+FILE1036: OS/360 Sort/Merge fixed by Tom Armstrong w/doc * DOC FILE //*+FILE1037: Disassembler from Gerhard Postpischil and T.Armstrong* DOC FILE //*+FILE1038: System Rexx to Modify the Linklist dynamically * DOC FILE //*+FILE1039: Version of the LOOK storage browser for MVS 3.8 * DOC FILE //*+FILE1040: Frank Clarke execs-enhance PL/I listings and source *# DOC FILE //*+FILE1041: B2H - Convert Book Manager and other inputs to HTML * DOC FILE //*+FILE1042: DEIMBED REXX to allocate temporary ISPF resources *# DOC FILE //*+FILE1043: A REXX Preprocessor from Edgar Hofmann * DOC FILE //*+FILE1044: CBTXREF. Given a member name, get the CBT Tape file *# DOC FILE //*+FILE1045: DATECONV Assembler macro from Sergey Kenunen * DOC FILE //*+FILE1046: Tool to convert ISPF panels into prepped form * DOC FILE //*+FILE1047: FINDLIBS and SHOWLIBS execs from Frank Clarke *# DOC FILE //*+FILE1048: Ancient "Monsanto Mods" from Monsanto Belgium 1970's * DOC FILE //*+FILE1049: Table of URL's of "I am a Mainframer" podcasts *# DOC FILE //*+FILE1050: Waterloo Assembler G - Jay Moseley and Dan Skomsky * DOC FILE //*+FILE1051: ZEMF Dynamic SMF Exits Alteration Facility - B.Marino* DOC FILE //*+FILE1052: TSO cmds to Display/Change attributes of DASD volumes* DOC FILE //*+FILE1053: MEMZAP and KDSLIST programs from Alain Barthelemy * DOC FILE //*+FILE1054: Tool to tell which TSO users are using pass phrases * DOC FILE //*+FILE1055: ESTAEX program to discover the REAL cause of an ABEND* DOC FILE //*+FILE1056: RUNDATA exec. Externalize customization of REXX execs*# DOC FILE //*+FILE1057: SHOWMEM suite of REXX execs from Frank Clarke *# DOC FILE //*+FILE1058: PLI-F Execution Library - needed for other files *# DOC FILE //*+FILE1059: EMPTY * DOC FILE //*+FILE1060: EMPTY * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //*** WHAT TO DO WITH THIS TAPE FIRST SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* W H A T T O D O W I T H T H I S T A P E F I R S T * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A NEW SECTION: THIS TAPE IS LARGE -- VAST IS A BETTER * DOC FILE //* WORD. PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW WHAT TO INSTALL FIRST. AT * DOC FILE //* THE RISK OF OFFENDING THE "OWNERS" OF SOME OF THE FILES, * DOC FILE //* I'D VENTURE TO RECOMMEND SOME FILES TO LOOK AT FIRST. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* One thing I can recommend to get started. Look at File * DOC FILE //* 874 which is a partial list of HELP members for tools on * DOC FILE //* the CBT Tape. Looking at these help members, and seeing * DOC FILE //* what the programs do, might help you decide which * DOC FILE //* programs to install first. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please note that at the www.cbttape.org web site, there * DOC FILE //* is a button to click concerning the "top 10 most popular * DOC FILE //* files" that have been downloaded. This is an indication * DOC FILE //* of popularity, but you, yourself should search through * DOC FILE //* File 001 to try and determine what materials will help * DOC FILE //* you. However, I have included a few suggestions below. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The "top-ten" list has not been updated recently. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ANY COMMENTS ON THIS SUBJECT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO * DOC FILE //* ME (SAM GOLOB). WRITE ME, AT * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* -- email: sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* To see a TAPEMAP (CBT File 299) of a current version of * DOC FILE //* this tape, go to: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* http://www.cbttape.org/ftp/cbt/CBTMAP.txt * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Piece of advice - still relevant: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* MAP THIS TAPE WITH THE NEWEST "TAPEMAP" FROM FILE * DOC FILE //* 299. THIS "TAPEMAP" PROGRAM HAS TWO REPORT OUTPUTS. * DOC FILE //* REPORT #2 SHOWS ALL MEMBERS OF LIBRARIES AND ALL * DOC FILE //* MACRO NAMES THAT ARE IEBUPDTE-IMBEDDED WITHIN * DOC FILE //* SINGLE MEMBERS OF A FILE. YOU CAN SCAN THIS * DOC FILE //* REPORT IF YOU KEEP IT MACHINE-READABLE. IT WILL * DOC FILE //* HELP YOU FIND INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM NAMES OR MACROS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* YOU MAY TRY TO LOOK AT: (MY PERSONAL OPINIONS ONLY ... ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Check the "Top Ten" downloads at www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* (out of date, but still interesting) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILES 300 AND 316 FROM JIM MARSHALL. * DOC FILE //* FILE 300 CONTAINS A LARGE COLLECTION OF USEFUL TSO * DOC FILE //* COMMANDS TO EXPLORE. FILE 316 CONTAINS A LARGE COLLEC- * DOC FILE //* TION OF BATCH PROGRAMS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SEE THE LOAD MODULE LIBRARIES ON FILES 035 AND 135 FOR * DOC FILE //* QUICK-TO-PUT-IN AND AWESOMELY USEFUL UTILITIES. SOURCE * DOC FILE //* FOR ALMOST ALL OF THEM IS ON THE TAPE. SEE THE DES- * DOC FILE //* CRIPTIONS FOR FILES 035 AND 134 IN THE "DOCUMENTATION * DOC FILE //* SECTION" BELOW. THESE TWO LIBRARIES COMBINED WILL HELP * DOC FILE //* YOU TO QUICKLY SET UP SOME TOOLS. SOURCE FOR MODULES * DOC FILE //* IN FILE 035 CAN BE FOUND BY LOOKING BELOW IN THIS DOC * DOC FILE //* UNDER THE DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTENTS OF FILE 035. * DOC FILE //* MOST OF THE SOURCE FOR MODULES IN FILE 135 CAN BE FOUND * DOC FILE //* IN FILE 134. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THE PDS 8.6 PRODUCT ON FILE 182 (MORE UTILITIES ON FILES * DOC FILE //* 296, 112, AND 134) IS INDISPENSABLE. "PDS 8.6" * DOC FILE //* DOES OVER 1000 SEPARATE UTILITY FUNCTIONS. THE "PDS" * DOC FILE //* PRODUCT WILL SAVE YOUR SHOP MUCH TIME AND MONEY. * DOC FILE //* IT PAYS TO MAKE THE INVESTMENT TO INSTALL PDS 8.6. * DOC FILE //* THIS WILL BE REPAID MANYFOLD, OVER YEARS OF TIME. * DOC FILE //* PDS 8.6 NOW HAS A QUICK INSTALL PROCEDURE AS WELL. * DOC FILE //* THE SUPPLEMENTAL UTILITIES HAVE BEEN COLLECTED IN XMIT * DOC FILE //* FORMAT (ON FILE 182) IN A MEMBER CALLED UTILXMIT. AND * DOC FILE //* THE MAIN EXECUTABLE CODE IS IN A MEMBER CALLED Z035XMIT. * DOC FILE //* THE ONLY THING LEFT TO DO BY HAND, IS TO COPY ALL THE * DOC FILE //* PANELS AND MESSAGES, AND THERE IS AN INSTALL MEMBER FOR * DOC FILE //* THAT TOO. PDS ALSO HAS AN SMP/E INSTALL INCLUDED, * DOC FILE //* IF YOU WANT TO GO THAT ROUTE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (Note: All utilities called by File 182 (or at least most * DOC FILE //* of them) are now in load module format as member * DOC FILE //* UTILXMIT in File 182. This is for everyone's * DOC FILE //* convenience, and to make sure that you are using * DOC FILE //* the appropriate level of each utility.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 134 (SOURCE) AND/OR FILE 135 (LOAD) FROM GREG PRICE. * DOC FILE //* HIS VERSION OF THE "REVIEW" COMMAND AND FULLSCREEN ZAP * DOC FILE //* ARE SUPER POWERFUL TOOLS FOR ALL "SYSTEM DOCTORS". * DOC FILE //* THIS IS A GOOD COLLECTION, AND GREG HAS VERY INTERESTING * DOC FILE //* STUFF HERE. REVIEW NOW HAS AN "ISPF EDIT-LIKE" UPDATE * DOC FILE //* CAPABILITY THAT CAN RUN UNDER "RAW TSO" IN READY MODE, * DOC FILE //* WHICH DOES NOT NEED ISPF. A "MUST HAVE" FOR RECOVERY * DOC FILE //* SITUATIONS. SEE ALSO: RFE (Review Front End) THERE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 172 FROM DAVID CARTWRIGHT OF SHENSTONE STAFFORDSHIRE IN * DOC FILE //* ENGLAND, IS A LARGE AND VERY COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION * DOC FILE //* OF TOOLS. A SEARCH THROUGH THIS COLLECTION WILL BE * DOC FILE //* WORTHWHILE, ESPECIALLY FOR LEARNING. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 183 FROM GILBERT SAINT-FLOUR (maintained by Sam * DOC FILE //* Golob and Carlos Aguilera Sr.) * DOC FILE //* IS A NICE COLLECTION OF QUITE ORIGINAL TOOLS. * DOC FILE //* SEE ESPECIALLY THE SHOWMVS TSO/ISPF COMMAND WHICH WILL * DOC FILE //* SHOW YOU A LOT OF THINGS ABOUT YOUR SYSTEM AND YOUR * DOC FILE //* SESSION. SHOWMVS WILL KNOCK SOCKS OFF. SHOWMVS is now * DOC FILE //* on File 492, not on File 183. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 270 FROM KERMIT KISER OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN * DOC FILE //* OLYMPIA. THIS IS A GREAT COLLECTION OF MANY UTILITIES, * DOC FILE //* INCLUDING SOME WHICH GIVE DEEP INSIGHT INTO ISPF. A * DOC FILE //* "MUST LOOK" FILE. (But it is getting old. Still OK.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 409 and 410 MXI is a multi-function MVS auditor's * DOC FILE //* tool from Rob Scott. Use it to poke around the system * DOC FILE //* while under ISPF. Try it. You'll love it! * DOC FILE //* (Rob now works for Rocket Software, which markets a * DOC FILE //* commercial version of MXI, but this one is still pretty * DOC FILE //* good, even on many z/OS 2.5 and 3.1 systems.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 415, which is RPF from Rob Prins. This is a multi- * DOC FILE //* utility and file editor, that runs in READY mode on * DOC FILE //* TSO. Rob has upgraded RPF more than 30 times, during * DOC FILE //* the past six years (as of 12/24), and it is very useful * DOC FILE //* for many purposes. Try it...!! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (Note. I don't have a current version of QUEUE. If some * DOC FILE //* good sweet JES2 expert wants to adapt it for z/OS, it * DOC FILE //* would be much appreciated by many. QUEUE is a standard * DOC FILE //* spool browser on the MVS 3.8 Turnkey (TK4- TK5) system.) * DOC FILE //* Nowadays, SDSF is much improved under the direction of * DOC FILE //* Rob Scott and Rocket Software. So you probably won't * DOC FILE //* miss having QUEUE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The following paragraph is largely irrelevant nowadays. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* IF YOUR SHOP DOESN'T HAVE A JES2 "SPOOL BROWSER" TO LOOK * DOC FILE //* AT JOBS OR PRINTOUT, CONSIDER INSTALLING A VERSION OF * DOC FILE //* "QUEUE" (WHICHEVER IS APPROPRIATE FOR YOUR LEVEL OF * DOC FILE //* JES2) THAT CAN BE FOUND ON FILES 391 TO 398. FOR A * DOC FILE //* HIGH-QUALITY JES3 SPOOL BROWSER I HAVE TO POINT YOU * DOC FILE //* TO THE JES3 SHARE TAPE REFERRED TO BELOW. THERE IS A * DOC FILE //* JES2 SHARE TAPE THAT MAY HAVE SOME OTHER VERSIONS OF * DOC FILE //* QUEUE (SEE ALSO BELOW). FILE 392 NOW HAS LEONARD * DOC FILE //* WOREN'S VERSION OF QUEUE, WHICH HAS CONDITIONAL ASSEMBLY * DOC FILE //* OPTIONS TO WORK ON MANY VERSIONS OF JES2, INCLUDING * DOC FILE //* MVS/ESA JES2 VERSION 4.2. FILE 391 HAS A "STANDARD" * DOC FILE //* QUEUE FOR JES2 VERSION 4.2. THIS VERSION OF QUEUE NOW * DOC FILE //* HAS UPDATES IN A MEMBER, SO THAT YOU CAN ASSEMBLE IT * DOC FILE //* ON JES2 VERSION 4.3. I HAVEN'T LOOKED AT THE FILE 392 * DOC FILE //* VERSION OF QUEUE TO SEE IF IT WORKS FOR 4.3 WHEN * DOC FILE //* ASSEMBLED AT THE 4.2 LEVEL AGAINST 4.3 MACROS. PLEASE * DOC FILE //* REPORT ANY RESULTS AND REPORT ANY PROBLEMS TO SAM GOLOB * DOC FILE //* OR JACK SCHUDEL. (BOTH OUR ADDRESSES ARE IN THIS * DOC FILE //* DOCUMENT, JUST BELOW.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* CONSIDER A TSO "CONSOLE SIMULATOR" FROM FILE 025, IF THESE * DOC FILE //* VERSIONS WORK PROPERLY AT YOUR SHOP. THERE ARE A * DOC FILE //* NUMBER OF DIFFERENT "SPY" PROGRAMS OR "CONSOLE DISPLAY * DOC FILE //* FACILITIES" OR "DIDOCS" PROGRAMS FOR TSO THAT ARE FOUND * DOC FILE //* ON THIS TAPE. YOU WON'T HAVE TO GO TO A SYSTEM CONSOLE * DOC FILE //* MOST OF THE TIME. SOME ARE MORE CONVENIENT THAN SDSF * DOC FILE //* IN THEIR CONSOLE FUNCTIONS. (SDSF IS A GREAT SPOOL * DOC FILE //* BROWSER--I'M NOT KNOCKING IT FOR THAT.) ALSO, WE'RE * DOC FILE //* TALKING "FREE" HERE. EVEN WITHOUT MVS/ESA V4, YOU CAN * DOC FILE //* HAVE YOUR OWN TSO CONSOLE WITH THESE PROGRAMS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (I use SPY from File 566. Works on z/OS thru 3.1.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* For console support you can also use the SDSF LOG option, * DOC FILE //* which comes with IBM's current z/OS systems. Or IM * DOC FILE //* (CBT Tape File 010, option O). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* GUY ALBERTELLI'S "LOOK" PROGRAM ON FILE 264 LETS YOU PEEK * DOC FILE //* AROUND STORAGE, IN ANY ADDRESS SPACE, FOLLOWING CONTROL * DOC FILE //* BLOCKS BETTER THAN YOU IMAGINED. CONTROL BLOCK * DOC FILE //* MAPPINGS MAY BE EASILY ADDED TO ENHANCE THE POWER OF * DOC FILE //* "LOOK", AND MANY OF THESE MAPPINGS HAVE ALREADY BEEN * DOC FILE //* SUPPLIED. VARIOUS KINDS OF INDIRECT ADDRESSING ARE * DOC FILE //* SUPPORTED. A LOAD MODULE FOR "LOOK" IS NOW ON FILE * DOC FILE //* 035. (INSTANT INSTALL.) (Improved by Joe Reichman to * DOC FILE //* eliminate S0C4 abends, and it now has 64-bit addressing * DOC FILE //* support.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Note: Current application of CMD1 is on MVS 3.8 under * DOC FILE //* Hercules, in the Turnkey system (TK5). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* GUY'S UPDATE OF THE CMD1 MONITOR AND UTILITY SUBSYSTEM * DOC FILE //* (FILE 261) PROVIDES MANY SERVICES FREE, THAT MIGHT * DOC FILE //* OTHERWISE BE EXPENSIVELY PURCHASED IN A SYSTEM PROGRAMMER * DOC FILE //* "MAGIC BOX" TYPE TOOL. CMD1 HAS A FEW BUGS IN A FEW * DOC FILE //* FUNCTIONS (NONE SERIOUS TO MY KNOWLEDGE), BUT WHAT WORKS * DOC FILE //* --AND A LOT WORKS--IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. * DOC FILE //* CMD1 HAS NOW BEEN UPDATED TO WORK ON MVS/ESA V4.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THE VERSION OF TSSO (VERSION 4.3) ON FILE 404 MAKES POSSIBLE * DOC FILE //* GREAT STRIDES IN AUTOMATED OPERATIONS FOR NO COST AT * DOC FILE //* ALL. TSSO DOES SEVERAL THINGS. IT HAS A TSO "LINE MODE" * DOC FILE //* ENVIRONMENT FROM THE OPERATOR'S CONSOLE. TSSO ALSO DOES * DOC FILE //* AUTOMATIC MESSAGE HANDLING, OPERATOR REPLIES, AND IT * DOC FILE //* TRIGGERS MANY POSSIBLE KINDS OF ACTIONS AS THE RESULT * DOC FILE //* OF CONSOLE MESSAGES. TSSO ALLOWS EXECUTION OF TSO COM- * DOC FILE //* MANDS FROM A CONSOLE. SINCE ITS ENVIRONMENT IS TSO-LIKE, * DOC FILE //* ITS AUTOMATION ACTIONS CAN BE DONE UNDER CLIST CONTROL. * DOC FILE //* IF YOU ARE RUNNING TSSO UNDER JES, YOU CAN SUBMIT JOBS * DOC FILE //* FROM THE OPERATOR CONSOLE (WITH THE TSO SUBMIT COMMAND), * DOC FILE //* ETC. ETC. (THIS IS LIMITED ONLY BY YOUR IMAGINATION.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (The AOF part of TSSO was rewritten by Jamie Gibson as * DOC FILE //* a separate package called AOF. See File 974) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* TSSO HAS THE ENORMOUS ADVANTAGE OF BEING A SUBSYSTEM. * DOC FILE //* TSSO V-4.3 ALSO CAN RUN "SUB=MSTR" WITHOUT JES. THAT * DOC FILE //* QUALITY MAKES IT A POWERFUL RECOVERY TOOL, ESPECIALLY IF * DOC FILE //* YOU RUN THE PDS 8.6 PRODUCT UNDER TSSO. PDS 8.6 "COPY" * DOC FILE //* FUNCTION (TO INVOKE IEBCOPY) SHOULD WORK W/O JES. PDS 8.6 * DOC FILE //* "FIXPDS EXPANDDIR" TO EXPAND A PDS DIRECTORY ON THE FLY, * DOC FILE //* SHOULD ALSO WORK. PDS 8.6 "FIND" AND "REPLACE" STRINGS * DOC FILE //* IN PLACE, DEFINITELY WORKS (FOR LOAD MODULES AS WELL AS * DOC FILE //* FOR SOURCE-TYPE DATA). THESE THINGS CAN SAVE YOUR * DOC FILE //* TAILS, FOLKS. TSSO VERSION 4.3 IS A GREAT RECOVERY * DOC FILE //* TOOL. WE RUN IT ON Z/OS 3.1. * DOC FILE //* (FILE 404 IS UPDATED AND RUNS ON Z/OS 3.1.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SEE FILE 071 FOR THE CONTENTS OF OTHER PUBLIC DOMAIN TAPES. * DOC FILE //* MAYBE WHAT YOU NEED IS NOT ON THIS TAPE. THIS WILL TELL * DOC FILE //* YOU WHICH OTHER TAPE YOU MIGHT LIKE TO ORDER. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (The world has changed a lot since I wrote this. * DOC FILE //* Nevertheless you can probably benefit by having a look * DOC FILE //* at File 071.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I TAKE ALL THE BLAME (OR PRAISE) FOR THIS SECTION. PLEASE * DOC FILE //* CALL OR WRITE ME FOR IMPROVEMENTS (SAM GOLOB). THANKS * DOC FILE //* (OR ABUSE) ARE ALSO WELCOME. TRY TO MAKE THE ABUSE * DOC FILE //* POLITE IF THAT IS POSSIBLE. ANYWAY, GOOD STUFF ALWAYS * DOC FILE //* COMES OUT OF THIS KIND OF FEEDBACK. THANKS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THE TAPEMAP PROGRAM IN FILE 299 HAS BEEN FIXED SO THAT IT * DOC FILE //* NO LONGER LOOPS ON CERTAIN VARIABLE BLOCKED FILES. PLEASE * DOC FILE //* TAKE A BIT OF TIME TO REASSEMBLE AND LINK TAPEMAP FROM THE * DOC FILE //* NEWEST VERSION. (SEE ALSO THE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF * DOC FILE //* THE TAPEMAP PROGRAM UNDER "FILE 299" LISTED BELOW.) * DOC FILE //* ALSO, THERE IS A LOAD MODULE FOR TAPEMAP ON FILE 035. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* TOP TEN - Statistics from the www.cbttape.org web site * DOC FILE //* as to which files were the most popular downloads. * DOC FILE //* (outdated but useful to look at) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* CBT Tape Home Page * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* For the last few years, I have only updated the main version * DOC FILE //* of the CBT Tape around twice a year. Much new stuff comes * DOC FILE //* in, in-between these updates, and that can be found on the * DOC FILE //* CBT "Updates" page. Therefore, when going to the CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* site, www.cbttape.org, PLEASE LOOK AT THE UPDATES PAGE * DOC FILE //* FIRST. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This is changed from when Arnie distributed the collection, * DOC FILE //* purely on tapes, and therefore, he made around 15 updates * DOC FILE //* per year (not TWO, the way I do). Therefore, the current * DOC FILE //* tape version, in Arnie's time (before 1991), was CURRENT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* -------- I M P O R T A N T -------- * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* BUT NOW, THE "CURRENT VERSION" IS NOT NECESSARILY CURRENT. * DOC FILE //* -- --- ----------- ------- * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SO PLEASE LOOK AT THE UPDATES SECTION OF www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* FIRST......!!!!!! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* -------- I M P O R T A N T -------- * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Where do I start? What are the most popular tools? Here * DOC FILE //* is a short list in order of what others are downloading * DOC FILE //* most often. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The most popular download is CBT File * DOC FILE //* #1 the directory of the tape. Still * DOC FILE //* (#1) tops the download charts--after all, * DOC FILE //* "you can't tell the players without a * DOC FILE //* program". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* File 1 on both the CBT and Overflow (COV) is a complete * DOC FILE //* index and guide to what is on the tape so if you do not * DOC FILE //* already have file 1 for the current version of the tape * DOC FILE //* you will probably want to download it first. It is * DOC FILE //* available below in several formats so you can use the one * DOC FILE //* that is most convenient. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* File001 - DIRECTORY Download EBCDIC compressed .ZIP * DOC FILE //* format for use on MVS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* File001 - DIRECTORY Download ASCII compressed .ZIP * DOC FILE //* format for use on PC * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* View File 1 here as ASCII text. This is uncompressed * DOC FILE //* .TXT which is very large so use one of the .ZIP versions * DOC FILE //* if you can. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (#2) File # 183 Gilbert Saint-flour's collection - * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS etc (SHOWzOS is now on File 492) * DOC FILE //* (#3) File # 182 PDS Command Package - Version 8.6 * DOC FILE //* (#4) File # 020 A collection of System type REXX execs (4/8) * DOC FILE //* (#5) File # 120 Sam Golob's "MVS Tools & Tricks" * DOC FILE //* articles (5/9) * DOC FILE //* (#6) File # 172 David Cartwright's collection of * DOC FILE //* Utilities (6/4) * DOC FILE //* (#7) File # 134 Greg Price Utility collection - * DOC FILE //* REVIEW, etc. (7/5) (Load modules on File 135) * DOC FILE //* (#8) File # 171 DITTO, TAPEMAP, SMFUTIL, TPX, FX, * DOC FILE //* SUTL (no BLP req) (8/6) * DOC FILE //* (#9) File # 312 FTPBATCH, XMITIP - others from Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck (9/7) * DOC FILE //* (#10)File # 071 Documentation for the contents of * DOC FILE //* other free tapes * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The most "popular" files were determined by using the * DOC FILE //* freeware Analog Web analyzer to review web server logs * DOC FILE //* from Thu-01-Jul-1999 05:13 to Wed-30-Aug-2000 21:28 * DOC FILE //* (426.68 days). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***USING THIS TAPE SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* U S I N G T H I S T A P E S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THIS TAPE IS NON-LABELED AND CONTAINS 1060 FILES. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THE FIRST FIVE FILES ON THIS TAPE ARE SEQUENTIAL FILES, * DOC FILE //* RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=32720. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 001 CONTAINS THIS INFORMATION (YOU ARE READING IT). * DOC FILE //* IT IS A CATALOG OF WHAT'S ON THIS TAPE, AND IT HAS A LOT OF * DOC FILE //* OTHER INFORMATION. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 002 CONTAINS ASSEMBLER SOURCE FOR THE PROGRAM WHICH * DOC FILE //* DECOMPRESSES MANY OF THE OTHER FILES ON THIS TAPE. THAT * DOC FILE //* PROGRAM IS CALLED CBT973. I'D ADVISE ASSEMBLING AND * DOC FILE //* LINKEDITING THE CBT973 PROGRAM, AND CUSTOMIZING THE JCL * DOC FILE //* OF FILE 003 TO USE THE LINKEDITED PROGRAM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 003 CONTAINS JCL TO LOAD THE OTHER (NONTRIVIAL) FILES * DOC FILE //* ON THE TAPE TO DISK. FILE 003 MAY BE CUSTOMIZED TO LOAD * DOC FILE //* JUST A FEW OF THE FILES AT A TIME. BECAUSE OF THE LARGE * DOC FILE //* NUMBER OF EXEC CARDS NECESSARY TO LOAD ALL NONEMPTY FILES * DOC FILE //* IN ONE SHOT, FILE 003 IS BROKEN INTO AT LEAST 9 SEPARATE JOBS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If you download files from a real (or AWS-format) TAPE, you * DOC FILE //* will need to have an expansion of File 007 into a pds. This * DOC FILE //* is the //SYSUPLOG file that is necessary to have data * DOC FILE //* integrity when downloading from a tape. See the SYSUPLOG * DOC FILE //* section below. This file is to make sure that no data * DOC FILE //* strings "><" in column 1 of a file, are inadvertently changed * DOC FILE //* into the string "./", if for example, they occur in a zipped * DOC FILE //* file and they are supposed to be there as "><". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A "helpful" file (pun intended) is File 874, which contains * DOC FILE //* HELP members for programs in this collection. It is not * DOC FILE //* inclusive, BUT IF YOU LOOK THROUGH THE MEMBERS, you may have * DOC FILE //* some assistance in deciding which tools to install for * DOC FILE //* yourself. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please look at File 008 nowadays (12/24), and use the jobs * DOC FILE //* V508Jnn (different if the current tape is not V508), to load * DOC FILE //* indiviual files down to disk, from a "tape". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* MY OWN PRACTICE IS TO CREATE A PDS THAT CONTAINS THE CONTENTS * DOC FILE //* OF FILES 001 AND 003. THEN I WORK FROM THAT PDS TO CUSTOMIZE * DOC FILE //* THE JCL ON FILE 003. SOME PEOPLE LOAD MATERIALS FROM THIS * DOC FILE //* TAPE INTO AN INFO/MVS DATABASE. SEE FILES 042 AND 043 FOR * DOC FILE //* THAT. THERE ARE ALL KINDS OF VARIATIONS AMONG PEOPLE ON HOW * DOC FILE //* THEY HANDLE A CBT TAPE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* On the www.cbttape.org web site, you can get a Tersed backup * DOC FILE //* of an entire 3390 disk pack, either in DFDSS or FDR format, * DOC FILE //* which contains all the files in this tape. Sometimes that * DOC FILE //* format is more convenient to have, than the tape format. * DOC FILE //* It is recommended, on recent z/OS systems, to use AMATERSE * DOC FILE //* from SYS1.MIGLIB instead of TRSMAIN. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Further observations about what you can do.... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* You can use the CBTUPD program, together with IEBUPDTE or * DOC FILE //* PDSLOAD (File 093) to create a partitioned dataset out of * DOC FILE //* this file. It may be easier for you to look at File 001 * DOC FILE //* if you have it broken into many separate members. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The CBTUPD program is on File 004 or File 006. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Load modules of these two programs are on File 035. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ONE THING FOR SURE--TRY TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THAT THIS TAPE * DOC FILE //* IS UPDATED FREQUENTLY. IT PAYS TO STAY AS CURRENT AS * DOC FILE //* POSSIBLE. Check the Updates section of www.cbttape.org , * DOC FILE //* for files that were very recently updated. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ONE FURTHER NOTE. MOST SOURCE FILES ARE NOW IN IEBUPDTE * DOC FILE //* SYSIN FORMAT SO THAT THE TAPEMAP PROGRAM CAN REPORT ON * DOC FILE //* MEMBER NAMES CONTAINED IN THESE FILES. THIS MEANS THAT * DOC FILE //* THEY ARE UNLOADED PDS'ES. PLAIN SEQUENTIAL FILES THAT WERE * DOC FILE //* ON THE TAPE BEFORE, HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO PDS'ES WITH A * DOC FILE //* SINGLE MEMBER, SO THE TAPEMAP PROGRAM CAN REPORT THE MEMBER * DOC FILE //* NAME. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* MOST NEW FILES ARE BEING STORED ON THE TAPE WITH ISPF STATS * DOC FILE //* PRESERVED. IN ORDER TO GET THE STATS, YOU HAVE TO USE THE * DOC FILE //* PDSLOAD PROGRAM TO CONSTRUCT THE PDS, INSTEAD OF USING * DOC FILE //* IEBUPDTE. THE PDSLOAD LOAD MODULE IS ON FILE 035, AND SOURCE * DOC FILE //* IS ON FILE 093 IF YOU WANT TO ASSEMBLE IT YOURSELF. SEE THE * DOC FILE //* NOTES ON PDSLOAD THAT ARE IN FILE 003 FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTION. * DOC FILE //* IN THE "FILE STATUS SECTION" BELOW IN THIS FILE, YOU CAN SEE * DOC FILE //* THOSE FILES WHICH HAVE ISPF STATS PRESERVED, BY AN "S" MARKED * DOC FILE //* AFTER THE COUNT OF THE NUMBER OF RECORDS IN THAT FILE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* REFER TO THE "WHAT TO DO WITH THIS TAPE FIRST" SECTION ABOVE. * DOC FILE //* THAT SECTION PROVIDES IDEAS ON WHAT FILES ON THIS TAPE TO * DOC FILE //* LOOK AT FIRST. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Lionel Dyck's package for downloading and viewing CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* files directly on your z/OS system, from our www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* website, CBT File 043, can be useful for shops if z/OS has * DOC FILE //* an FTP connection with our website. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Using files from this tape, downloaded from the CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* web site: www.cbttape.org : * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1- Most files on the web site are in zipped TSO XMIT format. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2- After downloading, unzip the file. You will get an * DOC FILE //* EBCDIC file in TSO-XMIT format usually. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3- Upload the file (in BINARY - NO TRANSLATION - no ASCII and * DOC FILE //* no CRLF) to an MVS machine, and under TSO, do a RECEIVE * DOC FILE //* command against the file: TSO RECEIVE INDS(file.name) * DOC FILE //* Answer the prompts appropriately, or keep pressing ENTER, * DOC FILE //* and you will get a file that is in the same format as on * DOC FILE //* my MVS machine. Usually it is a pds. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The XMIT-format file must be an EBCDIC file, LRECL=80, * DOC FILE //* RECFM=FB, in order for the RECEIVE to work. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4- If you don't have an MVS machine, and you need to look at * DOC FILE //* the materials on a pc, use the XMIT manager program that * DOC FILE //* is available at the www.cbttape.org web site. * DOC FILE //* A 64-bit version of XMIT manager may be found on CBT * DOC FILE //* File 916, and may be downloaded to the PC from there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* On the CBT website home page (www.cbttape.org) there is * DOC FILE //* a clicker on the left side called: XMIT Viewers. Go * DOC FILE //* there to see a collection of XMIT-file viewers for the * DOC FILE //* PC or for Android phones, that are available. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***REGULAR NEWS SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* R E G U L A R N E W S S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* READ THIS SECTION * DOC FILE //* BEGINNING 09/24/90. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Note - Sam Knutson, who is the webmaster of the CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* web site: www.cbttape.org , sometimes will suggest * DOC FILE //* input to this documentation. This documentation * DOC FILE //* is written by Sam Golob, with some of the older parts * DOC FILE //* written by Arnold Casinghino (the tape's former * DOC FILE //* editor.) (from SG-05/17/01) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The CBT Tape is now being edited by Sam Golob. This tape * DOC FILE //* was established and previously edited by Arnold Casinghino. * DOC FILE //* Arnie Casinghino has supported this tape for over 15 years, * DOC FILE //* from Version 1 through Version 321. Almost every MVS or z/OS * DOC FILE //* installation in the world has benefited in some way from * DOC FILE //* materials on some version of this tape. (Probably every * DOC FILE //* MVS installation has benefited, because suggestions * DOC FILE //* originating from materials on this tape have found their * DOC FILE //* way to IBM development desks through user requirements, and * DOC FILE //* have become a part of the operating system software.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Our plan is to keep the initials "CBT" even though this * DOC FILE //* tape is no longer supported at the Connecticut Bank and * DOC FILE //* Trust Company, because those initials reflect how the tape * DOC FILE //* should be properly and accurately referred to. For now, * DOC FILE //* I'm calling it the "CBT" MVS Utilities Tape without the * DOC FILE //* initials CBT meaning anything special. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (There was once a joke about calling it "Casinghino's * DOC FILE //* Big Tape", but since Arnie wasn't maintaining it any more, * DOC FILE //* that one didn't stick.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ----------- PLEASE NOTE ------------ * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ALL DISCLAIMERS IN THIS FILE NOW APPLY TO ALL PERSONS, * DOC FILE //* INSTALLATIONS, CORPORATIONS, INSTITUTIONS, ENTITIES, OR * DOC FILE //* ORGANIZAIONS EDITING, DUPLICATING, OR OTHERWISE HANDLING * DOC FILE //* THIS TAPE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* NO RESPONSIBILITIES ARE ASSUMED BY ANY OF THESE PERSONS, * DOC FILE //* INSTALLATIONS, CORPORATIONS, INSTITUTIONS, ENTITIES, OR * DOC FILE //* ORGANIZATIONS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* COPIES OF THIS TAPE MAY BE ORDERED FROM THE DISTRIBUTION * DOC FILE //* SOURCES LISTED BELOW. IN ADDITION, THIS TAPE MAY BE FREELY * DOC FILE //* COPIED BY ANYONE. IN FACT, USER GROUPS ARE TO BE ENCOURAGED * DOC FILE //* TO MAKE COPIES OF THIS TAPE FOR THE USE OF THEIR MEMBERS AND * DOC FILE //* OTHERS. THIS PRACTICE WILL HELP PEOPLE TO OBTAIN THE LATEST * DOC FILE //* VERSION OF THE CBT TAPE FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR * DOC FILE //* INSTALLATIONS MORE EASILY. IT WILL ALSO BE AN INCENTIVE FOR * DOC FILE //* PEOPLE TO ATTEND THE USER GROUP MEEETINGS. SEE THE "TAPE * DOC FILE //* DUPLICATION SECTION" AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS FILE, FOR * DOC FILE //* FURTHER COMMENTS ABOUT COPYING THIS TAPE. CONTRIBUTORS OF * DOC FILE //* UPDATES TO THIS TAPE, PLEASE SEE THE SPECIAL COMMENTS IN THE * DOC FILE //* "TAPE ORDER SECTION" BELOW. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The documentation in this file has been written by both * DOC FILE //* Arnie Casinghino and Sam Golob, the tape's current editor. * DOC FILE //* Sometimes the contributors are helpful, and compose their * DOC FILE //* own documentation for their own stuff. The editor usually * DOC FILE //* makes every effort to include this documentation in the * DOC FILE //* "Documentation Section" below, as detailed description of * DOC FILE //* the contents of the particular file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING DOCUMENTATION SHOULD BE DIRECTED * DOC FILE //* TO THE CURRENT EDITOR --- > * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob: email: sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***TAPE ORDER SECTION (WHO YOU GONNA CALL .... ) * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* T A P E O R D E R S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (WITH CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF NASPA, SHARE, OR ANY * DOC FILE //* OTHER ORGANIZATION TO OBTAIN THE CBT TAPE MATERIALS..... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* **** THEY ARE FREE TO ALL **** * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The principal way, nowadays, of getting CBT Tape information * DOC FILE //* and materials, is from the CBT Tape web site, which is run * DOC FILE //* by Sam Knutson. The address is: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Nowadays, we don't give out cd-roms on a regular basis * DOC FILE //* anymore. But you can download an AWS-tape version of the * DOC FILE //* CBT tape from www.cbttape.org, and you can also get DFDSS * DOC FILE //* or FDR backups of a 3390 format disk, from www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* as well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* See below for more details and better advice. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* All files from the CBT Tape are now obtainable online * DOC FILE //* through the Internet, at: www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This also includes the CBT Overflow tape, and CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* Version 249 from July 1985, which contains materials * DOC FILE //* that were previously deleted from the CBT Tape. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Other previous levels of the tape can be obtained, in AWS * DOC FILE //* format, from the web page: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* http://www.cbttape.org/c249down.htm * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* There is a lot of other good stuff on our web site: * DOC FILE //* www.cbttape.org including a lot of XEPHON MVS magazines * DOC FILE //* in PDF format. Xephon, Inc. is now defunct and we have * DOC FILE //* control over much of their stuff, which you can now use * DOC FILE //* in good conscience. See www.cbttape.org/xephon * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob's articles are now directly online at * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* http://www.cbttape.org/articles * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ORDER INFORMATION FOR THE CBT TAPE IS CURRENT AS OF THE * DOC FILE //* DATE OF ISSUE OF THIS TAPE. THIS TAPE'S DATE OF ISSUE IS * DOC FILE //* DISPLAYED AT THE HEAD OF THIS FILE. (FOR YOUR INFORMATION, * DOC FILE //* IF A CBT TAPE IS MAPPED BY THE LATEST VERSION OF THE TAPEMAP * DOC FILE //* PROGRAM ON FILE 299, THE DATE OF ISSUE OF THAT TAPE WILL BE * DOC FILE //* DISPLAYED IN REPORT #1 OF TAPEMAP.) COPIES OF THE CBT TAPE * DOC FILE //* MAY BE ORDERED FROM THE SOURCES LISTED BELOW. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Most people get these materials from www.cbttape.org. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Additionally, files that have been updated since the last * DOC FILE //* version cut of the CBT Tape, may be found in the Updates * DOC FILE //* section of www.cbttape.org. Since all updated files are * DOC FILE //* immediately available to everybody from the website, I only * DOC FILE //* need to make new version cuts of the tape, two or three * DOC FILE //* times per year. (SG - 11/02/2014) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* CONTRIBUTIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO THE EDITOR, AND PERSONAL * DOC FILE //* CONTACT SHOULD BE MADE WITH HIM, EITHER BY EMAIL OR BY * DOC FILE //* PHONE. (EMAIL IS BETTER, BUT EITHER WAY WILL DO.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* >> At the www.cbttape.org web site, there is a button to click * DOC FILE //* >> which tells you CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION. The information * DOC FILE //* >> there, will be current.... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Most contributions are now made via email over the * DOC FILE //* Internet. To contribute, it is preferred that you make * DOC FILE //* a pds on an MVS system, including documentation member(s), * DOC FILE //* put the pds into TSO XMIT OUTDSN format, download it in * DOC FILE //* binary to the pc (if you need to), and attach it to an * DOC FILE //* email to me at: sbgolob@cbttape.org . * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If the file is large, you can zip it on the PC, before * DOC FILE //* attaching it to the email to me. That's all there is to * DOC FILE //* it. (NOV 99) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO CONTRIBUTE AND YOU JUST SEND IT * DOC FILE //* IN, THAT WILL BE OK, BUT I'LL TRY AND CONTACT YOU BEFORE * DOC FILE //* INCLUDING IT IN THE TAPE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If you have any trouble sending anything in to me, please * DOC FILE //* contact me via email: sbgolob@cbttape.org and we can * DOC FILE //* arrange for some alternative means for sending in your * DOC FILE //* materials. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If you want to send me anything any other way, my address * DOC FILE //* is: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob, P.O. Box 702, Pomona, NY 10970 USA * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This box is still active as of 12/2020, but I would prefer * DOC FILE //* that you use other means of sending me stuff. Please email * DOC FILE //* me if you hav any questions about anything: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* PLEASE -***-DOCUMENT-***- YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS ..... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THE IDEA IS, THAT SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW YOUR STUFF, * DOC FILE //* SHOULD BE ABLE TO READ AN EXPLANATION, AND INSTALL IT * DOC FILE //* FROM YOUR EXPLANATION ALONE. YOU SHOULD INCLUDE YOUR * DOC FILE //* ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER IF THAT IS POSSIBLE. FOR THOSE * DOC FILE //* PEOPLE WHO CAN'T INCLUDE THEIR CONTACT INFORMATION, WE HAVE * DOC FILE //* MADE SOME SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS IN THE PAST, AND WE HOPE TO * DOC FILE //* ACCOMMODATE EVERYONE. THE IDEA IS TO HELP THE MAXIMUM * DOC FILE //* NUMBER OF PEOPLE--BOTH CONTRIBUTORS AND USERS--NOT TO PUT * DOC FILE //* STUMBLING BLOCKS IN PEOPLE'S WAY. THANKS IN ADVANCE, FROM * DOC FILE //* ALL THE USERS OF THIS TAPE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The idea here depends on your situation. If you don't want * DOC FILE //* the public to know who you are, you should nevertheless * DOC FILE //* give ME your contact information. I will take all support * DOC FILE //* requests, and will forward them to you. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* ORDER INFORMATION - ORDER INFORMATION - ORDER INFORMATION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF ANY ORGANIZATION * DOC FILE //* TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THIS TAPE. THIS TAPE AND ITS * DOC FILE //* MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* All materials in the collection are obtainable at * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A real tape will now be very long, and will probably * DOC FILE //* fit only on a 3590 cartridge. A better way of obtaining * DOC FILE //* all the tape materials at once, is to unload an entire * DOC FILE //* 3390 disk pack containing all the tape files. This pack * DOC FILE //* is obtainable, TERSED, in either DFDSS or FDR backup * DOC FILE //* format, at www.cbttape.org, from a "clicker" on the * DOC FILE //* site's home page. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Other alternatives are available. See www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* For example, if you really want to have an actual tape * DOC FILE //* for yourself, you can download an AWS-format tape image * DOC FILE //* from the www.cbttape.org web site, FTP it to an FB-80 * DOC FILE //* format disk file on an MVS or z/OS system, and use the * DOC FILE //* VTT2TAPE program from CBT File 533 to write the actual * DOC FILE //* tape from the AWS-format image (folded over on MVS or z/OS * DOC FILE //* to RECFM=FB,LRECL=80 format. FTP will automatically fold * DOC FILE //* the file on MVS or z/OS if the file is preallocated as * DOC FILE //* FB-80 (any BLKSIZE) and the upload is in BINARY.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* You may want to store AWS-format tape images on a cd-rom * DOC FILE //* or a DVD disk. This is a convenient way to keep multiple * DOC FILE //* tape versions from this collection. Of course, on a z/OS * DOC FILE //* system that can't read this format, you have to convert * DOC FILE //* the tape image to an actual tape, as per the previous * DOC FILE //* paragraph. AWS-format tapes are directly readable, as * DOC FILE //* "tapes", on Hercules systems, however. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION INFORMATION SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I N F O R M A T I O N S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Editor's * DOC FILE //* -- email: sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* EDITOR'S CONTACT INFORMATION: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ADDRESS: (USE THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS - active as of 12/2020) * DOC FILE //* but email is better. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob * DOC FILE //* P.O. Box 702 * DOC FILE //* Pomona, NY 10970 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* -- EMAIL: sbgolob@cbttape.org -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Arnold Casinghino's email address: arnold32x@gmail.com * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Arnold Casinghino's contact information: Arnie has not * DOC FILE //* edited this tape for a long time, but you may reach him * DOC FILE //* if you would like to say "hello" and thank him, at: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: Arnold Casinghino* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* All files from the CBT Tape are now obtainable online * DOC FILE //* through the Internet, at: www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This also includes the CBT Overflow tape, and CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* Version 249 from July 1985, which contains materials * DOC FILE //* that were previously deleted from the CBT Tape. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Other previous level tapes are obtainable as well at * DOC FILE //* www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If you obtain CBT Tape files from www.cbttape.org, the * DOC FILE //* individual files, either on the CBT directory, or the UPDATES * DOC FILE //* directory, are in zip'ed TSO XMIT format, so you unzip * DOC FILE //* them, upload them to the mainframe (binary - no translation), * DOC FILE //* and do a TSO RECEIVE INDATASET( ) on them, to re-constitute * DOC FILE //* how they originally were. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If you obtain CBT Tape files from a tape, then the tape files * DOC FILE //* (most of them--at least the FB-80 ones) have been compressed * DOC FILE //* using the CBT973 compression program. The non-FB-80 files * DOC FILE //* are almost always in IEBCOPY format, and are unloaded pds'es. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ALL COMPRESSED FILES HAVE * DOC FILE //* THE FOLLOWING DCB ATTRIBUTES: * DOC FILE //* RECFM=VB,LRECL=94,BLKSIZE=32716 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ALL 80 BYTE RECORD FILES WILL BE COMPRESSED EXCEPT * DOC FILE //* FOR THE FOLLOWING * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FILE 001 THIS FILE * DOC FILE //* FILE 002 COMPRESSION/DECOMPRESSION PROGRAM * DOC FILE //* WHICH IS CALLED "CBT973" * DOC FILE //* FILE 003 JCL TO DROP THE WHOLE TAPE DOWN * DOC FILE //* FILE 004 The source for the CBTUPD assembler * DOC FILE //* program, which breaks this file * DOC FILE //* into "bite-size pieces" that can * DOC FILE //* be loaded into a pds as members. * DOC FILE //* FILE 005 FOR VM SYSTEMS: A REXX EXEC TO MOVE * DOC FILE //* THE CONTENTS OF THIS TAPE TO A * DOC FILE //* VM SYSTEM. * DOC FILE //* (somebody should fix this) * DOC FILE //* FILE 007 The SYSUPLOG pds, sequentialized to * DOC FILE //* fit into one CBT File. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THESE 6 FILES HAVE DCB: RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=32720 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //*$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ *()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^& ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ )#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$% ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ #$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ $%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()# ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ %^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*() ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&* ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ &*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^& ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ *()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$% ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ )#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()# ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ #$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*() ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ $%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*( ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ %^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^& ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ *()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$% ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ )#$%^&*()#$%^&*()# ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ #$%^&*()#$%^&*() ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ $%^&*()#$%^&*( ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ %^&*()#$%^&* ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ^&*()#$%^& ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ &*()#$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ *()#$% ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ()#$ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ )# ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ The TAPEMAP program in File 299 of this tape has been ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ updated to look for a tape in the CBT MVS Utilities ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ tape format and produce an abundance of additional ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ information to allow the user to find his way through ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ this tape. A compiled version of that code is also in ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ File 035. You can get directly to File 035 by specify- ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ ing LABEL=(35,NL) on your IEBCOPY unload JCL for this ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ tape. All member names of most files will be displayed ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ by the Report #2 of the TAPEMAP program, which is ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ ddname SYSPRNT2. ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ Programs used to create this tape have been packaged ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ in TSO XMIT format on File 008, in member LOADLIB. ()# * DOC FILE //*$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ )# ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ *()#$% ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ &*()#$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ^&*()#$%^& ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ %^&*()#$%^&* ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ $%^&*()#$%^&*( ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ #$%^&*()#$%^&*() ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ )#$%^&*()#$%^&*()# ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ *()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$% ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ %^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^& ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ %^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&* ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ $%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*( ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ #$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*() ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ )#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()# ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$% ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ *()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ &*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^& ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&* ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ %^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*() ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ $%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()# ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ #$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ )#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$% ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ ()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^ ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^ *()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^& ()# * ==DOC FILE //*$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()#$%^&*()# * ==DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Look in this file at the section entitled "FILE STATUS * DOC FILE //* SECTION" to see exactly what files are in compressed * DOC FILE //* format and which are not in compressed format. The same * DOC FILE //* information should be reflected in the JCL from File 003. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* When additions are added to the tape, rather then putting * DOC FILE //* them at the end of the tape, we will place them in * DOC FILE //* files that were previously deleted and are now empty, * DOC FILE //* assuming that there are any. (There are still a few.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* File 3, which is the JCL to drop the whole tape down, will * DOC FILE //* be current and up-to-date to the version of the tape on * DOC FILE //* which it appears (hopefully). Otherwise look at CBT * DOC FILE //* File 008, members Vvvvjnn, where vvv is the current tape * DOC FILE //* version (example: 500) and nn goes from 01 thru 10. * DOC FILE //* These members from File 008 can be used to load individual * DOC FILE //* files from a CBT Tape, or a CBT Tape image. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THIS TAPE IS CUMULATIVE. EACH FILE ON THE TAPE IS THE * DOC FILE //* LATEST VERSION OF THAT FILE WITH ANY AND ALL MAINTENANCE * DOC FILE //* APPLIED TO IT, EXCEPT WHERE SPECIFICALLY NOTED. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The UPDATES section of www.cbttape.org contains the * DOC FILE //* absoluely latest version of each file that we have. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Sometimes we keep several versions of a program, one * DOC FILE //* which works on the latest z/OS systems, and others which * DOC FILE //* work on previous systems, but which are incompatible * DOC FILE //* with the latest systems. An example is TSSO on File 404 * DOC FILE //* (latest version) and its member $$PREZ18 which is an * DOC FILE //* IEBUPDTE-unloaded pds that contains a previous version * DOC FILE //* of TSSO. Another example is DSPACE on File 633 (non-EAV * DOC FILE //* version) and DSPACE on File 922 (EAV version). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If you have any problems processing the data on the tape * DOC FILE //* or find any errors please let me know and I will attempt * DOC FILE //* to correct them. ( Sam Golob - sbgolob@cbttape.org ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A. IF THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS UTIL- * DOC FILE //* ITIES TAPE, WE SUGGEST THAT YOU SKIP ALL THE INFORMA- * DOC FILE //* TION IN THE 'CHANGE SECTION' BELOW, THAT IS ENTITLED: * DOC FILE //* 'CHANGES FOR VERSION XXX, MONTH DAY YEAR'. GO TO THE * DOC FILE //* 'FILE STATUS SECTION' AND THE SECTION ENTITLED * DOC FILE //* 'D O C U M E N T A T I O N'. READ WHAT EACH FILE IS, * DOC FILE //* AND DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B. If you have received a previous version of this tape * DOC FILE //* you may wish to check all the changes made since that * DOC FILE //* version and decide what is applicable. Use the * DOC FILE //* CHANGE SECTION below, and the DATES in the FILE * DOC FILE //* STATUS SECTION to figure out which files have changed * DOC FILE //* since your last tape. See the FILE UPDATE section * DOC FILE //* (just above the CHANGE SECTION) for hints also. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* From the www.cbttape.org website, the CBT directory * DOC FILE //* contains all materials from the "version cut". Later, * DOC FILE //* "in-between" versions of each file, are on the UPDATES * DOC FILE //* directory of www.cbttape.org. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* C. If you ever want to know what is on the current version * DOC FILE //* of the tape go to www.cbttape.org , which has all the * DOC FILE //* information. If you need to know something specific, * DOC FILE //* which you can not easily find at the CBT Tape web * DOC FILE //* site you may email Sam Golob: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* D. I don't think it's very relevant to make microfiche * DOC FILE //* of File 001 nowadays, especially since anyone can * DOC FILE //* download the real file (in ASCII or EBCDIC) from * DOC FILE //* the web: http://www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* (ARNIE USED TO DISTRIBUTE MICROFICHE OF FILE 001 OF * DOC FILE //* THE LATEST VERSION OF THIS TAPE AT S.C.I.D.S. DURING * DOC FILE //* EACH MAJOR SHARE MEETING.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* E. There are some older versions of the CBT Tape which * DOC FILE //* are obtainable at www.cbttape.org. In particular, * DOC FILE //* CBT Tape Version 249, from July 1985, is there in its * DOC FILE //* entirety. Other tape versions are downloadable in * DOC FILE //* AWS-format. Don't forget the "CBT Overflow Tape" !!! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION PURGE AND REMOVAL SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* P U R G E S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* R E M O V A L S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I am trying to bring you as much material as possible. * DOC FILE //* I don't like to delete stuff; someone may need it badly. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* All of the tape materials are obtainable from the web site * DOC FILE //* at www.cbttape.org and most people nowadays don't get a * DOC FILE //* tape. You can split a CBT Tape into several shorter tapes * DOC FILE //* using the COPYNLNL program from CBT Files 229 or 316. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I am trying to consolidate some files, two files into one, * DOC FILE //* for example, in order to free up some file numbers. This * DOC FILE //* practice will occur, until we can break the 1000-file * DOC FILE //* barrier. (SG - 12/2020) (1000-file barrier now broken) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> I HAVE NOW ESTABLISHED A NEW "CBT <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> OVERFLOW TAPE", WHICH CONTAINS MATERIAL <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> DELETED FROM THIS TAPE, AND MUCH MORE. <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> SEE FILE 071 FOR CONTENTS OF THE <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> CBT OVERFLOW TAPE. <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> THE CBT OVERFLOW TAPE NOW CONTAINS ALL <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> THE MATERIALS FROM THE SPLA MVS TAPE <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> The CBT Overflow Tape also contains all <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> the materials from the SHARE PL/1 Tape, <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> and several G.U.I.D.E. tapes from <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> various countries. <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- >>>>>> <<<<<< -- * DOC FILE //* -- -- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION INTERNET SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* I N T E R N E T S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* In this Electronic Information Age, there is a need to look * DOC FILE //* for MVS or z/OS information on the Internet. I cannot * DOC FILE //* guarantee completeness here, because this section is new, * DOC FILE //* and I myself don't have so much surfing experience. I will * DOC FILE //* try, in this section, to supply some places on the Internet * DOC FILE //* where you can start looking for the solution to a problem. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* One recent note: Recently, when looking for information in * DOC FILE //* IBM manuals on Google, Google will give you some AI bull****, * DOC FILE //* which is not accurate. You should only get info from real * DOC FILE //* IBM manuals, online or otherwise. (SG - 12/2024) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I do think that if you start from the LINKS button at * DOC FILE //* www.cbttape.org , you probably can eventually get to almost * DOC FILE //* anywhere (unless it's really really isolated). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I am assuming that the readership of this file may be more * DOC FILE //* experienced than I am. Therefore, if you know of any place * DOC FILE //* on the Internet where you can find MVS or OS/390 or z/OS * DOC FILE //* information, please email me at: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* so I can check this out, and update this file and/or * DOC FILE //* Files 071, 050, and 051. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I have created File 050 which has URL's for free downloads * DOC FILE //* that are of interest to system programmers, and File 051 * DOC FILE //* which has URL's of selected vendors. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ----------------------- LIST OF SOURCES ----------------------- * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 000 - WWW.CBTTAPE.ORG - HAS A LINK TO AN FTP SITE WHICH * DOC FILE //* CONTAINS ALL OF THE CBT MATERIALS * DOC FILE //* IN "MAINFRAME UPLOADABLE" FORM. * DOC FILE //* There's other stuff there also, * DOC FILE //* and a LINKS button. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THIS MEANS THAT ALL FILES ARE IN * DOC FILE //* PKZIP'ED XMIT FORMAT (IN EBCDIC) * DOC FILE //* AND NEED ONLY TO BE PKUNZIP'ED, * DOC FILE //* UPLOADED TO THE MAINFRAME IN * DOC FILE //* BINARY, AND YOU HAVE TO DO A * DOC FILE //* TSO RECEIVE INDATASET( ) ON THE * DOC FILE //* FILE, TO CREATE A PDS, OR A * DOC FILE //* SEQUENTIAL DATASET IN EBCDIC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* --->>> THIS SITE IS COMPLETELY PUBLIC, * DOC FILE //* AND YOU CAN FIND MANY MATERIALS * DOC FILE //* THAT USED TO BE AT WWW.XEPHON.COM * DOC FILE //* HERE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 001 - WWW.XEPHON.COM - For more info from the old xephon * DOC FILE //* (Not supported now.) site, Google "wayback machine" * DOC FILE //* (Only on the wayback and enter: www.xephon.com * DOC FILE //* machine, at to see old versions of the site. * DOC FILE //* www.archive.org) The "wayback machine" is located * DOC FILE //* at www.archive.org. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* www.xephon.com is now some kind of Chinese website, * DOC FILE //* which is unrelated to what we are doing. To get at * DOC FILE //* it, you have to go to www.archive.org and pull back * DOC FILE //* OLD levels of the name. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Most materials from Using www.archive.org, and going * DOC FILE //* Xephon from year 1999 and back, you may * DOC FILE //* are supported at be able to obtain many old Xephon * DOC FILE //* www.cbttape.org. articles. Also see CBT File 830 * DOC FILE //* for older MVS articles. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* See www.cbttape.org/xephon for many old magazines. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Almost all Xephon materials are now supported here, * DOC FILE //* at www.cbttape.org, so that if any of these materials * DOC FILE //* are on the CBT Tape, they are here legitimately * DOC FILE //* (as of May 2008). You can use all of THESE Xephon * DOC FILE //* materials in good conscience. I have removed all the * DOC FILE //* old "protections" and "Xephon nasty notices" from these * DOC FILE //* materials to the best of my ability. You can also * DOC FILE //* IGNORE THE Xephon COPYRIGHT NOTICES found on each page * DOC FILE //* of the PDF-format magazines. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 002 - IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU - IBM MAIN IS A SUBSCRIBER * DOC FILE //* LIST THAT POSTS MVS INFORMATION, * DOC FILE //* (IBM-MAIN) QUESTIONS, AND ANSWERS. YOU HAVE * DOC FILE //* TO SUBSCRIBE, BY SENDING AN EMAIL * DOC FILE //* CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING TEXT: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SUBSCRIBE IBM-MAIN your name * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* TO listserv@bama.ua.edu * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* DON'T INCLUDE ANY EXTRA WORDS. * DOC FILE //* YOU WILL GET A REPLY CONTAINING * DOC FILE //* AN AUTHORIZATION CODE. REPLY IN * DOC FILE //* AN EMAIL MESSAGE: OK XXXXXX * DOC FILE //* WHERE XXXXXX IS THE AUTH CODE * DOC FILE //* THEY SEND YOU. YOU WILL GET AN * DOC FILE //* EMAIL WITH A SHORT INSTRUCTION * DOC FILE //* LIST, AND YOU'RE ON YOUR WAY. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THE IBM-MAIN LIST SERVER HAS INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW * DOC FILE //* TO FIND OTHER MAILING LISTS. SEND A MESSAGE TO * DOC FILE //* LISTSERV@BAMA.UA.EDU WITH THE WORDS: INFO REFCARD * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* AND LOOK UP THE KEYWORD: LISTS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 003 - Lione Dyck's mainframe sites page.... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* www.lbdsoftware.com/sites.html/mainframes/ * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This site is very (I mean VERY) helpful. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 004 - http://www.archive.org/web/hardware.php * DOC FILE //* (Google search for "wayback machine") * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Wayback Machine is a place where many back copies * DOC FILE //* of websites have been archived. For example, if * DOC FILE //* you want to access very old Xephon artices, go to * DOC FILE //* the above URL and enter www.xephon.com as the web * DOC FILE //* site name to search. Many old versions of this * DOC FILE //* website will come up, and you can pick any one of * DOC FILE //* them, to download old Xephon articles from. Do the * DOC FILE //* same thing for any other website of your choice, * DOC FILE //* including www.cbttape.org. This is a marvelous * DOC FILE //* new resource on the web. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If you want to find old Xephon articles which are * DOC FILE //* not from MVS magazines, go to the Wayback Machine, * DOC FILE //* enter www.xephon.com as the website to search for, * DOC FILE //* look for snapshots from 1998 or earlier, click * DOC FILE //* Downloads, and click on "The Archives--over 3000 * DOC FILE //* older articles from 1996 and earlier. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION MODIFICATION TAPE SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* M O D I F I C A T I O N T A P E S S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THERE ARE A QUITE A FEW UTILITY AND MODS TAPES == - * DOC FILE //* - == AROUND. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == ABSTRACTS OF THE CONTENTS OF MANY OF THESE TAPES == - * DOC FILE //* - == CAN NOW BE FOUND ON FILE 071 OF THIS TAPE. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == See Files 050 and 051 for URLs that you can == - * DOC FILE //* - == download software from. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == File 050 lists locations which have free == - * DOC FILE //* - == downloads. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == File 051 lists vendor locations which might be == - * DOC FILE //* - == useful for sysprogs to know about. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == The tapes and software sources I know about are: == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 0 THE "CBT OVERFLOW TAPE" WHICH CONTAINS == - * DOC FILE //* - == MATERIALS DELETED FROM THIS TAPE AFTER == - * DOC FILE //* - == VERSION 404, AND MUCH MORE MATERIAL. == - * DOC FILE //* - == EXAMPLES ARE THE UK, GERMAN, SWISS, AND == - * DOC FILE //* - == AUSTRALIAN "G.U.I.D.E." TAPES, AND THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == MATERIAL FROM THE SHARE ISPF "SMOKE AND == - * DOC FILE //* - == MIRRORS TAPE", WHICH NEVER GOT OFF THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == GROUND, BUT WHICH HAS SOME GOOD MATERIAL. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THE CBT OVERFLOW TAPE NOW CONTAINS THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE SPLA MVS TAPE, == - * DOC FILE //* - == VERSION 46 (SHARE'S LAST VERSION). == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THE CBT OVERFLOW TAPE NOW CONTAINS THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE SHARE PL/1 TAPE. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THE CBT OVERFLOW TAPE CAN BE OBTAINED == - * DOC FILE //* - == FROM THE SAME SOURCES WHERE THE REGULAR == - * DOC FILE //* - == CBT TAPE IS AVAILABLE. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == SEE http://www.cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == for file downloads from the CBT Overflow == - * DOC FILE //* - == Tape. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 1 THE SHARE MVS MODS TAPE (Entire contents == - * DOC FILE //* - == now on Files 104-234 of CBT Overflow Tape) == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == The CBT Overflow Tape now contains the == - * DOC FILE //* - == entire contents of the SPLA MVS Tape, == - * DOC FILE //* - == Version 46 (SHARE's last version), which == - * DOC FILE //* - == has been further updated by me (SG) as == - * DOC FILE //* - == I've deemed necessary. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Updates to code on the SHARE MVS Tape, == - * DOC FILE //* - == (The SPLA Tape) should now be sent to me, == - * DOC FILE //* - == because I am now effectively maintaining == - * DOC FILE //* - == all this code. == - * DOC FILE //* - == (Sam Golob - see address below) == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 2 THE SHARE SOFTWARE DISKETTES. These have == - * DOC FILE //* - == become the SHARE cd-rom, but that cd-rom == - * DOC FILE //* - == has not been updated for several years. == - * DOC FILE //* - == I happen to have a copy of it, and if == - * DOC FILE //* - == anyone is interested, they should please == - * DOC FILE //* - == email me. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == sbgolob@cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == SHARE now has a web site at www.share.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == and they may be distributing some software == - * DOC FILE //* - == there. However, it might be "members == - * DOC FILE //* - == only", so you have to check out their site == - * DOC FILE //* - == to see what their current policy is. == - * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* IF YOUR INSTALLATION IS A SHARE MEMBER YOU MAY WISH * DOC FILE //* TO CONTACT SHARE HEADQUARTERS IN CHICAGO TO SEE IF * DOC FILE //* YOU CAN GET ANY OF THE LATEST SHARE SOFTWARE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SHARE INC. * DOC FILE //* 401 N. MICHIGAN AVE. - 24TH FLOOR * DOC FILE //* CHICAGO, IL 60611 * DOC FILE //* 888-574-2735 Toll Free * DOC FILE //* 312-321-5160 Phone (and International) * DOC FILE //* 312-822-0932 Fax * DOC FILE //* 312-644-6363 Fax * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* See the SHARE web site: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* www.share.org * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 3 THE JES2 MODIFICATION TAPE. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Contents are now on http://www.cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 4 THE JES3 MODIFICATION TAPE. See below for == - * DOC FILE //* - == the address. For abstract see File 071. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Contents are now on http://www.cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THE JES3 SHARE-GUIDE TAPE CONTAINS A == - * DOC FILE //* - == SPOOL BROWSER FOR JES3 CALLED SDF. THIS == - * DOC FILE //* - == TAPE ALSO HAS OTHER STUFF OF VALUE TO A == - * DOC FILE //* - == JES3 SHOP. ALAN FIELD, WHO MAINTAINS == - * DOC FILE //* - == THAT TAPE, TELLS ME THAT VERSIONS OF SDF == - * DOC FILE //* - == ARE AVAILABLE FOR JES3 VERSIONS 4.1, == - * DOC FILE //* - == 4.2, 5.1, AND 5.2. THIS PRODUCT ALLOWS == - * DOC FILE //* - == YOU TO DIRECTLY BROWSE SPOOL TO LOOK AT == - * DOC FILE //* - == JOBS, OUTPUT, ETC. OF COURSE, VERSIONS == - * DOC FILE //* - == OF SDF FOR OLDER LEVELS OF JES3 ARE ALSO == - * DOC FILE //* - == INCLUDED ON THE TAPE. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == SDF STANDS (I THINK) FOR "SPOOL DISPLAY == - * DOC FILE //* - == FACILITY". Contents are temporarily == - * DOC FILE //* - == being kept on "File 998" at the web site: == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == www.cbttape.org/updates.htm == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 5 THE L.A. MVS USERS GROUP TAPE. THIS TAPE == - * DOC FILE //* - == IS MAINTAINED BY THE MVS USERS GROUP IN == - * DOC FILE //* - == LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == >> MATERIALS FOR THE LAST VERSION I KNOW == - * DOC FILE //* - == >> ABOUT, VERSION 72, ARE INCLUDED ON THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == >> CBT OVERFLOW TAPE, VERSION 428V, ON == - * DOC FILE //* - == >> FILES 060-070, AND 040 (PDS COMMAND), 041 == - * DOC FILE //* - == >> (VTOC), AND 042 (UTILITIES). ON THE CBT == - * DOC FILE //* - == >> TAPE, THE PDS COMMAND IS ON FILE 182, == - * DOC FILE //* - == >> DAF IS ON FILE 094, VTOC IS ON FILE 112, == - * DOC FILE //* - == >> AND UTILITIES MAY BE FOUND ON FILES 296 == - * DOC FILE //* - == >> AND 134. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 6 The PL/1 Modification Tape from SHARE. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == All materials from this tape are now on == - * DOC FILE //* - == Files 260 thru 295 of the CBT Overflow == - * DOC FILE //* - == Tape. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == NOTE: "SHARE" HAS DISCONTINUED THE CONTRACT OF == - * DOC FILE //* - == S.P.L.A. WHICH IS THE SHARE PROGRAM == - * DOC FILE //* - == LIBRARY AGENCY. FOR NOW, IF YOU HAVE == - * DOC FILE //* - == ANY ORDER REQUESTS FROM S.P.L.A., PLEASE == - * DOC FILE //* - == CONTACT SAM GOLOB. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 8 THE CBT MVS UTILITIES TAPE (THIS IS IT) == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Go to www.cbttape.org to download == - * DOC FILE //* - == files from the CBT Tape and the CBT == - * DOC FILE //* - == Overflow Tape. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THIS TAPE IS NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == SHARE MVS TAPE. THIS TAPE IS NOT THE SHARE == - * DOC FILE //* - == MVS TAPE, AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == "SHARE" ORGANIZATION. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CBT TAPE == - * DOC FILE //* - == AND THE SPLA MVS MODIFICATION (SHARE) TAPE ? == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THE SPLA TAPE WAS THE OFFICIAL SHARE MVS MODI- == - * DOC FILE //* - == FICATION TAPE. THAT TAPE WAS SENT TO SPLA == - * DOC FILE //* - == FOR ITS OFFICIAL SHARE DISTRIBUTION. IT IS == - * DOC FILE //* - == NOW OFFICIALLY "FUNCTIONALLY STABILIZED" == - * DOC FILE //* - == (I.E. "DEAD"). THE MATERIALS FROM THE SHARE == - * DOC FILE //* - == MVS TAPE CAN NOW BE FOUND ON THE CBT OVERFLOW == - * DOC FILE //* - == TAPE, ON FILES 104 THRU 234, OR IN OTHER == - * DOC FILE //* - == RELEVANT PLACES THERE. FOR EXAMPLE, THE L.A. == - * DOC FILE //* - == MVS USERS GROUP TAPE MATERIALS WERE MOVED TO == - * DOC FILE //* - == FILES 060 THRU 070 OF THE CBT OVERFLOW TAPE, == - * DOC FILE //* - == AND WERE UPDATED TO THE LATEST VERSION I HAD. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Since I now maintain the files from the SHARE == - * DOC FILE //* - == MVS Tape on the CBT Overflow Tape, anyone who == - * DOC FILE //* - == has modifications to the code, should contact == - * DOC FILE //* - == me, Sam Golob, at sbgolob@cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THE CBT TAPE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY PRODUCED == - * DOC FILE //* - == TAPE, VERY DIFFERENT FROM THE SHARE MVS TAPE == - * DOC FILE //* - == IN CONTENTS. (TO SEE WHAT WAS ON THE SHARE == - * DOC FILE //* - == MVS TAPE, SEE FILE 071 OF THIS TAPE.) == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == ANYONE WHO WANTS TO SEND UPDATES FOR MVS == - * DOC FILE //* - == SHARE TAPE MATERIALS, SHOULD SEND THEM TO == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Sam Golob : sbgolob@cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Please follow these contribution directions == - * DOC FILE //* - == for CBT Tape materials: If possible, make == - * DOC FILE //* - == a pds on an MVS system, please include some == - * DOC FILE //* - == documentation members--and put the pds into == - * DOC FILE //* - == TSO XMIT format using the DSN( ) and == - * DOC FILE //* - == OUTDSN( ) parameters of the XMIT command. == - * DOC FILE //* - == Download (in binary - no translation) the == - * DOC FILE //* - == sequential FB-80 XMIT-format file to a pc, == - * DOC FILE //* - == and attach that file to an email to me. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == That's all there is to it! == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 9 THE NASPA VIP TAPE IS A COLLECTION OF == - * DOC FILE //* - == PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE DONATED TO THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == NATIONAL SYSTEMS PROGRAMMERS == - * DOC FILE //* - == ASSOCIATION. TWO VIP PROGRAMS EXIST, == - * DOC FILE //* - == ONE ENCOMPASSES MVS--ANOTHER, VM/VSE. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == To my knowledge, the materials from these == - * DOC FILE //* - == tapes have not been updated for some time, == - * DOC FILE //* - == and you can obtain them from the NaSPA == - * DOC FILE //* - == cd-rom disk, whichever the latest version == - * DOC FILE //* - == is. (I have old disks of these. Write == - * DOC FILE //* - == to me, not to NaSPA. sbgolob@cbttape.org) == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == NASPA ALSO HAS RIGHTS TO AN ELECTRONIC MAIL == - * DOC FILE //* - == PACKAGE CALLED "BEEM" THAT RUNS UNDER MVS. == - * DOC FILE //* - == "BEEM" COMES ON A SEPARATE TAPE, AVAILABLE == - * DOC FILE //* - == FROM NASPA. (SEE FILE 071 FOR SOME OF THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == DOCUMENTATION FROM THESE NASPA MVS TAPES, == - * DOC FILE //* - == AND ALSO FROM ITS VM/VSE VIP TAPE.) == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == 10 THE CICS SHARE TAPE. This is maintained == - * DOC FILE //* - == by Barry Brooks of NERDC at the University == - * DOC FILE //* - == of Florida in Gainesville. This tape was == - * DOC FILE //* - == distributed by SPLA. I'd suggest calling == - * DOC FILE //* - == Barry Brooks to see if he can get you a == - * DOC FILE //* - == copy. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THE CICS SHARE TAPE IS AVAILABLE TO ANYONE. == - * DOC FILE //* - == YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A SHARE OR GUIDE == - * DOC FILE //* - == MEMBER. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == BARRY HAS TOLD ME THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO GET == - * DOC FILE //* - == NEW CONTRIBUTIONS, ESPECIALLY FOR THE LATER == - * DOC FILE //* - == CICS VERSIONS. IF YOU ARE A CICS SYSTEMS == - * DOC FILE //* - == OR "INTERNALS" PERSON, OR ANYONE WITH SOME- == - * DOC FILE //* - == THING THAT MIGHT BE USEFUL TO OTHERS, PLEASE == - * DOC FILE //* - == CONTACT BARRY BROOKS AT (352) 392-2061 X107. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION DUPLICATED MATERIAL SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == D U P L I C A T E D M A T E R I A L == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Sometimes, there are several varieties of a == - * DOC FILE //* - == particular program in different files on one == - * DOC FILE //* - == version of the CBT Tape. THEN, you have to == - * DOC FILE //* - == pick the latest one, or the one that helps you == - * DOC FILE //* - == the most. The following remark is from Arnie, == - * DOC FILE //* - == during a time when there existed many other == - * DOC FILE //* - == public tapes (before 1990). == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Here is Arnie's remark, referring to the == - * DOC FILE //* - == multiplicity of shared tapes which were == - * DOC FILE //* - == available in his time (before 1990). == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Just a note here about duplication. Because of == - * DOC FILE //* - == how all these tapes are set up, there will be == - * DOC FILE //* - == some duplication. If you are very ambitious == - * DOC FILE //* - == and get all the tapes you will find some code == - * DOC FILE //* - == that is on more than one tape. It will be your == - * DOC FILE //* - == job to figure out which is the most current or == - * DOC FILE //* - == which has the function you want and discard == - * DOC FILE //* - == the rest. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == But if you have any insights or info that would == - * DOC FILE //* - == help other people, please email Sam Golob at: == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == sbgolob@cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == GOOD LUCK ! == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //***SECTION SPLA TAPE MODIFICATION SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* S P L A S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THE "SHARE MVS TAPE" . == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE SHARE COMMITTEE MVS == - * DOC FILE //* - == TAPE, VERSION 46 (THE LAST ONE) HAS BEEN MOVED == - * DOC FILE //* - == TO THE CBT OVERFLOW TAPE. ANY UPDATES (IF NEEDED) == - * DOC FILE //* - == WILL BE MADE TO THE CBT OVERFLOW TAPE. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == All files from the SHARE PL/1 Tape have now been == - * DOC FILE //* - == moved to Files 260 through 295 of the CBT Overflow == - * DOC FILE //* - == Tape. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == The CBT Overflow Tape Files are obtainable on == - * DOC FILE //* - == the web at: www.cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Click on "Overflow" under "Downloads". == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //***SECTION JES2 MODIFICATION TAPE SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* J E S 2 S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == JES2 MODIFICATION TAPE == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == The JES2 Modification tape files are now online == - * DOC FILE //* - == at the CBT Web Site: == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == http://www.cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION JES3 MODIFICATION TAPE SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* J E S 3 S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == JES3 MODIFICATION TAPE == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == If you wish a copy of the JES3 Modification Tape == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == The JES3 Modification tape files are now online == - * DOC FILE //* - == at the CBT Web Site: == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == http://www.cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == NOTE: Versions of the spool browser called SDF == - * DOC FILE //* - == are now available for JES3 Versions == - * DOC FILE //* - == 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, and 5.2, as well as for == - * DOC FILE //* - == older JES3 levels. Of course, this tape == - * DOC FILE //* - == contains many other things of value to == - * DOC FILE //* - == a JES3 shop. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION OVERSEAS TAPE SHIPPING SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* O V E R S E A S T A P E S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == This section is a bit obsolete, since I accept == - * DOC FILE //* - == contributions for the CBT Tape mostly from the == - * DOC FILE //* - == Internet. My Internet email address is: == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == sbgolob@cbttape.org == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == Usually, contributors make a pds on MVS (z/OS), == - * DOC FILE //* - == including documentation members, put the pds == - * DOC FILE //* - == into TSO XMIT format using the OUTDSN( ) == - * DOC FILE //* - == keyword of XMIT, download the XMIT-format == - * DOC FILE //* - == sequential dataset, in binary, to a PC, and == - * DOC FILE //* - == then they attach the PC file to an email to == - * DOC FILE //* - == me. If the PC file is large, they can zip == - * DOC FILE //* - == it first. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == With that file, I can reconstruct their pds, == - * DOC FILE //* - == and stage their file for inclusion in the CBT == - * DOC FILE //* - == Tape. This can be done from any country in == - * DOC FILE //* - == the world. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == I very much appreciate contributions from == - * DOC FILE //* - == outside the United States, and will try to == - * DOC FILE //* - == extend every courtesy to contributors and == - * DOC FILE //* - == well wishers from "around the world". == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == IF ANYONE HAS A COPY OF A FREE SOFTWARE TAPE == - * DOC FILE //* - == FOR MVS FROM ANY COUNTRY (SUCH AS THE UK GUIDE == - * DOC FILE //* - == TAPE, ETC.), I WOULD APPRECIATE FOR YOU TO SEND == - * DOC FILE //* - == ME A COPY OF IT, AND I WILL TRY AND RECIPROCATE == - * DOC FILE //* - == BY SENDING A CBT TAPE TO YOU. THANK YOU VERY == - * DOC FILE //* - == MUCH. (IT'S HARD TO GET THAT STUFF OVER HERE.) == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == If for some reason, you try to call or write me == - * DOC FILE //* - == and I don't answer, it was an oversight. The == - * DOC FILE //* - == recommended method of getting a response from == - * DOC FILE //* - == me is to keep trying. I do not get insulted or == - * DOC FILE //* - == bothered when someone tries to contact me 30 == - * DOC FILE //* - == times. (Hope that isn't necessary.) I try... == - * DOC FILE //* - == to serve the public as best I can. (SG 6/11/93) == - * DOC FILE //* - == and later == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION PDS ENQUEUE APAR SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* P D S E N Q U E U E S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == IBM AND PDS ENQUEUE == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == You may want to search INFO/MVS for the PTF called == - * DOC FILE //* - == UY15908 which is going to put out an ENQUEUE on a == - * DOC FILE //* - == pds when it is opened. Good idea except when == - * DOC FILE //* - == someone else comes along and tries to open it, the == - * DOC FILE //* - == second job gets abended, great for those long == - * DOC FILE //* - == running SMP jobs. Be alert to the fact that IBM == - * DOC FILE //* - == is going to do us in again! Too little too late == - * DOC FILE //* - == again, from one extreme to another. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - == NOTE. FOR ONE SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM, SEE THE == - * DOC FILE //* - == S213RC30 PROGRAM ON FILE 163. UNDOUBTEDLY == - * DOC FILE //* - == THERE ARE OTHER SOLUTIONS TOO. == - * DOC FILE //* - == == - * DOC FILE //* - ========================================================= - * DOC FILE //* ------------------------------------------------------------- * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION FILE UPDATE SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* F I L E U P D A T E S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* TO DETERMINE MOST EXACTLY WHICH FILES ON THIS TAPE WERE * DOC FILE //* UPDATED since any previous date, the best way is to use * DOC FILE //* the FILE STATUS SECTION BELOW. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* THE DATE NEXT TO EACH FILE NUMBER IS THE MOST ACCURATE * DOC FILE //* INDICATOR as to when that file was actually changed last. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* FOR EXAMPLE: * DOC FILE //* -------- * DOC FILE //* ---> ISPF STATS PRESERVED WITH S IN THIS COLUMN <--- * DOC FILE //* CBT access dialg 043 SBG 10784 S 8.8 07-20-22 080 YES * DOC FILE //* ASMTOZAP 044 SBG 4513 S 3.2 06-03-14 080 YES * DOC FILE //* PDS COMPARE 045 CBT 2875 2.3 12-06-81 080 YES * DOC FILE //* TSO SCRATCH 046 CBT 3270 2.3 10-26-15 080 YES * DOC FILE //* NOCELL-LISTICAT 047 UNKCBT 79750 S 51.8 10-30-01 080 YES * DOC FILE //* -------- * DOC FILE //* USE THIS * DOC FILE //* DATE ... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* These file dates correspond to actual version release dates, * DOC FILE //* and they can be compared to the dates in the VERSION SECTION * DOC FILE //* below, so you can see which version had that update. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* On the other hand, when you see a date in the $$$#DATE * DOC FILE //* member of a CBT file, that was the date on which the file * DOC FILE //* was actually prepared by me. (SBG) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //***SECTION CHANGE SECTION * DOC FILE //******************************************************************* DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* C H A N G E S E C T I O N * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***********************************************************TOP***** DOC FILE //***SECTION V-508 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-508 CHANGES FOR VERSION 508 DEC 19, 2024 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A. We continue to thank the Linux Foundation, Open * DOC FILE //* Mainframe Project, which has given us access * DOC FILE //* to a z/OS development machine. A considerable * DOC FILE //* number of the Updates and Additions mentioned * DOC FILE //* here, were developed on that machine, by retired * DOC FILE //* systems programmers and by others. Thank you, * DOC FILE //* Open Mainframe Project of the Linux Foundation...!! * DOC FILE //* Special thanks to John Mertic and the other good * DOC FILE //* folks there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B. Another of my email addresses is never used. * DOC FILE //* Please DO NOT SEND EMAIL to sbgolob@att.net. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* C. My snail mail address is: * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob Phone Number: 845-731-9031 * DOC FILE //* P.O. Box 702 * DOC FILE //* Pomona, NY 10970 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* D. I must thank "Mr. Updater", my go-to guy, who has * DOC FILE //* helped us fix programs in countless situations. * DOC FILE //* THANK YOU, SIR...!!! Your help has always been * DOC FILE //* invaluable. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1. Updates to Files 006 and 008 as usual. These are * DOC FILE //* files which have to do with creating the current * DOC FILE //* version of this collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2. Update to File 019, to include a sample system * DOC FILE //* shutdown member called COMMSAMP that shuts down * DOC FILE //* a system automatically (and quickly) using the * DOC FILE //* File019 program called COMMAND. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3. Update to File 028 to add a sequential copy program * DOC FILE //* called FTL which has similar JCL to SEQCOPY. Also * DOC FILE //* add members to help implement the tape backup * DOC FILE //* process. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4. Update to File 035 to upgrade the PDS86 program * DOC FILE //* package to There is now a new convention * DOC FILE //* that the last two numbers (24,4) are now the year * DOC FILE //* and the quarter of the year. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5. Update to File 043 from Lionel Dyck, which is his * DOC FILE //* fantastic way to download the entire CBT Tape (file * DOC FILE //* by file) to your z/OS system. All you need is an * DOC FILE //* FTP connection from your z/OS system to the web * DOC FILE //* site: www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6. Some updates to File 099 from Lionel Dyck. These * DOC FILE //* are REXX code snippets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7. Update to File 112 having to do with installation * DOC FILE //* of the VTOC TSO command. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8. Update to File 118 which extends the notification * DOC FILE //* process when new SMP/E sysmods are delivered, to * DOC FILE //* an existing SMPPTS pds, as well as to a sequential * DOC FILE //* PTF file (such as which comes on a PTF PUT tape). * DOC FILE //* The original purpose of this file was to examine * DOC FILE //* a PUT tape before SMP gets to look at it, so you * DOC FILE //* don't mount the wrong tape. Now we extend the * DOC FILE //* same process to an SMP/E pds, such as SMPPTS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9. Update to File 134 from Greg Price, to improve the * DOC FILE //* REVIEW command and its associated tools, to version * DOC FILE //* 51.4. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10. Update to File 135 to upgrade both the PDS program * DOC FILE //* package (to level and the REVIEW command * DOC FILE //* programs to version 51.4. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11. Update to File 147 from Rob Prins, who is the * DOC FILE //* current owner of Rick Focktman's ARCHIVER program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12. Extensive updates to File 182 from John Kalinich, * DOC FILE //* to bring the fantastic PDS command package to * DOC FILE //* Level * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13. Update to File 183 which is Gilbert Saint-flour's * DOC FILE //* collection of utilities. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14. Update to File 247 which normally contains many * DOC FILE //* SYS1.BRODCAST maintenance programs, but this update * DOC FILE //* is for the MYIDP program which is there as well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15. Updates to some of the programs in File 270. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16. Update to File 300 to fix CDSCB so it will run in * DOC FILE //* batch. You could run CDSCB against a list of * DOC FILE //* datasets by running it as a CLIST, but there was * DOC FILE //* a check in the code that stopped it from running * DOC FILE //* as a job under TSO-in-batch. Good for changing * DOC FILE //* many or all DSCB's on a volume, in onc shot. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17. Update to File 311 (member VSMAP) from Dennis Smith. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18. Several updates to Files 312 and 314 from Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck. * DOC FILE //* Changes for File 312: CKAMNT OMVSCMD OMVSMAN * DOC FILE //* Changes for File 314: WHOSON ZFSTOOLS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19. Updates to File 316 from Sam Golob. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20. Small update to File 369. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21. File 401 now contains some updates to the SPITBOL * DOC FILE //* documentation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22. Update to File 415 from Rob Prins, to bring the * DOC FILE //* level of his magnificent RPF file-handling package * DOC FILE //* to Version 1.99. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23. Update to File 417 from Lionel Dyck and others, * DOC FILE //* to bring their RACF administration tool to * DOC FILE //* Version V38R9 (389 iterative improvements from the * DOC FILE //* original version of Nico Rizzuto). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24. Update to File 433 from Frank Clarke, which is a * DOC FILE //* very large collection of useful REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25. Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to improve * DOC FILE //* HIS enormously valuable collection of REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26. Update to File 435 from Frank Clarke, which is * DOC FILE //* another large collection of useful REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27. Update to File 492 from Lionel Dyck, to add his * DOC FILE //* REXX exec which breaks up the SHOWzOS output into * DOC FILE //* many separate categories, so that you can look at * DOC FILE //* each display separately. The exec is called SHOWZ. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28. Update to File 604 which is the SIT SNOBOL4 [*] * DOC FILE //* load module version 3.5. (This is source code.) * DOC FILE //* It has been updated since the former version was * DOC FILE //* broken. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29. Update to File 612 from Albert Cheng, to improve * DOC FILE //* or fix several utilities in his fine collection. * DOC FILE //* Member changes: DELINUSE DELINUSJ DSPACE DUDASD * DOC FILE //* DELINUS$ DUDASD$ IXVTOC JDELINUS JDSPACE * DOC FILE //* JSLOPRNT LOAD OSVTOC SLOPRNT * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30. Almost a complete rewrite of File 669 from Willy * DOC FILE //* Jensen, which is a large aid in REXX coding, and * DOC FILE //* analysis in REXX development. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31. Update to File 731 from Sam Golob, which is his * DOC FILE //* unique collection of TSO commands that you are * DOC FILE //* not likely to find (equivalents of most of them) * DOC FILE //* anywhere else. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32. Update to File 797, which contains an assortment * DOC FILE //* of TSO commands that you are not likely to find * DOC FILE //* anywhere else. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33. Update to File 874, which is a collection of HELP * DOC FILE //* members (many are similar to IBM help members) * DOC FILE //* that will get a person started in using programs * DOC FILE //* from the CBT Tape. If you look at the particular * DOC FILE //* help members, you may decide that the associated * DOC FILE //* program (whose file number is in the ISPF stats) * DOC FILE //* might be a good candidate for you to install. * DOC FILE //* This list of help members is by no means complete, * DOC FILE //* but there are close to 100 of them, and they will * DOC FILE //* help to get you started installing what you need. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34. A large update to File 967 from Tom Conley, which * DOC FILE //* is a big collection of ISPF usermods, known as * DOC FILE //* CUCI (CBT Usermod Collection for ISPF). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35. Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, which is an * DOC FILE //* advanced package to handle PDSE version 2 datasets * DOC FILE //* which have member generations. For a while, this * DOC FILE //* package was much better than what IBM had, to be * DOC FILE //* able to handle, and copy, PDSE version 2 member * DOC FILE //* generations. If that is what you deal with, this * DOC FILE //* package is a must. Known as PDSEGEN. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36. Update to File 989 from Willy Jensen. This is a * DOC FILE //* package called FINDMEM, and in this tape version, * DOC FILE //* we have a large rewrite of it. This package will * DOC FILE //* input a PDS member name, and IT WILL LIST FOR YOU, * DOC FILE //* ALL THE PDS'es ON THE ENTIRE SYSTEM, WHICH CONTAIN * DOC FILE //* A MEMBER OF THAT NAME. This is a rare, hard-to-find * DOC FILE //* package, and it is free. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37. Update to File 997 from Henri Kuiper and Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck, and contains the Zigi package, which is an * DOC FILE //* easy ISPF interface to Git. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ZIGI is the open source z/OS ISPF Git Interface * DOC FILE //* application that enables the traditional ISPF user * DOC FILE //* to utilize many of the facilities of Git without * DOC FILE //* having to "fully" learn Git while avoiding the need * DOC FILE //* to use the OMVS environment. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38. Update to File 1040 from Frank Clarke which * DOC FILE //* contains his REXX execs which are designed to help * DOC FILE //* handle PL/I compile and source listings. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39. Update to File 1042 from Frank Clarke which has * DOC FILE //* his REXX routine called DEIMBED, that creates and * DOC FILE //* deletes temporary files of all kinds, needed in * DOC FILE //* other REXX outines. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40. Update to File 1044 from Frank Clarke, which has * DOC FILE //* his CBTSCAN package, that tells you which member * DOC FILE //* names are contained in which CBT Tape files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41. Update to File 1047 from Frank Clarke, which has * DOC FILE //* several REXX execs, having to do with the Catalog * DOC FILE //* Interface, looking up pds members (where they are) * DOC FILE //* and dealing with several other useful things. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42. Addition of File 1049 from Sam Golob, which lists * DOC FILE //* the (YouTube) URL's of the Linux Foundation's * DOC FILE //* "I Am A Mainframer" podcasts. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43. Update to File 1056 from Frank Clarke, which has * DOC FILE //* a special REXX exec called RUNDATA, used by other * DOC FILE //* REXX execs. RUNDATA provides a means of customizing * DOC FILE //* all your REXX execs for a particular z/OS * DOC FILE //* installation or instance, WITHOUT ANY INTERNAL * DOC FILE //* CHANGES TO THE REXX EXEC AT ALL (other than the * DOC FILE //* one-time mod to make your EXEC RUNDATA-aware, of * DOC FILE //* course). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44. Addition of FIle 1057 from Frank Clarke, which * DOC FILE //* presents a series of REXX execs entitled * DOC FILE //* SHOWMEM, a suite of REXX routines that will be * DOC FILE //* especially useful in any Configuration Management * DOC FILE //* environment, but which may also be used by anyone * DOC FILE //* who regularly performs a code maintenance function. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45. Addition of File 1058, which is a version of the * DOC FILE //* PL/1-F execution library, that is needed to install * DOC FILE //* Ed Liss' Archiver Extensions from File 147. There * DOC FILE //* already was a version of the PL/1-F execution * DOC FILE //* library on the CBT Overflow Tape, File 092, but * DOC FILE //* this one appears to be larger, and it was the one * DOC FILE //* that Ed Liss used, so it is being presented in its * DOC FILE //* entirety. (I don't want people to be missing * DOC FILE //* anything.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-507 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-507 CHANGES FOR VERSION 507 AUG 07, 2024 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A. We continue to thank the Linux Foundation, Open * DOC FILE //* Mainframe Project, which has given us access * DOC FILE //* to a z/OS development machine. A considerable * DOC FILE //* number of the Updates and Additions mentioned * DOC FILE //* here, were developed on that machine, by retired * DOC FILE //* systems programmers and by others. Thank you, * DOC FILE //* Open Mainframe Project of the Linux Foundation...!! * DOC FILE //* Special thanks to John Mertic and the other good * DOC FILE //* folks there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B. Another of my email addresses is never used. * DOC FILE //* Please DO NOT SEND EMAIL to sbgolob@att.net. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* C. My snail mail address is: * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob Phone Number: 845-731-9031 * DOC FILE //* P.O. Box 702 * DOC FILE //* Pomona, NY 10970 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1. File 006 (which contains tools to maintain this * DOC FILE //* documentation file) and File 008 (which contains * DOC FILE //* jobs to create the new version of the CBT Tape), * DOC FILE //* have been updated accordingly. So has File 008 * DOC FILE //* been updated. See the Updates page for the latest. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2. Updates to File 014 from Sam Golob, to contain his * DOC FILE //* tutorial articles on the PDS command (File 182), * DOC FILE //* and his articles explaining the origins and details * DOC FILE //* of SMP/E (and SMP4), which IBM does not bother to * DOC FILE //* teach people. IBM doesn't tell you what it did * DOC FILE //* in the past. BUT YOU HAVE TO KNOW THAT, IN ORDER * DOC FILE //* TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE DOING NOW. There's * DOC FILE //* other good stuff here too. Have a look.! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3. Update to File 020 which is very old. The APFLIST * DOC FILE //* program there, will probably only be useful for * DOC FILE //* MVS systems that don't have dynamic APF tables. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4. Update to File 029 to explain that the procedure * DOC FILE //* described there (to enlarge the VTOC dynamically) * DOC FILE //* is probably obsolete, because ICKDSF can certainly * DOC FILE //* do that job much more easily nowadays. However, * DOC FILE //* the procedure probably still works. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5. Update to the load library (File 035) to either * DOC FILE //* add or update the following programs: * DOC FILE //* CKIEBGEN, LISTHEAD, LISTMOD, LISTMODD, MAPTAPE, * DOC FILE //* PDS, PDS38, PDS86, PDS86I, PDS8638, SS0104, * DOC FILE //* ULUONLN. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6. Update to File 043 from Lionel Dyck, to enhance * DOC FILE //* his magnificent program to download the entire * DOC FILE //* CBT Tape, or part of it, directly from our website * DOC FILE //* (www.cbttape.org) to your z/OS system. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7. Update to File 059 which is a bunch of ingredients * DOC FILE //* to display a dialog telling you details of the last * DOC FILE //* IPL. I think most of it is from (the late) Ken * DOC FILE //* Tomiak. It's quite nice. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8. Update to File 120 from Sam Golob to add two new * DOC FILE //* articles. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9. Update to File 134 from Greg Price to bring REVIEW * DOC FILE //* (his marvelous file handling program) to level 51.3. * DOC FILE //* Added (among other things) is that if you REVIEW * DOC FILE //* an XMIT file, you can expand it into its members. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10. Update to File 135 to add REVIEW 51.3 and PDS * DOC FILE //*, among other updates. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11. Update to File 182 to bring the PDS program package * DOC FILE //* to level * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION JUNE 30, 2024 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12. Update to File 185, to add a few programs to the * DOC FILE //* list of authorized TSO commands, and to reassemble * DOC FILE //* the lists. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13. Update to File 229, to make some necessary cosmetic * DOC FILE //* changes and to fix the CKIEBGEN sequential copying * DOC FILE //* program further. When using CKIEBGEN to copy * DOC FILE //* sequential files, you have more control than with * DOC FILE //* IEBGENER. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14. Made some necessary changes to File 247, added the * DOC FILE //* LSTB program, and made BCMDEL an alias of BCMDEL2, * DOC FILE //* which should be the proper program to delete user * DOC FILE //* broadcast messages. The old BCMDEL program was a * DOC FILE //* kludge, which did the job, but not properly. Also * DOC FILE //* added the new CNOP and NOCNOP options to CPSCB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15. Update to File 264 from Joe Reichman to add the * DOC FILE //* LSED macro from Richard Harper, which describes * DOC FILE //* the linkage stack. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16. Update to File 266 from Sam Golob to fix the old * DOC FILE //* Florida Power Tape Mapping program (SS0104) and * DOC FILE //* the corresponding Tape Copying program (SS0278). * DOC FILE //* These programs were inadvertently limited in the * DOC FILE //* size of tapes they could map/copy by an extra SPM * DOC FILE //* instruction which should have been left out. * DOC FILE //* An article about the subject was added to this file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17. Updates to File 300 from various sources. These * DOC FILE //* are quite significant. AUCMD, AUPGM, CBUF, CPSCB, * DOC FILE //* COUNT, DPSCB, LISTMOD, SHOWSPC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18. Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck, to the * DOC FILE //* following packages: CMT, DOTSO, DSFSADM, EDITMAC, * DOC FILE //* FIXKEYS, FTPB, GETIPLDT, OMVSCMD. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19. Updates to File 313 from Lionel Dyck, to the * DOC FILE //* following packages: SDSFEXT, SDSFXDD. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20. Updates to File 314 from Lionel Dyck, to the * DOC FILE //* following packages: WHOSON, ZFSTOOLS, ZSYNC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21. Update to File 321 which is the COBANAL program, * DOC FILE //* from Roland Schiradin. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22. Update to File 404 (TSSO) to make a cosmetic * DOC FILE //* change. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23. Update to File 406 to fix a problem in the CQ (CQX) * DOC FILE //* TSO command, that cancels jobs by jobname. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24. Update to File 415 from Rob Prins, to get the RPF * DOC FILE //* version level to 1.9.7. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25. Update to File 417 from Lionel Dyck and others, * DOC FILE //* to raise the level of the RACF Administration Tool * DOC FILE //* to V37R5. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26. Updates to File 423 from various sources, to fix * DOC FILE //* the "copyright notices" and to fix the LISTHEAD and * DOC FILE //* LISTMOD programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27. Massive updates to File 433 from Frank Clarke. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28. Massive updates to File 435 from Frank Clarke. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29. Update to File 480 with fixes to CKIEBGEN. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30. Update to File 481 with fixes to the CKIEBGEN load * DOC FILE //* module. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31. Fixes to File 488 from Jim Iannone. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32. Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin with * DOC FILE //* SHOWZOS version 8.03. Addition of REXX exec from * DOC FILE //* Lionel Dyck, called SHOWZ, which breaks the huge * DOC FILE //* output from SHOWZOS into pieces under ISPF, so * DOC FILE //* that each piece can be viewed separately. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33. Update to File 535 from Deru Sudibyo. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34. Update to File 614 to add load module library for * DOC FILE //* SHOWZOS 8.03 and its assembly JCL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35. Update to File 617 from Pedro Berrios, which is a * DOC FILE //* REXX exec that reports on SMF Type 30 records. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36. Update to File 648 from Ben Marino, which is his * DOC FILE //* sophisticated Resource Monitoring Subsystem called * DOC FILE //* ZRMS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37. Update to File 669 from Willy Jensen, which is a * DOC FILE //* large rewrite and replacement of his REXX exec * DOC FILE //* function collection and general collection of tools * DOC FILE //* concerning REXX. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38. Update to File 731, which is a collection of mostly * DOC FILE //* TSO commands, many of which you can probably find * DOC FILE //* nowhere else. (Not even close.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39. Small update to File 797, which contains a way to * DOC FILE //* have a TSO user get the advantages of their own * DOC FILE //* LOGON PROC, without the installation giving one. * DOC FILE //* (Hint. You need access to an APF-authorized load * DOC FILE //* library, but there are tools in this collection * DOC FILE //* which don't have to be APF-authorized.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40. Small update to File 826, which contains the CNCLPG * DOC FILE //* program in various versions. (Make a program * DOC FILE //* cancelable, non-cancelable, non-swappable, etc.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41. Update to File 836 to add the LISTAPF and GETOSLVL * DOC FILE //* programs. GETOSLVL can be run in a batch job * DOC FILE //* stream, to give a return code that is unique for * DOC FILE //* the system level, so subsequent job steps can * DOC FILE //* examine the return code and only run if the given * DOC FILE //* system level is there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42. Update to File 846, which contains programs that * DOC FILE //* deal with Track 0 of a disk pack. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43. Update to File 873, which contains programs that * DOC FILE //* do UCB lookups, getting the real UCB (not a copy) * DOC FILE //* without being APF-authorized. This is done by * DOC FILE //* directly accessing the UCB Lookup Table (ULUT), * DOC FILE //* which is a technique "discovered" by the late * DOC FILE //* (and great) Gilbert Saint-flour. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44. Update to File 874, which is a TSO HELP pds that * DOC FILE //* contains (SYS1.)HELP files for many of the CBT * DOC FILE //* Tape tools (not all of them). By looking through * DOC FILE //* this file, you can decide if you would like to * DOC FILE //* install one or many, of the tools. (They are very * DOC FILE //* handy.) This file also tells you (in the ISPF * DOC FILE //* statistics) which CBT Tape file the program will * DOC FILE //* be found in. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45. Update to File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, which is now * DOC FILE //* at Version 10.44 of PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions) for z/OS (ported to z/OS). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46. Update to File 956 by Paul Lemons and Fred Camp, * DOC FILE //* to modify one of Steve Myers' programs, called * DOC FILE //* SCAN118, to fit their needs. Please see member * DOC FILE //* $$NOTE01 for more information. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47. Update to File 961 from Yves Colliard, which * DOC FILE //* contains a collection fo ISPF commands that can * DOC FILE //* be added to your session. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48. Update to File 967 from Tom Conley, which is the * DOC FILE //* comprehensive "CBT Usermod Collection for ISPF", * DOC FILE //* known as "CUCI". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49. Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, which is his * DOC FILE //* PDSEGEN utility to handle PDSE Version 2 member * DOC FILE //* generations, better than IBM did (at least * DOC FILE //* initially). This is a comprehensive package for * DOC FILE //* handling PDSE Version 2 member generations. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50. Update to File 977 which is the list of YouTube * DOC FILE //* video URL's about MVS topics, created by Moshix. * DOC FILE //* (This stuff is REALLY interesting.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51. Update to File 989 from Willy Jensen, which is a * DOC FILE //* package to find every library containing a given * DOC FILE //* pds member, in the entire system with all the disks * DOC FILE //* that are online. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52. Update to File 994 from "Mr.Updater" to fix the * DOC FILE //* powerful load module display programs LISTMOD and * DOC FILE //* LISTMODD, together with the LISTHEAD program, so * DOC FILE //* that they can optionally do a "directed load" from * DOC FILE //* the TASKLIB DD name, if that DD name is allocated * DOC FILE //* to a load library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 53. Update to File 997 from Henri Kuiper and Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck, which is their ISPF interface to GIT, that * DOC FILE //* is called ZIGI. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 54. Update to File 1016 which was originally from * DOC FILE //* Steve Myers. There are a bunch of nice programs * DOC FILE //* here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 55. Update to File 1023 which is a REXX cross-reference * DOC FILE //* report from Richard Humphris. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 56. Update to File 1031 from "Mr.Updater", which * DOC FILE //* addresses and fixes a problem of the wrong packed * DOC FILE //* decimal numbers in ISPF statistics--ending with a * DOC FILE //* "C" instead of ending with an "F". For example, * DOC FILE //* a date expressed as 0124097C instead of being * DOC FILE //* expressed as 0124097F. This package fixes the * DOC FILE //* problem completely, as well as detecting it. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 57. Update to File 1035 from Hobart Spitz, which is * DOC FILE //* a version of PIPES for z/OS, written in REXX. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 58. Update to File 1040 from Frank Clarke, which is * DOC FILE //* a large collection of REXX execs with emphasis on * DOC FILE //* improving PL/I reports, source elements, and * DOC FILE //* compiler listings. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 59. Update to File 1042 from Frank Clarke, which is * DOC FILE //* a generally useful REXX exec called DEIMBED. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 60. Update to File 1044 from Frank Clarke, which * DOC FILE //* consists of one primary routine, CBTXREF, that * DOC FILE //* displays the member names on the CBT Tape files, * DOC FILE //* and the file numbers that contain those member * DOC FILE //* names. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 61. Update to File 1047 from Frank Clarke, which * DOC FILE //* provides two REXX EXECs, FINDLIBS and SHOWLIBS, * DOC FILE //* useful for inventtorying libraries (by type) * DOC FILE //* across the entire installation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 62. Addition of File 1048 which was sent in by David * DOC FILE //* Cartwright and contains an enormous amount of * DOC FILE //* material that is known by the name of Monsanto * DOC FILE //* Mods, from Monsanto in Brussels, Belgium. Most * DOC FILE //* of this material is from the early to mid 1970's, * DOC FILE //* but there is a lot to explore here, and it may be * DOC FILE //* especially useful to those people who are running * DOC FILE //* MVS 3.8 under Hercules. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 63. Addition of File 1050, which is the version of * DOC FILE //* Waterloo Assembler G, that came from Jay Moseley's * DOC FILE //* website, and which was fixed quite extensively * DOC FILE //* by Dan Skomsky. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 64. Addition of File 1051 from Ben Marino, and contains * DOC FILE //* his Dynamic SMF Exits Altering Facility called * DOC FILE //* zEMF. This is a marvelous package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 65. Addition of File 1052 from Sam Golob, and this * DOC FILE //* package of programs takes advantage of the fact * DOC FILE //* that Gilbert Saint-flour's method of looking up * DOC FILE //* UCB's, gets the REAL UCB and not a copy. So you * DOC FILE //* can zap the UCB of a disk pack, and change it to * DOC FILE //* STORAGE, PUBLIC, or PRIVATE. No need to execute * DOC FILE //* a MOUNT command on the console. These are TSO * DOC FILE //* commands. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 66. Addition of File 1053 which contains a collection * DOC FILE //* of programs from Alain Barthelemy, tranlated from * DOC FILE //* French. Very useful. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 67. Addition of File 1054 from Paul Lemons, Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck, and John Kalinich. These programs help you * DOC FILE //* tell if a TSO user is using a password or a pass * DOC FILE //* phrase. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 68. Addition of File 1055 from Joseph Reichman, which * DOC FILE //* is an enormous improvement to File 192 from (the * DOC FILE //* late) Mitchell Marx. This program, which operates * DOC FILE //* as an ESTAEX exit, will help determine the real * DOC FILE //* origin of an abend, even if it occurred in a * DOC FILE //* different address space than the original program * DOC FILE //* ran in. It also accounts for 64-bit addressing * DOC FILE //* and a bunch of other new stuff. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 69. Addition of File 1056 from Frank Clarke, to * DOC FILE //* introduce a REXX exec called RUNDATA, that * DOC FILE //* externalizes the customization of REXX execs * DOC FILE //* for a particular installation or instance, * DOC FILE //* WITHOUT ANY CHANGES TO THE REXX EXEC AT ALL * DOC FILE //* (other than the one-time mod to make your EXEC * DOC FILE //* RUNDATA-aware, of course). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-506 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-506 CHANGES FOR VERSION 506 DEC 05, 2023 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A. We continue to thank the Linux Foundation, Open * DOC FILE //* Mainframe Project, which has given us access * DOC FILE //* to a z/OS development machine. A considerable * DOC FILE //* number of the Updates and Additions mentioned * DOC FILE //* here, were developed on that machine, by retired * DOC FILE //* systems programmers and by others. Thank you, * DOC FILE //* Open Mainframe Project of the Linux Foundation...!! * DOC FILE //* Special thanks to John Mertic and the other good * DOC FILE //* folks there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B. Another of my email addresses is never used. * DOC FILE //* Please DO NOT SEND EMAIL to sbgolob@att.net. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1. File 006 (which contains tools to maintain this * DOC FILE //* documentation file) and File 008 (which contains * DOC FILE //* jobs to create the new version of the CBT Tape), * DOC FILE //* have been updated accordingly. So has File 008 * DOC FILE //* been updated. See the Updates page for the latest. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2. File 035 has been updated, with some programs. * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION AUGUST 17, 2023 * DOC FILE //* Programs updated: LOOK, PDS86 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3. Update to File 043, from Lionel Dyck, to improve * DOC FILE //* the CBT download and viewing package. With this * DOC FILE //* package, you can automatically download all, or * DOC FILE //* part of, the entire CBT Tape to your z/OS system * DOC FILE //* for immediate viewing and use. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4. Update to File 098, with fixes from Lionel Dyck. * DOC FILE //* This package is an enhancement for XMIT-RECIEVE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5. Addition of File 099 which contains nice REXX * DOC FILE //* code snippets for people to copy and use. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6. Update to File 120 to add a new article from Sam * DOC FILE //* Golob. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7. Update to File 127 to fix a problem with the * DOC FILE //* TSCALL program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8. Update to File 135 to add new ISO date load modules * DOC FILE //* for PDS86 to this file. * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION AUGUST 17, 2023 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9. Update to File 147 from Rob Prins, who is the new * DOC FILE //* maintainer of the ARCHIVER program package (orig- * DOC FILE //* inally from Rick Fochtman). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10. Update to File 182 from John Kalinich. This is * DOC FILE //* for the PDS86 program package (source code). * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION AUGUST 17, 2023 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11. Update to File 185 to enhance the SHOWTPVT command * DOC FILE //* and to reassemble the TSO auth tables. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12. Update to File 207 from Ed Liss and Rob Prins. * DOC FILE //* This is the old FSE (Full Screen Editor) for TSO, * DOC FILE //* modified to use the extra rows on mod 3 and mod 4 * DOC FILE //* TSO terminals. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13. Update to File 264 from Sam Golob, to use a custom * DOC FILE //* CBMACS so that IBM macros can be formatted better, * DOC FILE //* by the LOOK program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14. Retain File 290 as the source for the GPSAM package. * DOC FILE //* (The file had been duplicated.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15. Update to File 293 to program CKIEBGEN. Fix to * DOC FILE //* remove unprintable X'20' characters from the * DOC FILE //* report, because of improper use of the ED * DOC FILE //* instruction. (Suggested by Bill Godfrey.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16. Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck, to do the * DOC FILE //* following: Add DSFSADM, Update FASTPATH, OMVSCMD. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17. Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck, to do the * DOC FILE //* following: Update SAVELAB, TRYIT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18. Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck, to do the * DOC FILE //* following: Update WHOSON, ZFSTOOLS, ZTSOHELP. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19. Update to file 415 from Rob Prins, to bring RPF * DOC FILE //* to level 1.9.6. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20. Update to File 417 from Lionel Dyck, Bruce Koss, * DOC FILE //* and others, to bring this magnificent RACF * DOC FILE //* administration tool to level 36.7. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21. Update to File 433 from Frank Clarke, which is a * DOC FILE //* major revision of his REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22. Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to enhance * DOC FILE //* IPLINFO even more. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23. Update to File 479 from Lionel Dyck, to fix a * DOC FILE //* problem in the BCEDIT REXX exec (which updates * DOC FILE //* SYS1.BRODCAST notices). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24. Update to File 488 from Jim Iannone, which is a * DOC FILE //* large revision of his utilities file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25. Update to File 542 from Andreas Freybier. SPACE * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26. Update to File 566 (Sam Bass' file) from Sam Golob, * DOC FILE //* to add a few DUMPxxxx programs to dump the contents * DOC FILE //* of a few more control blocks. DUMPPSCB, DUMPTSB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27. Update to File 570 from Frank Clarke, to add a * DOC FILE //* member called TRACING. (This is a file with several * DOC FILE //* pieces of REXX advice and snippets of code). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28. Update to File 648 from Ben Marino, which contains * DOC FILE //* ZRMS, his Resource Monitor Subsystem. This is a * DOC FILE //* sophisticated and valuable software tool. Please * DOC FILE //* see member @FILE648 for valuable instruction on how * DOC FILE //* to use the tool. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29. Update to File 669 from Willy Jensen, which is an * DOC FILE //* extensive rework of his package concerning REXX * DOC FILE //* Global Variables, VSAM bulk access, OpComm etc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30. Update to File 731 from Sam Golob, which contains * DOC FILE //* many TSO-related programs, the likes of which can * DOC FILE //* be found nowhere else. Updated members include: * DOC FILE //* SHOWTSB, SHOWTSVT, SYSLV, TSUINFO. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31. Update to File 797, to modify or add members to * DOC FILE //* the load library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32. Update to File 826, to modify or add members to * DOC FILE //* the load library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33. Update to File 846, to fix access in the JCL to * DOC FILE //* Track 0 of a disk pack, when there is no additional * DOC FILE //* space on the volume. The DD name whose extents * DOC FILE //* should be changed to Track 0 (for one track) must * DOC FILE //* be specified as (TRK,0) instead of (TRK,1). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34. Update to File 890 from Peter Sylvester, to revise * DOC FILE //* some addresses to get information about the SIMULA * DOC FILE //* compiler and libraary, which is included in this * DOC FILE //* file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35. Update to File 926 from Jim Iannone, to correct * DOC FILE //* Phil Polchinski's AMORT COBOL program, so it will * DOC FILE //* compile cleanly on all recent COBOL compilers * DOC FILE //* through 6.4. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36. Update to File 953 from John Gateley, to update * DOC FILE //* or add several of his programs, and to update his * DOC FILE //* very valuable macro library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37. Update to File 967 from Tom Conley, which is a very * DOC FILE //* extensive revision of (the collectively revised) * DOC FILE //* CBT Usermod Collection for ISPF (CUCI). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38. Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, which is his * DOC FILE //* unequalled PDSEGEN (PDSE Version 2 member generation * DOC FILE //* handler). Nice job, Lionel. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39. Update to File 977, which is a list of URL's to * DOC FILE //* the Moshix (Moshe Bar's) videos on YouTube, * DOC FILE //* concerning MVS 3.8, VM, and other related * DOC FILE //* products. These are very valuable tutorials, * DOC FILE //* and there are a lot of them. * DOC FILE //* https://www.youtube.com/user/moshe5760/videos * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40. Update to File 997 which is from Henri Kuiper and * DOC FILE //* Lionel Dyck, and which contains their z/OS ISPF * DOC FILE //* interface to GIT called ZIGI. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41. Update to File 1003 which contains some handy * DOC FILE //* utilities from Peter Sylvester. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42. Update to File 1008 from Kevin Ferguson, which * DOC FILE //* contains a modification to the ISPPREP facility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43. Update to File 1027 from Paul Lemons, and contains * DOC FILE //* a package to look at any JES2 output, and redirect * DOC FILE //* it to an email. * DOC FILE //* Please read the various "README*" members to see * DOC FILE //* how this is done, so you can set it up for yourself. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44. Update to File 1040 from Frank Clarke, to improve * DOC FILE //* his analysis of PL/1 program listings. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45. Update to File 1042 from Frank Clarke, which is a * DOC FILE //* rework of his DEIMBED REXX exec. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46. Addition of File 1043 from Edgar Hofmann, which * DOC FILE //* contains a REXX Preprocessor, that is integrated * DOC FILE //* seamlessly into the TSO environment. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47. Addition of File 1044 from Frank Clarke, and * DOC FILE //* consists of one primary routine, CBTXREF, that * DOC FILE //* displays the CBTSCAN table (included here as * DOC FILE //* member CBTSCAN) plus several subsidiary routines * DOC FILE //* that are useful for successful installation or * DOC FILE //* are needed by other software. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48. Addition of File 1045 from Sergey Kenunen, which * DOC FILE //* contains an assembler macro to convert dates. * DOC FILE //* Please see member $$NOTE01 for more details. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49. Addition of File 1046 from Kevin Ferguson, and * DOC FILE //* contains a tool to convert ISPF panels into * DOC FILE //* "prepped" form, which has some improvements over * DOC FILE //* IBM's way of doing things. Please see the member * DOC FILE //* called $$INFO for more details. Also please see * DOC FILE //* the member called $$INSTAL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50. Addition of File 1047 from Frank Clarke, which * DOC FILE //* provides two REXX EXECs, FINDLIBS and SHOWLIBS, * DOC FILE //* useful for inventorying libraries (by type) * DOC FILE //* across the entire installation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-505 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-505 CHANGES FOR VERSION 505 APR 24, 2023 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A We continue to thank the Linux Foundation, Open * DOC FILE //* Mainframe Project, which has given us access * DOC FILE //* to a z/OS development machine. A considerable * DOC FILE //* number of the Updates and Additions mentioned * DOC FILE //* here, were developed on that machine, by retired * DOC FILE //* systems programmers and by others. Thank you, * DOC FILE //* Open Mainframe Project of the Linux Foundation...!! * DOC FILE //* Special thanks to John Mertic and the other good * DOC FILE //* folks there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B Another of my email addresses is never used. * DOC FILE //* Please do not send email to sbgolob@att.net. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 File 006 (which contains tools to maintain this * DOC FILE //* documentation file) and File 008 (which contains * DOC FILE //* jobs to create the new version of the CBT Tape), * DOC FILE //* have been updated accordingly. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 File 035 has been updated, with many programs. * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION MARCH 23, 2023 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 036, written by the late Robert * DOC FILE //* Weinstein, to correct an abend designation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4. Updates to File 043 from Lionel Dyck, to improve * DOC FILE //* his magnificent package which downloads the entire * DOC FILE //* CBT Tape collection, or part of it, to your MVS * DOC FILE //* (z/OS) mainframe system. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5. Update to File 068, which is the TSTVS console * DOC FILE //* editor and dataset utility, from Rob Prins. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6. Fix to File 112 from John Gateley, if a Format 8 * DOC FILE //* DSCB is present. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7. Updates to File 120 from Sam Golob, to fix many * DOC FILE //* articles, correcting his contact address and to * DOC FILE //* adjust many articles for current system updates. * DOC FILE //* General overhaul of this file (much needed). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8. Updates to File 134 from Greg Price, mostly to the * DOC FILE //* REVIEW program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9. Update to File 135 from Greg Price, to bring the * DOC FILE //* REVIEW modules to level 50.4 and to bring PDS * DOC FILE //* to: PDS -- VERSION MARCH 23, 2023 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10. Update to File 171 to update Richard Rice's email * DOC FILE //* address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11. Update to File 182 from John Kalinich with many * DOC FILE //* changes: PDS -- VERSION MARCH 23, 2023 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12. Update to File 185 to upgrade the load library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13. Update to File 247 to fix the BCMNNOTC program * DOC FILE //* that changes the number of notices formatted in * DOC FILE //* SYS1.BRODCAST by the SYNC commnad, to be more * DOC FILE //* "correct" in finding the place to change. (It * DOC FILE //* worked before, but it operates more "correctly" * DOC FILE //* now.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14. Update to File 257 which contains "linkage editor * DOC FILE //* zaps" to allow object deck blocking to 32720, to * DOC FILE //* add some explanatory notes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15. Update to File 264 to reassemble the LOOK program, * DOC FILE //* and change a few SHOWMACS entries. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16. Minor update to File 266 (SS0104 tape mapping * DOC FILE //* program). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17. Update to File 293 (CKIEBGEN program) to correct * DOC FILE //* an email address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18. Minor update to File 299 (TAPEMAP). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19. Updates to File 300 (add LISTMOD, TSOCP (valuable), * DOC FILE //* changes to CDSCB, AUCMD and CMD). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20. Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck: additions or * DOC FILE //* changes to: ADDCOMMA CHGSTR EDSL EZMENU FTPB * DOC FILE //* FTPB$CHG GETIPLDT LSTPROC QTAB * DOC FILE //* RELPDSE * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21. Updates to File 313 from Lionel Dyck: additions or * DOC FILE //* changes to: SDSFXDD TRYIT TRYIT$ * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22. Updates to File 313 from Lionel Dyck: additions or * DOC FILE //* changes to: ZSYNC * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23. Minor update to File 316 (change to LISTIDR * DOC FILE //* assembly JCL). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24. Minor change to File 338 - assembly JCL for * DOC FILE //* CANCELU. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25. Minor change to File 347 - support for MODLIST pgm. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30. Update to File 390 - added ISPF stats to some * DOC FILE //* members which didn't have them. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31. Update to File 397 to change Frank Clarke's email * DOC FILE //* address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32. Update to File 415 from Rob Prins to change RPF * DOC FILE //* to Level 1.9.4. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33. Update to File 417 from Bruce Koss and Lionel Dyck * DOC FILE //* to bring its level to V35R7. (357 revisions..!!) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34. Updates to File 433 from Frank Clarke. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35. Updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36. Minor update to File 473 (CHKASVT). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37. Minor update to File 480 (CKIEBGEN). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38. Updates to File 492 from Roland Schiradin to bring * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS to Level 8.01. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39. Updates to File 566 which is Sam Bass' file, from * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob, to add a whole bunch of control block * DOC FILE //* dumps, written in the pattern set up by Sam Bass. * DOC FILE //* (It took 10 minutes to write the last one.) * DOC FILE //* DUMPACEE DUMPASSB DUMPASVT DUMPINMX DUMPIOVT * DOC FILE //* DUMPTSVT IKJTPVT IKJXPRM IOSDIOVT * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40. Update to File 570 from Sam Golob, to member * DOC FILE //* PERSAUTH. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41. Update to File 614 from Sam Golob, to add assembly * DOC FILE //* and linkedit for SHOWzOS 8.1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42. Update to File 617 from Pedro Berrios. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43. Massive update to File 669 from Willy Jensen. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44. Update to File 731 from Sam Golob. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45. Minor update to File 734, which is a very early * DOC FILE //* version of the PDS command from MVT days. Included * DOC FILE //* for nostalgia's sake, although it still works. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46. Minor revision to File 763. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47. Change to File 764 to show Alex Kara's new email * DOC FILE //* address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48. Update to File 797 from Sam Golob to fix SHOWTPVT, * DOC FILE //* to show a new field in the TPVT control block that * DOC FILE //* was created for z/OS 2.4--main switch is in the * DOC FILE //* TSVT control block. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49. Update to File 816 from Sam Golob, to fix the * DOC FILE //* BDMNNOTC program to change the default number of * DOC FILE //* Global Notices created, when you do an ACCOUNT SYNC. * DOC FILE //* IBM says you have to do a zap and IPL with CLPA * DOC FILE //* (their procedure is included here), but you don't * DOC FILE //* have to do it. Just run my program, BDMNNOTC for * DOC FILE //* instant results. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50. Update to File 826 (CNCLPG) program notes from * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51. Update to File 846 from Sam Golob to talk about * DOC FILE //* possible scenarios for clipping a disk pack while * DOC FILE //* it is online. (Be careful when you do this). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52. Update to File 857, to add notes about Marco * DOC FILE //* Serafini's beautiful LOGREC report. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 53. Update to File 873, to enhance our version of the * DOC FILE //* IOSDIOVT macro, and bring the assembly JCL up to * DOC FILE //* date. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 54. Update to File 874, to add some HELP members. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 55. Update to File 876 from Tom Armstrong. which is * DOC FILE //* his repair to the ALGOL F compiler. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 56. Update to File 898 to correct Alex Kara's email * DOC FILE //* address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 57. Update to File 905 to remove some IBM materials * DOC FILE //* that were inadvertently included. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 58. Update to File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, to bring * DOC FILE //* the z/OS port of PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions) to the 10.42 level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 59. JCL update to File 940. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 60. Large update to File 953 from John Gateley. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 61. JCL update to File 958. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 62. JCL update to File 959. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 63. Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, to bring * DOC FILE //* PDSEGEN to Level 6.2.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 64. Update to File 977 from Moshe Bar (moshix) to add * DOC FILE //* more URL's to his list of videos on YouTube. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 65. JCL update to File 994. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 66. Massive update to File 996 from Larry K. Slaten. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 67. Update to File 997 from Henri Kuiper and Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck to their Git interface to z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 68. Update to File 1000 from Dan Dirkse, which is * DOC FILE //* his edit macro mass change facility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 69. Addition of File 1032 from Ben Marino, which is * DOC FILE //* a sophisticated "global service provider", that * DOC FILE //* operates as a subsystem. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 70. Addition of File 1033 from Scott Mattes, which * DOC FILE //* is a REXX routine to calculate dates. Originally * DOC FILE //* found on the VMSHARE 1991 tools tape. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 71. Addition of File 1034 which is a REXX exec that * DOC FILE //* allows you to easily copy a dataset. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 72. Addition of File 1035 which contains a version * DOC FILE //* of z/OS PIPES that is written in Rexx. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 73. Addition of File 1036 from Tom Armstrong, which * DOC FILE //* is a complete rewriting of the OS/360 Sort/Merge * DOC FILE //* product. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 74. Addition of File 1037, which is a sophisticated * DOC FILE //* disassembler which came from the late Gerhard * DOC FILE //* Postpischil, by way of Tom Armstrong. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 75. Addition of File 1038 from Larry Zuckett, which * DOC FILE //* contains a System REXX exec that can dynamically * DOC FILE //* add or delete datasets from the Link List. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 76. Addition of File 1039 from Rob Prins, which * DOC FILE //* contains an old version of the LOOK command, that * DOC FILE //* is usable on MVS 3.8. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 77. Addition of File 1040 from Frank Clarke, which * DOC FILE //* contains a set of REXX execs and macros designed * DOC FILE //* to operate on PL/1 source elements and compiler * DOC FILE //* listings. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 78. Addition of File 1041, which contains a package * DOC FILE //* of REXX execs to convert Book Manager files * DOC FILE //* GML, Script/VS or "flat" files to HTML. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 79. Addition of File 1042 from Frank Clarke, which * DOC FILE //* contains one routing called DEIMBED, that helps * DOC FILE //* to isolate and independently allocate resources * DOC FILE //* that are used by REXX routines. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-504 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-504 CHANGES FOR VERSION 504 AUG 16, 2022 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A We continue to thank the Linux Foundation, Open * DOC FILE //* Mainframe Project, which has given us access * DOC FILE //* to a z/OS development machine. A considerable * DOC FILE //* number of the Updates and Additions mentioned * DOC FILE //* here, were developed on that machine, by retired * DOC FILE //* systems programmers and by others. Thank you, * DOC FILE //* Open Mainframe Project of the Linux Foundation...!! * DOC FILE //* Special thanks to John Mertic and the other good * DOC FILE //* folks there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B Another of my email addresses is never used. * DOC FILE //* Please do not send email to sbgolob@att.net. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * * * * ONLY * * * * * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* References to sbgolob@att.net have been removed * DOC FILE //* from the following files: * DOC FILE //* 004 017 046 083 118 123 136 176 193 204 215 223 * DOC FILE //* 229 243 247 257 261 263 266 277 289 347 380 398 * DOC FILE //* 402 447 481 504 516 533 537 545 546 570 587 604 * DOC FILE //* 625 633 635 646 658 711 713 732 733 760 763 792 * DOC FILE //* 795 809 814 816 831 837 838 849 850 863 865 879 * DOC FILE //* 893 894 896 905 916 934 940 943 944 945 946 947 * DOC FILE //* 954 958 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Update to File 006 to fix the tools to manipulate * DOC FILE //* File 001 for the current version of the tape. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 008 to bring all the jobs for * DOC FILE //* creating the tape, up to the current version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 035 to add the latest versions * DOC FILE //* of the OFFLOAD program and the PDS 8.6 package: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION JULY 26, 2022 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 043 from Lionel Dyck, to the * DOC FILE //* CBTVIEW package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 093 to fix the OFFLOAD program * DOC FILE //* so it creates ISPF statistics when the packed * DOC FILE //* dates end in a "C" instead of an "F". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 135 to add the latest versions * DOC FILE //* of the OFFLOAD program and the PDS 8.6 package: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION JULY 26, 2022 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 182 to add the latest version * DOC FILE //* of the PDS 8.6 package: (source code) * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION JULY 26, 2022 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 225 which contains Dave Cole's * DOC FILE //* original version of the OFFLOAD program. The * DOC FILE //* doc member @FILE225 was changed to help advertise * DOC FILE //* Dave Cole's other products. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck, to bring * DOC FILE //* new versions of his SAVELAB and SDSFXDD packages. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck, to bring * DOC FILE //* new versions of his ZFSTOOLS and ZSYNC packages. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 316 to fix the OFFLOAD program * DOC FILE //* so it creates ISPF statistics when the packed * DOC FILE //* dates end in a "C" instead of an "F". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 519 to get rid of Sam Golob's * DOC FILE //* obsolete email address in the documentation. * DOC FILE //* This file compares tapes from a CA-1 TMC to * DOC FILE //* records for the same tape, in an IBM VTS * DOC FILE //* (Virtual Tape System). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 617 from Pedro Berrios. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 860 to replace the copy of the * DOC FILE //* OFFLOAD program that was there, with the latest * DOC FILE //* copy (which takes care of the ISPF packed dates * DOC FILE //* problem, when the dates end in a "C" instead * DOC FILE //* of an "F"). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Addition of File 1031 which is a set of tools * DOC FILE //* to detect the "packed date X'nC' problem" when * DOC FILE //* it occurs, and to fix it. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-503 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-503 CHANGES FOR VERSION 503 JUL 20, 2022 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A The LISTPDS program had an error, which caused a few * DOC FILE //* files to drop ISPF statistics. This error was fixed * DOC FILE //* in several files of the CBT Tape, specifically Files * DOC FILE //* 093, 035, 135, 172, 316, 371, 612, and 860. It also * DOC FILE //* had another error fixed, concerning size of extended * DOC FILE //* statistics in the SYSPRINT report. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B We continue to thank the Linux Foundation, Open * DOC FILE //* Mainframe Project, which has given us access * DOC FILE //* to a z/OS development machine. A considerable * DOC FILE //* number of the Updates and Additions mentioned * DOC FILE //* here, were developed on that machine, by retired * DOC FILE //* systems programmers and by others. Thank you, * DOC FILE //* Open Mainframe Project of the Linux Foundation...!! * DOC FILE //* Special thanks to John Mertic and the other good * DOC FILE //* folks there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* C One of my email addresses has disappeared completely * DOC FILE //* and I cannot recover any mail sent to there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* D There was always a problem with "Which Version of * DOC FILE //* any given CBT Tape file have I downloaded? So in * DOC FILE //* the year 2001, I created "a time and date stamp * DOC FILE //* member called $$$#DATE, which gets shipped with * DOC FILE //* every file. However, the old files didn't have * DOC FILE //* these members. So now, we have created them, for * DOC FILE //* all the files that didn't have them. They look * DOC FILE //* like this: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* REGULAR CBT TAPE - VERSION 503 FILE: 204 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ORIGINAL DSNAME: SBGOLOB.CBT503.FILE204 * DOC FILE //* --------------- * DOC FILE //* --RECFM-LRECL-BLKSIZE-DSORG * DOC FILE //* FB 80 5600 PO * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* PDS117I 19 MEMBERS COUNTED; CUMULATIVE SIZE IS 22,674 RECORDS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* TIME THIS PDS WAS SHIPPED: 06/16/22 22:24:13 UTC-4:00 PRE-2001 * DOC FILE //* (extra)----->>> * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please note that the PRE-2001 mark was added, to * DOC FILE //* show that the file has not been changed since at * DOC FILE //* least as far back as the year 2001. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* In the File Status Section below, the dates on * DOC FILE //* these files will not be changed, but the record * DOC FILE //* counts will be changed because of the extra two * DOC FILE //* members that are being added to each file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* If the file is FB-80, then the @FILEnnn doc member * DOC FILE //* has also been added to it, to modernize the older * DOC FILE //* files in the collection, and to make it easier to * DOC FILE //* see what that file is about. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* D File numbers that have been altered in this way, * DOC FILE //* are as follows: (241 files) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 011 012 015 016 021 023 025 026 027 030 031 032 037 * DOC FILE //* 040 041 045 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 065 067 069 * DOC FILE //* 070 071 072 074 075 076 078 079 080 081 082 084 085 * DOC FILE //* 086 087 089 091 095 096 098 100 101 103 105 106 109 * DOC FILE //* 113 114 116 117 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 130 131 * DOC FILE //* 132 138 140 141 142 143 144 146 148 150 151 152 153 * DOC FILE //* 154 158 159 163 164 165 167 169 173 175 178 179 180 * DOC FILE //* 181 184 187 188 189 190 191 192 194 195 196 197 201 * DOC FILE //* 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 214 215 216 217 218 * DOC FILE //* 219 221 223 224 227 231 232 233 235 236 237 244 245 * DOC FILE //* 248 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 258 262 263 265 269 * DOC FILE //* 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 278 279 280 282 283 284 * DOC FILE //* 285 286 287 288 290 292 298 303 304 305 306 307 309 * DOC FILE //* 310 317 318 319 320 328 329 332 333 334 335 336 337 * DOC FILE //* 339 340 341 342 348 350 351 354 355 356 359 363 364 * DOC FILE //* 365 366 369 370 373 374 375 376 379 381 383 385 392 * DOC FILE //* 399 400 405 416 418 421 422 424 426 427 428 429 430 * DOC FILE //* 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 * DOC FILE //* 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual. File 006 * DOC FILE //* needs the tape version on the execs to be changed * DOC FILE //* from 501 to 502, and File 008 needs the general * DOC FILE //* overhaul to produce the Version 503 tape and files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 029 to update the author contact * DOC FILE //* information. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File035 to bring the load modules for * DOC FILE //* the PDS 8.6 program to the level: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION MAY 29, 2022 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 043 from Lionel Dyck. File 043 is * DOC FILE //* a package so that you can have all the CBT files * DOC FILE //* available to your z/OS system, provided that your * DOC FILE //* z/OS system has an FTP connection with the website * DOC FILE //* www.cbttape.org. Updates to all files can then be * DOC FILE //* automatically uploaded as well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 102 to get rid of some obsolete * DOC FILE //* contact information. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File135 to bring the load modules for * DOC FILE //* the PDS 8.6 program to the level: (ISO dates) * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION MAY 29, 2022 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich to bring the * DOC FILE //* PDS 8.6 source code and accessories to the level: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION MAY 29, 2022 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 300 to the LISTLPA program. This is * DOC FILE //* to compensate for the changed length of the LPDE * DOC FILE //* (LPA Directory Entry) in z/OS 2.4. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck, to add the * DOC FILE //* ALTLIB and ISPFLLV members, and to update the * DOC FILE //* FTPB and FASTPATH packages. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck, to add the * DOC FILE //* SDSFXDD package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck, to add the * DOC FILE //* WHOSON exec, and to update the ZSYNC package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 414 from Joe Garcia. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 415 which is RPF (Rob's Programming * DOC FILE //* Facility) from Rob Prins, to make many improvements * DOC FILE //* and raise its system level to 1.9.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 417 from Bruce Koss, Lionel Dyck, * DOC FILE //* and others, to level V35R3. This is the amazing * DOC FILE //* RACF Administration Tool. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 433 from Frank Clarke, which is a * DOC FILE //* greatly revised and updated collection of his * DOC FILE //* REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to revise * DOC FILE //* his TWOPAK members and supply a new member to * DOC FILE //* make a two-pack rescue system for z/OS 2.4. * DOC FILE //* Also, he has updated his DSLISTSV and ONEPAK22 * DOC FILE //* members. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 500 from Ben Marino, which is his * DOC FILE //* sophisticated "Event Capture Facility". Ben has * DOC FILE //* raised his package to level V2R3M0. A list of * DOC FILE //* release notes for this release can be found in * DOC FILE //* member $$NOTE05 of this pds. We are very grateful * DOC FILE //* to the Linux foundation, Open Mainframe Projeck, * DOC FILE //* for the use of their z/OS system in the development * DOC FILE //* of this product. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Extensive update to File 669 from Willy Jensen. * DOC FILE //* (Large collection of REXX execs, REXX functions, * DOC FILE //* etc. etc.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Minor change to File 731 from Sam Golob. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to Files 801 and 870 to change the * DOC FILE //* documentation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 876 which is the "fixed" ALGOL F * DOC FILE //* compiler. Documentation updates only. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 889 to include a later version of * DOC FILE //* the Hercules emulator - Hyperion Version 4.4.1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 899 to update the version of the * DOC FILE //* FACEE program (callable version of DACEE) that * DOC FILE //* is there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, which is the * DOC FILE //* z/OS version of PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions), that is now compatible with PCRE * DOC FILE //* Version 10.40. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 961 from Yves Colliard, which is * DOC FILE //* his collection of execs to support additional * DOC FILE //* line commands in ISPF edit, view, etc. etc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 967 from Tom Conley, which is his * DOC FILE //* very large collection of ISPF usermods, that is * DOC FILE //* called CUCI (CBT Usermd Collection for ISPF). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, which is his * DOC FILE //* PDSEGEN package. PDSEGEN is designed to help in * DOC FILE //* handling PDSE version 2 member generations, which * DOC FILE //* IBM (even though it created them) doesn't support * DOC FILE //* well. We have some updates to the package here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 977 to include the new Moshix MVS * DOC FILE //* videos made in the last half year. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 985 from Marius Lewin, to greatly * DOC FILE //* revise his collection of REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 990 from Lionel Dyck, which is * DOC FILE //* a large collection of tricks and tips for ISPF * DOC FILE //* developers. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 997 from Henri Kuiper and Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck, which is an ISPF Git interface called * DOC FILE //* ZIGI. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 1021 from Steve Myers, which is * DOC FILE //* an improved version of the program from IBM to * DOC FILE //* make block letters. The original EASLD095 is on * DOC FILE //* CBT File 316, which is a derivative of IBM's * DOC FILE //* IEFSD095. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 1022 from Glenn Siegel, which is * DOC FILE //* his automation of IBM's SCRT report. This process * DOC FILE //* /job is scheduled to run on third day of every * DOC FILE //* month. I use XMITIP to email my reports. * DOC FILE //* This is a great email tool by Lionel B. Dyck * DOC FILE //* (CBT File 314). Thank you for all of your work, * DOC FILE //* Lionel. If you don't have it you'll need it * DOC FILE //* for this process. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Addition of File 1023 from Richard Humphris, * DOC FILE //* and contains a package of programs to produce * DOC FILE //* a Cross-Reference report for REXX programs, which * DOC FILE //* is very useful. The programs are referred to, as * DOC FILE //* the REXX Xreference Utility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Addition of File 1024 from Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw, * DOC FILE //* and contains some of the utilities he wrote for * DOC FILE //* public distribution. These were obtained from * DOC FILE //* his website: https://rsclweb.com/downloads/ * DOC FILE //* name : Reverse Sweep Consulting Limited * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Addition of File 1025 from Steve Myers, and * DOC FILE //* contains a batch program to simulate an ISPF 3.4 * DOC FILE //* dataset list. (This is the list only--you can't do * DOC FILE //* anything with the names.) The program name * DOC FILE //* is DSLIST. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Addition of File 1026 from Jay Moseley and consists * DOC FILE //* of documentation for how to use (currently 46) * DOC FILE //* MVS-based utilities that he finds useful. * DOC FILE //* Most of these utilities (not all of them) have * DOC FILE //* versions that can be used in both MVS 3.8 under * DOC FILE //* Hercules, or under z/OS. Some of them come from * DOC FILE //* IBM, and some come from the CBT Tape. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Addition of File 1027 from Paul Lemons and contains * DOC FILE //* a package to look at any JES2 output, and redirect * DOC FILE //* it to an email. Please read the various "README*" * DOC FILE //* members to see how this is done, so you can set it * DOC FILE //* up for yourself. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Addition of File 1028 from Kevin Ferguson, and * DOC FILE //* contains a version of the SUPERXMT program from a * DOC FILE //* XEPHON article (which we are now able to use, * DOC FILE //* with no restrictions). SUPERXMT allows you to get * DOC FILE //* around the OUTLIMIT restrictions, which the * DOC FILE //* installation has placed on the XMIT command * DOC FILE //* (as to the size of its output). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Addition of File 1029 from Daniel Gaeta and * DOC FILE //* contains a service package called RXP. RXP * DOC FILE //* performs EXECIO-like operations on data. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* See member called $README (one "$") for some * DOC FILE //* further explanation of how to use this package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Source is currently not provided. The executing * DOC FILE //* code (from member - in XMIT-format) called LOAD * DOC FILE //* is from C/370 language source. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Addition of File 1030 from Daniel Gaeta and * DOC FILE //* contains RXSQLITE, which is an alternative to * DOC FILE //* using SQLITE in the REXX language. * DOC FILE //* See member $README for more details. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-502 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-502 CHANGES FOR VERSION 502 NOV 07, 2021 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A Many of this version's changes were due to the * DOC FILE //* enormous generosity of the Linux Foundations's * DOC FILE //* Open Mainframe Project, which has given us access * DOC FILE //* to a z/OS development machine. A considerable * DOC FILE //* number of the Updates and Additions mentioned * DOC FILE //* here, were developed on that machine, by retired * DOC FILE //* systems programmers and by others. Thank you, * DOC FILE //* Open Mainframe Project of the Linux Foundation...!! * DOC FILE //* Special thanks to John Mertic and the other good * DOC FILE //* folks there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B One of my email addresses has disappeared completely * DOC FILE //* and I cannot recover any mail sent to there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ( sbgolob@attglobal.net has disappeared ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* sbgolob@cbttape.org is the only email address * DOC FILE //* that I currently use. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual. File 006 * DOC FILE //* needs the tape version on the execs to be changed * DOC FILE //* from 501 to 502, and File 008 needs the general * DOC FILE //* overhaul to produce the Version 502 tape and files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 014 to inclule SMP Demystified Part * DOC FILE //* two, which had somohow gotten lost from the file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 020 to eliminate my obsolete email * DOC FILE //* address from the support list. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Updates to File 035 (load module library) to add * DOC FILE //* the following programs: Bring the PDS 8.6 * DOC FILE //* command to the PDS -- VERSION * DOC FILE //* AUGUST 22, 2021 level, and to add or modify: * DOC FILE //* CDSCB COPYMODS DUSER RECONLIM TRMSZRPT * DOC FILE //* TSUINFO USERMAX ZAPDSCB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Updates to File 036 to replace the copy of CVTCLIST * DOC FILE //* that was there, with the newer one, and to format * DOC FILE //* the file better. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Addition of File 043 from Lionel Dyck, which is a * DOC FILE //* package that makes it easy to access all the CBT * DOC FILE //* Tape files on your z/OS system. Highly recommended. * DOC FILE //* "The Official CBT ISPF Dialog" * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 093 from our dear "Updater", to fix * DOC FILE //* a bug in the UPDTE program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 115 to supply a @FILE115 member. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Updates to File 134 from Greg Price, to bring * DOC FILE //* REVIEW to the 50.1 level. Update to Fullscreen * DOC FILE //* ZAP to accommodate 8-character TSO userids. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Updates to the File 135 load library to correspond * DOC FILE //* to the source updates in File 134 for REVIEW, and * DOC FILE //* for Fullscreen ZAP. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Updates to File 182 to bring PDS 8.6 to the level: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION AUGUST 22, 2021 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 229 from Sam Golob to include the * DOC FILE //* latest version of COPYMODS (Level 88). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 247 with minor updates to LPSCB * DOC FILE //* and MYIDP. The BRODCAST stuff was unchanged. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 300 to Fullscreen ZAP with the fix * DOC FILE //* for 8-character userids. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck, with changes * DOC FILE //* or additions of the following packages: * DOC FILE //* EMAC EZMENU FTPB FTPB$CHG ISPFDEMO LSTPROC OMVSMAN * DOC FILE //* PDS2PDSE PRMCK QTAB RELPDSE * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck, with changes * DOC FILE //* to the SPELLC package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck, with changes * DOC FILE //* or additions of the following packages: * DOC FILE //* XMITIP ZFSTOOLS ZSYNC ZTSOHELP * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 415 from Rob Prins, which is his * DOC FILE //* ISPF-like multi-utility called RPF. The current * DOC FILE //* level of RPF is 1.9.0. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 417 from Bruce Koss and Lionel Dyck. * DOC FILE //* This is the RACF administration tool called RACFADM, * DOC FILE //* which is now at Level 35.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 423 to fix a bug in the TERMSZ * DOC FILE //* program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 433 from Frank Clarke, with major * DOC FILE //* changes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 500 which is Ben Marino's "Event * DOC FILE //* Capture Facility", which now was made to work on * DOC FILE //* z/OS, as well as on MVS 3.8. This is a highly * DOC FILE //* sophisticated automation package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 591 from Lionel Dyck to fix * DOC FILE //* REXXFORM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 655 from Xiayang, to fix a small * DOC FILE //* problem in the CATCLR3 exec. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 669 from Willy Jensen, which is * DOC FILE //* an almost complete reworking of his REXX Global * DOC FILE //* Variables package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Updates to File 731 (TSO-related programs): * DOC FILE //* Changes to TSVTTMO and SHOWTPVT. * DOC FILE //* Addition of TSUINFO and TRMSZRPT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 791 from Lindy Mayfield, to fix the * DOC FILE //* D522 REXX exec. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 846, to adjust the JCL that runs * DOC FILE //* ONLCLIP and ONLCLEAR in an SMS environment. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 847, to add COPYMODS Level 88. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 874, to include a few more HELP * DOC FILE //* members for programs on the CBT Tape. Update * DOC FILE //* the HELP members for REVIEW. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Updates to File 895 (STEMEDIT program) from Rainer * DOC FILE //* Nowak. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, to include * DOC FILE //* Release 10.38 of PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions), ported to z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 941 from Gregory Bliznets to add more * DOC FILE //* programs to his collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 955 from John Miller, which is his * DOC FILE //* Remote Logging Facility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 956 from Steve Myers, to include * DOC FILE //* some more of his incomparable programs, for example, * DOC FILE //* ICOPY or SCAN118. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Update to File 966 from Steve Myers, which contains * DOC FILE //* his HLASM assembler prompter. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 967 from Tom Conley, to include a * DOC FILE //* few essential members of his CUCI package * DOC FILE //* (CBT Usermod Collection for ISPF (CUCI)) that had * DOC FILE //* been left out by accident. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, which is his * DOC FILE //* PDSEGEN application to exploit the possibilities * DOC FILE //* of PDSE V2 member generations. For a long time, * DOC FILE //* this package has been better than anything IBM * DOC FILE //* had, in handling the (extra) pds members, and * DOC FILE //* as of this writing, it probably still is a better * DOC FILE //* utility for handling the extra PDSE Version 2 * DOC FILE //* generation members. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Update to File 977 to list the URL's of all the * DOC FILE //* MVS videos which MOSHIX (Moshe Bar) has added to * DOC FILE //* his YouTube group, since the last version of this * DOC FILE //* collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Update to File 990, which is a collection of ISPF * DOC FILE //* tricks and tips for ISPF developers. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Update to File 997 from Henri Kuiper and Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck, to their ISPF Git interface. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Update to File 1000 from Dan Dirkse, to his Edit * DOC FILE //* macro mass change facility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Addition of File 1006 from Reed Starnes, which * DOC FILE //* contains a load module compare program that is * DOC FILE //* quite innovative and useful. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Addition of File 1007 from Reed Starnes, which is * DOC FILE //* a batch program called DATOC which can change * DOC FILE //* fields in the VTOC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Addition of File 1008 from Kevin Ferguson, which * DOC FILE //* contains a modification to the ISPF ISPPREP * DOC FILE //* facility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Addition of File 1009 from Salvador Carrasco and * DOC FILE //* contains a collection of DB2 User-defined Functions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Addition of File 1010 from Dan Snyder, which * DOC FILE //* contains a new shipment of structured macros. * DOC FILE //* A new file was created here, to avoid confusion * DOC FILE //* with other similar files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Addition of File 1011 from Dana Mitchell and * DOC FILE //* contains an SDSF exit that tells SDSF to ignore * DOC FILE //* RMF if it is not present. This has presented a * DOC FILE //* problem when converting from z/OS 2.2 to z/OS 2.4. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Addition of File 1012 which contains some thoughts * DOC FILE //* about systems programming, from an experienced * DOC FILE //* system programmer. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50 Addition of File 1013 which contains some thoughts * DOC FILE //* about systems programming, from David Spiegel. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51 Addition of File 1014 from (the late) Ken Tomiak. * DOC FILE //* This is a very interesting piece of code (a REXX * DOC FILE //* exec) which has been included here, not only as * DOC FILE //* an honor and a tribute to him, but also because * DOC FILE //* it is useful. This REXX exec (called CONDCODE) * DOC FILE //* follows job execution and supplies statistics * DOC FILE //* somewhat similar to an IEFACTRT exit, about the * DOC FILE //* results of the job. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52 Addition of File 1015 from Ulrich Braeuer, and * DOC FILE //* contains a multi-purpose tool to perfom many * DOC FILE //* functions in DB2. Much of this package is still * DOC FILE //* commented in German. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 53 Addition of File 1016 from Steve Myers, and * DOC FILE //* contains some of the uniquely written TSO commands * DOC FILE //* that he has produced. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 54 Addition of File 1017 from Steve Myers, and * DOC FILE //* contains a batch utility to analyze the contents * DOC FILE //* of load libraries in detail. This analysis can be * DOC FILE //* used to compare load libraries for changes, and * DOC FILE //* to understand details about their general contents. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 55 Addition of File 1018 from Dale Tyvand, which * DOC FILE //* contains a "super duper" IEFACTRT exit, that * DOC FILE //* displays a lot of information. I think that * DOC FILE //* (at least) some shops would very much enjoy having * DOC FILE //* this exit available for their use, or even just * DOC FILE //* to learn from. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 56 Addition of File 1019 from Steve Myers and is a * DOC FILE //* self-contained package of SMF-related programs. * DOC FILE //* This file has some overlap with Steve's File 956, * DOC FILE //* but it is suggested to use this file by itself. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 57 Addition of File 1020 from Steve Myers and * DOC FILE //* contains a program to cross reference a large number * DOC FILE //* of assembler listings, and to report the occurrence * DOC FILE //* of variables, across the whole collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-501 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-501 CHANGES FOR VERSION 501 MAR 04, 2021 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A One of my email addresses has disappeared completely * DOC FILE //* and I cannot recover any mail sent to there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ( sbgolob@attglobal.net has disappeared ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* sbgolob@cbttape.org is the only email address * DOC FILE //* that I currently use. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual. File 006 * DOC FILE //* needs the tape version on the execs to be changed * DOC FILE //* from 500 to 501, and File 008 needs the general * DOC FILE //* overhaul to produce the Version 501 tape and files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 035 to bring PDS86 to the level: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION FEBRUARY 16, 2021 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 068 from Rob Prins. This is a small * DOC FILE //* update to the TSTVS console program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 134 to change the documentation in * DOC FILE //* member @FILE135, to reflect the updated source * DOC FILE //* for REVIEW 49.7 and to advertise the presence of * DOC FILE //* Greg Price's magnificent IM (IMON) program whose * DOC FILE //* source code, and load modules, are now available * DOC FILE //* on CBT File 010. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Updates to File 135 to reflect the ISO Date * DOC FILE //* updates to PDS -- VERSION and to now * DOC FILE //* include the load modules for IMON from File 010. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 147 from Rob Prins, * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich to bring * DOC FILE //* PDS86 to release: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION FEBRUARY 16, 2021 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 264 to do some renames and to * DOC FILE //* organize the versions of the LOOK program. * DOC FILE //* Make the 64-bit version of LOOK the main version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck. Members * DOC FILE //* changed or added: CONS, FTPB, NETRC, OMVSMAN. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck, to add * DOC FILE //* SYNCFTP. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 415 from Rob Prins, to bring RPF * DOC FILE //* to version level 1.8.7. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 417 from Bruce Koss, Lionel Dyck, * DOC FILE //* and "the team" to bring RACFADM to level V35R0. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 423, to program LAA, to be able * DOC FILE //* to find all the DSAB's, even if they are above * DOC FILE //* the 16M line (31-bit addresses). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 483 from Sam Golob, to the DTOD * DOC FILE //* program that was created from Thomas Ramseier's * DOC FILE //* model. DTOD allows you to enter any STCK date, * DOC FILE //* and it will format it into time, date format. * DOC FILE //* EXAMPLE: DTOD D458765434222221 * DOC FILE //* RESULT : * DOC FILE //* Date: Friday, 18th of May 2018 (05/18/18 2018.138) * DOC FILE //* Time: 08:55:19.0 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 499 to combine the contents of * DOC FILE //* (the former) File 500 with it, thereby freeing up * DOC FILE //* File 500 for another use. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Addition of File 500 from Ben Marino, which contains * DOC FILE //* his automation package for MVS 3.8, which is called * DOC FILE //* ECF, or Event Capture Facility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 566 (from Sam Golob) to Sam Bass' * DOC FILE //* wonderful file, to change some JCL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 634 (LISTUCB command) to get rid * DOC FILE //* of my obsolete email addresses for support. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 669 from Willy Jensen, which is a * DOC FILE //* complete revamping of his REXX Global Variables * DOC FILE //* package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob, to add some * DOC FILE //* new programs, and to fix some others. * DOC FILE //* Fixed documentation in the 8 TCAS programs, and * DOC FILE //* added or modified some other programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 745, which were old updates, but * DOC FILE //* which apparently had never been applied to the file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 797, to add the load library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 899, to enhance the formatting in * DOC FILE //* the DACEE command. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, to bring * DOC FILE //* PCRE for z/OS to version 10.36. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 941 from Gregory Bliznets, to * DOC FILE //* modify and improve many of his programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 953 from John Gateley, to his large * DOC FILE //* collection of programs, and to his macro library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 967 from Tom Conley, to raise his * DOC FILE //* "CUCI" CBT Usermod Collection for ISPF, to * DOC FILE //* Version 1.5. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, which is the * DOC FILE //* magnificent PDSEGEN package that can handle PDSE * DOC FILE //* Version 2 member generations much more easily than * DOC FILE //* most anything else. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 977 to add more URL addresses for * DOC FILE //* Moshix videos on YouTube. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 980 to add another zap to TASID * DOC FILE //* V5.21 to fix its initiator display for z/OS 2.4. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 985 from Marius Lewin, which is * DOC FILE //* a large update of his REXX exec collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 1000 from Dan Dirkse, which * DOC FILE //* contains his Edit Macro Mass Change Facility, that * DOC FILE //* can apply an edit macro to many pds members at once. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 1001 from Peter Vels to contain * DOC FILE //* a nice collection of his REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Addition of File 1002 from Tom Conley and Bill * DOC FILE //* Smith, which contains some PDF presentations * DOC FILE //* about how to use SMP/E. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Addition of File 1003 from Peter Sylvester, which * DOC FILE //* contains a few useful programs that were rescued * DOC FILE //* from former times. (They work great.) There is * DOC FILE //* a lot to learn from, in the coding. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Addition of File 1004 from Reed Starnes, to add a * DOC FILE //* very useful tape mapping program called PRECIS. * DOC FILE //* (Thanks to John Kalinich for getting this started.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Addition of File 1005 from Peter Sylvester, called * DOC FILE //* "Assembler Structured Programming Tool Set". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-500 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-500 CHANGES FOR VERSION 500 DEC 20, 2020 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A One of my email addresses has disappeared completely * DOC FILE //* and I cannot recover any mail sent to there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ( sbgolob@attglobal.net has disappeared ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* sbgolob@cbttape.org is the only email address * DOC FILE //* that I currently use. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual. File 006 * DOC FILE //* needs the tape version on the execs to be changed * DOC FILE //* from 499 to 500, and File 008 needs the general * DOC FILE //* overhaul to produce the Version 500 tape and files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Addition of File 010 from Greg Price, which is his * DOC FILE //* magnificent IMON monitor for z/OS, that used to * DOC FILE //* be a "pay product". Greg has made both source and * DOC FILE //* load for IMON to now be available. IMON is an * DOC FILE //* extraordinarily versatile and useful tool that is * DOC FILE //* now available for ALL SYSTEMS PROGRAMMERS TO USE * DOC FILE //* AND LEARN FROM. Don't miss the opportunity...!!! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 019, which is John Hooper's file, * DOC FILE //* from Orazio Scaggion, to add SMS storage information * DOC FILE //* to John's FLSMFDSN program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 034, to rename member IGGPRE00 to * DOC FILE //* its proper name of RACFUSER. The member name in * DOC FILE //* the file did not match the actual contents of the * DOC FILE //* member. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 035, which is the "quick install" * DOC FILE //* load library for many programs in this collection. * DOC FILE //* Member names changed are: * DOC FILE //* ALLIDS CPSCB DVOL LPSCB PDS PDSUR PDSUR01 * DOC FILE //* PDS38 PDS86 PDS86I PDS8638 FASTPATH * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Addition of File 042 from John Bradley. This file * DOC FILE //* contains set of reporting utilities and general * DOC FILE //* manipulation code for Connect Direct z/OS * DOC FILE //* Statistics File contents. * DOC FILE //* (The old contents of File 042 were moved to the * DOC FILE //* KEYWORDS member of File 006.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Moved File 043 to File 006, together with the * DOC FILE //* contents of File 042. That material can be found * DOC FILE //* in File 006, members KEYWORDS, KEYWORDH, and the * DOC FILE //* member KEYWORD is a CLIST to reconstitute KEYWORDH * DOC FILE //* from XMIT format to what it really is (VB-255). * DOC FILE //* So File 043 is empty now. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 097 from Sam Golob to make a slight * DOC FILE //* change to the VVDSLIST program that is in this * DOC FILE //* collection. The collection consists of old programs * DOC FILE //* from Peoples National Bank of Washington (Seattle). * DOC FILE //* The VVDSLIST program still doesn't work for packs * DOC FILE //* on which the VVDS has SMS information. If anybody * DOC FILE //* wants to fix that program, they are invited to * DOC FILE //* do so (please!). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 134 from Greg Price, to bring the * DOC FILE //* REVIEW program, and all its helpers, to the 49.7 * DOC FILE //* Version level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 135 (load library) to bring REVIEW * DOC FILE //* load modules to the Version 49.7 level, and to * DOC FILE //* bring the PDS 8.6 load modules (ISO dates) to the * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION NOVEMBER 26, 2020 * DOC FILE //* version level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Addition of File 137 from Billy Fenwick, which * DOC FILE //* contains a detailed report system, to carefully * DOC FILE //* and accurately control the distribution of reports, * DOC FILE //* to only those people who are allowed to see them. * DOC FILE //* (The VI rexx exec - which was on File 137 before, * DOC FILE //* is adequately covered by a fixed version in Files * DOC FILE //* 942 and 964.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Updates to File 147 (which is the ARCHIVER package * DOC FILE //* from Rick Fochtman) made by Rob Prins. Rob is now * DOC FILE //* the proprietor of this package. Rob's program * DOC FILE //* package called RPF (File 415) now has an interface * DOC FILE //* to upload and download members from one of these * DOC FILE //* VSAM Archives automatically. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 160, which is Chuck Hoffman's file, * DOC FILE //* to add the former contents of File 010, which used * DOC FILE //* to contain Chuck's ISPFPRIM assembler program. * DOC FILE //* (File 010 now contains Greg Price's IMON monitor.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich, to bring * DOC FILE //* the PDS 8.6 program package to level: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION NOVEMBER 26, 2020 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 183 to fix FASTPATH, so it properly * DOC FILE //* invokes the SHOWzOS program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File300 to change CPSCB and LPSCB to * DOC FILE //* accommodate the new OPERPARM console attribute * DOC FILE //* in the PSCB control block. (Load modules in File * DOC FILE //* 035 have been changed as well.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck to add or * DOC FILE //* change the following packages (which are members * DOC FILE //* of the dataset): * DOC FILE //* CONCATIT EDITMAC EDSL OMVSPAX QTAB REXXER * DOC FILE //* RUNC * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Updates to File 313 from Lionel Dyck to add or * DOC FILE //* change the following packages (which are members * DOC FILE //* of the dataset): * DOC FILE //* SHAREVAR TRYIT TUTORPRT * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Updates to File321 from both Peter Farley and * DOC FILE //* Roland Schiradin. The following members were * DOC FILE //* changed: * DOC FILE //* COBANALJ COBANALZ PIDTABLE STRING64 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 360 to put in an obituary for my * DOC FILE //* dear friend Gordon Boyd Hampton, who made updates * DOC FILE //* for the VOLS command and its HELP file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to the TSSO file, File 404 from John * DOC FILE //* Kalinich, to add Word-format documentation for * DOC FILE //* TSSO. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Updates to File 415, which is RPF, from Rob Prins, * DOC FILE //* to raise its version release level to 1.8.6. * DOC FILE //* This is an improvement of five (5) release levels * DOC FILE //* since the last CBT Tape Version. (Last level 1.8.1) * DOC FILE //* (Rob has been busy. Thanks, Rob.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Updates to File 417, with is the RACF Administration * DOC FILE //* Tool, RACFADM. Current version level is 34.7. * DOC FILE //* (Version on the previous CBT Tape was 25.1. This * DOC FILE //* represents a change OF 96 RELEASE LEVELS...!!!) * DOC FILE //* (Bruce Koss, Lionel Dyck, John Kalinich, and the * DOC FILE //* rest of the crew, have been busy too.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to improve * DOC FILE //* (once again) IPLINFO, and to add SDSFPRT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, to bring * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS to two new releases (7.25 and 8.01). * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS Release 8.01 uses some new machine * DOC FILE //* instructions, and it may not run perfectly on some * DOC FILE //* machines. Therefore you may run Release 7.25 which * DOC FILE //* is a clean release that can run on more machines. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 535 from Deru Sudibyo to fix CCAT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 614 to add load modules and assembly * DOC FILE //* JCL for SHOWzOS 7.25 and 8.01. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 669 from Willy Jensen with a complete * DOC FILE //* reshipment of his programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 684 from Sam Golob to add CHKSWAP * DOC FILE //* to RIck Fochtman's collection of programs. I * DOC FILE //* found the program among Rick's stuff, and I figured * DOC FILE //* that it should be added here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob to add modified * DOC FILE //* versions of DACEE (to dump UTOKEN and ACEX option- * DOC FILE //* ally), ALLIDS (to supply addresses in storage where * DOC FILE //* your userid name occurs, besides just naming the * DOC FILE //* control block), and TSVT8, to add some descriptive * DOC FILE //* background documentation). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 797, to update the load library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 817 from Mike Wojtukiewicz, to add * DOC FILE //* the Q390TIOT program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 836, to add a large bunch of * DOC FILE //* programs that were fixed, which came from the * DOC FILE //* Xephon archives and elsewhere. Documentation * DOC FILE //* is in the file, as to the origin of all these * DOC FILE //* programs. (See member @FILE836). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 846 from Sam Golob, to add the * DOC FILE //* ONLCLEAR program, which removes identification * DOC FILE //* information from the VOL1 record of a disk pack. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 874, which is a HELP file for many * DOC FILE //* programs on the CBT Tape collection. The change * DOC FILE //* was to the CPSCB help member, to add information * DOC FILE //* about adding or removing CONSOLE OPERPARM authority, * DOC FILE //* which is a new PSCB setting. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Update to File 885, which is Albert Cheng's * DOC FILE //* version of the disassembler. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 895 from Rainer Nowak, which are * DOC FILE //* modifications related to STEMEDIT from CBT File * DOC FILE //* 183. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 899 from Sam Golob, which contains * DOC FILE //* enhancements to the DACEE program. (FACEE, the * DOC FILE //* callable version of DACEE, hasn't been touched yet.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Update to File 900, to add or modify the following * DOC FILE //* list of programs related to checksums: * DOC FILE //* CKS@ CKSPGM CKSPGM$ CKSUM CKSUM$ CKSUM# * DOC FILE //* CKSUMR CKSUMR24 CKSUM24 CKSUM24$ MD5PGM * DOC FILE //* MD5P24 MD5P24$ MD5P24B SHA1PGM SHA1PGM$ * DOC FILE //* SHA2PGM SHA2PGM$ * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Update to File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, which contans * DOC FILE //* PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) at * DOC FILE //* Release Level 10.35A. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Update to File 949 which contains a fix to the * DOC FILE //* PDSUR program (to avoid random padding at the end * DOC FILE //* of the unloaded dataset). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Update to File 953 from John Gateley, to fix or add * DOC FILE //* the following members: * DOC FILE //* DODYNP$$ DODYNPRC PIPE$$$ PIPECNT PIPESET * DOC FILE //* PROCSTEM STEMSO$$ STEMSORT TRYSTEM * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Update to File 967 from Tom Conley, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* the CBT Usermods Collection for ISPF (CUCI) * DOC FILE //* to Version 1.3. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, to bring the * DOC FILE //* version level of PDSEGEN to 5.8.5. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Update to File 977 to add more UIDs for Moshix * DOC FILE //* mainframe videos. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Update to File 980 which is a correction to the * DOC FILE //* zap of TASID, to correct a JCL error (put the * DOC FILE //* comment BEFORE the SYSIN card for AMASPZAP. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Update to File 985 from Marius Lewin, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* his entire collection of Rexx tools: * DOC FILE //* 1) rexx executing z/OS Unix commands. * DOC FILE //* 2) rexx executing another rexx given * DOC FILE //* as parameter. * DOC FILE //* 3) Miscellaneous rexx. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Update to File 997 from Lionel Dyck to upgrade his * DOC FILE //* z/OS Github access tool called Zigi. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Addition of File 999 from Henry Fogwill which * DOC FILE //* contains a powerful batch utility to manage the * DOC FILE //* status of CICS resources in your CICSPlex. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-499 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-499 CHANGES FOR VERSION 499 MAY 17, 2020 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A One of my email addresses has disappeared completely * DOC FILE //* and I cannot recover any mail sent to there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ( sbgolob@attglobal.net has disappeared ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please try not to use sbgolob@att.net because I * DOC FILE //* seldom look there. It is just a backup email. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual. File 006 * DOC FILE //* needs the tape version on the execs to be changed * DOC FILE //* from 496 to 498, and File 008 needs the general * DOC FILE //* overhaul to produce the Version 498 tape and files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 035, with changed or updated modules * DOC FILE //* as follows: * DOC FILE //* ALLIDS CNCLPG LISTHEAD LISTMOD LISTMODD ONLCLIP * DOC FILE //* ONLCLIPX PDS PDS38 PDS86 PDS86I PDS8638 * DOC FILE //* with ONLCLIP as a newly written program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 093, to supply a corrected version * DOC FILE //* of the UPDTE program, which somehow never made it * DOC FILE //* to the CBT Tape, despite the fact that it had been * DOC FILE //* around for a very long time (since 1983)..!! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I have a request for all of you: * DOC FILE //* If you know of any program or program version that * DOC FILE //* is better than something which we have on the CBT * DOC FILE //* Tape, please let me know, so we can add it to the * DOC FILE //* collection. Thank you very much, in advance. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 120 from Sam Golob, to add some new * DOC FILE //* articles. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* BM1911NV : The Value of Tools, new and old - Part 1 * DOC FILE //* BM1912DE : The Value of Tools, new and old - Part 2 * DOC FILE //* (Some newer tools you may not know about) * DOC FILE //* BM2001JA : 8-character TSO userids in z/OS 2.3 * DOC FILE //* BM2001JB : Saving and reloading IPL text-a new technique * DOC FILE //* BM2001JC : CNCLPG - Altering an address space - for free * DOC FILE //* BM2002FE : ONLCLIP - Changing the VOLSER of a disk pack * DOC FILE //* (while the pack remains online) * DOC FILE //* BM2003MA : Using z/OS System Services Macros, or not * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 134 to fix the Fullscreen ZAP program * DOC FILE //* so that it takes a UNIT(uuuu) parameter if the * DOC FILE //* volser of two packs are the same. There are times * DOC FILE //* when this can happen. The two packs just can't be * DOC FILE //* online at the same time. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 135 to update the PDS86 program, * DOC FILE //* REVIEW, and Fullscreen ZAP load modules. * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS updated to Version 7.24. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 166 from Vinh Vu, to add the * DOC FILE //* following programs to his collection: * DOC FILE //* $$LIST $ALIDEF $CATDEF $IEASYS $MCOPY $MDEL $MEM * DOC FILE //* $MREN $POINT $RXSYMBL $SYMSUB $SYSINFO $SYSPRM * DOC FILE //* and to update the following program: $CPU * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 168 to fix the following programs: * DOC FILE //* DSPRINT, MEMBER, SHOWDS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 182 to the following level: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION APRIL 28, 2020 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 185 to update the load library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 247 to add BDMUSADD and BDMUSDEL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 300 to fix the ZAP program so it * DOC FILE //* can take a UNIT(nnnn) parameter. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck to update * DOC FILE //* the following packages: * DOC FILE //* FIXKEYS IPLTCHK ONLY PLPISPF QTAB * DOC FILE //* and to add the following packages: * DOC FILE //* ALIGN BODY * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Updates to File 313 from Lionel Dyck to update * DOC FILE //* the following packages: * DOC FILE //* SAVELAB SPELLC SPELLCHG * DOC FILE //* and to add the following package: * DOC FILE //* TSO8CHAR * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Updates to File 314 from Lionel Dyck to update * DOC FILE //* the following package: * DOC FILE //* ZTSOHELP * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 321 from Peter Farley to update * DOC FILE //* the COBANALZ program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Cosmetic update to File 367. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 404 to fix a vulnerability. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 415 from Rob Prins, to bring his * DOC FILE //* magnificent TSO-based editor and multi-utility * DOC FILE //* program RPF to the following level: * DOC FILE //* RPF V1R8M1 Build: 05/05/20 11.45 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Addition of File 417 from a group of developers, * DOC FILE //* which is an unbelievably nice RACF administration * DOC FILE //* tool called RACFADM. It makes RACF administration * DOC FILE //* much easier. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 423 from Sam Golob to add three * DOC FILE //* programs that make it much easier to find out * DOC FILE //* the content of load modules and PDSE load objects. * DOC FILE //* LISTMOD, LISTHEAD, LISTMODD. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden to add a * DOC FILE //* package called SDSFPRT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 488 from Jim Iannone to completely * DOC FILE //* overhaul his package of utilities for production * DOC FILE //* control. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, to bring * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS to Level 7.24. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Numerous updates to File 612 from Albert Cheng. * DOC FILE //* members added or modified: * DOC FILE //* BLOCATE DSPACE DUDASD HDSPACE JSRCHLOG LOAD * DOC FILE //* LOCATE QIODF REGSIZE SRCHLOG SRCHLOGF * DOC FILE //* VIEWPARM * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 614 which consists of SHOWzOS and * DOC FILE //* SHOWMVS load libraries in XMIT format, for various * DOC FILE //* levels of SHOWzOS. Updated to add load module * DOC FILE //* library for SHOWzOS 7.24 (assembled on z/OS 2.4). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 624 from Sam Golob to fix the * DOC FILE //* TSOUCB program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Massive update to File 669 from Willy Jensen, * DOC FILE //* which contains: * DOC FILE //* REXX Global Variables, VSAM bulk access, OpComm etc * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 670 from Deru Sudibyo, to the REXX * DOC FILE //* mathematical function package called DRXMATH. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 731 to modify programs ALLIDS * DOC FILE //* and DACEE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 797 to fix the load library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 826 to add a display of CHSTS * DOC FILE //* flags to the CNCLPG program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 836 to add the LLASTATS program * DOC FILE //* and to fix the STRPATRN program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 846 to add the ONLCLIP program and * DOC FILE //* to fix the TRK0INIT program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 847 to fix some documentation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Addition of File 882 from Tony Thigpen and Dana * DOC FILE //* Mitchell to provide a nice console automation * DOC FILE //* program, and an MPF installation exit. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Addition of File 884 from Abe Kornelis to contain * DOC FILE //* his comprehensive macro library, and other * DOC FILE //* materials. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 885 from Albert Cheng, to update * DOC FILE //* his disassembler that recognizes the new JUMP type * DOC FILE //* instructions, etc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 899 to add functionality to the * DOC FILE //* DACEE program, so that it also displays the ACEE * DOC FILE //* TOKEN and the ACEX as well as the ACEE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Update to File 900 to add batch programs (24-bit * DOC FILE //* and 31-bit) to produce the same result as the * DOC FILE //* SH5SUM TSO command. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Update to File 926 to include a compile of the * DOC FILE //* AMORT program using COBOL 6.3. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Update to File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, to contain * DOC FILE //* his port of PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expres- * DOC FILE //* sions) at level 10.34A. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Updates to File 942 to include fixes from Jim * DOC FILE //* Turner to the VI exec that displays VSAM dataset * DOC FILE //* characteristics from an ISPF 3.4 dataset list. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Update to File 950 to include a change to AUTOMAT, * DOC FILE //* so that its data file is contained in an ISPF * DOC FILE //* profile dataset with a more standard name. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Update to File 959 from Richard Pinion, to fix the * DOC FILE //* PARTREL program so that it can release space from * DOC FILE //* uncataloged datasets. PARTREL was also found to * DOC FILE //* work for PDSE's if they aren't too full. (This * DOC FILE //* program uses IBM's PARTREL macro to partially * DOC FILE //* release allocated dataset space.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Update to File 964 to contain Jim Turner's fixes * DOC FILE //* for the VI exec, and it includes a fix from John * DOC FILE //* Kalinich to the RXDATE rexx exec. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck to bring the * DOC FILE //* PDSEGEN package to Level 5.6.9. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Update to File 977 to add more URL's for Moshix's * DOC FILE //* YouTube videos. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Update to File 985 from Marius Lewin, to augment * DOC FILE //* his large collection of REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Update to File 990 from Lionel Dyck, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* his ISPF Developer's Guide. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50 Update to File 992 which contains some code pieces * DOC FILE //* to add security to TSO commands, etc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51 Update to File 994 with some necessary fixes to * DOC FILE //* the LISTHEAD and LISTMOD programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52 Addition of File 996 from Larry Slaten which * DOC FILE //* contains his: * DOC FILE //* Load Library Scanner * DOC FILE //* REXX Toolkit * DOC FILE //* String Handling Package * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 53 Addition of File 997 from Henri Kuiper and Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck, which contains their ZIGI ISPF application * DOC FILE //* to access Github from ISPF. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 54 Addition of File 998 from William Smith to contain * DOC FILE //* the RACFROD, RACF reporting system. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-498 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-498 CHANGES FOR VERSION 498 DEC 01, 2019 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A One of my email addresses has disappeared completely * DOC FILE //* and I cannot recover any mail sent to there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ( sbgolob@attglobal.net has disappeared ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please try not to use sbgolob@att.net because I * DOC FILE //* seldom look there. It is just a backup email. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual. File 006 * DOC FILE //* needs the tape version on the execs to be changed * DOC FILE //* from 496 to 498, and File 008 needs the general * DOC FILE //* overhaul to produce the Version 498 tape and files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 019 just to adjust the support * DOC FILE //* address. (Memory of the author John Hooper) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 024 to replace its copy of EPUTL * DOC FILE //* with an up-to-date version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 035 with the following modules, * DOC FILE //* that either have been updated, or are new: * DOC FILE //* ACTIVE CPSCB DTEST LISTHEAD LISTMOD LISTMODD * DOC FILE //* LOADTEST LOADTN LPSCB PDS PDS38 PDS86 PDS86I * DOC FILE //* PDS8638 SHOWTCAS SHOWTPVT USERS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 048 to try and make sure that * DOC FILE //* the LISTSPC and LISTVOL commands work. If there * DOC FILE //* are many datasets in a given level, there might * DOC FILE //* not be enough GETMAIN-ed space to put their data, * DOC FILE //* but at least they work most of the time. Better * DOC FILE //* to use DSAT from File 296, but these are my old * DOC FILE //* standby commands from the early 80's, and I want * DOC FILE //* them to still be usable. Changes needed to * DOC FILE //* LOCINDEX primarily. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 068 from Rob Prins, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* TSTVS from version 3.0 to version 3.1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 112 from Tony Cieri, with a small * DOC FILE //* fix to the VTOC TSO command. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 119 to fix a GETMAIN/FREEMAIN * DOC FILE //* problem in the EPUTL subrouine. This fix should * DOC FILE //* be applied to all occurrences of EPUTL on the CBT * DOC FILE //* Tape, and I have been trying to do so. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 120 from Sam Golob, to make a few * DOC FILE //* minor updates to some articles and doc members. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 134 from Greg Price, to bring the * DOC FILE //* level of REVIEW to (at least) 49.0. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update of File 135 from Greg Price and John Kalinich * DOC FILE //* to bring the level of REVIEW load modules to (at * DOC FILE //* least) 49.0 and the load modules for PDS 8.6 up to * DOC FILE //* (at least) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 136, to propagate the aforementioned * DOC FILE //* fix (File 119) to the EPUTL subroutine. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 170 from Frank O'Quinn to add the * DOC FILE //* USERS TSO command which he wrote. This is similar * DOC FILE //* to, but not identical with, the USERS command that * DOC FILE //* is in File 300. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Updates to File 182 from John Kalinich, to bring * DOC FILE //* the PDS 8.6 package to version level * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 185 to reassemble the sample auth * DOC FILE //* tables (source and load are here). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 228 from Peter van der Woude, to * DOC FILE //* update Bill Horton's system for recovering datasets * DOC FILE //* that were backed up by HSM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Updates to File 300. Some of these are very * DOC FILE //* interesting: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ACTIVE - Shows active jobs. Same load module * DOC FILE //* as USERS * DOC FILE //* DTOD - TSO command with argument of time * DOC FILE //* in STCK format and it will format * DOC FILE //* time-of-day, day-of-week, and date. * DOC FILE //* Example: DTOD D7121FBDF6CDD080 * DOC FILE //* Output: * DOC FILE //* Date: Sunday, 24th of November 2019 * DOC FILE //* (11/24/19 2019.328) Time: 06:24:30.8 * DOC FILE //* LPSCB - List PSCB, UPT, ECT fields. * DOC FILE //* Modified to show end of control blocks. * DOC FILE //* REVIEW@ - Doc. Describe the distinction between * DOC FILE //* Bill Godfrey's original REVIEW program * DOC FILE //* and Greg Price's versions, 80000 more * DOC FILE //* lines of code later. * DOC FILE //* SYSTEM - An old command. Still works a bit. * DOC FILE //* Doesn't show memory size because the * DOC FILE //* field moved. * DOC FILE //* SYSTEM$ - Assembly JCL for old SYSTEM command * DOC FILE //* SYSTEM00 - Old version of SYSTEM * DOC FILE //* TODPRINT - Subroutine to format TOD clock input * DOC FILE //* (from Thomas Ramseier) * DOC FILE //* USERS - Assembly from a disassembly, to show * DOC FILE //* currently logged-on TSO users. * DOC FILE //* USERSACT - Doc on what I did to try and improve * DOC FILE //* the disassembled source for USERS and * DOC FILE //* ACTIVE (same source code for both). * DOC FILE //* USERSC1 - Record of some of the original changes * DOC FILE //* to the source code of USERS and ACTIVE. * DOC FILE //* USERS00 - Original disassembly of USERS, ACTIVE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck. Quite a few * DOC FILE //* of them. * DOC FILE //* Members changed or added: * DOC FILE //* FINDDDM FINDDSN FTPB FTPB$CHG FTPB# FTPB@ * DOC FILE //* PLPISPF PLPISPF$ QTAB * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck to update TRYIT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck to update ZSYNC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 415 from Rob Prins, to bring the * DOC FILE //* RPF multi-utility product to Version 1.7.7. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 423 to enhance the LISTHEAD program * DOC FILE //* and to add the LISTMOD program to display the * DOC FILE //* contents of load modules, in hex. Also fixed Jeff * DOC FILE //* Broido's TERMSIZE command which uses the GTSIZE * DOC FILE //* macro and is not APF-authorized. Get the same * DOC FILE //* information in the TERMSZ command which pulls the * DOC FILE //* same information from the TSB and which must be * DOC FILE //* APF-authorized. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to update * DOC FILE //* IPLINFO and a few other members. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 442 and 443 to update Kimu's contact * DOC FILE //* info and website info. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Updates to File 452 from Dan Dalby which is a * DOC FILE //* general overhaul of much of his collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Updates to File 488 from Jim Iannone which is also * DOC FILE //* a complete overhaul of his entire collection of * DOC FILE //* utilities. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 566 just to fix the EPUTL subroutine. * DOC FILE //* See update to File 119. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 597 from Hans Westheim and Paul * DOC FILE //* Naidoo, which is an MPF exit. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 669 from Willy Jensen to enhance * DOC FILE //* his REXX global variables package, and his other * DOC FILE //* materials (VSAM bylk access), etc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Updates to File 731 from Sam Golob, to introduce * DOC FILE //* a whole class of programs, based on the TCAS * DOC FILE //* control block. SHOWTCAS and SHOWTPVT, and other * DOC FILE //* programs were enhanced or created. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 776 to make sure that its version * DOC FILE //* of the EPUTL subroutine was updated. (See CBT * DOC FILE //* File 119 above.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 797 from Sam Golob. Fix the load * DOC FILE //* library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 836 to add the RACFAUTH program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 852 to bring the GCC 3.2.3 * DOC FILE //* C-language compiler to level 9.0. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 853 which is the GCC 3.4.6 * DOC FILE //* C-language compiler. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Updates to Files 860, 861, and 862 to change the * DOC FILE //* support address for Gerhard Postpischil, of * DOC FILE //* blessed memory. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 874 from Sam Golob, to add or fix * DOC FILE //* some of the HELP members listed there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 899, which is the DACEE program, * DOC FILE //* to update the EPUTL subroutine (see CBT File 119). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Update to File 939, from Ze'ev Atlas, which is a * DOC FILE //* port of PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) * DOC FILE //* Release 10.33 to z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Update to File 950 from Sam Golob, to add another * DOC FILE //* model AUTOMAT profile, which may fit the needs of * DOC FILE //* more users. See member AUTOMAT@. Problem with * DOC FILE //* the other sample, was that it didn't show you how * DOC FILE //* to open primary ISPF screens. This one does that. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Update to File 961 from Yves Colliard, which * DOC FILE //* contains a collection of ISPF commands that can * DOC FILE //* be added to your session. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Update to File 966 from Steve Myers, which is a * DOC FILE //* full HLASM Assembler prompter (useful). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Update to File 967 from Tom Conley. Rename of the * DOC FILE //* collection. (CBT Usermods Collection for ISPF.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Update to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, which is the * DOC FILE //* PDSEGEN tool to effectively deal with PDSE Vers 2 * DOC FILE //* member generations. Currently Version 5.6.0. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Update to File 973 from David Spiegel, which is a * DOC FILE //* set of fixes for the WATFIV Fortran Compiler from * DOC FILE //* the University of Waterloo. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Updates to File 977 from Moshe Bar (via Sam Golob) * DOC FILE //* to add URL's to the table of URL's for all of the * DOC FILE //* Moshix YouTube videos, to date. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Update to File 988 from Shmuel Metz, with his * DOC FILE //* suggestions for porting the COREZAP program to * DOC FILE //* MVS and z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Update to File 989 from Willy Jensen, which is his * DOC FILE //* fantastic system for locating any given PDS member * DOC FILE //* name in the entire z/OS system. The system is * DOC FILE //* called FINDMEM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Update to File 990 from Lionel Dyck, which is his * DOC FILE //* guide for ISPF developers. The current version is * DOC FILE //* Version 1.3. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50 Addition of File 991 from John Hamlet, which is * DOC FILE //* his program for temporarily installing an update * DOC FILE //* to an SVC number. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51 Addition of File 992 to contain some code snippets * DOC FILE //* that will help limit access to TSO commands, etc. * DOC FILE //* These are not full programs, but code pieces that * DOC FILE //* are used to control TSO command usage etc. in novel * DOC FILE //* ways. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52 Addition of File 993 from Robert Sample and * DOC FILE //* contains a COBOL program to read many types of SMF * DOC FILE //* records. This is unusual in that COBOL is not * DOC FILE //* usually the language of choice for this purpose, * DOC FILE //* but the program works well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 53 Addition of File 994 from Sam Golob, with an * DOC FILE //* improved version of Jeff Broido's LISTHEAD program, * DOC FILE //* and another program called LISTMOD, to display the * DOC FILE //* contents of load modules in hex, showing all * DOC FILE //* displacements, which is easy to read. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 54 Addition of File 995 from Bill Smith, which is a * DOC FILE //* Wylbur distribution that is suitable for running * DOC FILE //* on MVS 3.8 and MVS/SP. (pre-XA) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-497 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-497 CHANGES FOR VERSION 497 APR 29, 2019 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A One of my email addresses has disappeared completely * DOC FILE //* and I cannot recover any mail sent to there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ( sbgolob@attglobal.net has disappeared ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please try not to use sbgolob@att.net because I * DOC FILE //* seldom look there. It is just a backup email. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual. File 006 * DOC FILE //* needs the tape version on the execs to be changed * DOC FILE //* from 496 to 497, and File 008 needs the general * DOC FILE //* overhaul to produce the Version 497 tape and files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 022 to "modernize it" and put in * DOC FILE //* members $$$#DATE and @FILE022. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Updates to File 035 (load module file) as follows: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* CNCLPG - Full power to cancel and burn jobs * DOC FILE //* CNCLP125 - You may want less power here * DOC FILE //* LOOK - 31-bit LOOK program - made reusable * DOC FILE //* LOOKJ - 31-bit LOOK program - made reusable * DOC FILE //* LOOKN - 64-bit LOOK program - preferred to use * DOC FILE //* (You should alias this as LOOK) * DOC FILE //* LOOKX - 31-bit LOOK assembled with "plainer" * DOC FILE //* CBMACS (macro formatting module) * DOC FILE //* PDS - PDS - USA dates * DOC FILE //* PDS38 - PDS - for MVS 3.8 * DOC FILE //* PDS86 - PDS - USA dates * DOC FILE //* PDS86I - PDS - ISO dates * DOC FILE //* PDS8638 - PDS - for MVS 3.8 - ISO dates * DOC FILE //* SHOWTPVT - Display contents of the actual TPVT * DOC FILE //* (TSO PARMLIB Vector Table) addresses * DOC FILE //* and bit settings. * DOC FILE //* TAPEMAP - Normal TAPEMAP from File 299 * DOC FILE //* TAPEMAPM - TAPEMAP fixed for file numbers > 9999 * DOC FILE //* TAPEMAPX - TAPEMAP with Jump instructions, from * DOC FILE //* File 804 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 068, TSTVS to include a better * DOC FILE //* install job. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 134 to raise the version level of * DOC FILE //* the REVIEW package to 48.6. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Updates to File 135 to raise the version level of * DOC FILE //* the REVIEW package to 48.6, and the PDS package * DOC FILE //* to * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Updates to File 182 to raise the version level of * DOC FILE //* the PDS command package to * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION APRIL 10, 2019 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 185 to add the source for the * DOC FILE //* SHOWTPVT TSO command, which displays the current * DOC FILE //* addresses and bit settings in the TPVT (TSO PARMLIB * DOC FILE //* Vector Table). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 247 to fix the MYID* programs for * DOC FILE //* correctly displaying 8-character TSO userids. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Updates to the LOOK family of programs to fix * DOC FILE //* several issues: (from Joe Reichman) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A. First, the old design of LOOK allowed you to * DOC FILE //* look at storage in your own address space without * DOC FILE //* being authorized. This involved allocating * DOC FILE //* user-key CSA, which will not be allowed in z/OS * DOC FILE //* 2.4 and later releases. So now LOOK has to be * DOC FILE //* authorized always, in order to allocate "system * DOC FILE //* key CSA" for its work space. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B. LOOK could not examine 64-bit storage. The * DOC FILE //* new program LOOKN was developed, mostly by Joe * DOC FILE //* Reichman (I helped a bit), which addresses 64-bit * DOC FILE //* storage and 31-bit storage as well. The LOOKN * DOC FILE //* program is the "way to go". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* C. Joe coded much better error recovery and SRB * DOC FILE //* management into both versions of LOOK, so that in * DOC FILE //* the latest systems, the program doesn't bomb with * DOC FILE //* S0C4's and S0C1's and exit in the middle of doing * DOC FILE //* your work. Both programs are much more reliable * DOC FILE //* now. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Updates to File 299, mainly to add a version of * DOC FILE //* TAPEMAP (member TAPEMAPM) which contains support * DOC FILE //* for more than 9999 file sequence numbers in the * DOC FILE //* tape labels (Wayne Rhoten's design to support up * DOC FILE //* to 65535 file sequence numbers). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck to add * DOC FILE //* packages DROPISPF and FIXKEYS, and to modify * DOC FILE //* packages: CAVXTRT, LOADISPF, PLPISPF, and RUNC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck to modify * DOC FILE //* the SETCLIP package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck to modify * DOC FILE //* the ZSYC program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 316 to fix the PDSLOAD program: * DOC FILE //* Corrected program for 8-digit ISPF userids. * DOC FILE //* (Sam Golob, Greg Price, and Bill Godfrey) * DOC FILE //* Also forced extended ISPF stats when they were * DOC FILE //* there before, even if the counts were not bigger * DOC FILE //* than 65535. Version 10.1 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 353 to "modernize it" and put in * DOC FILE //* members $$$#DATE and @FILE353. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 406 to "fix the grammar" in the * DOC FILE //* CQX source code, mostly, for example: * DOC FILE //* L R3,16(,R3) instead of * DOC FILE //* L R3,16(R3) * DOC FILE //* and also to add some power (optionally) to purge * DOC FILE //* more jobs (include some STC's). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Updates to File 415 which is RPF (Rob's Programming * DOC FILE //* Facility) from Rob Prins. Rob improved the package * DOC FILE //* by four releases, to V1R7M1. This package offers * DOC FILE //* an ISPF-like editor from TSO READY mode, and it also * DOC FILE //* has quite a number of other programming facilities, * DOC FILE //* somewhat similar to ISPF, and a PANVALET and a * DOC FILE //* LIBRARIAN option, to edit files directly from them. * DOC FILE //* Much improved screen size support. Added HEX mode * DOC FILE //* browsing. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden. Updates to: * DOC FILE //* CMD34, IPLINFO, ONEPAK22, TWOPAK22. * DOC FILE //* Addition of: TWOPAK23. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to the documentation for File 473, which * DOC FILE //* is the CHKASVT program from Scott Finlayson, to * DOC FILE //* give attribution to Ron Robinson as well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 483 from Sam Golob, to fix the QSMS * DOC FILE //* program from several errors. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Massive changes to File 488 from Jim Iannone. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Massive changes to File 489 from Jim Iannone. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 535 from Deru Sudibyo to enhance * DOC FILE //* the CCAT program (dynamically concatenate and * DOC FILE //* deconcatenate datasets). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 536 to change Deru Sudibyo's email * DOC FILE //* address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 542 from George Pavlik to provide * DOC FILE //* helpful notes about using member SWAREQ22. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Many updates to File 669 from Willy Jensen. * DOC FILE //* (Collection of REXX functions, etc.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to the documentation of File 670, to show * DOC FILE //* Deru Sudibyo's correct email address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Updates to File 684, to make versions of the SVC * DOC FILE //* display program that are BROWSEd, EDITed, VIEWed, * DOC FILE //* and REVIEWed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SVCMAP Program to display the SVC table and extended * DOC FILE //* SVC's. A quick dump of the first few bytes * DOC FILE //* of each SVC is included in the display. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SVCMAB REXX to BROWSE the output of the SVCMAP program * DOC FILE //* SVCMAE REXX to EDIT the output of the SVCMAP program * DOC FILE //* SVCMAR REXX to REVIEW the output of the SVCMAP program * DOC FILE //* SVCMAV REXX to VIEW the output of the SVCMAP program * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Updates to File 731. Addition of SHOWTPVT, and * DOC FILE //* updates to TSVT8 (change the byte in TPVT+4D * DOC FILE //* as well as TSVT+6). * DOC FILE //* Update to UCBDASD from George Pavlik to show * DOC FILE //* SMS status of the volume displayed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 770 documentation, to change * DOC FILE //* Deru Sudibyo's email address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 797 to add source for SHOWTPVT * DOC FILE //* (it's useful in several places) and to update * DOC FILE //* the load library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Updates to File 804 (the Jump Instruction version * DOC FILE //* of TAPEMAP) by Rich Hobt, et al. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Updates to File 826 to add the WAITT program. * DOC FILE //* (change the JWT Job Wait Time of your address * DOC FILE //* space) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Some fixes to File 830, which are Xephon MVS * DOC FILE //* articles bulk-uploaded by Eugene Vogt from the * DOC FILE //* old Xephon website preserved at archive.org. * DOC FILE //* His raw file is File 814, and I worked on the * DOC FILE //* data, copied to File 830, to fix as many character * DOC FILE //* misrepresentations as possible, so the programs * DOC FILE //* will be able to be used with less effort. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Update to File 835, to fix PPTD so it produces * DOC FILE //* proper and meaningful return codes in Register 15. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Many updates to File 836, to get more programs * DOC FILE //* from old Xephon MVS articles to work on z/OS (2.3). * DOC FILE //* See member @FILE836 for details. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 873 from George Pavlik, to get * DOC FILE //* ULUDASD to show if a volume is SMS-managed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Update to File 874, which is a large number of HELP * DOC FILE //* members for CBT-based utilities, to add more HELP * DOC FILE //* members. The idea is to look through the HELP * DOC FILE //* members to see if such a program would be useful * DOC FILE //* to you, and then go ahead and install it. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Update to File 895 from Lionel Dyck, to add * DOC FILE //* documentation for STEMEDIT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Miniscule change to File 898, but this is an * DOC FILE //* important file, because it is Alex Kara's life * DOC FILE //* work. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Update to File 900 to the SHAx programs, to * DOC FILE //* support EAV volumes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Update to File 917 by Peter Glanzmann, to fix * DOC FILE //* George DeLuca's SELECTIT program for EAV volumes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Update to File 948 from Duc Tuan Nguyen, to fix * DOC FILE //* his PDS2SEQ program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Update to File 951 from Peter Glanzmann, to make a * DOC FILE //* few fixes to Nick Light's GDGP program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Update to File 953 from John Gateley, to add a * DOC FILE //* bunch of programs and fix a few more. Also there * DOC FILE //* are updates to his important MACLIB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Many updates to File 967 (CBT ISPF Usermods * DOC FILE //* Collection) from Tom Conley. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Updates to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, to his * DOC FILE //* wonderful PDSEGEN package that handles PDSE * DOC FILE //* member generations better than anything else, * DOC FILE //* to date. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Update to File 976 from Larry Zuckett to his * DOC FILE //* USYNC command to add or delete a userid entry * DOC FILE //* into SYS1.BRODCAST (or the active Broadcast * DOC FILE //* Dataset). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50 Updates to File 977, which are URL's to the Moshix * DOC FILE //* mainframe videos on YouTube. Moshix adds more * DOC FILE //* videos to his collection, and we have to keep up. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51 Addition of File 981 from Larry Zuckett, to * DOC FILE //* contain some of his REXX utilities. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52 Addition of File 982 from Clem Clarke. This file * DOC FILE //* contains his famous JOL package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 53 Addition of File 983 from (the late) Ken Tomiak, * DOC FILE //* and contans his MSIC system for installing software * DOC FILE //* packages. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 54 Addition of File 984 from Ken Tomiak, which * DOC FILE //* contains a large collection of his REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 55 Addition of File 985 from Marius Lewin and contains * DOC FILE //* a collection of his REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 56 Addition of File 986 from Willy Jensen, which * DOC FILE //* contains an easy package for putting PUTLINE TSO * DOC FILE //* output into a program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 57 Addition of File 987, which contains some programs * DOC FILE //* from the Naspa VIP tape, which were fixed to work * DOC FILE //* on z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 58 Addition of File 988 from Shmuel (Seymour J) Metz, * DOC FILE //* which contains his original Core Storage zapping * DOC FILE //* program written for OS/360 and SVS. Purpose of * DOC FILE //* including it here are for the people who run the * DOC FILE //* Turnkey OS360 system, or else to provide a basis * DOC FILE //* for modifications, to get it to work on later * DOC FILE //* systems. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 59 Addition of File 989 from Willy Jensen, which * DOC FILE //* contains a magnificent package called FINDMEM. * DOC FILE //* When you set this up on your system, you just * DOC FILE //* have to give it a pds member name, and IT WILL * DOC FILE //* FIND EVERY SINGLE DATASET, CATALOGED, OR * DOC FILE //* UNCATALOGED, WHICH CONTAINS THAT MEMBER NAME. * DOC FILE //* Stupendous.....!!!!! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 60 Addition of File 990 from Lionel Dyck, which * DOC FILE //* contains a guide for ISPF Developers, with many * DOC FILE //* details. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-496 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-496 CHANGES FOR VERSION 496 NOV 11, 2018 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A One of my email addresses has disappeared completely * DOC FILE //* and I cannot recover any mail sent to there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org to email me. * DOC FILE //* ( sbgolob@attglobal.net has disappeared ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please try not to use sbgolob@att.net because I * DOC FILE //* seldom look there. It is just a backup email. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B LISTPDS source code and load modules needed to * DOC FILE //* be updated, as per the source update which enables * DOC FILE //* the program to punch ./ ALIAS cards using a parm * DOC FILE //* of 'ALIAS'. Files that needed updating due to * DOC FILE //* this (late) change, are: 008, 035, 093, 135, 172, * DOC FILE //* 182, 316, 371, and 612 (at least). I will have * DOC FILE //* to look at file 860 to see if it warrants updating. * DOC FILE //* This was a last-minute update to this tape version, * DOC FILE //* done when I noticed that we were losing source code * DOC FILE //* aliases. (Load module alias are OK, because we * DOC FILE //* use IEBCOPY to put them on the "tape".) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Updates to File 035 with fixes for PDSUR from * DOC FILE //* Peter Glanzmann and an update to PDS 8.6 from * DOC FILE //* John Kalinich. * DOC FILE //* VERSION OCTOBER 26, 2018 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2A Update to File 093 to allow LISTPDS to punch * DOC FILE //* ./ ALIAS cards, if you invoke it with a parm * DOC FILE //* of 'ALIAS' (in addition to the other parms there). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 119 from Andreas Freybier, to remove * DOC FILE //* redundant code from the CLR3270 program source. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 134 from Greg Price to bring REVIEW * DOC FILE //* to level 48.4, and to fix a problem in XVTCLIST. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 135 to bring the PDS programs, with * DOC FILE //* ISO date option, to level, and to bring * DOC FILE //* REVIEW to level 48.4. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 160 to substitute Jeff Broido's * DOC FILE //* modification of FREEALL for Chuck Hoffman's original * DOC FILE //* version. Keeping original version as member * DOC FILE //* FREEALLO. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6A Update to File 172 to include the latest version * DOC FILE //* of LISTPDS (8.4) which can punch ./ ALIAS cards * DOC FILE //* using a PARM of 'ALIAS'. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 182 which is PDS from John Kalinich, * DOC FILE //* to level: PDS -- VERSION OCTOBER 26, 2018 * DOC FILE //* Also updated REVIEW and LISTPDS in the UTILXMIT * DOC FILE //* member. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 183 from Sam Golob to fix the TSO * DOC FILE //* LOCKTERM command, so it accommodates 8-character * DOC FILE //* TSO userids, which were introduced in z/OS 2.3. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 296 from Sam Golob, to fix the TSO * DOC FILE //* XEQ command to accommodate 8-character TSO userids * DOC FILE //* and to update support information. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 300, to fix the "TO" TSO command * DOC FILE //* to handle two single quotes as one, and also to * DOC FILE //* accommodate 8-character TSO userids. There is a * DOC FILE //* problem when sending a message (to another TSO * DOC FILE //* userid) with TO, from an ISPF command line, because * DOC FILE //* ISPF always checks for an even number of quotes * DOC FILE //* in the command line. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck, with the * DOC FILE //* following members either changed or added: * DOC FILE //* EXTISPF FTPB IPLTCHK IPLTCHK$ LPRPRINT LSTPRC$ * DOC FILE //* LSTPROC3 OMVSCOPY OMVSMAN OMVSSEL PLPISPF PLPISPF$ * DOC FILE //* PRMCK PRMCK$ QTAB RANDSTR RUNC * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Updates to File 313 from Lionel Dyck, with the * DOC FILE //* following members either changed or added: * DOC FILE //* SAVELAB SDSFEXT TRYIT TSOPROF * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Updates to File 314 from Lionel Dyck, with the * DOC FILE //* following members either changed or added: * DOC FILE //* USSBATCH XMITIP XMITIP$ XMITIP# XMITIP@ * DOC FILE //* XMITIPR ZFSTOOLS ZSTART ZSYNC ZTSOHELP * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 316 from Sam Golob, to replace the * DOC FILE //* version of PDSMATCH that was there, with the fixed * DOC FILE //* version of PDSMATCH that is in CBT File 357. * DOC FILE //* Replace LISTPDS with new version (8.4) that can * DOC FILE //* punch ./ ALIAS cards with a PARM of 'ALIAS'. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 349 from Willy Jensen, to revise * DOC FILE //* most of the contents of this file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15A Update to File 371, to rename old load modules * DOC FILE //* LISTPDS and PDSLOAD, and add newer versions of * DOC FILE //* the same programs. We don't want you to do * DOC FILE //* without the latest and greatest...... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* NAME DATA ALIASOF LEN/LKED -- * DOC FILE //* LISTPDS 2018/11/10 * DOC FILE //* LISTPDSO 1983/10/03 REUS * DOC FILE //* PDSLOAD 2017/02/02 * DOC FILE //* PDSLOADO 1983/10/03 REUS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 409, to supply a zap that fixes * DOC FILE //* the MXI Link Pack Directory search, for z/OS 2.3. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 410, to supply a member called TXI * DOC FILE //* which is actually MXI with the zap from File 409 * DOC FILE //* applied to it. If you have z/OS 2.3, you should * DOC FILE //* use load module TXI (maybe renamed to MXI) instead * DOC FILE //* of load module MXI. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 423 to include a few more programs * DOC FILE //* written by this author, and to correct a typo in * DOC FILE //* the VTPUT macro. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden to introduce * DOC FILE //* ONEPAK and TWOPAK jobs for z/OS 2.2 and 2.3. Also * DOC FILE //* to modify members IPLINFO and SDSF@DR. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 437 to supply a zap for Jan Jaeger's * DOC FILE //* NODSI program, not to require a RACF FACILITY CLASS * DOC FILE //* profile in order to run. It still needs APF * DOC FILE //* authorization, but the zap bypasses the RACF * DOC FILE //* requirement. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 452 from Dan Dalby, which is a * DOC FILE //* refresh of the entire library. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 496 from Marty Kuntz, to modify * DOC FILE //* the TIOT REXX exec (displaying dataset allocations * DOC FILE //* under TSO). Previous mod was from Ken MacKenzie. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 566 from Sam Bass, to fix the tape * DOC FILE //* copying program COPYTPX with backend program * DOC FILE //* RTAPE2, so that it will copy tapes with up to * DOC FILE //* 256K block sizes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Minor modification to File 612. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Doc modification to File 615. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 617 from Pedro Berrios. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Big update to File 669 from Willy Jensen. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 683 which was found to be IBM * DOC FILE //* copyrighted material. But this resulted in a big * DOC FILE //* improvement to the file, because the IBM website * DOC FILE //* containing the BPXSTOP exec, also contains a huge * DOC FILE //* number of other programs, and we provide a list * DOC FILE //* of all the directories here, and how to download * DOC FILE //* everything from them. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 716 from Lionel Dyck and John * DOC FILE //* Kalinich, providing a big enhancement to the * DOC FILE //* ENQ REXX exec. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob to include the * DOC FILE //* DVAT program (list in-core information about the * DOC FILE //* current VATLSTxx PARMLIB settings). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Very minor change to File 803. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Updates to File 926 which is the AMORT program * DOC FILE //* from Philip Polchinsky. The program didn't change, * DOC FILE //* but the COBOL compilers did, and we have added * DOC FILE //* compliles and linkedits of the AMORT program for * DOC FILE //* COBOL 5.1 and 6.2 (XMIT-format PDSE's). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, which is a * DOC FILE //* z/OS port of PCRE 10.32 (Perl Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 941 from Gregory Bliznets to improve * DOC FILE //* many of his programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 948 from Duc Tuan Nguyen, which * DOC FILE //* is a considerable change to his SMF extraction * DOC FILE //* programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Update to File 949 from Peter Glanzmann to make * DOC FILE //* some improvements to the PDSUR program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 953 from John Gateley, which is * DOC FILE //* almost a complete reshipment. Notable are the * DOC FILE //* updates to his macro library, which while used * DOC FILE //* by the programs in his collection, are also of * DOC FILE //* general applicability. So you should keep an * DOC FILE //* eye on his macros, as well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Minor doc file updates to File 957. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Update to File 961 from Yves Colliard. This is a * DOC FILE //* considerable update to his YCLMAC macro collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Update to File 966 from Steve Myers. This is an * DOC FILE //* update to his (original) TSO prompter for the * DOC FILE //* HLASM assembler. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Updates to File 969 from Lionel Dyck, which is * DOC FILE //* the amazing PDSEGEN package, that manipulates and * DOC FILE //* handles PDSE Version 2 member generations, probably * DOC FILE //* better than any other utility, including anything * DOC FILE //* from IBM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Addition of File 970 from (the late) Ken Tomiak, * DOC FILE //* which is a reworking of RCNVTCAT to make it nicer. * DOC FILE //* This version runs best in batch, and is renamed as * DOC FILE //* TCNVTCAT to eliminate confusion with other varieties * DOC FILE //* of RCNVTCAT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Addition of File 971 from "The Updater" and from * DOC FILE //* Gerhard Postpischil. This is an assembler program * DOC FILE //* called EMPTYTST, which is designed to run in a * DOC FILE //* batch jobstream, and to test if the dataset output * DOC FILE //* from a job step, is an empty dataset, or not. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Addition of File 972 from (the late) Ken Tomiak, * DOC FILE //* and it is an original (huge) edit macro package * DOC FILE //* called GENIE, which is supposed to do the same type * DOC FILE //* of function as IBM's MODEL edit macro, except that * DOC FILE //* GENIE is much more customizable. A later version * DOC FILE //* of GENIE is on File 978, which Ken worked on heavily * DOC FILE //* in his last months. (Perhaps you should use that * DOC FILE //* version.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Addition of File 973 from Jay Moseley, which * DOC FILE //* contains the WATFIV Fortran compiler and library * DOC FILE //* from the University of Waterloo. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Addition of File 974 from Jamie Gibson, which * DOC FILE //* contains a rewrite of the TSSO console automation * DOC FILE //* facility. This package uses enhanced console * DOC FILE //* support instead of the subsystem interface. * DOC FILE //* The program is called AOF (Automated Operations * DOC FILE //* Facility). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Addition of File 975 from Cristian Casares which * DOC FILE //* contains a COBOL program that will be useful to * DOC FILE //* COBOL programers. * DOC FILE //* THIS PGM CALCULATES THE AMOUNT OF RESERVED WORDS * DOC FILE //* IN A COBOL ENTERPRISE 3.4.0 PGM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* LIST ON A SYSOUT: * DOC FILE //* -TOTAL OF FOUND WORDS * DOC FILE //* -TOTAL OF RESERVED WORDS(1) * DOC FILE //* -TOTAL OF COMMENTS * DOC FILE //* -TOTAL OF LINES READ * DOC FILE //* -(EACH RESERVED WORD) W/ITS TOTAL AND PERCENTAGE * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Addition of File 976 from Larry Zuckett which is * DOC FILE //* a program called USYNC, which can easily add a * DOC FILE //* userid entry into the active SYS1.BRODCAST. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Addition of File 977 from Moshe Bar, which contains * DOC FILE //* a table of URL's for his fabulous videos on YouTube * DOC FILE //* pertaining to MVS, VM, VSE on Hercules, as well as * DOC FILE //* z/OS. You can go to YouTube directly at URL: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* https://www.youtube.com/user/moshe5760/videos * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* and see his current list of videos (there are over * DOC FILE //* 90 of them so far), but here, the exact URL for * DOC FILE //* each video is put in a table for you to copy, and * DOC FILE //* go to, just in case it disappears on the HTML. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This list is constantly being added to, and you * DOC FILE //* should always get the latest version of this file * DOC FILE //* from the "Updates" page of www.cbttape.org, or * DOC FILE //* look at the YouTube URL just above. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50 Addition of File 978 from Sam Golob, which contains * DOC FILE //* Ken Tomiak's last "working copy" of his GENIE edit * DOC FILE //* macro. Ken did a lot of work on this package after * DOC FILE //* the version that is on File 972, and I don't want * DOC FILE //* the tremendous efforts (of a very very skilled * DOC FILE //* programmer) to be lost. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51 Addition of File 979 from Sam Golob, which is a * DOC FILE //* self-contained package, designed to run on a PC, * DOC FILE //* which will teach you how to use the ZZSA standalone * DOC FILE //* program from Jan Jaeger (Files 437 and 538). An * DOC FILE //* entire Hercules emulator is included here, with a * DOC FILE //* config file that will run ZZSA only, on a sample * DOC FILE //* 5-cylinder minidisk, so you can practice using all * DOC FILE //* the ZZSA functions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52 Addition of File 980 from Vladimir Mironov, which * DOC FILE //* contains a zap to fix the latest TASID load module * DOC FILE //* (property of IBM) so that the "display initiators" * DOC FILE //* option 4, will work on z/OS 2.2 and 2.3 systems. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The latest TASID load module can be obtained from: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24009131 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-495 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-495 CHANGES FOR VERSION 495 JAN 15, 2018 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* A Sometimes I put one program or utility into several * DOC FILE //* different files on the CBT Tape. The reason is that * DOC FILE //* if someone has access to only one file, I feel that * DOC FILE //* the file should be as self-contained as possible, * DOC FILE //* and that the user shouldn't have to scrounge around * DOC FILE //* on the rest of the CBT Tape for the missing pieces. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I can usually spot all the occurrences of a program * DOC FILE //* on the CBT Tape by looking at a TAPEMAP report of * DOC FILE //* the tape. If I haven't updated a copy of a program * DOC FILE //* on a file somewhere, please let me know. Sometimes * DOC FILE //* there is a good reason for it. Sometimes it is just * DOC FILE //* that I didn't notice it. Please ask about anything * DOC FILE //* you see, which you may have a question about. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* B One of my email addresses has disappeared completely * DOC FILE //* and I cannot recover any mail sent to there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please use sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* ( sbgolob@attglobal.net has disappeared ) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Updates to File 035. The following members have * DOC FILE //* been updated: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* CBTUPD - anticipation of 4-digit CBT file numbers * DOC FILE //* CKIEBGEN - improvements in record selection logic * DOC FILE //* fix a few other bugs * DOC FILE //* CKIEBG07 - older version of CKIEBGEN * DOC FILE //* DOCFILE - anticipation of 4-digit CBT file numbers * DOC FILE //* PDS - VERSION DECEMBER 29, 2017 * DOC FILE //* PDS38 - VERSION DECEMBER 29, 2017 * DOC FILE //* PDS86 - VERSION DECEMBER 29, 2017 * DOC FILE //* PDS86I - VERSION DECEMBER 29, 2017 * DOC FILE //* PDS8638 - VERSION DECEMBER 29, 2017 * DOC FILE //* STEPLIB - change support email address * DOC FILE //* TSUB - nullify (not blank) a table entry * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 119. Cosmetic changes to EPUTL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Updates to File 134. Fix DDASD program UCB scan * DOC FILE //* for z/OS 2.x. Update REVIEW to version 47.9 * DOC FILE //* (courtesy of Greg Price). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Updates to File 135: REVIEW 47.9, FASTPATH, * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS 7.23, and BR. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 136 - "cosmetic" changes to EPUTL * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich. * DOC FILE //* PDS - VERSION DECEMBER 29, 2017 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 183. Wrote some doc about how * DOC FILE //* to change the ISPF command table entries * DOC FILE //* generated by the FASTPATH command (member FASTPMOD). * DOC FILE //* Changed FASTPATH source to require UTIL without * DOC FILE //* abbreviation, to invoke IBM's ISRUTIL panel, * DOC FILE //* because "UT" gets in the way of the PDS 8.6 command * DOC FILE //* UT to invoke PDS's own utility panels. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 185 to LOADLIB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 229 to bring CKIEBGEN to Level 8, * DOC FILE //* and to fix my email addresses (as per item 0 above). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 247 to add a version of LPSCB which * DOC FILE //* is updated to handle 8-character TSO userids. The * DOC FILE //* PSCBUSER and UPTPREFX fields are now not used when * DOC FILE //* an 8-character TSO userid is defined, and new fields * DOC FILE //* have been added instead, to replace them. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 264 from Joe Reichman to modify LOOK * DOC FILE //* so that it doesn't get a S0C4 when you enter a bad * DOC FILE //* address. Other improvements--use IEAMSCHD instead * DOC FILE //* of SCHEDULE to issue the SRB for cross-memory * DOC FILE //* access, etc. Previous versions now labeled as * DOC FILE //* LOOK00, LOOK01, LOOK02. Current version is LOOKJ. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 293 with massive corrections to the * DOC FILE //* SKIP= and COPY= processing in the CKIEBGEN program. * DOC FILE //* Also made meaningful return-code processing in * DOC FILE //* CKIEBGEN, and fixed reporting for missing RECFM if * DOC FILE //* that condition has occurred. Also added MAKERCDS * DOC FILE //* program to generate any number of numbered 12-byte * DOC FILE //* records (used to test the SKIP and COPY code to see * DOC FILE //* how many records got copied, and which ones). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 296. DSAT, RELEASE, and XEQ were * DOC FILE //* fixed to accommodate 8-character TSO prefixes, for * DOC FILE //* 8-character userid support in z/OS 2.3. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Continuing a big effort to update programs in File * DOC FILE //* 300 to run on z/OS. The following programs were * DOC FILE //* fixed or updated: * DOC FILE //* CALCINST CMDLOFF COUNT COUNT2 DD DSPRINT DUSER * DOC FILE //* LIBCALL LPSCB MEMBER SCRATCH SCRAT24 SHOWDS SHOWSS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Many changes to File 312 from Lionel Dyck and * DOC FILE //* others. Members changed or added: * DOC FILE //* BACKDIR CHKIKJ EMAC FASTPATH FTPB IEBPDSE IFTHENEL * DOC FILE //* LOADISPF LSTPRC$ OMVSMAN ONLY PDSEGEN PDSEGEN$ * DOC FILE //* PDSEGEN# REXXFORM RUNC ZTSOHELP * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Updates to File 313 from Lionel Dyck: * DOC FILE //* SETCLIP SPELLC TRYIT TXT2CSV * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Updates to File 314 from Lionel Dyck: * DOC FILE //* VB2FB XMITIP ZCLONE ZSTART ZSYNC ZTSOHELP * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 316 to add a program that reports * DOC FILE //* which members of a pds are ISPF PACKED or not. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 386 from Salvador Carrasco, to add * DOC FILE //* IRXFMAT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 404 (TSSO) from John McKown, to * DOC FILE //* remove the dependency that TSSOPARM has to be in * DOC FILE //* SYS1.PARMLIB. Now TSSO was made to use the * DOC FILE //* IEFPRMLB service to find the TSSOPARM member in * DOC FILE //* whichever PARMLIB library it happens to be. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Updates to File 411 and 412 by Rob Scott. Modules * DOC FILE //* updated were: DDDEFCHK DDDEFPTH * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to add * DOC FILE //* RXSMF30 and to update IPLINFO. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 480 which is Baldomero Castilla's * DOC FILE //* file, from Sam Golob, to put the latest version * DOC FILE //* of the CKIEBGEN program there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 481 which is Baldomero Castilla's * DOC FILE //* load library, to put the latest load module for * DOC FILE //* the CKIEBGEN program there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Two updates to File 534, one to accommodate EAV * DOC FILE //* volumes, and the other to accommodate big TSO * DOC FILE //* screens, in the SPACE command from Paul Dion. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Numerous updates to File 566 (Sam Bass's file) * DOC FILE //* many of which were to convert TSO commands from * DOC FILE //* TPUT to PUTLINE output. And since PUTLINE output * DOC FILE //* is trappable, Mark Zelden's TSOx trapping commands * DOC FILE //* were added as well. Fix to ZAPDSCB to correct a * DOC FILE //* Y2K problem when resetting dates in the VTOC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Updates to File 617 from Pedro Berrios. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 659 to add Hercules 3.12. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Updates to File 669 from Willy Jensen, for his * DOC FILE //* package to store REXX variables for use later. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Updates to File 731 which is a collection of TSO * DOC FILE //* programs from Sam Golob, many APF-authorized. * DOC FILE //* Programs added or modified: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ALLIDS - Show TSO session's userid in many places * DOC FILE //* BYE - Tool to manipulate the TSO RELOGON buffer * DOC FILE //* CPFX - Tool to create 8-character TSO prefixes * DOC FILE //* LOADLIB - Updated load library * DOC FILE //* MEMBER - Show attributes of a pds member * DOC FILE //* NOLOGOF - Turn off the "force logoff" bit of RLGB * DOC FILE //* RELOGON - Force a RELOGON of your TSO userid * DOC FILE //* SHOWRLGB - Show everything about the Relogon Buffer * DOC FILE //* TSVT8 - Turn on/off 8-character userid support * DOC FILE //* YESLOGOF - Turn on the "force logoff bit of the RLGB * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 789 from Al Ferguson, to his programs * DOC FILE //* that help in running IBM's SCRT process (Sub- * DOC FILE //* Capacity Reporting Tool). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 797 to allow TSUB to nullify a * DOC FILE //* table entry in the middle of the table. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 826 to allow CNCLPG to "correctly" * DOC FILE //* transwap an address space, or to make it * DOC FILE //* non-memtermable, or memtermable. If you can't * DOC FILE //* get rid of an address space with BURN, then you * DOC FILE //* can KILL it, and it should get rid of any address * DOC FILE //* space. (Something to try if a FORCE operator * DOC FILE //* command doesn't work.) Add a "TSO authority" * DOC FILE //* requirement to run the command. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 831 to fix CONCATPG for 8-character * DOC FILE //* TSO prefixes in z/OS 2.3 and higher. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Update to File 889 to include 32-bit and 64-bit * DOC FILE //* versions of Hercules 3.12 for Windows. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 890 (SIMULA programming language) * DOC FILE //* to change Peter Sylvester's email address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 895 from Rainer Nowak to make * DOC FILE //* some modifications to Gilbert Saint-flour's * DOC FILE //* STEMEDIT program as well as some other things * DOC FILE //* that are related. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Update to File 900 to fix the SHA*** programs * DOC FILE //* for 8-character TSO prefixes, and to add the * DOC FILE //* SHA224S program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Update to File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions) v2, * DOC FILE //* to level 10.30A, in the port to z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Update to File 948 from Duc Tuan Nguyen, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* his collection of REXX execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Update to File 950 from Norbert Haas, to add the * DOC FILE //* RULER exec, which can put a ruler anywhere within * DOC FILE //* an ISPF edit, like the COLS line command in ISPF, * DOC FILE //* except that you can start the RULER, anywhere in * DOC FILE //* the edit screen, not just in column 1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 A large update to File 953 from John Gateley, to * DOC FILE //* add and improve his programs. Members changed are: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* CHKAUTH GENDSN$$ GETCNCAT GETDSNAM LISTAPF MACLIB * DOC FILE //* STRINGIT PROCSTEM STEMSORT STEMSR15 STEMSR35 * DOC FILE //* TRIMIT TRYAUTH TRYGDSN TRYSTEM * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Addition of File 954 which is the CSCF program * DOC FILE //* to change the attributes of a running address * DOC FILE //* space. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Addition of File 955 from John C. Miller, which * DOC FILE //* contains his remote logging facility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Addition of File 956 from Steve Myers, which * DOC FILE //* contains programs to show dataset access by userid * DOC FILE //* from SMF data. The DSREF program produces reports * DOC FILE //* showing dataset access by userid, using SMF 14, * DOC FILE //* 15 and 30 records. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Addition of File 957 from Seymour (Shmuel) Metz, * DOC FILE //* and contains source code for the IEBUPDTX program, * DOC FILE //* and a very large collection of macros. * DOC FILE //* This file represents a lot of complicated work done * DOC FILE //* in the early 1970's and which still is useful. * DOC FILE //* There is other code here, as well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Addition of File 958 from Sam Golob, which contains * DOC FILE //* programs that will hopefully show you anything you * DOC FILE //* want to know about the TSO RELOGON BUFFER, and will * DOC FILE //* hopefully allow you to change it in any way that * DOC FILE //* you would like. The BYE program was written by * DOC FILE //* "Updater". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Addition of File 959 from Richard W. Pinion and * DOC FILE //* contains a program to release excess space from a * DOC FILE //* list of datasets (by name), without affecting the * DOC FILE //* last-access date. This program uses the PARTREL * DOC FILE //* macro, and is itself, named PARTREL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50 Addition of File 960 from Al Ferguson which contains * DOC FILE //* many REXX execs with their accompanying techniques, * DOC FILE //* to get a large variety of jobs done. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51 Addition of File 961 from Yves Colliard and contains * DOC FILE //* a collection of ISPF commands which can be added * DOC FILE //* to your session. * DOC FILE //* YCLMAC - A collection of user line commands * DOC FILE //* for use in ISPF Edit and View * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52 Addition of File 962 which is from Bud Randall, * DOC FILE //* and contains an ISPF interface to mount and * DOC FILE //* unmount UNIX files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 53 Addition of File 963 from Al Ferguson which * DOC FILE //* contains a package to dynamically allocate and * DOC FILE //* deallocate datasets when needed by an ISPF * DOC FILE //* application. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 54 Addition of File 964 which is from Steve Kleeves by * DOC FILE //* way of John Kalinich, and which contains a package * DOC FILE //* to display the characteristics of VSAM datasets, * DOC FILE //* from both an ISPF 3.4 screen, and from the * DOC FILE //* PDS 8.6 command's LISTC/LISTF screen. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 55 Addition of File 965 from John McKown which is a * DOC FILE //* port of SQLITE 3.21.0 to z/OS. The current state * DOC FILE //* of this package is described in the member * DOC FILE //* @FILE965. This is version 3.21.0 of SQLITE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Older versions of this port can be found on: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* CBT File 897 - Version 3.8 * DOC FILE //* CBT File 923 - Version 3.8.7 * DOC FILE //* CBT File 935 - Version 3.8.11 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 56 Addition of File 966 from Steve Myers and contains * DOC FILE //* a TSO command called HLASM which is a full TSO * DOC FILE //* prompter for the High Level Assembler (ASMA90). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 57 Addition of File 967 from Tom Conley, which is * DOC FILE //* establishing a file to be updated by the SHARE * DOC FILE //* ISPF group. This file will be called CUIC * DOC FILE //* (CBT ISPF Usermods Collection). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* IBM's investment in ISPF has steadily dwindled * DOC FILE //* since z/OS V2R1, while investment in z/OSMF has * DOC FILE //* vastly increased. There is still a user community * DOC FILE //* for ISPF that requires increased function. The * DOC FILE //* goal of this collection will be to provide * DOC FILE //* that function wherever possible. * DOC FILE //* Tom Conley, in his position as SHARE's ISPF * DOC FILE //* Advocate, is establishing this collection to * DOC FILE //* provide function that will in all likelihoood * DOC FILE //* not be provided by IBM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 58 Addition of File 968 from John McKown, which * DOC FILE //* contains a REXX exec named SYSPARM, that does * DOC FILE //* an ISRDDN-like display of the PARMLIB concatenation * DOC FILE //* on your system. (Akin to the LSTPROC REXX exec * DOC FILE //* from Lionel Dyck on File 312, which shows your * DOC FILE //* PROCLIB concatenation.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 59 Addition of File 969 which contains the PDSEGEN * DOC FILE //* multi-utility from Lionel Dyck, to manipulate PDSE * DOC FILE //* V2 member generations. IBM's support of PDSE V2 * DOC FILE //* member generations is woefully inadequate at * DOC FILE //* present, and this package does an excellent job to * DOC FILE //* fill their gap in support. This file has been * DOC FILE //* separated from File 312, where it previously * DOC FILE //* resided. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-494 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-494 CHANGES FOR VERSION 494 MAR 05, 2017 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Moved File 007 (RACF user group tape) to a * DOC FILE //* new location (File 013) to make room for the * DOC FILE //* SYSUPLOG file on File 007, which is necessary * DOC FILE //* to use when uploading CBT files from an actual * DOC FILE //* "tape" (or a virtual tape). Some of the tape's * DOC FILE //* files might have the string "><" in columns 1 and * DOC FILE //* 2 legitimately, and this file is a recording of * DOC FILE //* which records legitimately had >< in column 1. * DOC FILE //* Those records should not be changed to ./ by the * DOC FILE //* PDSLOAD program. So including the SYSUPLOG file * DOC FILE //* in the PDSLOAD JCL will ensure accuracy of all * DOC FILE //* the uploaded files. The SYSUPLOG file is an * DOC FILE //* IEBUPDTE-unloaded pds, and must be expanded to * DOC FILE //* a real pds. JCL for doing this is included. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Updates to File 035 as follows: programs changed * DOC FILE //* or added: New release of REVIEW (47.0) and * DOC FILE //* new release of PDS. MARCH 5, 2017 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 134 from Greg Price, with a new * DOC FILE //* version of the REVIEW command and all its parts. * DOC FILE //* (47.0) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 135 with a new version of REVIEW, * DOC FILE //* and new version of PDS MARCH 5, 2017. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich, with a new * DOC FILE //* version of the PDS command package source. * DOC FILE //* PDS MARCH 5, 2017 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 264 with various changes to enhance * DOC FILE //* installability of the LOOK program, and to clean * DOC FILE //* up the code without changing functionality (yet). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Updates to File 300 to the following programs: * DOC FILE //* LISTVTOC, LM, and OPERA. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Updates to Files 312, from Lionel Dyck. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 776 which is RECV390 from Edgar * DOC FILE //* Hoffmann. This program runs on a PC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 835 which contains programs to * DOC FILE //* display the PPT (Program Properties Table) of * DOC FILE //* the z/OS systems. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 953 from John Gateley to included * DOC FILE //* more of his programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-493 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-493 CHANGES FOR VERSION 493 FEB 09, 2017 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Moved File 007 (RACF user group tape) to a * DOC FILE //* new location (File 013) to make room for the * DOC FILE //* SYSUPLOG file on File 007, which is necessary * DOC FILE //* to use when uploading CBT files from an actual * DOC FILE //* "tape" (or a virtual tape). Some of the tape's * DOC FILE //* files might have the string "><" in columns 1 and * DOC FILE //* 2 legitimately, and this file is a recording of * DOC FILE //* which records legitimately had >< in column 1. * DOC FILE //* Those records should not be changed to ./ by the * DOC FILE //* PDSLOAD program. So including the SYSUPLOG file * DOC FILE //* in the PDSLOAD JCL will ensure accuracy of all * DOC FILE //* the uploaded files. The SYSUPLOG file is an * DOC FILE //* IEBUPDTE-unloaded pds, and must be expanded to * DOC FILE //* a real pds. JCL for doing this is included. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 009, which is a file of RACF exits. * DOC FILE //* The change was just to update its packaging * DOC FILE //* (inclusion of the @FILE009 member, and so forth). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Addition of File 013 which used to be File 007. * DOC FILE //* File 007 now has the SYSUPLOG file, needed for * DOC FILE //* tape file restores using PDSLOAD. Contents of * DOC FILE //* this file have been updated from old File 007 * DOC FILE //* in the following members: SETPW2, WHOIS$, ZAPDFPO * DOC FILE //* (Old SETPW2 still works. Change was to fix a typo * DOC FILE //* in a comment.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 017 to fix the LISTDD program for * DOC FILE //* SWA above the line. Old version of LISTDD is * DOC FILE //* still here as a different member. The new version * DOC FILE //* seems to still work if SWA is below the line. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 019 to change the support * DOC FILE //* information. Unfortunately, John Hooper has * DOC FILE //* passed away. Please write for support to * DOC FILE //* sbgolob@cbttape.org. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Updates to File 035 as follows: programs changed * DOC FILE //* or added: * DOC FILE //* ASUB CNCLPG EESCB IEBTSUB LISTPDS LOOK * DOC FILE //* OFFLOAD OFFLOADW PDS PDSLOAD PDSLOADW * DOC FILE //* PDSMATCH PDS38 PDS86 PDS86I PDS8638 STEPLIB * DOC FILE //* TSUB UCBDASD ULUDASD ULUTSCAN ULUTYPE * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 039 to put in a fixed version of * DOC FILE //* RCNVTCAT which works for SWA above the line, and * DOC FILE //* which includes some UNIX implementation, and * DOC FILE //* which has been fixed so you can generate the name * DOC FILE //* of the target catalog that you want to recatalog * DOC FILE //* all these entries into. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 066 (the ASM member) to fix the * DOC FILE //* LASTCLPA program so it works on z/OS 2.2. Problem * DOC FILE //* was that FMID HBB77A0 "sorts lower" than HBB7705, * DOC FILE //* so it looks like an earlier release. Changed * DOC FILE //* "release level" determination to come from CVTOSLV3, * DOC FILE //* bit X'10' to make the determination always accurate. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 093 to fix the OFFLOAD, LISTPDS, * DOC FILE //* and PDSLOAD programs so they can accommodate * DOC FILE //* 8-character userids in ISPF stats. Also updated * DOC FILE //* load module Files 035 and 135 with these changes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 119 from Bill Smith. CLR3270 was * DOC FILE //* updated and SM (toggle session manager mode in TSO) * DOC FILE //* was tested to work at a higher z/OS level (2.2). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 133 from Sam Golob. Fix LASTCLPA * DOC FILE //* (both PUTLINE and non-PUTLINE versions) to work * DOC FILE //* for z/OS 2.2. The z/OS version test (by FMID) * DOC FILE //* was wrong. Used CVTOSLV3,X'10' test instead, to * DOC FILE //* see accurately, if we were at HBB7705. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 134 from Greg Price, with a new * DOC FILE //* version of the REVIEW command and all its parts. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 135 with a new version of REVIEW, * DOC FILE //* and new versions of LISTPDS, OFFLOAD, and PDSLOAD * DOC FILE //* to accommodate new 8-character ISPF userids. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 162 to update Dave Cole's address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Colesoft Marketing, Inc. * DOC FILE //* 414 3rd ST. NE * DOC FILE //* Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA * DOC FILE //* 540-456-8210 * DOC FILE //* www.colesoft.com * DOC FILE //* email: dbcole@gmail.com * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich, with a new * DOC FILE //* version of the PDS command package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 183 from Lionel Dyck to add a help * DOC FILE //* member and a doc member for STEMEDIT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 185 to reassemble the auth tables, * DOC FILE //* and to enhance TSUB so you can effectively * DOC FILE //* nullify a table entry without also nullifying the * DOC FILE //* entries beyond the one that you hit. This is done * DOC FILE //* by making an entry of "?" followed by 7 spaces. * DOC FILE //* The new option is called "N" instead of "B". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 199 to update Dave Cole's address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 220 from Anthony Cieri to create * DOC FILE //* the SDUMPE and SDUMPG execs to display 64-bit * DOC FILE //* storage contents. (Patterned after the SDUMP * DOC FILE //* exec.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 225 to update Dave Cole's address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 226 to update Dave Cole's address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 234 from Joe Reichman, to correct * DOC FILE //* an error in the disassembler, generating the wrong * DOC FILE //* code. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 247 from Sam Golob, with various * DOC FILE //* small improvements, and the inclusion of BDMDSFIX * DOC FILE //* load module, which can fix a Broadcast Dataset * DOC FILE //* that was copied from one device geometry to a * DOC FILE //* different device geometry (example: 3380 to a * DOC FILE //* 3390). The difference is that the first DATA byte * DOC FILE //* of the X'FF' records (in the key byte) (unused * DOC FILE //* records) in the Broadcast Dataset, must always * DOC FILE //* contain the "R" of the "CCHHR" of the record, and * DOC FILE //* with different device geometries, the number of * DOC FILE //* these records per track, differs. We fix that by * DOC FILE //* resetting these numbers to their new proper value. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 249 to fix the UCB program and the * DOC FILE //* WMOD program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 264 with various changes to enhance * DOC FILE //* installability of the LOOK program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Updates to File 300 to various programs from * DOC FILE //* various sources. * DOC FILE //* COPYSDS - various improvements * DOC FILE //* COUNT - fix return code logic * DOC FILE //* Rename ECHO to ECHOHEX. * DOC FILE //* EKKO - use it to put variables into REXX * DOC FILE //* execs in the middle of a SAY. * DOC FILE //* LOGTIME - a new program to tell you what time * DOC FILE //* you logged on to your current session. * DOC FILE //* works by formatting the logon time in * DOC FILE //* the PSCB. * DOC FILE //* LPSCB - list 8-character addresses instead of 6 * DOC FILE //* QLIST - minor fixes * DOC FILE //* TO - minor fix * DOC FILE //* UNITS - change to UCB lookup - didn't work on * DOC FILE //* new systems, and fixed now * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Updates to Files 312, 313, 314 from Lionel Dyck. * DOC FILE //* Many improvements and new programs, too numerous * DOC FILE //* to mention. PDSEGEN, RUNC, many many many more. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 316 to add a program called RESETU. * DOC FILE //* RESETU - change userid in ISPF stats of a pds member * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 357 to fix a VB bug in PDSMATCH. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 388 to update Dave Cole's address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 407 to update Dave Cole's address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 408 to update Dave Cole's address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 411 from Lionel Dyck to provide * DOC FILE //* HELP members for STEMPULL and STEMPUSH. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 423 to get TELL to work, minor * DOC FILE //* improvements to LAA (use IBM's IHAQDB macro), * DOC FILE //* and add parameters to LISTHEAD showing more, or * DOC FILE //* less, information about the module headers, * DOC FILE //* according to taste and need. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden, with changes * DOC FILE //* to the following members: DELDUPS IPLINFO * DOC FILE //* REXXSTOR RXSTOR64 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 452, primarily to change Dan Dalby's * DOC FILE //* support email address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 492, with fixes to SHOWzOS, at level * DOC FILE //* 7.23. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Updates to File 542 from John McKown and Lionel * DOC FILE //* Dyck, with addition (from John) to DEFINES and * DOC FILE //* IVPJOB, and from both, to RCNVTCAT and SCNVTCAT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Updates to File 566 from Sam Golob to DUMPPPT and * DOC FILE //* ZAPDSCB, eliminating the need for the "trick SVC". * DOC FILE //* These are wonderful programs brought to us by * DOC FILE //* Sam Bass, together with his other wonderful stuff. * DOC FILE //* Try ZAPDSCB. You'll be hooked. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Update to File 614 to add a new assembly of SHOWzOS * DOC FILE //* 7.23 under z/OS 2.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Update to File 769 from Robert A.H. Prins, to * DOC FILE //* upgrade his package that converts source code * DOC FILE //* written in various languages, to HTML. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Updates to File 797 to change the support address * DOC FILE //* for STEPLIB, and to add the nullification function * DOC FILE //* 'N' to TSUB, as an improvement on 'B' (blanking * DOC FILE //* function). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Addition of File 884 from Ze'ev Atlas, which is a * DOC FILE //* port of PCRE version 10.2 (Perl Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions 10.2) to z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Update to File 900 to add support (besides for MD5) * DOC FILE //* for SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, and SHA5. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Update to File 934 from Sri Kolusu of IBM to make * DOC FILE //* a SORT job constructing a calendar file, that runs * DOC FILE //* faster than his original SORT job. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Update to File 941 from Gregory Bliznets to fix * DOC FILE //* the following of his REXX execs: * DOC FILE //* CSV2ISP HTML ISP2CSV * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Update to File 948 from Duc Tuan Nguyen (dt n) * DOC FILE //* with changes to the following of his programs: * DOC FILE //* IFCREADS S100CSV S101CSV S102CSV * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Addition of File 950 from Norbert Haas, containing * DOC FILE //* an impressive collection of REXX execs. Some of * DOC FILE //* them are commented in German. We have tried to * DOC FILE //* translate as many of them into English as possible. * DOC FILE //* Very significant is his AUTOMAT exec, which sets * DOC FILE //* up multiple screens in the ISPF environment * DOC FILE //* automatically and predictably. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50 Addition of File 951 from Nick Light, which * DOC FILE //* contains his tool called GDGP. GDGP is written * DOC FILE //* in REXX and it can either create a new GDG or * DOC FILE //* modify the characteristics of an existing GDG. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51 Addition of File 952 from Bill Smith and * DOC FILE //* John Kalinich, which contains two important * DOC FILE //* documents in PDF format about OS/360 design * DOC FILE //* considerations and debugging, which are * DOC FILE //* still important for us to know today. * DOC FILE //* BROOKS - A lecture by Fred Brooks, lead * DOC FILE //* designer of OS/360. * DOC FILE //* MVTDEBUG - An internal IBM design document * DOC FILE //* from 1969, about how to debug * DOC FILE //* OS/360 problems. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52 Addition of File 953 from John Gately, which * DOC FILE //* contains a macro called STRING that builds a * DOC FILE //* long string of data from component parts. The * DOC FILE //* macro is in Assembler. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-492 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-492 CHANGES FOR VERSION 492 AUG 25, 2016 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 035 for PDSMATCH (to fix a bug) * DOC FILE //* and to introduce PDSUR (an IEHMOVE substitute - * DOC FILE //* see CBT File 949 for source code) which has * DOC FILE //* somehow escaped inclusion on the CBT tape for at * DOC FILE //* least 35 years. PDSUR is a very useful program * DOC FILE //* for sequentializing pds'es and for handling any * DOC FILE //* files in IEHMOVE format. It predates the use of * DOC FILE //* XMIT for this purpose. PDSUR is not restricted * DOC FILE //* to blocksize = 800. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 039 to put in a fixed version of * DOC FILE //* RCNVTCAT which works for SWA above the line, and * DOC FILE //* which includes some UNIX implementation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 118 to change some doc. File 289 * DOC FILE //* contains a related program called PHRANQUE, which * DOC FILE //* performs functions similar to the programs here. * DOC FILE //* So I included a cross-reference to it. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 182 to put a fixed version of the * DOC FILE //* PDSMATCH load module into the UTILXMIT member. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 289 to include JCL to implement the * DOC FILE //* PHRANQUE program, that looks at SMPPTFIN files and * DOC FILE //* tells you a lot of detail about what is on them. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck to add or fix * DOC FILE //* the following members: IEBPDSE, OMVSCMD, OMVSPAX, * DOC FILE //* PDSEGEN, PDSEGEN#, PDSEGEN@, PLPISPF, PLPISPF$. * DOC FILE //* In particular, PDSEGEN is a fantastic tool to deal * DOC FILE //* with and handle PDSE version 2 generations. Worth * DOC FILE //* looking at. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck to fix the * DOC FILE //* TSOTRAP exec. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 357 because that is where the * DOC FILE //* latest source code for PDSMATCH is. PDSMATCH * DOC FILE //* got fixed because it was comparing corresponding * DOC FILE //* null members of 2 pds'es as unequal. The bug is * DOC FILE //* now fixed. (Of course, two null members should * DOC FILE //* compare as equal...! There's nothing in each of * DOC FILE //* them. 0=0.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 542 from Lionel Dyck and John McKown * DOC FILE //* to fix the RCNVTCAT exec to work when SWA is above * DOC FILE //* the line, for the TSU jobclass in JES2. Also fixed * DOC FILE //* somewhat to work for UNIX (see member $$NOTE03 in * DOC FILE //* the pds, for details). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob to add some * DOC FILE //* support to display the incore TEST values that * DOC FILE //* were coded in the active IKJTSOxx PARMLIB member * DOC FILE //* (if any). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Addition of File 949 to (finally after 35 years) * DOC FILE //* add the useful PDSUR program, which creates or * DOC FILE //* reads IEHMOVE-format FB-80 files (no blocksize * DOC FILE //* restriction). This program was originally * DOC FILE //* written in 1973 by Gene Czarcinski, and enhanced * DOC FILE //* a few times by a very qualified updater, so it * DOC FILE //* works nicely now (on z/OS 2.2). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-491 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-491 CHANGES FOR VERSION 491 JUL 06, 2016 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Also create this tape almost completely, using * DOC FILE //* materials from File 008 instead of from external * DOC FILE //* datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 019 from John Hooper to reflect * DOC FILE //* his change of address, and also to fix a few * DOC FILE //* programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 035 to reflect a reassembly of * DOC FILE //* LOOK, a new version of PDS 8.6, PDSMATCH, and * DOC FILE //* LISTPDS, and a new program called LOGOPTS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 093 to the LISTPDS program, so * DOC FILE //* that it has support for extended ISPF statistics. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 134 from Greg Price, to bring * DOC FILE //* REVIEW to Level 46.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to the load module File 135, to update * DOC FILE //* REVIEW, PDS 8.6 (for European dates), and LISTPDS * DOC FILE //* (to add support for preserving extended ISPF * DOC FILE //* statistics and displaying them). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Updates to File 182 which is PDS 8.6 source code, * DOC FILE //* from John Kalinich. The current level of PDS is: * DOC FILE //* PDS -- VERSION JUNE 17, 2016 MVSLEV=MVS722 * DOC FILE //* Load modules for this level of PDS 8.6 are reflected * DOC FILE //* in Files 035 and 135. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Small update to File 183 to fix the LOCKTERM * DOC FILE //* program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Updates to File 220 and 221 from Anthony Cieri. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 264 from Sam Golob, rework the * DOC FILE //* macro formatting in LOOK, and reassembly of LOOK * DOC FILE //* for z/OS 2.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Updates to File 300 from Greg Price (additional * DOC FILE //* TEST subcommands updated) and from "Updater" who * DOC FILE //* fixed FINDFILE so it does a proper UCBSCAN for * DOC FILE //* z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Numerous updates from Lionel Dyck to Files 312 * DOC FILE //* thru 314 to add new REXX execs and fix ones that * DOC FILE //* were already there. You have to explore these... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 347 from Sam Golob to indicate that * DOC FILE //* this program, while it still works, has limitations, * DOC FILE //* and that its author, Rick Fochtman, has passed * DOC FILE //* away, unfortunately for all of us. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 349 from Willy Jensen (ISPCMDL and * DOC FILE //* ISPCMDU) to list and update ISPF command tables. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 357 to fix PDSMATCH so that it will * DOC FILE //* tie in better with a call from PDS 8.6 and to fix * DOC FILE //* a bug. (MATCH subcommand of the PDS program) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 406 to fix both the CQX program * DOC FILE //* and the FIND program. Both work on z/OS 2.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to fix the * DOC FILE //* following: ASIDLIST, IPLINFO, JOBCHECK, and * DOC FILE //* LOGRREXX. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Updates to File 452 from Dan Dalby (many programs). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, which * DOC FILE //* is SHOWzOS v7.23, that is necessary for z/OS 2.1 * DOC FILE //* and z/OS 2.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 523 from R.W.Suhr, which is the * DOC FILE //* SMFSLCT program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 533 from Gerhard Postpischil, to * DOC FILE //* add a version of VTT2TAPE and VTT2DISK that can * DOC FILE //* be assembled and used on an MVS/370 system. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 534 from Ralf Mahler, to fix the * DOC FILE //* SPACE command (from Paul Dion) for EAV (Extended * DOC FILE //* Attribute Volumes). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 538 to change Jan Jaeger's email * DOC FILE //* address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 612 from Albert Cheng, to add the * DOC FILE //* VIEWPARM and ISPFST execs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 614 (load module libraries for * DOC FILE //* many versions of SHOWzOS) to add a version of * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS 7.23 assembled under z/OS 2.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 633 from William J Smith, to * DOC FILE //* include a newly written version of the DSPACE TSO * DOC FILE //* command, which has been updated for EAV (Extended * DOC FILE //* Attribute Volumes). The FDSPACE exec has not yet * DOC FILE //* been modified to accommodate the changed fields * DOC FILE //* of the new version. (You would probably need a * DOC FILE //* considerably changed version of FDSPACE. I don't * DOC FILE //* have EAV, and I don't want to mess with the version * DOC FILE //* of FDSPACE that I am currently using (sbg).) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 669 from Willy Jensen, which is his * DOC FILE //* facility to store REXX variables externally to the * DOC FILE //* REXX program, and make them available to the same * DOC FILE //* program later, or to other REXX programs. The * DOC FILE //* facility is called REXXGBLV (REXX Global Variables). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob, to fix a field * DOC FILE //* in the EESCB display, and to add the LOGOPTS TSO * DOC FILE //* command (APF-authorized) that can temporarily * DOC FILE //* change the new LOGON attributes for the LPAR. * DOC FILE //* Also a minor fix to the UCBDASD program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Cosmetic change to File 751. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 826 from Sam Golob to fix the help * DOC FILE //* and documentation for the CNCLPG commad, to doc * DOC FILE //* its ability to BURN an address space, besides its * DOC FILE //* ability to change attributes of the address space: * DOC FILE //* (cancelable, forcible, swappable, etc.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Cosmetic change to File 841. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 873 to make a minor fix to the * DOC FILE //* ULUDASD program, corresponding to the fix to * DOC FILE //* UCBDASD in CBT File 731. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 874 from Sam Golob, which is HELP * DOC FILE //* members for many of the tools on the CBT Tape. * DOC FILE //* (And also a load library containing the REVIEW * DOC FILE //* and fullscreen HEL TSO commands is now included * DOC FILE //* here.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Cosmetic changes to File 879 (TSOFINDZ still works * DOC FILE //* on z/OS 2.2 and just had to be reassembled). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 882 from Ze'ev Atlas, which is * DOC FILE //* Version 8.38 of PCRE (Version 1) ported to z/OS. * DOC FILE //* PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions) now has * DOC FILE //* a later version (Version 2) whose port to z/OS * DOC FILE //* can be found on CBT File 939. * DOC FILE //* However, for current users of PCRE Version 1, * DOC FILE //* we also present the latest version of it here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Update to File 900 to add SHA-1 and SHA-2 support. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 908 from James Halley, which is his * DOC FILE //* interface to the ISPF workstation facility and it * DOC FILE //* enables people to transfer files easily from the * DOC FILE //* Windows workstation to the ISPF mainframe session. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 926 which is Phil Polchinski's * DOC FILE //* AMORT (figure out your mortgage payments) program * DOC FILE //* written in COBOL. Included here is JCL to compile * DOC FILE //* the program under different versions of COBOL * DOC FILE //* (and the resulting load libraries). A compile * DOC FILE //* under COBOL 6.1 has now been added to the others. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Addition of File 938 from Peter Giles, which * DOC FILE //* contains a modification of the SSINFO program * DOC FILE //* (output to the system console and SYSLOG) * DOC FILE //* displaying a lot of z/OS subsystem information. * DOC FILE //* Original code was from Xephon, but we support * DOC FILE //* most of the Xephon code now, and you can use * DOC FILE //* almost all of it, without worrying about the * DOC FILE //* copyright. Xephon is (unfortunately) defunct. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Addition of File 939 from Ze'ev Atlas, which is * DOC FILE //* a port of PCRE Version 2 (Perl-Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions) to z/OS. This version supersedes * DOC FILE //* PCRE Version 1, which can still be found on CBT * DOC FILE //* File 882. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Addition of File 940 from Sam Golob, by way of * DOC FILE //* Gilbert Saint-flour and its original author. * DOC FILE //* This is the LLAPRINT program which shows you * DOC FILE //* which libraries are controlled by LLA (Linklist * DOC FILE //* Lookaside) currently. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Addition of File 941 from Gregory Bliznets, which * DOC FILE //* contains some VERY useful REXX tools. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Addition of File 942 by way of John Kalinich, * DOC FILE //* which contains some tools to list characteristics * DOC FILE //* of VSAM datasets, directly from the ISPF 3.4 * DOC FILE //* screen, among other things. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Addition of Files 943 thru 947 which are Xephon * DOC FILE //* articles for magazines from approximately * DOC FILE //* 1990 thru 1993 or shorter. Files: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 943 - CICS Update * DOC FILE //* 944 - SNA Update * DOC FILE //* 945 - VSAM Update * DOC FILE //* 946 - VM Update, courtesy of SDS USA * DOC FILE //* who own the rights * DOC FILE //* 947 - VSE Update * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The rights to most of the Xephon magazines were * DOC FILE //* given to Thomas Publishing, and Bob Thomas gave * DOC FILE //* the support rights, thru the end of 2005, to * DOC FILE //* www.cbttape.org. Again, the VM articles are * DOC FILE //* here, courtest of SDS USA, and I got permission * DOC FILE //* to republish the articles from Jim Lampi of SDS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Addition of File 948 from Duc Tuan Nguyen, which * DOC FILE //* contains REXX execs for administering CICS and * DOC FILE //* DB2. Also, there is an exec for sequentializing * DOC FILE //* all the members of a PDS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-490 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-490 CHANGES FOR VERSION 490 OCT 26, 2015 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Also create this tape almost completely, using * DOC FILE //* materials from File 008 instead of from external * DOC FILE //* datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Updates to File 020 from Sam Golob to fix some * DOC FILE //* minor bugs in many of the members, to get them * DOC FILE //* to run. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Updates to File 035, which is a load module library * DOC FILE //* for quick installs of many utility products. * DOC FILE //* Members changed: * DOC FILE //* PACKRAT PACKRATU PDS PDS38 PDS86 PDS86I PDS8638 * DOC FILE //* UCBDASD UCBTAPE UCBTYPE ULUDASD ULUDIAG ULUTAPE * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION July 19, 2015 * DOC FILE //* Other programs (PACKRAT, ULU**** etc. were changed * DOC FILE //* to accommodate ULUT Version 3 for UCB lookups. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 039, which contains zaps to IPOUPDTE * DOC FILE //* and CPPUPDTE so they don't reference the $$$COIBM * DOC FILE //* member in the pds which they are updating. Also * DOC FILE //* added historical information regarding MCNVTCAT * DOC FILE //* (once supplied with CBIPO and CBPDO, and no longer * DOC FILE //* supplied), and also copied RCNVTCAT (the exec) from * DOC FILE //* File 542 so you can use it for re-cataloging all * DOC FILE //* non-VSAM datasets in a new VSAM catalog. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 046 to convert PACKRATU to use * DOC FILE //* to ULUT UCB lookup macros ULUDSECT, ULUINIT, and * DOC FILE //* ULUSCAN (for ULUT Type 3 and all earlier versions). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 093 to PDSLOADW, OFFLOADW, and to * DOC FILE //* add the latest version of LISTPDS from File 316. * DOC FILE //* Purpose of these updates is to insure data integrity * DOC FILE //* when reloading CBT Tape files from "tape". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Problem was that file members which accidentally * DOC FILE //* contained the string "><" in columns 1 and 2 were * DOC FILE //* getting these strings erroneously changed to "./" * DOC FILE //* because it was assumed that IEBUPDTE control cards * DOC FILE //* were the original cause of the "><" strings, and * DOC FILE //* that wasn't always the case. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* So LISTPDS and OFFLOADW were changed to produce * DOC FILE //* an "exception log" file of all cards in the original * DOC FILE //* pds which always originally contained "><" in * DOC FILE //* columns 1 and 2. These were NOT assumed to have * DOC FILE //* arisen from "./" cards, and therefore, if a record * DOC FILE //* is in the log (pointed to by DD name SYSUPLOG), * DOC FILE //* then it will not be changed by PDSLOAD processing * DOC FILE //* when the pds is loaded from the sequential unload * DOC FILE //* dataset. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 134 from Greg Price, mostly to * DOC FILE //* the REVIEW program package, which is now at * DOC FILE //* Level 46.1, and which includes support for PDSE * DOC FILE //* Type 2 to be able to see multiple versions of the * DOC FILE //* same member name. Some further support material * DOC FILE //* was also added to this file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 135 from Greg Price and others, to * DOC FILE //* update the REVIEW package to Version 46.1, and * DOC FILE //* also to update PDS86 as follows: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION July 19, 2015 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich, to the PDS * DOC FILE //* 8.6 program package source and load, to level: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION July 19, 2015 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 183 from several sources: * DOC FILE //* Data Areas Handbook program (DAHANDBK) from * DOC FILE //* Gilbert's own files. * DOC FILE //* SHOWDASD from Anthony Cieri, to accommodate the * DOC FILE //* ULUT Type 3 (above the 64-bit bar). * DOC FILE //* SWAREQ22 from Don Poitras to accommodate another * DOC FILE //* control block being put above the bar in z/OS 2.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to Files 220 and 221 from Anthony Cieri * DOC FILE //* and Sam Golob, to further accommodate changes * DOC FILE //* for z/OS 2.1 and 2.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Updates to File 249 from Eileen Barkow and * DOC FILE //* Steve Niebauer, to various versions of the WMOD * DOC FILE //* program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck, to programs * DOC FILE //* LPRPRINT and PSPRINT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 316 with a fix to the FFYCOPY * DOC FILE //* program, and to replace LISTPDS with the newest * DOC FILE //* version that makes an update log of all records * DOC FILE //* which originally contained the string "><" in * DOC FILE //* columns 1 and 2. See explanation above in Item 6. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 321 from Roland Schiradin to fix * DOC FILE //* the COBANAL program for COBOL V4 and V5. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 432 from Thierry Falissard to * DOC FILE //* add ALLSTOP and VTOCR programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden to update * DOC FILE //* IPLINFO, REXXMEM, and RXSTOR64. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 480 from Sam Golob, to add the * DOC FILE //* latest level of CKIEBGEN and accompanying JCL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin and * DOC FILE //* some helpers, to add SHOWzOS 7.23. This version * DOC FILE //* is needed for z/OS 2.1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 612 from Albert Cheng to update * DOC FILE //* multiple programs: * DOC FILE //* Members are: * DOC FILE //* ALOCLPA, ASSEMBLE, BLOCATE, CHKMEM, DSPACE, * DOC FILE //* DUDASD, HDSPACE, HDUDASD, HFINDCMD, HFINDPRG, * DOC FILE //* HLOCATE, JBLOCATE, JDATE, JDSPACE, JSHOWPPT, * DOC FILE //* LOAD, LOCATE, LOCATE$, LOCATEO, LPALIB, REGSIZE, * DOC FILE //* SHOWPPT, SHOWPPT$, SVCNO, SVCUPDTE, SYSINCRD * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 614 (SHOWzOS load libraries) * DOC FILE //* to include assemblies and load libraries for * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS 7.22 and 7.23 (necessary for z/OS 2.1). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 630 from Robert Glover to upgrade * DOC FILE //* MC (use ADRDSSU to copy/move datasets interactively) * DOC FILE //* and TSOSMS (assembler program to list SMS status * DOC FILE //* of a dataset. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 668 from Ed Tobias to fix Hunter * DOC FILE //* Zhou's spool offload program when an IBM macro * DOC FILE //* was changed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob to fix UCBxxxx * DOC FILE //* display programs for ULUT (UCB lookup table) * DOC FILE //* Type 3 (above the 64-bit bar). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 751, to change the name of member * DOC FILE //* IGC0023{ to IGC00230. The { character was causing * DOC FILE //* problems for people using older versions of the * DOC FILE //* PDSLOAD program, that checked member names for * DOC FILE //* "validity" before reloading them into a pds. PDSLOAD * DOC FILE //* had been fixed by Greg Price and Gerhard Postpischil * DOC FILE //* previously, but to get rid of the problem entirely, * DOC FILE //* the member was renamed to remove the bad character. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 815 from Robert Glover to upgrade * DOC FILE //* his extended search facility SRCHE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 873 from Sam Golob to fix his * DOC FILE //* ULUT (UCB lookup table) scanning macros for * DOC FILE //* ULUT Type 3 (above the 64-bit bar), and to fix * DOC FILE //* (most of) the programs that depend on them. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 882 from Ze'ev Atlas, which has * DOC FILE //* Version 8.37 of PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 908 from James Halley, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* his ISPF Client Server enhancement facility to * DOC FILE //* run with Windows 7 and later. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 917 to correct some documentation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 924 from Robert Cichetti which * DOC FILE //* contains his LDSI REXX exec to tell you about the * DOC FILE //* attributes of datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 925 from Robert Glover to contain * DOC FILE //* the ENL REXX exec and panels, etc. to dynamically * DOC FILE //* enlarge a dataset. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 926 from Philip Polchinski which * DOC FILE //* contains his amortization program AMORT, written * DOC FILE //* in COBOL. Tested with several releases of COBOL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Addition of File 927 from Steve Wentworth with a * DOC FILE //* program to prime a newly created VSAM file, so a * DOC FILE //* COBOL program can write past the first record. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Addition of File 928 from Ze'ev Atlas which * DOC FILE //* contains some code in COBOL to create comparable * DOC FILE //* functionality to the regex.h header for C. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Addition of File 929 from somitcw and contains a * DOC FILE //* program called REALNAME, which is a REXX function * DOC FILE //* that returns the actual file name of a gdg dataset, * DOC FILE //* or the actual name of an alias in a catalog. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Addition of File 930 from Phil Polchinski which * DOC FILE //* contains supporting JCL and other materials to use * DOC FILE //* his CALENDAR FILE, which is found in EBCDIC format * DOC FILE //* on File 932, and in zipped ASCII format on File 933. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Addition of File 931 from Gabriel Gargiulo, who * DOC FILE //* writes books about REXX and CLISTs. This file * DOC FILE //* contains the exercise examples from Gabe's new * DOC FILE //* book called * DOC FILE //* "TSO CLIST to TSO REXX Conversion Handbook" * DOC FILE //* ISBN-13: 978-1508668497 * DOC FILE //* ISBN-10: 1508668493 * DOC FILE //* which you can order from amazon.com and other * DOC FILE //* places. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Addition of Files 932 and 933 which contain Phil * DOC FILE //* Polchinski's calendar file in EBCDIC and zipped * DOC FILE //* ASCII respectively. This file can be used to * DOC FILE //* programmatically solve many complicated calendar * DOC FILE //* calculation problems. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Addition of File 934 from Sri Kolusu of IBM DFSORT * DOC FILE //* development, which contains a DFSORT job to create * DOC FILE //* Phil Polchinski's calendar file, if you need to * DOC FILE //* re-create it. File 930 contains Phil's program * DOC FILE //* to do the similar job with more flexibility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Addition of File 935 from John McKown, which * DOC FILE //* contains a port of SQLITE 3.8.11 for z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Addition of File 936 from John McKown, which * DOC FILE //* contains a port of NAWK (New AWK) to z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-489 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-489 CHANGES FOR VERSION 489 NOV 12, 2014 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Also create this tape almost completely, using * DOC FILE //* materials from File 008 instead of from external * DOC FILE //* datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Updates to File 035, which is a load module library * DOC FILE //* for quick installs of many utility products. * DOC FILE //* Members changed: LOOK, LOOK2, PDS, PDS38, PDS86, * DOC FILE //* PDS86I, PDS8638 * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION September 12, 2014 * DOC FILE //* Recompile of LOOK with z/OS 2.1 macros. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 039, which contains zaps to IPOUPDTE * DOC FILE //* and CPPUPDTE so they don't reference the $$$COIBM * DOC FILE //* member in the pds which they are updating. Also * DOC FILE //* added a few other members for helpfulness. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 112 which is the VTOC TSO command, * DOC FILE //* to fix it for Extended Access Volumes (EAV's). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 118, which is a package of programs * DOC FILE //* to help you look at PTFs and other SYSMODs before * DOC FILE //* SMP/E gets its grubby hands on them. With these * DOC FILE //* programs, you can examine PTF and other SYSMOD input * DOC FILE //* files and tapes, to see what is on them. Extended * DOC FILE //* to supply information about GIMCPTS, which expands * DOC FILE //* the compressed PTF contents. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 135, which contains load modules * DOC FILE //* that are mostly related to Greg Price's software * DOC FILE //* on File 134. * DOC FILE //* Members changed: PDS, PDS38, PDS86, PDS8638 * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION September 12, 2014 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 149, to restore the COMPLOAD program * DOC FILE //* which was there before. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich. This is: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION September 12, 2014 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 264 for reassembly of LOOK. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Updates to File 300 for VSMRGN and COUNT programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Updates to File 423 to the LISTHEAD, CKC, and * DOC FILE //* MAPXA TSO commands. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 434 to add the ONEPAK21 and TWOPAK21 * DOC FILE //* jobs, creating one-pack and two-pack rescue systems * DOC FILE //* at the z/OS 2.1 level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 452 from Dan Dalby, to make many * DOC FILE //* program changes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, with * DOC FILE //* Version 7.22 of SHOWzOS, which is absolutely * DOC FILE //* necessary when running z/OS 2.1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 526 from David I. Russell, with * DOC FILE //* a new version of his sophisticated administration * DOC FILE //* tool for CA-Top Secret. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 542 to add one member. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 612 from Albert Cheng to modify * DOC FILE //* or add quite a few members: * DOC FILE //* Members changed: ASSEMBLE, BLOCATE, DSPACE, * DOC FILE //* DUDASD, DUDASD$, DUDASD01, HDUDASD, JBLOCATE, * DOC FILE //* JCATNEWD, JDSPACE, JLISTPDS, JSYSINCD, LISTPDS, * DOC FILE //* LOAD, LOAD$, LOCATE, OLDMACS, SYSINCRD, TRAP * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 617 from Pedro Berrios, to make * DOC FILE //* the documentation clearer. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 633 to enhance DSPACE and the exec * DOC FILE //* which calls it, FDSPACE, so that it displays the * DOC FILE //* full capacity of each volume in cylinders. Also * DOC FILE //* see File 922, which contains an EAV-compatible * DOC FILE //* version of DSPACE and FDSPACE, which is different * DOC FILE //* from this version. Rather, it was updated from * DOC FILE //* the original version of DSPACE and FDSPACE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 882 from Ze'ev Atlas, which has * DOC FILE //* Version 8.35 of PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 897 documentation from John McKown * DOC FILE //* which is a port of SQLITE 3.8 to z/OS 2.1. * DOC FILE //* This version has been superseded by Version 3.8.7 * DOC FILE //* of SQLITE on File 923, but it is being kept here, * DOC FILE //* just in case that somebody has to re-link members * DOC FILE //* from this version into their programs. Initially, * DOC FILE //* you should use Version 3.8.7 on File 923. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Addition of File 912 from Don Higgins, which has * DOC FILE //* his macros, both for structured assembler code, * DOC FILE //* and for general purpose use. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Addition of File 913 from Peter H.C. Tsai, which * DOC FILE //* contains a way of displaying SMS information from * DOC FILE //* your z/OS system on your Apple iPhone. * DOC FILE //* Documentation is in PDF format. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Addition of File 914 from Steve McColley, which * DOC FILE //* contains the Shared Spool Mods (Mellon Mods) for * DOC FILE //* z/OS 2.1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Addition of File 915 from William J. Smith and * DOC FILE //* contains an ISPF dialog to generate JCL that runs * DOC FILE //* the GTZPRINT batch job for IBM's Generic Tracker * DOC FILE //* Facility. This facility will collect data to * DOC FILE //* prepare a shop that is planning to install EAV's * DOC FILE //* (Extended Access Volumes). The data tells you what * DOC FILE //* you have to fix, in order that the installation will * DOC FILE //* be EAV-capable; that nothing will get in the way * DOC FILE //* of installing the new Extended Access Volumes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Addition of File 916 from Robert A.H. Prins, which * DOC FILE //* contains a 64-bit installable version of the * DOC FILE //* XMIT-Manager PC program from Neal Johnston-Ward. * DOC FILE //* This program allows you to browse and copy members * DOC FILE //* and files in TSO XMIT-format on the PC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Addition of File 917 from George DeLuca, which * DOC FILE //* contains his SELECTIT program, an extremely * DOC FILE //* powerful file copying and file manipulation * DOC FILE //* program. SELECTIT has many capabilities, including * DOC FILE //* the ability to copy data files to different * DOC FILE //* formats, and concatenation of input files with * DOC FILE //* different record formats. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Addition of Files 918 and 919 from John McKown, * DOC FILE //* which contain a port of BASH 4.2 to z/OS 2.1. * DOC FILE //* The current level of this port is 4.2.53 (updated * DOC FILE //* through "Fix 53"). This includes the fix for * DOC FILE //* the SHELLSHOCK exploit and more. See member * DOC FILE //* called $$UPDATE for details of all the fixes. * DOC FILE //* This file is in VB-255 format, because of the fix * DOC FILE //* report, whose line length exceeds 80 characters. * DOC FILE //* File 918 contains only executables, and File 919 * DOC FILE //* also contains source code, as required by the * DOC FILE //* GPL license. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Addition of File 920 from John McKown via the * DOC FILE //* request of Robert Cichetti. This file contains * DOC FILE //* a REXX exec (called "DEFINES") which generates * DOC FILE //* IDCAMS DEFINE statements to create a duplicate * DOC FILE //* VSAM file from an existing VSAM file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Addition of File 921 from Albert Cheng, which has * DOC FILE //* a TSO command processor to allocate ISPF datasets * DOC FILE //* in native TSO. ISPFDSN reads the $ISPFDSN parmlib * DOC FILE //* member to allocate ISPF datasets. It can also * DOC FILE //* read your TSO logon proc to allocate ISPF datasets * DOC FILE //* for new users which are not familiar with ISPFDSN. * DOC FILE //* Refer to member @GUIDE to implement ISPFDSN in * DOC FILE //* your installation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 922 from William J. Smith, which * DOC FILE //* contains a version of the DSPACE TSO command, and * DOC FILE //* the FDSPACE ISPF dialog to display mounted DASD * DOC FILE //* volumes at your installation. This version has * DOC FILE //* been modified for EAV support (Extended Access * DOC FILE //* Volumes which have cylinder addressability in their * DOC FILE //* high ends.) If you don't have EAV in your shop, * DOC FILE //* it is probably better to use the older version of * DOC FILE //* these programs, which may be found on CBT File 633. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 923 from John McKown, which has * DOC FILE //* a port of SQLITE 3.8.7 for z/OS. This is a later * DOC FILE //* version of SQLITE than the version found on File * DOC FILE //* 897. It is preferable to use this version for a * DOC FILE //* new install. The older version (on File 897) is * DOC FILE //* there, in case you already have it installed, and * DOC FILE //* you need some of the executables from that version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-488 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-488 CHANGES FOR VERSION 488 JUN 03, 2014 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Also create this tape almost completely, using * DOC FILE //* materials from File 008 instead of from external * DOC FILE //* datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 007 from Don Isenstadt to fix the * DOC FILE //* WHOIS RACF TSO command (which tells you the name * DOC FILE //* connected with a userid) so that it will take * DOC FILE //* 8-character userids. This file used to be the * DOC FILE //* RACF SHARE tape and it contains RACF tools. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 035 which reflects the following * DOC FILE //* list of load module changes: * DOC FILE //* CCKDDUMP, CCKDLOAD, CNCLPG, DA, DAF, DAF149, * DOC FILE //* DISKMAP, DSAT, DVOL, PACKRAT, PDS, PDSORIG, PDS38, * DOC FILE //* PDS86, PDS86I, PDS8638, STEPLIB, STEPLIB1, UKEYCSA, * DOC FILE //* ULUDASD, ULUTAPE, with * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION May 21, 2014 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 044 to add an Assembler version of * DOC FILE //* the ASMTOZAP program from Gerhard Postpischil. * DOC FILE //* This version is member ASMTOZAG. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 134 which has a new version of * DOC FILE //* REVIEW (44.2) and which has the following list * DOC FILE //* of updated members: * DOC FILE //* $$$#DATE, $$README, $REVC370, @FILE134, @FILE135, * DOC FILE //* LOADCLST, LOADHELP, LOADLOAD, REV$$$$$, REV$BETA, * DOC FILE //* REV$IOBJ, REV$LPDS, REV$MVS, REV$VTOC, REV$ZASM, * DOC FILE //* REV$ZOS, REVASM, REVCLIST, REVCOPY, REVDATA, * DOC FILE //* REVDB2PG, REVDUMY, REVEDIT, REVFAQ, REVHELP, * DOC FILE //* REVIEVME, REVIEW, REVINFLT, REVINIT, REVLEVL, * DOC FILE //* REVLISTC, REVLPDS, REVMENU, REVMSGS, REVNOTES, * DOC FILE //* REVNOTEX, REVPNLS, REVRTF, REVSMF, REVSMF$, * DOC FILE //* REVSUBS, REVSUBS2, REVTOCRD, REVUSPDS, REVZLOAD, * DOC FILE //* REV370LD * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 135 load library to change the PDS * DOC FILE //* program to the following version: (ISO date format) * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION May 21, 2014 * DOC FILE //* and to update the REVIEW program to Version 44.2. * DOC FILE //* Also an update for SHOWzOS to Version 7.22, which * DOC FILE //* works on z/OS 2.1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 182 which is the PDS 8.6 package * DOC FILE //* from John Kalinich. Version of source is: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION May 21, 2014 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 220 from Sam Golob and Tony Cieri * DOC FILE //* which is the EDP Auditor's package from the late * DOC FILE //* Lee Conyers. Also, many of the REXX execs in the * DOC FILE //* packaged (from File 221) were converted from * DOC FILE //* VB-255 format to FB-80 format. Much of this * DOC FILE //* stuff runs on z/OS 1.13 and z/OS 2.1, but not all * DOC FILE //* of it. If you can fix some things up, please send * DOC FILE //* your fixes in to me: sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 221 from Tony Cieri and Sam Golob, * DOC FILE //* which contains fixes for Lee Conyers' REXX execs, * DOC FILE //* so they can run on z/OS 1.13 and z/OS 2.1, etc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 300 from Sam Golob and others, to * DOC FILE //* fix programs that were there, getting them to work * DOC FILE //* for z/OS 1.13 and thereabouts. * DOC FILE //* Changed members are: * DOC FILE //* ------- ------- --- * DOC FILE //* COUNT, COUNT1, DA, DA@@ * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck to change his * DOC FILE //* address and to update the following members: * DOC FILE //* LPREDIT, LPRPRINT, PSPRINT * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck to change his * DOC FILE //* address and to update the following member: * DOC FILE //* $SOFTPUB * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck to change his * DOC FILE //* address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 316 from Sam Golob and others, to * DOC FILE //* add or change the following members: * DOC FILE //* TOD, TOD$, TOD$O, TOD01, UADSORT, UADSORT$, * DOC FILE //* UADSORTO, ZEBCOMPR, ZEBCOMP1 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden. * DOC FILE //* Changed Members: * DOC FILE //* $SNGLTSO, @FILE434, IPLINFO, REXXMEM, SMPDELF, * DOC FILE //* XEFCLIST * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 452 from Dan Dalby. * DOC FILE //* Changed Members: * DOC FILE //* $D2BLS, $D2BLSJ, ADDTO, D2BLS, HELP, LOADLIB, * DOC FILE //* MACLIB, PACKMAP, STEPLIB * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 541 from Christophe Varlet, to * DOC FILE //* upgrade the cckddump and cckdload programs from * DOC FILE //* Greg Smith, so they will handle larger disks. * DOC FILE //* Changed Members: * DOC FILE //* C$ASM01, D$LKED01, X$CCKDA, X$CCKDA0, X$CCKDL, * DOC FILE //* X$CCKDL0, X$CCKDO, X$CCKDO0 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 542 to reflect Alastair Gray's * DOC FILE //* changed email address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 566 from Sam Bass. * DOC FILE //* Changed Programs: DUMPLWA and LPALIST * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 614 from Sam Golob to include a * DOC FILE //* new load module library for SHOWzOS 7.22, assembled * DOC FILE //* on z/OS 2.1 for z/OS 2.1, 1.13, and 1.12. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 660 from Gerhard Postpischil, which * DOC FILE //* contains a fix to his REXXER edit macro, to * DOC FILE //* dynamically compile a REXX exec and show errors. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob, to add a new * DOC FILE //* program called UCBTYPE, that lists defined device * DOC FILE //* totals. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 792 from John Kalinich to fix a bug * DOC FILE //* in the DISKMAP program, while he was incorporating * DOC FILE //* DISKMAP support into PDS 8.6. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 831 from Jacques Devaux, John * DOC FILE //* Kalinich and Sam Golob, to make the concatenation * DOC FILE //* program more useful for English speaking users. * DOC FILE //* The original program was written with French * DOC FILE //* comments. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 846 from Sam Golob, to add a program * DOC FILE //* called TR02ABS that converts IPL Text in somitcw's * DOC FILE //* TRK0SAVE format into ICKDSF ABS format. Thus a * DOC FILE //* collection of IPLTEXT backups in TRK0SAVE format * DOC FILE //* can be converted so that ICKDSF will be able to * DOC FILE //* load them. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 856 from Steve McColley, to add * DOC FILE //* some information about his vendor product called * DOC FILE //* ESSM which is an extension of the Mellon Mods to * DOC FILE //* JES2. This may be helpful for installations * DOC FILE //* running the Mellon Mods currently. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 860 from Gerhard Postpischil to * DOC FILE //* update some of his source members: * DOC FILE //* ASMTOZAP, COPYFDR, COPYVOL, DRIPLOAD, DSSDUMP, * DOC FILE //* LOADZAP, PARMTZ, PRINTALL, WYLVTOC, WYLVTOCS * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 873 from Sam Golob to add a program * DOC FILE //* called ULUTYPE, that lists defined device totals. * DOC FILE //* This program is the same as UCBTYPE on File 731. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 899 from Sam Golob to add a * DOC FILE //* modification to his DACEE program so that it * DOC FILE //* becomes a callable service. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Addition of File 900 which is a collection of * DOC FILE //* programs that calculate MD5 checksums. These * DOC FILE //* programs were written in Assembler, and are an * DOC FILE //* adaptation of some of the work of Leland Lucius, * DOC FILE //* who wrote a routine to calculate MD5 sums that * DOC FILE //* is callable from REXX. * DOC FILE //* http://homerow.net/asm/md5/ * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 901 which is the ASSIST assembler * DOC FILE //* for OS/360 and similar operating systems. This * DOC FILE //* file was submitted, courtesy of Jay Moseley. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 902 from Jay Moseley, which is * DOC FILE //* a collection of date conversion routines, originally * DOC FILE //* written for Y2K purposes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 903 from Jay Moseley, which is * DOC FILE //* a collection of field formatting routines that * DOC FILE //* can be used, for example, to verify the format * DOC FILE //* of fields entered in CICS transactions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Addition of File 904 from Tony Cieri, containing * DOC FILE //* a collection of exits and programs designed to * DOC FILE //* work with IBM's Connect:Direct product FMID HDGA510. * DOC FILE //* These exits go back a long way, but they have * DOC FILE //* been refreshed to work with IBM Connect:Direct * DOC FILE //* Version 5.1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Addition of File 905 from Sam Golob. These members * DOC FILE //* represent a small subset of PARMLIB members, and * DOC FILE //* contains explanations and code relating to where * DOC FILE //* these PARMLIB member settings are reflected in * DOC FILE //* Common Storage. Parmlib members represented so * DOC FILE //* far, are: * DOC FILE //* IKJTSOxx, DEVSUPxx, VATLSTxx, and LPALSTxx. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* It is hoped that this collection will grow, with * DOC FILE //* more PARMLIB members included. If you are so * DOC FILE //* inclined, please do the research on a PARMLIB * DOC FILE //* member, and submit it to me for inclusion here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Addition of File 906 from Steve McColley, which * DOC FILE //* contains an "LSPACE-type" TSO command to list the * DOC FILE //* space characteristics of disk volumes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Addition of File 907 from Nick Barnes, which * DOC FILE //* contains an MSI executable file for the PC, that * DOC FILE //* installs an application to display XMIT-format * DOC FILE //* files on the PC. A replacement for XMIT-Manager. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Addition of File 908 from James Halley, which * DOC FILE //* contains a package to send ISPF outputs to Windows * DOC FILE //* workstations for printing, and many types of * DOC FILE //* further post-processing. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Addition of File 909 from Glenn Siegel, which * DOC FILE //* contains a package to allow you to email CA-Dispatch * DOC FILE //* reports. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Addition of File 910 from Thierry Falissard, which * DOC FILE //* contains a database management system called * DOC FILE //* NoSQLz for z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* website: www.nosqlz.com * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Addition of File 911 from Gabriel Gargiulo, and * DOC FILE //* contains problems and answers from his book: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* "The REXX Language on TSO" * DOC FILE //* by Gabriel F. Gargiulo. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* ISBN-10: 1479104779 * DOC FILE //* ISBN-13: 978-1479104772 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This book can be ordered from Amazon. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: gabeg@yoursecondlanguage.com * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Also, some extra REXX execs from the book are * DOC FILE //* included for your benefit. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-487 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-487 CHANGES FOR VERSION 487 OCT 27, 2013 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 0 Updates to File 006 and 008 as usual, to bring * DOC FILE //* them up to levels appropriate for this tape * DOC FILE //* version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Update to File 033 which contains several versions * DOC FILE //* of the SHARE song book. This is courtesy of Helen * DOC FILE //* Seren. The song book for 2009 was added. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 035 load library to change the PDS * DOC FILE //* program to the following version: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION June 10, 2013 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Update to File 044 to add an Assembler version of * DOC FILE //* the ASMTOZAP program from Gerhard Postpischil. * DOC FILE //* This version is member ASMTOZAG. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 066 to apply Gerhard Postpischil's * DOC FILE //* fix to the PDSLOAD program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 093 to apply Gerhard Postpischil's * DOC FILE //* fix to the PDSLOAD source code. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 094 from Michael Cleary with his * DOC FILE //* newer version of DAF, version 1.49. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 119 to copy newer versions of the * DOC FILE //* TSOENTER and TSOLEAVE macros from File 136. Older * DOC FILE //* versions are still here, if you need them. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 133 to change some doc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 135 load library to change the PDS * DOC FILE //* program to the following version: (ISO date format) * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION June 10, 2013 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 136 to change the support * DOC FILE //* information. I don't know if Howard Dean is * DOC FILE //* still alive. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 182 which is the PDS 8.6 package * DOC FILE //* from John Kalinich. Version of source is: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION June 10, 2013 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 183 from Rainer Nowak add his * DOC FILE //* changes to the STEMEDIT program. Member STEMEDI# * DOC FILE //* is a copy of what is on CBT File 895. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 185 to make a few changes to the * DOC FILE //* assembled tables, and to add a method of using * DOC FILE //* only free disassembly tools to disassemble the * DOC FILE //* auth tables already on your system. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 200 with the addition of the CPUID * DOC FILE //* program that was written by the late Rex Widmer. * DOC FILE //* Also added was a REXX exec that does the same sort * DOC FILE //* of thing. The CPUID program was found in some of * DOC FILE //* Rex Widmer's notes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 300 from Sam Golob and others, to * DOC FILE //* fix programs that were there, to get them to work * DOC FILE //* for z/OS 1.13 and thereabouts. * DOC FILE //* Changed members are: * DOC FILE //* ------- ------- --- * DOC FILE //* $$$#DATE, $$CHANLG, @FILE300, CALC, CALC$, * DOC FILE //* CALC$O, CALC#, CALC@, CALCINST, CALCIN14, * DOC FILE //* CALCIN23, CALCLE41, CALCO, CALCSUB#, DA, DA$, * DOC FILE //* DA$ZAP, DA#, DAOLD, DAOLD#, DSNCHE$O, DSNCHEC$, * DOC FILE //* DSNCHECK, DSNCHECO, DYNALC, IO, IO$ IO#, IO@, * DOC FILE //* IOOLD, IO01, IO02, IO03, LISTLPA, LISTLPA$, * DOC FILE //* LISTLPAO, REVIEW@, RLSE@, ZAP, ZAP$, ZAP$DOC, * DOC FILE //* ZAP$O, ZAP#, ZAP#O, ZAPO * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 325 with two (alternative) fixes * DOC FILE //* to the PRINTOFF program, so that it displays the * DOC FILE //* proper date for Y2K. Some people like PRINTOFF * DOC FILE //* instead of IBM's newer PRINTDS command, so we've * DOC FILE //* made sure that it is available and it works. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 423 from Sam Golob with permission * DOC FILE //* from Jeff Broido. Jeff's new support address was * DOC FILE //* updated, and several programs (his, or from other * DOC FILE //* people which were related to his programs) were * DOC FILE //* added. * DOC FILE //* List of Changed Members: * DOC FILE //* ---- -- ------- ------- * DOC FILE //* $$$$$NEW, $$$$DOC, $$$#DATE, $$$COJRB, $$$PERMT, * DOC FILE //* $MACLIB, @FILE423, BRODCAST, CHECKDD, CKDAY, CKM, * DOC FILE //* CKMOUNT, CKO, CMAP, DIGCLK, DIGCLK$, DIGCLK#, LAA, * DOC FILE //* LAAOLD, LAAT, MAPSP, MAPXA, MERKNOW, NOW, OFF, ON, * DOC FILE //* QUOTE, REGS, SMAP, TELL, TERMSIZ$, TERMSIZE, * DOC FILE //* TERMTYP, TERMTYP$, TERMTYPE, TF, VPUT, VTPUT, * DOC FILE //* VWTPU * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden. * DOC FILE //* Changed Members: IPLINFO, XEFCLIST * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 495 from Tom Conley. This is a * DOC FILE //* new version of DYNISPF: 2013/08/10 V4R2 release. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 508 from A.L. Richards. This adds * DOC FILE //* another version of the EXCMD program which * DOC FILE //* preserves the ISPF environment, so there are now * DOC FILE //* two versions: one which preserves, and one which * DOC FILE //* destroys, the ISPF environment. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 536 from Sam Golob (to Deru Sudibyo's * DOC FILE //* file) because some of the member names in the MACLIB * DOC FILE //* member had X'00' suffixed to the IEBUPDTE NAME=xxx * DOC FILE //* cards. These were changed to blanks. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 589 from Philippe Leite to fix the * DOC FILE //* HERCMD program. The HERCMD program still has some * DOC FILE //* issues, but it seems to do the job semi-adequately. * DOC FILE //* If someone can fix it so it works perfectly, quite * DOC FILE //* a few people would be very grateful. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 800 which is a RECEIVE/UNXMIT * DOC FILE //* program from Enrico Sorichetti to work on other * DOC FILE //* platforms. File 808 is a modified ZIP file, * DOC FILE //* and it was updated as well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Updates to Files 860, 861, and 862 from Gerhard * DOC FILE //* Postpischil. This is a large collection of his * DOC FILE //* works. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 876 to fix the PDSLOAD object deck, * DOC FILE //* as per Gerhard Postpischil's correction. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 882 from Ze'ev Atlas. This is a * DOC FILE //* port of PCRE 8.33V2 for native z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Addition of File 890 from Peter Sylvester, to add * DOC FILE //* the Simula compiler and library, with complete * DOC FILE //* original documentation. Simula was written in the * DOC FILE //* 1960's in Norway, and was the first computer * DOC FILE //* language to feature "object oriented programming". * DOC FILE //* Complete documentation is supplied, which consists * DOC FILE //* of scanned PDF documents, that (unfortunately) * DOC FILE //* take up a lot of room, but they are here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Addition of File 891 from Quasar Chunawala, which * DOC FILE //* contains a REXX program that operates as an edit * DOC FILE //* macro, to be used when looking at a COBOL program. * DOC FILE //* This REXX allows you to automatically skip to the * DOC FILE //* place where a procedure is coded, from the place * DOC FILE //* where is was called. So it allows flowcharting * DOC FILE //* of the program, and makes that process easier. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Addition of File 892 which contains a zip file * DOC FILE //* that has versions of TERSE which work on other * DOC FILE //* platforms. Members in the zip file are: * DOC FILE //* terse.exe tersedos.exe * DOC FILE //* terse.txt terselinux.i386 * DOC FILE //* terse16.exe terselinux.s390 * DOC FILE //* terse32.exe terseosx.i386 * DOC FILE //* terseaix.i386 terseosx.ppc * DOC FILE //* terseaix.risc * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Addition of File 893 from Sam Golob and contains * DOC FILE //* a program called SMFLOG, which shows TSO activity * DOC FILE //* and JOB init activity on a z/OS system. SMF types * DOC FILE //* 4, 20, 35 are reported interactively. Also, the * DOC FILE //* DSMF program was copied from File 300, to help you * DOC FILE //* determine which SMF dataset the SMFLOG program * DOC FILE //* should look at. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 894 from Robert Zenuk via Sam * DOC FILE //* Golob. These are mostly REXX execs written by * DOC FILE //* Rob and posted on the MVS-OE listserv newsgroup. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 895 from Rainer Nowak, which has * DOC FILE //* a modification to Gilbert Saint-flour's STEMEDIT * DOC FILE //* program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 896, which is a collection of * DOC FILE //* SHARE TSO tools from 1993. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Addition of File 897 from John McKown, which is * DOC FILE //* a port of SQLITE 3.8 for z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Addition of File 898 from Alex Kara, and it is * DOC FILE //* a large depository of his collected works. Many * DOC FILE //* tools and ideas can be gleaned from this * DOC FILE //* very large collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Addition of File 899 which contains a TSO command * DOC FILE //* called DACEE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-486 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-486 CHANGES FOR VERSION 486 APR 02, 2013 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Update to File 006 which contains tools I use to * DOC FILE //* handle File 001 of this tape, and also tools to * DOC FILE //* place a time-stamp member into a CBT Tape file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 008 which contains jobs used to * DOC FILE //* make the CBT Tape version. Include more up-to-date * DOC FILE //* jobs for this tape version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Updates to File 035 with changes in load modules: * DOC FILE //* APFLIST DSATN FASTPATH FASTP149 SS0104 VSAMADTL * DOC FILE //* VSAMAGET VSAMAHLP VSAMANAL VSAMANDX WHATSNEW. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Updates to File 133 (Alan Field's programs) from * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob. Following members have been changed: * DOC FILE //* DISASM3B JULSUB JULSUB$ LASTCLP$ SVCTAB SVCTAB$ * DOC FILE //* SVCTAB$1 SVCTAB# SVCTABO SVCTAB01 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Updates to Rick Fochtman's files, to reflet the * DOC FILE //* change in their support address. These are: * DOC FILE //* Files 147, 277, 326, 347, 414, 447, 537, 684. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 172 from Sam Golob, to fix VSAMANAL * DOC FILE //* for 3390's and 3380's completely, after Dave * DOC FILE //* Cartwright did most of the work. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 183 from Sam Golob, to include * DOC FILE //* Gilbert Saint-flour's latest version of FASTPATH, * DOC FILE //* as taken from his archives and tested. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 185 from Sam Golob. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 200 from Sam Golob, to fix the * DOC FILE //* time-date routine in the WHATSNEW program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 266 from Sam Golob, to fix the old * DOC FILE //* Florida Power tape map program called SS0104. * DOC FILE //* Tape footages (6250 bpi) now show more than 10000 * DOC FILE //* feet. Also, replace the time-date routine. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 294 from Sam Golob, to fix VSAMANAL * DOC FILE //* here in its source file, for 3390's and 3380's. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 296 from Andreas Freybier, to fix * DOC FILE //* the DSAT program for EAV volumes. Members changed * DOC FILE //* or added: * DOC FILE //* DSATASM DSATGO DSATHELP DSATNEW DSATNEW$ DSATNEWO * DOC FILE //* DSATO$ * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 A big effort was made to get many programs on * DOC FILE //* File 300 to work properly under z/OS (1.12, 1.13). * DOC FILE //* Members changed or added are: * DOC FILE //* ABEND##, AUCMD, AUCMD$, AUCMD#, AUCMDO, CATPW#, * DOC FILE //* CMDLOFF, CMDLOFF$, CMDLOFFO, COMPRES$, COMPRESO, * DOC FILE //* COMPRESS, CPSCB, DAJOB, DAJOB$, DAJOBO, DAPF, DAPF$, * DOC FILE //* DAPF#, DAPFU, DAPF00, DDISK, DDISK$, DDISKO, DDISK01,* DOC FILE //* DLINK, DLINK$, DLINKO, DLPA, DLPA$, DLPAO, DLVLDSS, * DOC FILE //* DLVLDSS$, DLVLDSSO, DSMF, DSMF$, DSMFOLD, DSMF01, * DOC FILE //* DSMF02, DSVC, DSVC$, DSVCOLD, DUSER, DUSER$, DUSER00,* DOC FILE //* LASTIPL, LISTAX, LISTAX$, LISTAX#, LISTAXO, MACROS, * DOC FILE //* SHOWDS, SHOWDSA, SHOWSS, SHOWSS$, SHOWSS00, UADLST, * DOC FILE //* UADLST$, UADLST#, UADS, UADS$, UADSO * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 A big effort was made to get more programs on * DOC FILE //* File 316 to work properly under z/OS (1.12, 1.13). * DOC FILE //* Members changed or added are: * DOC FILE //* UADL, UADLIN#0, UADLIN#1, UADLIN#2, UADLIST, * DOC FILE //* UADLIST$, UADLISTO, UADLIST1, UADLIS01 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden. Members * DOC FILE //* changed were: * DOC FILE //* IPLHIST, XEFCLIST, XEFMENU, XEFMENUB * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Updates to Files 446 528 696 697 698 781 784 864 * DOC FILE //* from John McKown to change his email address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 523 (SMFSLCT) from Sterling James * DOC FILE //* to fix a bug. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to FIle 633 from Bill Smith (DSPACE and * DOC FILE //* FDSPACE) to improve the documentation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 646 which is a public-domain CLIST * DOC FILE //* to REXX conversion tool from IBM. Only change was * DOC FILE //* to add a "before" and "after" example. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 659 to add Hercules 3.08 implemen- * DOC FILE //* tation if you want it, or need it. See also, * DOC FILE //* File 889. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 731 to add a program called DACEE, * DOC FILE //* which formats many of the fields in the ACEE and * DOC FILE //* also hex dumps the entire contents of the user's * DOC FILE //* ACEE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 752 from Bill Earle, to fix a bug * DOC FILE //* by replacing a complete subroutine of the APPLDUMP * DOC FILE //* utility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 832 from Marco Serafini, to fix * DOC FILE //* some bugs in his utility to print files on TCPIP * DOC FILE //* printers. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 873 from Sam Golob to rearrange * DOC FILE //* the members and fix some doc in his scheme to * DOC FILE //* access ULUT (UCB scan) information using a set of * DOC FILE //* assembler macros. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 874 to add a help member for * DOC FILE //* VSAMANAL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 875 from its author Chris Cheney, * DOC FILE //* to change some of the documentation and to give * DOC FILE //* proper credits. This is ALGOL 68C. The package * DOC FILE //* as it is now, is meant to be installed from an * DOC FILE //* AWS tape image, which has now been included in * DOC FILE //* this pds (as member AL68CAWS) in FB-80 (folded * DOC FILE //* over) format. If you FTP this member to a PC * DOC FILE //* file, you can read it on a P390 or under Hercules * DOC FILE //* to install the product using the given instructions. * DOC FILE //* (We will try to improve this situation in the * DOC FILE //* future, and make ALGOL 68C more easy to install * DOC FILE //* directly from the file members. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Addition of File 883 from Miklos Szigetvari, * DOC FILE //* which is a package of exits and programs to * DOC FILE //* help manage DFHSM in a small installation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Addition of File 885 from Albert Cheng. It * DOC FILE //* contains an updated Disassembler program which * DOC FILE //* handles the new Jump instructions, and so forth. * DOC FILE //* The new disassembler is called HDISASM to * DOC FILE //* distinguish it from older programs of this type. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Addition of File 886 from Ed Petka, which is a * DOC FILE //* system to init thousands of DASD volumes in a * DOC FILE //* short time. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Addition of File 887 from Scott Vetter, which * DOC FILE //* contains a large collection of programs and * DOC FILE //* usermods for MVS 3.8J to make it more modern * DOC FILE //* and workable. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 888 from Miklos Szigetvari * DOC FILE //* and contains a package to give a very comprehensive * DOC FILE //* display of z/OS system information which you can * DOC FILE //* get via your Internet browser. * DOC FILE //* This package uses the z/OS system's HTTP server * DOC FILE //* to put the information out on the Internet. * DOC FILE //* It is really a first! It is an excellent tool for * DOC FILE //* modern-day sysprogs! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 889 which is an implementation * DOC FILE //* of the Hercules 3.08 emulator to run under Windows * DOC FILE //* 7 and similar levels of Windows, in 64-bit mode. * DOC FILE //* It is "completely pre-installed" and also contains * DOC FILE //* David Trout's DLL's so FTP can be set up. To set * DOC FILE //* up FTP you also need the WINPCAP member from File * DOC FILE //* 659 to be installed on your PC. This stuff is all * DOC FILE //* here, and nothing else needs to be downloaded from * DOC FILE //* the Internet. It just has to be downloaded to a * DOC FILE //* PC in BINARY and unzipped. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Of course, you are responsible to obtain an * DOC FILE //* operating system (legally) and DASD volumes and a * DOC FILE //* "config file" to actually run an operating system * DOC FILE //* under this Hercules. But if you can supply * DOC FILE //* those, everything should work. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-485 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-485 CHANGES FOR VERSION 485 DEC 16, 2012 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Update to File 008 which contains jobs used to * DOC FILE //* make the CBT Tape version. Include more up-to-date * DOC FILE //* jobs for this tape version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Update to File 019 from John Hooper, to fix his * DOC FILE //* program CONSOLE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Updates to File 035 with changes in load modules: * DOC FILE //* BURN, CNCLPG25, PACKRAT, PACKRATU, PDS, PDS38, * DOC FILE //* PDS86, PDS86I, PDS8638, UCBDASD, UCBTAPE. * DOC FILE //* Level: PDS86 -- VERSION NOVEMBER 11, 2012 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Update to File 046 to rescue the PACKRAT program, * DOC FILE //* so it can run on z/OS systems. The old PACKRAT * DOC FILE //* program broke at the z/OS 1.1 level, but still * DOC FILE //* worked at OS/390 2.10. There are 2 new versions, * DOC FILE //* (PACKRATZ and BACKENDZ in source code), and the * DOC FILE //* other one, (PACKRATU and BACKENDU in source code). * DOC FILE //* These both should work on OS/390 and all z/OS * DOC FILE //* systems. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Updates to File 135 with changes in load modules: * DOC FILE //* PDS, PDS38, PDS86, PDS8638, SHOWZOS(721), SHOW720. * DOC FILE //* Level: PDS86 -- VERSION NOVEMBER 11, 2012 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Updates to File 182 from John Kalinich, to raise * DOC FILE //* the level of the PDS 8.6 program to: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION NOVEMBER 11, 2012 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 183 to state that Carlos Aguilera * DOC FILE //* and Sam Golob are now taking care of Gilbert * DOC FILE //* Saint-flour's files, software, and materials. * DOC FILE //* web-site: www.gsf-soft.com * DOC FILE //* email : carlos@gsf-soft.com * DOC FILE //* Gilbert's old email address is no longer valid. * DOC FILE //* To contact Carlos, please use Carlos' email address. * DOC FILE //* References to Gilbert's old addresses have now been * DOC FILE //* changed, inside the source code everywhere. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 185 to reassemble the auth tables * DOC FILE //* and to make various updates to improve the usability * DOC FILE //* of the file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 338 which was originally from * DOC FILE //* Gilbert Saint-flour, to fix the contact information * DOC FILE //* that was there. Carlos Aguilera is now maintaining * DOC FILE //* this stuff, together with Sam Golob. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 423 to fix the LISTHEAD program, * DOC FILE //* so it would recognize the new JUMP and LARL * DOC FILE //* instructions that now begin IBM system programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to update * DOC FILE //* his wonderful REXX exec, IPLINFO. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 452 from Dan Dalby to fix some bugs. * DOC FILE //* There is much (VERY) useful software to try, in * DOC FILE //* this file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin to include * DOC FILE //* Version 7.21 of SHOWzOS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 531, to fix a bug in the IGGCSIRX * DOC FILE //* (catalog search interface) REXX exec. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 542 from Alastair Gray, to fix a * DOC FILE //* bug in the (extremely useful) RCNVTCAT exec. The * DOC FILE //* CATALOG( ) name was not being filled in. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 612 from Albert Cheng, with a new * DOC FILE //* shipment of program updates. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 614 from Sam Golob, to add a new * DOC FILE //* load library member for SHOWzOS 7.21, assembled * DOC FILE //* on z/OS 1.13. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 708 which is Glenn Siegel's MPFXTALL * DOC FILE //* package. Addition of a small program called * DOC FILE //* MPFXDSPL by Thomas Hutchins. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob to add two TSO * DOC FILE //* commands named UCBDASD and UCBTAPE, which use an * DOC FILE //* undocumented UCB lookup scheme that was discovered * DOC FILE //* by Gilbert Saint-flour to use in SHOWzOS (File 492). * DOC FILE //* This method hadn't been publicly exploited, and * DOC FILE //* UCBDASD and UCBTAPE are some initial coding * DOC FILE //* examples. See File 873 for more info about this * DOC FILE //* method (of using the UCB Lookup Table, or ULUT). * DOC FILE //* ULUT lookups are NON-APF-Authorized and need to be * DOC FILE //* in 31-bit mode. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 749 which is Gilbert Saint-flour's * DOC FILE //* MVS 3.8 programs, which he adapted from OS/390 and * DOC FILE //* z/OS. Gilbert's contact information had to be * DOC FILE //* replaced with Carlos Aguilera's and Sam Golob's. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 757 from Ken Fitzgerald. This is * DOC FILE //* his LOGGRASM package, now updated to Fix Pack 17. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 779 from Bill Bass. This is a new * DOC FILE //* revision of his SYMBSUB (symbolic substitution) * DOC FILE //* program written in COBOL, to automatically * DOC FILE //* substitute symbols in JCL cards. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 826 from Sam Golob and Joe Reichman. * DOC FILE //* The addition to this file is version 1.2.5 of the * DOC FILE //* CNCLPG program, which besides being able to change * DOC FILE //* an address space to SWAPPABLE and NON-SWAPPABLE, * DOC FILE //* CANCELABLE and NON-CANCELABLE, this version can now * DOC FILE //* optionally BURN the address space (CALLRTM, * DOC FILE //* TYPE=MEMTERM). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 834 from Alexander Vasilenko, to fix * DOC FILE //* a few problems with his MIGRATE macro, that helps * DOC FILE //* to allocate a list of datasets from one system, on * DOC FILE //* another system, using LISTDSI to grab their * DOC FILE //* DCB attributes and other characteristics. Also, * DOC FILE //* Alex added a few of his other commands and macros. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 866 from Vladimir Mestovski to add * DOC FILE //* a few fixes to his BSPUFI (Batch SPUFI or * DOC FILE //* C SQL-DB2-TSO Processor). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Addition of File 873 from Sam Golob. The purpose * DOC FILE //* of this file is to give a tribute to Gilbert * DOC FILE //* Saint-flour and to thank him for his pioneering * DOC FILE //* work. This file shows us how to use Gilbert's * DOC FILE //* technique of scanning UCB's from IBM's UCB Lookup * DOC FILE //* Table (called ULUT) which resides above the 16M * DOC FILE //* line. Using this technique, you get REAL UCB's * DOC FILE //* without needing APF-authorization. Additionally, * DOC FILE //* macros ULUINIT and ULUSCAN are provided, which * DOC FILE //* make coding with this technique much easier. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Addition of File 874 from Sam Golob, which is a * DOC FILE //* pds that has members from his HELP file, with * DOC FILE //* HELP members for many programs on the CBT Tape. * DOC FILE //* By looking at the HELP members, you can learn * DOC FILE //* what nice tools you might like to install. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* HELP members listed: * DOC FILE //* ---- ------- ------ * DOC FILE //* ABEND ADDTO ADIS BLKDISK BLKSPTRK BURN CATL * DOC FILE //* CDSCB CINMX CNCLPG COPYFILE COPYMODS CPSCB DSAT * DOC FILE //* DSPACE DVOL EESCB FSH FSHELP HEL ICH IEBANTP * DOC FILE //* IKJEEPTR INMXD JCLSET KONCAT LDS LOCATE LPSCB * DOC FILE //* LWATMGR PDS86 RELEASE REV REVED REVEDIT REVIEW * DOC FILE //* REVOUT REVPDS REVPDSE REVUNIX REVVSAM RXJCL * DOC FILE //* STEPLIB TSUB TSUBQUIK UKEYCSA USERINFO WHOSGOT * DOC FILE //* XEQ UCBDASD ULUDASD UCBTAPE ULUTAPE * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Addition of File 875 which is ALGOL 68C from * DOC FILE //* Cambridge University. Our packaging is a copy * DOC FILE //* of their tape files to a PDS. Our ISPF statistics * DOC FILE //* mark which file that each pds member came from. * DOC FILE //* It is up to the person installing this program * DOC FILE //* to figure out the details, but (to my knowledge) * DOC FILE //* all the necessary materials for installation are * DOC FILE //* here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Addition of File 876 from Tom Armstrong, and it * DOC FILE //* contains his version of the ALGOL F compiler and * DOC FILE //* library, Version 2.1. Tom has done a lot of * DOC FILE //* repair work on the ALGOL F source code, the way * DOC FILE //* we received it from old IBM tapes. This version * DOC FILE //* can be assembled and run, and to our knowledge, * DOC FILE //* it has been well fixed. Thanks for a big job, * DOC FILE //* Tom !! * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Addition of File 877 from Vladimir Mestovski. * DOC FILE //* This file contains some very useful edit macros, * DOC FILE //* among which are V, B, E, which allow you to put * DOC FILE //* your cursor on a dataset name in an ISPF edit, * DOC FILE //* allowing you to VIEW, BROWSE, or EDIT the dataset. * DOC FILE //* In addition, this file contains Vladimir's MAKE * DOC FILE //* package, which is a powerful tool to do automate * DOC FILE //* many different types of tasks, in different * DOC FILE //* enviornments under z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 878 from Joe Reichman. This * DOC FILE //* file contains an updated version of the BURN TSO * DOC FILE //* command that works on z/OS. BURN will get rid of * DOC FILE //* an address space, using CALLRTM TYPE=MEMTERM, * DOC FILE //* which will sometimes be able to clear out an * DOC FILE //* address space from the system, even when a FORCE * DOC FILE //* can't do it. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 879 from Tom Hall, which is the * DOC FILE //* TSOFIND TSO command. TSOFIND will find all * DOC FILE //* occurrences of a dataset (by its name), cataloged * DOC FILE //* or uncataloged, in the system, and will optionally * DOC FILE //* display each one's DCB attributes. This program * DOC FILE //* was originally 40 years old and runs on MVS 3.8. * DOC FILE //* But a z/OS version was created by one of our great * DOC FILE //* benefactors with a long history of CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* contributions. The z/OS version is called * DOC FILE //* TSOFINDZ. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 880 from Miklos Szigetvari, and * DOC FILE //* contains a product called MVSDSSN, which is an * DOC FILE //* extension of ADRDSSU, and which is used to manage * DOC FILE //* the dumps in a network. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Addition of File 881 from Robert Harrison, and * DOC FILE //* contains a revised copy of the Julian Calendar in * DOC FILE //* Microsoft Excel format, that was posted to the * DOC FILE //* CBT Tape website. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Addition of File 882 from Ze'ev Atlas. This file * DOC FILE //* contains a port of the PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular * DOC FILE //* Expressions) product to z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-484 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-484 CHANGES FOR VERSION 484 JUL 08, 2012 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 0 Phil Roberts, who is the current keeper of the MVS * DOC FILE //* 3.8J Turnkey system, has requested that I re-block * DOC FILE //* several of the CBT Tape files, so that their block * DOC FILE //* size will fit into the track size of at least a * DOC FILE //* 3330 disk pack. So several files had to be * DOC FILE //* reblocked. These are: Files: 118, 121, 202, * DOC FILE //* 221, 224, 259, 305, 362, 530, 695. These are * DOC FILE //* considered "changed" files for this CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* version, but their contents have not been changed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Update to File 019 from John Hooper, to fix his * DOC FILE //* program FLSMFJOB, so it will supply statistics on * DOC FILE //* ZAAP and ZIIP usage. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Updates to File 035 with changes in load modules: * DOC FILE //* COPYMODS, COPYMO83, LASTCLPA, PDS, PDSLOAD, * DOC FILE //* PDSLOADW, PDSLOAD1, PDSLOAD2, PDSLOAD3, PDS38, * DOC FILE //* PDS86, PDS86I, PDS8638. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3 Updates to File 066 from Alan Field. Also he has * DOC FILE //* a new email address: * DOC FILE //* email: alan_c_field@bluecrossmn.com * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Updates to File 093 from Gerhard Postpischil and * DOC FILE //* Greg Price ("Team GP"), and from Sam Golob. Most * DOC FILE //* of it is from Gerhard. Fix was to PDSLOAD, so it * DOC FILE //* will not (necessarily) filter output members by * DOC FILE //* the "validity" of the pds member name. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Adjustment to File 119 from Bill Smith, to adjust * DOC FILE //* the reassembly of the SM command to switch into * DOC FILE //* out of TSO Session Manager mode. Also, I changed * DOC FILE //* the member named X to be named X1 (SG). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Updates to File 133 from Alan Field. Also he has * DOC FILE //* a new email address: * DOC FILE //* email: alan_c_field@bluecrossmn.com * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Updates to File 135 with changes in load modules: * DOC FILE //* PDS, PDSLOAD, PDSLOADW, PDSLOAD1, PDSLOAD2, * DOC FILE //* PDSLOAD3, PDS38, PDS86, PDS8638. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Updates to File 182 from John Kalinich. PDS86 is * DOC FILE //* now at the level: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION FEBRUARY 29, 2011 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Updates to File 183 which is Gilbert Saint-flour's * DOC FILE //* file, from Sam Golob. This was taken from the * DOC FILE //* last version on Gilbert's system. Please address * DOC FILE //* inquiries to Sam Golob, sbgolob@cbttape.org. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Updates to File 229 from Sam Golob. This is to * DOC FILE //* bring the COPYMODS program to Level 086. Change * DOC FILE //* was prinicpally to be able to look at the output * DOC FILE //* tapes, to see if we could keep the output tape's * DOC FILE //* volser in the copied tape (when we want to). * DOC FILE //* New options are SHOOVL and KEEPVOL. SHOOVL (Show * DOC FILE //* Output Volumes) can be used together with READ, so * DOC FILE //* you can see what volume label is on the output * DOC FILE //* volumes, without having to overlay them by doing * DOC FILE //* a real copy. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden. Members * DOC FILE //* updated were: * DOC FILE //* $$$#DATE, $$$INDEX, $$CHANGE, $SNGLTSO, @FILE434, * DOC FILE //* IPLINFO, LINETBL, ONEPAKZD, ONEPAKZ8, TWOPAKZD, * DOC FILE //* TWOPAKZ8, XEFCLIST, XMEMLIST * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Updates to File 452 from Dan Dalby. Members * DOC FILE //* updated were: * DOC FILE //* $$$#DATE, $$CHANGE, $$NOTE8, $LDS, $SAFECPY, * DOC FILE //* $SJFSAMP, ADDTO, CATL, HELP, LDS, * DOC FILE //* LOADLIB, LWATMGR, MACLIB, PACKMAP, PRU, * DOC FILE //* SAFECOPY, SJFSAMP, STEPLIB * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 485 from Juergen Winkelmann to * DOC FILE //* adapt Binyamin Dissen's TESTVTM2 program to work * DOC FILE //* on MVS 3.8J. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, which * DOC FILE //* was put up by Sam Golob. SHOWzOS 7.21 should work * DOC FILE //* fine on z/OS 1.13 but there was a bug on z/OS 2.1 * DOC FILE //* in the advance preliminary tests. Since z/OS 2.1 * DOC FILE //* was postponed for a year, I decided to release * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS 7.21 for the general public, but NOT as * DOC FILE //* the default SHOWzOS in File 492. See member * DOC FILE //* $$NOTE6. (SG - July 2012) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 520 from Robin Ryerse, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* his REXX function packages. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 523 from Jamie Gibson, to fix a * DOC FILE //* small problem in Paul Dion's SMFSLCT program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 614 from Sam Golob, to include a * DOC FILE //* load module library for SHOWzOS 7.21, assembled * DOC FILE //* on z/OS 1.13. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 751 from somitcw. This is some of * DOC FILE //* his tape handling code. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 757 from Ken Fitzgerald. This is * DOC FILE //* V1R1M16 (1.1.16) of LOGGRASM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 830 from Sam Golob. This includes * DOC FILE //* fixes to some more of the MVS Update articles from * DOC FILE //* Xephon. There is an ongoing project to make these * DOC FILE //* articles machine-readable and as error-free as is * DOC FILE //* possible. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 847 from Sam Golob. Three more * DOC FILE //* versions of the COPYMODS program were developed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 856 from Steve McColley. The JES2 * DOC FILE //* Mellon Mods were tested so that with re-assembly * DOC FILE //* on z/OS 1.13, they will work at that system level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Addition of Files 860, 861, and 862 from Gerhard * DOC FILE //* Postpischil, to bring us a lot of his code. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Addition of File 863 from Jim Callihan, which is * DOC FILE //* a rewrite of an IKJEFF10 submit exit for TSO. His * DOC FILE //* old version stopped working at z/OS 1.13, but this * DOC FILE //* rewritten version works at ALL recent z/OS and * DOC FILE //* OS/390 levels. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Addition of File 864 from John McKown, which * DOC FILE //* contains his collection of UNIX shell commands that * DOC FILE //* he wrote, to run under z/OS UNIX. These commands * DOC FILE //* were designed to mimic some TSO commands. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Addition of File 865 from Jason Winter, which * DOC FILE //* contains a free ZIP and UNZIP program/command * DOC FILE //* that runs under z/OS (ported to the MVS platform). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Addition of File 866 from Vladimir Mestovski, * DOC FILE //* which contains a program called BSPUFI * DOC FILE //* (Batch SPUFI). * DOC FILE //* C SQL-DB2-TSO Processor/Executor/Monitor * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Addition of File 867 from somitcw with some * DOC FILE //* programs to assist in the moving of variable- * DOC FILE //* blocked (VB) files from one system to another. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Addition of File 868 from Claudio Mauceri which * DOC FILE //* contains a program to do a track-by-track compare * DOC FILE //* of two offline disk packs. (Packs are not REQUIRED * DOC FILE //* to be offline.) This is very useful, when you have * DOC FILE //* cloned a pack and you want to make sure that it is * DOC FILE //* EXACTLY the same as the original pack, or if it was * DOC FILE //* changed slightly. This pgm spots all changes right * DOC FILE //* away. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Addition of File 869 from Jan Ott, which contains * DOC FILE //* a program to do a GETMAIN-FREEMAIN trace, to track * DOC FILE //* the origin of storage requests. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 870 from Rick Turnbull, which * DOC FILE //* contains a collection of REXX scripts designed * DOC FILE //* to execute from the z/OS HTTP environment under * DOC FILE //* OMVS. They aid in retrieving information from * DOC FILE //* and to the user's browser. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 871 from Roland Scholz, which * DOC FILE //* contains two un-XMIT applications to view XMIT- * DOC FILE //* format files: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1- un-XMIT under Android (XMIT***) * DOC FILE //* 2- un-XMIT under Windows (JXMIT***) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 872 from Roland Scholz, which * DOC FILE //* contains a port of Julian Seward's bzip2 compression * DOC FILE //* library to z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-483 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-483 CHANGES FOR VERSION 483 DEC 25, 2011 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1 Updates to File 035 with changes in load modules: * DOC FILE //* CNCLPG, LOOK, and PDS 8.6 to level: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION NOVEMBER 1, 2011 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 2 Updates to File 135 with changes in load modules: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION NOVEMBER 1, 2011 * DOC FILE //* This file has the "iso date" version of PDS 8.6. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 3. Updates to File 182 with changes to PDS 8.6 source * DOC FILE //* modules. Level is: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION NOVEMBER 1, 2011 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 4 Updates to File 183 from Gilbert Saint-flour, * DOC FILE //* taken from his system with (hopefully) his most * DOC FILE //* recent updates and revisions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 5 Update to File 185 from Sam Golob. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 6 Update to File 229 from Sam Golob to supply a new * DOC FILE //* version of the CKIEBGEN sequential QSAM file copy * DOC FILE //* program that can select which records you want to * DOC FILE //* copy (optionally). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 7 Update to File 264 with a reassembly of the LOOK * DOC FILE //* program using more up-to-date system macros from * DOC FILE //* z/OS 1.12. TSO control blocks TPVT and CTLT are * DOC FILE //* formatted in this assembly. Load module is on * DOC FILE //* File 035. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 8 Update to File 293 from Sam Golob to modify the * DOC FILE //* CKIEBGEN sequential copy program so that it will * DOC FILE //* select records using SKIP=nnnn and COPY=mmmm * DOC FILE //* control cards. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 9 Update to File 296 from Andreas Freybier and John * DOC FILE //* Kalinich, so that DSAT can look at EAV (large sized) * DOC FILE //* disk volumes. Because of this change, the format * DOC FILE //* of some DSAT outputs has changed. John Kalinich * DOC FILE //* changed the PDS program (File 182) so that it will * DOC FILE //* read either format. (PDS86 -- VERSION * DOC FILE //* or later). For this reason, the new version was * DOC FILE //* named DSATNEW and not DSAT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Multiple updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden. * DOC FILE //* Mark's email address and website have changed as * DOC FILE //* follows: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: mark@mzelden.com * DOC FILE //* website: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Multiple updates to File 452 from Dan Dalby. * DOC FILE //* Members changed: * DOC FILE //* $CHKPROC, $CHKVOL, $LISTAST, $XMIT, CHECKVOL, * DOC FILE //* HELP, LISTAST, LOADLIB, MACLIB, READVOL1, SAFECOPY, * DOC FILE //* STEPLIB * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 542 from Andreas Freybier with a new * DOC FILE //* version of the SPACE EXEC, updated for EAV. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 554 from Ed Tobias to correct and * DOC FILE //* supplement some of Mitchell Marx's code. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 702 from Steve McColley to change * DOC FILE //* his address. Steve is a JES2 expert who supports * DOC FILE //* the Mellon Mods to JES2, and this is a collection * DOC FILE //* of his JES2 usermods. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 757 from Ken Fitzgerald, to bring * DOC FILE //* his LOGGRASM package to level V1R1M15. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 766 from Steve McColley, to bring * DOC FILE //* the Mellon Mods for JES2 to z/OS 1.7 and 1.8. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 797 to add a version of TSUB that * DOC FILE //* can be authorized by a "trick SVC". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 826 from Joe Reichman to add a * DOC FILE //* non-swap and swap function to the CNCLPG program, * DOC FILE //* for any active address space. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Addition of File 854 from Steve Comstock to supply * DOC FILE //* a lot of training articles in PDF format, for the * DOC FILE //* benefit of the public. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Addition of File 855 from Uri Lifshitz to supply * DOC FILE //* an Excel spreadsheet to calculate DASD file sizes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Addition of File 856 from Steve McColley to supply * DOC FILE //* the Mellon Mods for JES2 at levels z/OS 1.9 thru * DOC FILE //* z/OS 1.12. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Addition of File 857 from Marco Serafini to supply * DOC FILE //* an amazing REXX EXEC that gives you a detailed * DOC FILE //* LOGREC report on TSO with almost no effort. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Addition of File 858 from Jim Blalock of Clemson * DOC FILE //* University. This file contains the Clemson Univer- * DOC FILE //* sity Structured Macros. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Addition of File 859 from Jim Blalock of Clemson * DOC FILE //* University. This file contains the source modules * DOC FILE //* and macros for the Clemson University Service * DOC FILE //* Processors. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-482 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-482 CHANGES FOR VERSION 482 JUN 23, 2011 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 035 to reflect the new version of * DOC FILE //* the COPYMODS and COPYFILE (COPYSLNL, COPYNLNL) * DOC FILE //* tape copying programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 120 from Sam Golob to add some doc * DOC FILE //* concerning the AWSMOUNT command to mount "tapes" * DOC FILE //* on a P/390 machine. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 135 to include load modules for the * DOC FILE //* later version of the PDS 8.6 command (ISO dates). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich. PDS 8.6 is * DOC FILE //* now at level: * DOC FILE //* PDS100I PDS86 -- VERSION MAY 13, 2011 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 185 with some changes to make the * DOC FILE //* tools easier to deploy. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 229 to fix the COPYMODS program, and * DOC FILE //* the COPYFILE, COPYSLNL, and COPYNLNL family of tape * DOC FILE //* copying programs. These are separate changes. * DOC FILE //* COPYFILE, COPYSLNL, COPYNLNL have changes to the * DOC FILE //* EXCP copying engine. COPYFILE has a bug fix. If a * DOC FILE //* tape block was EXACTLY 80 bytes, it wouldn't write * DOC FILE //* a tape mark after that file when stripping tape * DOC FILE //* labels (PARM=STRIP). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Update to File 296 from John Kalinich with a new * DOC FILE //* version of DVOL. Several old versions are being * DOC FILE //* archived here, in case there are any compatibility * DOC FILE //* problems. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 316 to include the latest versions * DOC FILE //* of COPYFILE, COPYSLNL, and COPYNLNL, since the * DOC FILE //* COPYFILE program was originally sent in by Jim * DOC FILE //* Marshall, and it was included on this file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 382 from Ken Sharpe, to fix a bug * DOC FILE //* in the disassembler's opcode interpreter. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Updates to File 434 by Mark Zelden, whose email * DOC FILE //* address has changed, and whose website has also * DOC FILE //* changed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: mark@mzelden.com * DOC FILE //* website: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 452 from Dan Dalby, to fix STEPLIB * DOC FILE //* for later operating systems (z/OS 1.13), and with * DOC FILE //* several other changes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 566 from Sam Bass with numerous * DOC FILE //* updates and added programs and many fixes. Don't * DOC FILE //* use his old versions unless absolutely necessary. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 647 from Andrew Armstrong which is * DOC FILE //* a new version of his PARSEXML package, a REXX * DOC FILE //* XML parser. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 669 from Willy Jensen, which is * DOC FILE //* a REXX function to save and preserve REXX variables. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 688 from Dougie Lawson, to update * DOC FILE //* his ACBLIST program that is on this file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 757 from Ken Fitzgerald, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* LOGGRASM to V1R1M14. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 790 from Dave Danner. This is his * DOC FILE //* SYSOUT Retrieval package. The package, in its * DOC FILE //* previous release (1.2.1) did not work any more on * DOC FILE //* z/OS 1.9 and above. It needed a revision, which is * DOC FILE //* included here (SRS release 1.3.0). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 797 to make the facilities mentioned * DOC FILE //* there, easier to deploy under some circumstances. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 820 from Sam Golob to add some more * DOC FILE //* of Rich Harper's source code to the stuff he already * DOC FILE //* has in the file. Useful for Files 185 and 797. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 842 from Roger Mihay to improve his * DOC FILE //* package that allows bulk production of XMIT-format * DOC FILE //* files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 844 from Kevin Ferguson, to fix a * DOC FILE //* bug in his ENQWATCH program, which is a long running * DOC FILE //* task that looks out for ENQ waits, and informs the * DOC FILE //* TSO user, if a TSO user is partly responsible. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 846 from Sam Golob, to add a program * DOC FILE //* that removes IPL text from Track 0 of a disk volume. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Addition of File 847 by Sam Golob. This file is an * DOC FILE //* example of program development. It is being put * DOC FILE //* out so that people might get some benefit from it. * DOC FILE //* There is no other file on the CBT Tape like this * DOC FILE //* one (yet). We're breaking new ground. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* What does this file consist of? It consists of * DOC FILE //* incremental levels of source code, of one program, * DOC FILE //* during its development. It is being put out so * DOC FILE //* that you can follow the development, stage by stage. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* What program? * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The program is the tape copying program called * DOC FILE //* COPYMODS which is on CBT File 229. Originally, * DOC FILE //* COPYMODS was meant to make multiple copies of NL * DOC FILE //* tapes. However, because of problems that happened * DOC FILE //* when one tried to make copies of SL tapes using * DOC FILE //* this program, COPYMODS was revised. Eventually, * DOC FILE //* COPYMODS was taken through 81 new versions and made * DOC FILE //* into a very powerful tape manipulation tool. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* At present, COPYMODS can do a ton of things with * DOC FILE //* tapes. Examples are to use it as a tape measuring * DOC FILE //* tool, convert SL to NL, convert NL to SL by * DOC FILE //* splicing a set of labels back in, altering the * DOC FILE //* volser, do all of this for ASCII tapes, and so on. * DOC FILE //* COPYMODS can effortlessly deal with leading tape * DOC FILE //* marks on a tape (VSE tapes). The COPYMODS program * DOC FILE //* now has 44 separate option settings. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* I wanted to show interested people enough material * DOC FILE //* to be able to appreciate the PROCESS, and see the * DOC FILE //* way it all developed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Since I had almost all of the intermediate versions * DOC FILE //* of the source code still lying around, I figured * DOC FILE //* that I'd put them all out there, if anyone wants to * DOC FILE //* look at all the incremental changes, stage by stage. * DOC FILE //* So here they are, almost all of them, to look at * DOC FILE //* and learn from. A load library is also included. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Addition of File 848 from Sam Bass which is a * DOC FILE //* re-introduction of the LIBSPOOL package that once * DOC FILE //* was on this tape. LIBSPOOL is an adaptation of * DOC FILE //* PANSPOOL, except that it is for CA-LIBRARIAN * DOC FILE //* instead of for CA-PANVALET. Sam Bass did the * DOC FILE //* original work on the adaptation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Addition of File 849 which contains a few TSO * DOC FILE //* commands from Scott Vetter. There are MVS 3.8 * DOC FILE //* versions of these commands and z/OS 1.12 versions. * DOC FILE //* (z/OS adaptations by Sam Golob.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Addition of File 850 from Juergen Winkelmann, Scott * DOC FILE //* Vetter, and others. This is a distribution of the * DOC FILE //* RAKF security package that works on MVS 3.8. This * DOC FILE //* package is an adaptation of the ESG (RACF-like) * DOC FILE //* security package for MVS/SP 1.3 and later, by Craig * DOC FILE //* Yasuna, which is on CBT File 165. But to make it * DOC FILE //* work for MVS 3.8, which didn't have as developed a * DOC FILE //* SAF interface, it required very considerable * DOC FILE //* effort on the part of a bunch of people. (See the * DOC FILE //* $CREDITS member in this file for more details.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Addition of File 851 from Fred Schmidt, which takes * DOC FILE //* advantage of IBM's new LBI (Large Block Interface) * DOC FILE //* for access methods, which allows you to write tape * DOC FILE //* blocks with 256K block size. This package is a * DOC FILE //* REXX which generates jobs using IEBGENER to allow * DOC FILE //* multiple large-blocked files to be written to a tape * DOC FILE //* once file at a time. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Addition of File 852 from Paul Edwards, which is a * DOC FILE //* port of the GCC C-language compiler and PDP runtime * DOC FILE //* library, which are free. This version of GCC is * DOC FILE //* 3.2.2 MVS 8.5. This is a very large file consisting * DOC FILE //* of over a million lines of card-images. This stuff * DOC FILE //* probably can be made to run on all levels of MVS. * DOC FILE //* So you can run C-language programs for free, on * DOC FILE //* MVS, and you don't have to license a compiler and * DOC FILE //* library from IBM, using this compiler and library * DOC FILE //* instead. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Addition of File 853 from Paul Edwards, which is a * DOC FILE //* port of the GCC C-language compiler and PDP runtime * DOC FILE //* library, which are free. This version of GCC is * DOC FILE //* 3.4.6 MVS 1.0. This is a very large file consisting * DOC FILE //* of over 1.2 million lines of card-images. This * DOC FILE //* stuff probably can be made to run on all levels of * DOC FILE //* MVS. So you can run C-language programs for free, * DOC FILE //* on MVS, and you don't have to license a compiler * DOC FILE //* and library from IBM, using this compiler and * DOC FILE //* library instead. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-481 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-481 CHANGES FOR VERSION 481 FEB 20, 2011 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 00 This version had to be created sooner because of * DOC FILE //* a few documentation issues. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 008 to now include all the jobs * DOC FILE //* used to create the CBT Tape initially. After an * DOC FILE //* SL version of the tape is created first, an NL * DOC FILE //* version is then made by stripping off the tape * DOC FILE //* labels. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 035 to reflect the new version of * DOC FILE //* the PDS 8.6 command from File 182. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 134 to include a load library that * DOC FILE //* makes it easier to install the REVIEW TSO command. * DOC FILE //* The load library is packaged in TSO XMIT format * DOC FILE //* as member @REVLLIB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 135 to reflect the new version of * DOC FILE //* the PDS 8.6 command from File 182. This file has * DOC FILE //* the load modules adjusted for European date format. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich, which is * DOC FILE //* PDS 8.6. Current level is now: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION FEBRUARY 4, 2011 * DOC FILE //* A load library was packaged with this file, to * DOC FILE //* make the PDS command easier to install. Member * DOC FILE //* name is Z035XMIT. Also see UTILXMIT and COMXMIT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 185 to add a few more authorized * DOC FILE //* programs to the lists, and to assemble new load * DOC FILE //* modules with all the new program names. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Update to File 229 to fix a bug in COPYMODS, which, * DOC FILE //* when used with PARM=STRIP, to strip labels off an * DOC FILE //* SL tape and make copies which are NL tapes, if the * DOC FILE //* tape file had an 80-byte block in it, COPYMODS did * DOC FILE //* not write a tape mark after that file in the copies. * DOC FILE //* This is now fixed in COPYMODS version 082. (This * DOC FILE //* bug didn't come up often, but it was a pain in the * DOC FILE //* neck for years. I'll try and retrofit the fix into * DOC FILE //* previous versions of COPYMODS, but for now, please * DOC FILE //* use version 082 to be sure.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 476 to restore LISP for MVS back to * DOC FILE //* this tape, from the CBT Overflow Tape. Better to * DOC FILE //* advertise its existence. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 547 (Volker Bandke's MVS 3.8 tool * DOC FILE //* collection) to fix some doc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 610 (somitcw tools) to fix some doc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 614 to add a load library for * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS 7.20, assembled under z/OS 1.12. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 710 (somitcw tools) to fix some doc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 819 (RACF dynamic exit loader) to * DOC FILE //* fix a doc error only--no actual executable content. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 830 (Xephon MVS Update articles) to * DOC FILE //* fix a few minor things. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 835 by Sam Golob to add another * DOC FILE //* Program Properties Table listing program called * DOC FILE //* PPTD, to the already existing ISPF application * DOC FILE //* called PPTSCAN and the REXX exec which displays * DOC FILE //* it, called PPTSCANR. It was felt that sometimes * DOC FILE //* you want to list the PPT directly, outside of an * DOC FILE //* ISPF application. PPTD is a TSO command, whereas * DOC FILE //* PPTSCAN and PPTSCANR are an ISPF application, but * DOC FILE //* they display essentially the same data. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* To enhance the usefulness of the PPTD command * DOC FILE //* (which uses PUTLINE terminal output), Mark * DOC FILE //* Zelden's commands to "trap and browse" (TSOB), * DOC FILE //* "trap and edit" (TSOE), "trap and view" (TSOV), * DOC FILE //* and "trap and REVIEW" (TSOR) were added to this * DOC FILE //* file as well. TSOR can work in TSO READY mode. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Addition of File 843 from Mike Wickman which * DOC FILE //* contains a REXX exec application to do HSM * DOC FILE //* recovery of datasets from ISPF 3.4 or ISPF 6. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Addition of File 844 is from Kevin Ferguson, which * DOC FILE //* contains his program called ENQWATCH. This is a * DOC FILE //* continuously running task that watches for dataset * DOC FILE //* enqueue conflicts and informs the TSO user if * DOC FILE //* he/she is the culprit. There is more there, too. * DOC FILE //* See the doc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Addition of File 845 is from Gregory Bliznets. * DOC FILE //* This package contains three programs: RUNAUTH, * DOC FILE //* HOSTCMD and SYSCMD. With RUNAUTH, an authorized * DOC FILE //* program can be called from an un-authorized TSO * DOC FILE //* environment, including a CLIST or a REXX script, * DOC FILE //* where a direct call causes a system abend 047. * DOC FILE //* The second program allows execution of a host (CP * DOC FILE //* or Hercules) command, passed as a parameter, on * DOC FILE //* z/OS or OS/390. Running both together, CP or * DOC FILE //* Hercules commands can be entered from unauthorized * DOC FILE //* TSO sessions without any system mods. The third * DOC FILE //* program SYSCMD allows execution of MVS system * DOC FILE //* commands (MVS console commands) from the program, * DOC FILE //* the same thing as provided by TSO CONSOLE service. * DOC FILE //* This program also can be used together with * DOC FILE //* RUNAUTH to allow to run MVS commands from an * DOC FILE //* unauthorized TSO session. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Addition of File 846 from somitcw, which are his * DOC FILE //* Track 0 manipulation programs to dump and load IPL * DOC FILE //* text so you can move the IPL text from one disk * DOC FILE //* pack to another. Also included is his EOFDISK * DOC FILE //* program to clear disk tracks using EXCP. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-480 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-480 CHANGES FOR VERSION 480 JAN 16, 2011 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 00 Increase the number of files on this tape to 860. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 035 with changes to load modules: * DOC FILE //* PDS, PDS38, PDS86, PDS86I, PDS8638 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 135 to reflect updated PDS 8.6 * DOC FILE //* versions: Members: PDS, PDS38, PDS86, PDS8638 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich, which is * DOC FILE //* PDS 8.6. Current level is: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION 8.6.12 DECEMBER 16, 2010 * DOC FILE //* with many changes since the version on CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* Version 479. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 490 from Andy Robertson. This is * DOC FILE //* his macro library to make it easier to write * DOC FILE //* reentrant Assembler programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 491 from Andy Robertson. These are * DOC FILE //* BATCHART LECH PDSLOAD XMITMAIL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 642 from Rich Hobt. These are his * DOC FILE //* AFCLOGR1 and AFCSMP1 packages. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Update to File 757 from Ken Fitzgerald, which is * DOC FILE //* Version V1R1M13 of his LOGGRASM package, to help * DOC FILE //* students learn Assembler, by seeing the effects * DOC FILE //* of the instructions they code. Many bugs were * DOC FILE //* fixed, specifically relating to the diagnostic * DOC FILE //* abend report, and support for new instructions * DOC FILE //* was added, etc. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 810 from Eugene Vogt. This is a * DOC FILE //* minor correction of some of the SMF record format * DOC FILE //* meanings. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 830 from Sam Golob, which contains * DOC FILE //* contains 926 articles (with their code examples) * DOC FILE //* from Xephon "MVS Update" magazines from July 1987 * DOC FILE //* through December 1996. Updates consisted of many * DOC FILE //* fixes to the ASCII - EBCDIC content of the articles * DOC FILE //* and their code examples so that they would be more * DOC FILE //* readily usable at current z/OS levels. The work * DOC FILE //* has not been finished yet.... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 834 from Alexander I. Vasilenko. * DOC FILE //* This file contains an edit macro which helps you * DOC FILE //* reallocate datasets from one system to another * DOC FILE //* system, which preserves all the allocation * DOC FILE //* attributes. Only tested properly for volumes * DOC FILE //* under SMS control. If you can fix it for non-SMS * DOC FILE //* volumes, please submit the fix(es) to Sam Golob. * DOC FILE //* Member MIGRATN is an attempt to get this to work * DOC FILE //* when you know that the volume is non-SMS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Addition of File 835 from is from Peter Giles and * DOC FILE //* contains a corrected version of the PPT scan * DOC FILE //* program package that was published in the Xephon * DOC FILE //* MVS Update issue of November 1994. Original author * DOC FILE //* was R.F. Perretta. Most Xephon articles are now * DOC FILE //* under the support of www.cbttape.org, so you no * DOC FILE //* longer have to worry about their copyrights. * DOC FILE //* Tested by Sam Golob to work on z/OS 1.11. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Addition of File 836 from Sam Golob, which contains * DOC FILE //* some members from File 830 (old XEPHON MVS articles) * DOC FILE //* which were either of current interest, or which * DOC FILE //* were made to work on z/OS 1.11. This is a work in * DOC FILE //* progress, but the files that are already here, * DOC FILE //* SHOULD be here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Addition of File 837 from Bruce Bordonaro. This * DOC FILE //* file contains 2 exits which are necessary to * DOC FILE //* implement, when you want to inform TSO users that * DOC FILE //* there is a file waiting for them to RECEIVE under * DOC FILE //* TSO/E. The exits are HASX13 and INMXZ02. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Addition of File 838 which is an original post by * DOC FILE //* Leslie J. Somos in the C370-L list from March 11, * DOC FILE //* 1994. This post contains his CECDYN macro and * DOC FILE //* supporting materials to dynamically allocate a file * DOC FILE //* and self-generate the parameters. See member * DOC FILE //* CECDYNRW in this pds for the original post that he * DOC FILE //* made on C370-L. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Unfortunately, Leslie Somos has passed away. * DOC FILE //* This file will remain as a tribute to him and to * DOC FILE //* his work. We will try and add any additional * DOC FILE //* materials we find from him, to this file as well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Addition of File 839 from Clement Clarke and * DOC FILE //* contains programs to allow for long PARM fields * DOC FILE //* and symbolic parameter substitution in card image * DOC FILE //* format control cards. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Addition of File 840 from Mark Jacobs and contains * DOC FILE //* an ICSF KGUP protection exit which inhibits the * DOC FILE //* changing of ICSF decryption keys, based on RACF * DOC FILE //* permissions. See member called $NOTES. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Addition of File 841 which contains a way to * DOC FILE //* remove CA-Optimizer from your system, and still * DOC FILE //* be able to run Optimized COBOL programs without * DOC FILE //* recompile. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Addition of File 842 from Roger Mihay and contains * DOC FILE //* a way to put a large number of pds'es or sequential * DOC FILE //* files into TSO XMIT format and download them to a * DOC FILE //* PC for viewing with XMIT manager or some similar * DOC FILE //* tool on the PC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-479 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-479 CHANGES FOR VERSION 479 AUG 16, 2010 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 00 Increase the number of files on this tape to 840. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 019 to make improvements to FLSMFJOB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 035 with changes to load modules: * DOC FILE //* CNCLPG, DSAT, LOOK, LWATMGR, PDS, PDSMATCH, * DOC FILE //* PDS86, PDS86I, PDS8638, STEPLIB, VTOC * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 112 with some fixes to the VTOC TSO * DOC FILE //* command from John Kalinich. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 119 to fix the EPUTL routine so * DOC FILE //* that the PUTLINE output can display 255 characters * DOC FILE //* instead of 125. Mucho helpful if you use the * DOC FILE //* APUT-EPUTL interface to convert TPUT to PUTLINE * DOC FILE //* terminal outputs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 120 from Sam Golob to add 2 new * DOC FILE //* articles. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 123 to fix the ECHOPGM so it will * DOC FILE //* echo 251 characters instead of 123, using the * DOC FILE //* PUTLINE interface (reflects change in EPUTL). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Update to File 135 to reflect updated PDS 8.6 * DOC FILE //* versions and an updated SHOWzOS (see File 492 and * DOC FILE //* File 614). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 136 to reflect the same change in * DOC FILE //* the EPUTL (PUTLINE conversion) routine as in File * DOC FILE //* 119. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich, which is * DOC FILE //* PDS 8.6. Current level is: * DOC FILE //* PDS86 -- VERSION 8.6.12 AUGUST 5, 2010 * DOC FILE //* with many changes since the version on CBT Tape * DOC FILE //* Version 478. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 183 from Gilbert Saint-flour, with * DOC FILE //* the following members changed: * DOC FILE //* $LOAD183, BR, COMPRCMD, FASTPATH, FTP, PLI2JOB, * DOC FILE //* PLI2TSO, STRING, SYSDEBUG * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 185 to reassemble the sample TSO * DOC FILE //* auth tables to include more program names. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 264 (the LOOK TSO command to browse * DOC FILE //* actual storage) so that it will format some of the * DOC FILE //* undocumented TSO control blocks. (I was told that * DOC FILE //* some of these layouts will be released by IBM in * DOC FILE //* z/OS 1.12.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 268 from Peter J. Farley to RXVSAM * DOC FILE //* (which gives REXX access to VSAM files) originally * DOC FILE //* submitted by Mark Winges. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Updates to File 296 from John Kalinich and Ken * DOC FILE //* Sharpe to fix the DSAT program to recognize HFS * DOC FILE //* files and extended VSAM files in DSORG. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck with fixes * DOC FILE //* to CAVXTRT and PRMCK. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Updates to File 314 from Lionel Dyck with fixes * DOC FILE //* to TXT2RTF and XMITIP (level 1008). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 343 from John Kalinich to fix the * DOC FILE //* FREEPOOL invocations in the VTOCLIST program so * DOC FILE //* that storage was not unnecessarily tied up. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 382 from Paul Gillis to add a few * DOC FILE //* more tools, and his DEBUG macro to produce displays * DOC FILE //* for diagnosing Assembler programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 404 (TSSO) from Dana Mitchell to * DOC FILE //* correct a bug and fix a problem (see member * DOC FILE //* $$NOTE6). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 423 from Sam Golob to include a * DOC FILE //* modified version of Jeff Broido's LISTHEAD program, * DOC FILE //* which now shows non-standard load module headers. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden. Members: * DOC FILE //* IPLHIST IPLINFO LASTIPL ONEPAKZ8 RXSTOR64 SDSF@DR * DOC FILE //* TWOPAKZ8 VTOCLIST * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Updates to File 452 from Dan Dalby. There are many * DOC FILE //* updates, but notably there is an update to the * DOC FILE //* STEPLIB program, which had to be modified for z/OS * DOC FILE //* 1.12, because at that level, there is a change in * DOC FILE //* the way IBM does STEPLIBs. Members changed: * DOC FILE //* ADDTO, HELP, IEFUJV, JCLSYMBL, JCLSYMBS, LOADLIB, * DOC FILE //* MACLIB, STEPLIB, STEPLIBO * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 482 from John Fisher to the GDGCOPY * DOC FILE //* program, to make it work for many GDGs at a time * DOC FILE //* (1000 instead of 100). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, which is * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS 7.20. (Load module libraries on File 614). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 510 from Ricardo Paranhos. A new * DOC FILE //* email address from Ricardo is in this file now. * DOC FILE //* Update is to the IEBLIST program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 589 from Philippe Leite, to his * DOC FILE //* HSCTOOL package, which is a REXX function package * DOC FILE //* to handle STK silo commands (for the STK robot tape * DOC FILE //* libraries). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 609 from John Miller and Chris * DOC FILE //* Buckley. Change is to new system cloning member * DOC FILE //* called ZCLONE30 for later versions of z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 614 from Sam Golob to contain more * DOC FILE //* load module libraries for different assemblies of * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS, especially for SHOWzOS 7.20 assembled * DOC FILE //* under z/OS 1.11. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 693 which is the PDSCLEAN program * DOC FILE //* from Terry Miller. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 742 from Bob Birdsall, which is a * DOC FILE //* source versioning system that works under ISPF. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 743 from Terry Miller. This update * DOC FILE //* is for the MODLIST program, that lists load module * DOC FILE //* attributes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 751 from "Somitcw" which is a set * DOC FILE //* of his tools. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 757 from Ken Fitzgerald, which is * DOC FILE //* Version V1R1M12 of his LOGGRASM package, to help * DOC FILE //* students learn Assembler, by seeing the effects * DOC FILE //* of the instructions they code. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 810 from Richard L. Rice, which is * DOC FILE //* his ONSCREEN file browser and formatting package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 814 from Eugene Vogt. This is a * DOC FILE //* collection of Xephon "MVS Update" articles (926 of * DOC FILE //* them), in ZIP format ASCII. A pds with all of these * DOC FILE //* articles, expanded in EBCDIC format, is now on * DOC FILE //* File 830 (a new file). Articles are from July 1987 * DOC FILE //* through December 1996. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Addition of File 818 from Petr Svoboda which is * DOC FILE //* an assembler stub to allow 31-bit COBOL programs * DOC FILE //* to access 64-bit data. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Addition of File 819 from Terry Miller. This is * DOC FILE //* his "ICH" RACF dynamic exit loader package, which * DOC FILE //* allows for dynamic substitution of new versions of * DOC FILE //* RACF exits into your system. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Addition of File 820 from Richard D. Harper, which * DOC FILE //* is his "Private 64/20 z/OS Assembly Language * DOC FILE //* Development Platform" which can be used by system- * DOC FILE //* level programmers to quickly develop system level * DOC FILE //* code. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Addition of File 821 from Gil Segal and Giora Bar. * DOC FILE //* This file contains a REXX utility called CC, which * DOC FILE //* is an edit macro that plugs values from a data * DOC FILE //* file, into a skeleton, so that real JCL is created * DOC FILE //* automatically from the skeleton. The CC utility * DOC FILE //* runs as an ISPF edit macro. Full documentation is * DOC FILE //* provided in a PDF file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Addition of File 822 from Terry Miller, and * DOC FILE //* contains code to capture CPU utilization and limit * DOC FILE //* information for use as a metric in softcapping * DOC FILE //* an LPAR or an LPAR group. The package is called * DOC FILE //* SOFTCAPI. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Addition of File 823 from Alexander I. Vasilenko, * DOC FILE //* which contains modifications to ISPF panel ISRTSO * DOC FILE //* (ISRTSOA) (ISPF command shell aid) to show 20 * DOC FILE //* previously executed commands instead of 10, and to * DOC FILE //* explicitly provide and adjust retention options to * DOC FILE //* your own liking. I find it VERY handy to have. * DOC FILE //* There is also an ISPF 7.3-like application called * DOC FILE //* VIEWPOOL included here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Addition of File 824 from Richard L. Rice. This * DOC FILE //* is a VTOC zapping tool. It is based on ISPF and it * DOC FILE //* interfaces with RACF. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Addition of File 825 from Raymond Ching and * DOC FILE //* contains an SSL handshaking program. "I have * DOC FILE //* written a simple z/OS batch program to perform the * DOC FILE //* first few phases of SSL handshake and print the * DOC FILE //* human readable output into the SYSPRINT DDname. My * DOC FILE //* intention is to write a simple program to diagnose * DOC FILE //* the most common SSL setup issues in z/OS." * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Addition of File 826 from Sam Golob and contains * DOC FILE //* a program to make a job or STC or TSU cancelable, * DOC FILE //* directly forcible, or non-cancelable or non- * DOC FILE //* forcible. This is an APF-authorized standalone * DOC FILE //* TSO command. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Addition of File 827 from John C. Miller and * DOC FILE //* contains dialogs to help administer RACF. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Addition of File 828 from "Somitcw" which is his * DOC FILE //* DELAY program to set an STIMER with a user specified * DOC FILE //* value. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Addition of File 829 from Eugene Vogt, which has * DOC FILE //* a version of TIDYASM (originally from File 316) * DOC FILE //* that now works on modern z/OS systems. Most bugs * DOC FILE //* have been fixed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Addition of File 830 from Eugene Vogt, which * DOC FILE //* contains 926 articles (with their code examples) * DOC FILE //* from Xephon "MVS Update" magazines from July 1987 * DOC FILE //* through December 1996. Support for most Xephon * DOC FILE //* magazines has now been taken over by www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* and their code examples and text can now be used by * DOC FILE //* anyone, in good conscience. Stuff not administered * DOC FILE //* by Bob Thomas is not included, and 2006-2008 issues * DOC FILE //* are not included. See www.cbttape.org/xephon * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Addition of File 831 which is a TSO command for * DOC FILE //* dynamic concatenation - deconcatenation of datasets * DOC FILE //* to your TSO session. This command was submitted by * DOC FILE //* Jacques Devaux and was probably written by Serge * DOC FILE //* Joliecoeur. Comments were in French, translated * DOC FILE //* into English by Sam Golob, with help from Jacques. * DOC FILE //* Original French version is included. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50 Addition of File 832 from Marco Serafini and * DOC FILE //* contains REXX execs and panels to print MVS files * DOC FILE //* directly on TCPIP printers. Documentation is in * DOC FILE //* WORD format. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51 Addition of File 833 from Alexander I. Vasilenko * DOC FILE //* and contains a facility to save labels when you * DOC FILE //* look at COBOL programs under ISPF. If you analyze * DOC FILE //* COBOL programs a lot, this is a very handy * DOC FILE //* facility. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52 Addition of File 834 from Alexander I. Vasilenko and * DOC FILE //* contains an edit macro which helps you reallocate * DOC FILE //* datasets from one system to another system, which * DOC FILE //* preserves all the allocation attributes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-478 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-478 CHANGES FOR VERSION 478 DEC 27, 2009 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 006 to change the CBT version * DOC FILE //* numbers mentioned in the execs and CLISTs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 035 which is a collection of * DOC FILE //* load modules. Changed modules are: * DOC FILE //* ASUB, BDMNNOTC, DAF, DISKMAP, DSAT, LWATEDIT, * DOC FILE //* OFFLOAD, PDS, PDSLOAD, PDS38, PDS86 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 077 to change Brian Westerman's * DOC FILE //* address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 088 to change Brian Westerman's * DOC FILE //* address. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 093 because PDSLOAD and OFFLOAD * DOC FILE //* needed modified control cards, to accommodate * DOC FILE //* the new ISPF statistics fields for z/OS 1.11. * DOC FILE //* The new versions are still downward compatible * DOC FILE //* if the ISPF statistics are of the old version. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 094 from Michael Cleary to add * DOC FILE //* Version 1.4.8 of DAF. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Update to File 120 from Sam Golob to add a new * DOC FILE //* article about TSO authorization tables. This * DOC FILE //* article does not belong to NaSPA. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 134 from Greg Price to bring REVIEW * DOC FILE //* to Level 42.3 with improvements to REVEDIT and * DOC FILE //* other features. REVIEW now has a VIEW mode as well * DOC FILE //* as an EDIT (called UPDATE) mode which tries to * DOC FILE //* approximate ISPF EDIT and VIEW. But these also * DOC FILE //* operate in READY mode, when ISPF isn't up. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 135 to reflect changes in REVIEW * DOC FILE //* and also changes in PDS86 from File 182. Load * DOC FILE //* modules for PDS86 reflect European-style dates. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich to reflect * DOC FILE //* the latest changes to Level 8.6.11. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 183 from Gilbert Saint-flour to * DOC FILE //* reflect changes since the last CBT version. They * DOC FILE //* are numerous. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 185, mostly to add TSUB support for * DOC FILE //* the "real" TSO auth tables which are chained off * DOC FILE //* the TSO user's LWA. These are the tables that your * DOC FILE //* session actually uses, and the effect of a change * DOC FILE //* is immediate, lasting until the next LOGON or until * DOC FILE //* another change using TSUB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 247 from Sam Golob, adding a TSO * DOC FILE //* command called BDMNNOTC, which changes the number * DOC FILE //* that ACCOUNT/SYNC uses, to determine how many Global * DOC FILE //* Notices to make when reformatting the Broadcast * DOC FILE //* Dataset (SYS1.BRODCAST). This number is very hard * DOC FILE //* to change, according to IBM, but in truth it is * DOC FILE //* just a fullword in the CVT, and this program will * DOC FILE //* simply plug in a different number there. BDMNNOTC * DOC FILE //* has to be APF-authorized in the IKJEFTE2 table * DOC FILE //* (authcmd). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 296 with bug fixes for COMPARE from * DOC FILE //* Greg Price and fixes for DSAT to show SMS flags, * DOC FILE //* from John Loch. Also, DSAT will now assemble with * DOC FILE //* z/OS 1.10 and 1.11 macros. Help for DSAT was moved * DOC FILE //* to a separate pds member. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Updates to Files 297, 301, and 302 with new * DOC FILE //* addresses for Mike Cleary. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck with a new * DOC FILE //* version of FTPB (1.223). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck with new * DOC FILE //* versions of TXT2CSV, TXT2PDF, and XMITIP (09.12). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 321 from Roland Schiradin with a * DOC FILE //* newer version of COBANALZ. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 360 from Gordon B. Hampton, to add * DOC FILE //* large volume support to the VOLS command. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 404 (TSSO) from Dana Mitchell, to * DOC FILE //* add the System Id into messages when running in a * DOC FILE //* sysplex. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 432 from Sam Golob, to let people * DOC FILE //* know that any former XEPHON materials included in * DOC FILE //* this file are now supported at www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* and are no longer subject to any Xephon copyright * DOC FILE //* conditions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden. The * DOC FILE //* following members were updated since the last * DOC FILE //* tape release: * DOC FILE //* $ONEPAK @FILE434 ACBCHECK FVE IPLINFO ONEPAKZ8 * DOC FILE //* REXXSTOR RXSTOR64 TAPESTAK TWOPAKZ8 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 437 from Sam Golob, to add a member * DOC FILE //* called ZZSAPACK which is a zip of a P390-format * DOC FILE //* minidisk which contains ZZSA (standalone z/OS * DOC FILE //* DASD utility from Jan Jaeger) as its IPL Text. * DOC FILE //* Therefore, you can download this file to a PC, * DOC FILE //* unzip it, include it in a Hercules configuration, * DOC FILE //* and IPL it, to gain access to the other MVS DASD * DOC FILE //* disks without having or using MVS or z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 452 from Dan Dalby, to improve his * DOC FILE //* STEPLIB program and to add his LWATMGR and LWATEDIT * DOC FILE //* programs to replace any or all of the TSO auth * DOC FILE //* tables that your TSO session is currently using. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Moved the MVS LISP compiler from File 476 to File * DOC FILE //* 083 of the CBT Overflow Tape. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin with a * DOC FILE //* new release of SHOWzOS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 498 from Craig Schneiderwent, which * DOC FILE //* is his match-merge program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 534 from Paul Dion with fixes to * DOC FILE //* his SPACE program (LSPACE functionality). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 538 from Sam Golob to Jan Jaeger's * DOC FILE //* ZZSA file. ZZSA is an IPL-able program which * DOC FILE //* allows you to access MVS (z/OS) files on z/OS DASD, * DOC FILE //* without using or needing to IPL z/OS. You just IPL * DOC FILE //* ZZSA. The member ZZSAPACK was added, which is a * DOC FILE //* tiny mini-disk with no files, just IPL Text only, * DOC FILE //* to IPL ZZSA from. So you can add the zzsa01 pack * DOC FILE //* to your Hercules configuration, or to VM, and use * DOC FILE //* it just to IPL ZZSA that way and access your DASD. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 614 which is a collection of load * DOC FILE //* libraries in TSO XMIT format, containing different * DOC FILE //* versions of SHOWMVS and SHOWzOS (latest source on * DOC FILE //* File 492). SHOWzOS needs the latest versions of * DOC FILE //* HLASM to assemble it, so we've already done so. * DOC FILE //* Problem is that different levels of the operating * DOC FILE //* system need different assemblies of SHOWMVS or * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS to work properly. So we've included a lot * DOC FILE //* of versions, assembled on different levels of z/OS, * DOC FILE //* and you can pick the one which best fits your * DOC FILE //* system. Added SHOWzOS 7.19 assemblies, for z/OS * DOC FILE //* 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 621 from Dana Mitchell to Hunter * DOC FILE //* Zhou's NPF exit programs that allow you to print * DOC FILE //* mainframe datasets to any network printer with * DOC FILE //* PCL language support. Updates are: * DOC FILE //* Add system ID and HW name to HOST line on banner * DOC FILE //* page. * DOC FILE //* Update PCL form PT02, force simplex, 6LPI, 10CPI. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 659 to make it easier to clone a * DOC FILE //* running system, when you already have another * DOC FILE //* running system to help you out. Also, upgraded * DOC FILE //* the Hercules system to 3.06 as opposed to 2.16, * DOC FILE //* which is a big improvement. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 688 from Dougie Lawson, to make * DOC FILE //* his ACBLIST program work for IMS V10 and V11. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 693 from Terry Miller and Richard * DOC FILE //* Rice, to upgrade and fix the PDSCLEAN program that * DOC FILE //* logically empties a PDS or PDSE from all their * DOC FILE //* members. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 711 which is a LIBRARIAN program * DOC FILE //* package. Purpose: * DOC FILE //* The LIBRARIAN is a VTAM LU 6.2 client-server type * DOC FILE //* application. My idea for using an LU 6.2 interface * DOC FILE //* was to allow users to access a library without * DOC FILE //* having to log-in to the system where the library * DOC FILE //* actually lives. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Update to File 713 from Sam Golob to rework the * DOC FILE //* EMPTYPDS program from File 172 to have proper * DOC FILE //* return codes and to display better messages. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 738 from Terry Miller with fixes * DOC FILE //* and enhancements for his REORGVS program to * DOC FILE //* reallocate and reorganize existing VSAM files. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 745 from Richard Rice, which is * DOC FILE //* his File Manager program. It is recommended to * DOC FILE //* use File 810 instead of this file, because File * DOC FILE //* 810 is a later reworking of this material. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Update to File 757 from Ken Fitzgerald, which is * DOC FILE //* his LOGGRASM system for developing and debugging * DOC FILE //* assembler code. This package is now at the * DOC FILE //* V1R1M11 level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Update to File 769 from Robert Prins. This * DOC FILE //* package contains a collection of REXX execs that * DOC FILE //* are run as ISPF edit macros, which turn code (from * DOC FILE //* various programming languages) into HTML source, * DOC FILE //* and optionally, invoke a browser to display it. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Update to File 773 from Arthur Fichtl. This * DOC FILE //* package contains an interactive disassembler which * DOC FILE //* interprets a chunk of dumped values as though they * DOC FILE //* are machine instructions. This package, which is * DOC FILE //* called ISDA, is written entirely in REXX. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Update to File 797 from Dan Dalby and Sam Golob. * DOC FILE //* These programs manipulate, re-create, or alter * DOC FILE //* the characteristics of your TSO "auth tables" * DOC FILE //* that are pointed to by the LWA (Logon Work Area) * DOC FILE //* for your TSO session. With these programs, you * DOC FILE //* have an amazing and phenomenal amount of control * DOC FILE //* over those tables (unique to your own TSO session). * DOC FILE //* You just have to authorize one of these programs * DOC FILE //* (TSUB or LLWA or LWATMGR) in your IKJEFTE2 table, * DOC FILE //* and you're on your way. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Update to File 799 from Kevin Dengsong, which * DOC FILE //* contains a package to process SMF Type 30 records, * DOC FILE //* written in COBOL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Addition of File 802 from Jason Winter which * DOC FILE //* contains a Delinker program written in C, that is * DOC FILE //* similar to David Noon's DELINKI program from File * DOC FILE //* 090 that was written in PL/I. Jason Winter is the * DOC FILE //* author of a C compiler that produces MVS-compatible * DOC FILE //* object decks. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Addition of File 803 from Lionel Dyck and contains * DOC FILE //* a collection of ISPF macros that he used to use in * DOC FILE //* the past, and which were very worth while keeping. * DOC FILE //* Lionel is not the author of these macros--he ran * DOC FILE //* across them in his travels, and used them in * DOC FILE //* programming over the years. Now, he found them * DOC FILE //* and wants to put them out for everyone to benefit * DOC FILE //* from. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Addition of File 804 from Rich Hobt and contains a * DOC FILE //* version of the TAPEMAP program from File 299 which * DOC FILE //* was modified to use the modern "relative addressing" * DOC FILE //* assembler instructions. In other words, JUMP * DOC FILE //* instead of BRANCH was used. This freed up the need * DOC FILE //* to fill a whole bunch of base registers. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Some of Rich's new macros helped in the conversion: * DOC FILE //* ASMINFO BR2JMP BR2JMPX INR OUTR * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Addition of File 805 from Michael Schmutzok which * DOC FILE //* contains the source code and JCL needed to * DOC FILE //* establish an SNMP sub-agent, an EMC (Extended MCS) * DOC FILE //* monitoring started task and an externally called * DOC FILE //* storage snap program. Member MACROS in this file * DOC FILE //* contains the user written macros needed to compile * DOC FILE //* the programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* See member $$$INTRO for an explanation of SNMP and * DOC FILE //* an introduction to what this package does. It * DOC FILE //* basically finds "alerts" in the system operation, * DOC FILE //* so the sysprog or an operator can keep track of * DOC FILE //* them. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Addition of File 806 from Kevin Dengsong which * DOC FILE //* contains a package to process SMF Type 110 * DOC FILE //* records, written in COBOL. The title of this * DOC FILE //* package is "CICS Preformance Monitor Analysis * DOC FILE //* Tools". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Addition of File 807 is from Morris Karlin, Norman * DOC FILE //* Lindner, and Irwin Eisenstein, and contains their * DOC FILE //* programs HFSELECT and SUPRDUMP. These programs * DOC FILE //* were originally for sale, but Morris Karlin and * DOC FILE //* Norman Lindner have given permission for them to * DOC FILE //* be included on the CBT Tape collection, subject to * DOC FILE //* CBT Tape disclaimers and conditions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* HFSELECT is a powerful file selection and * DOC FILE //* match-merge program, which has additional * DOC FILE //* capabilities. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SUPRDUMP is a program that can read, copy, and * DOC FILE //* print the contents of a large variety of tapes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 50 Addition of File 808 which is an extremely * DOC FILE //* valuable contribution from Enrico Sorichetti and * DOC FILE //* contains a RECEIVE/UNXMIT tool that works on a PC. * DOC FILE //* I am just offering Enrico's zip file here, because * DOC FILE //* the programs are PC REXX programs and they are not * DOC FILE //* for MVS use, directly. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This file contains the ZIP member of File 800 * DOC FILE //* only. You should download this file in BINARY to * DOC FILE //* a PC and unzip it there. Please email Enrico * DOC FILE //* Sorichetti (the author) if you have any questions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: Enrico Sorichetti * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 51 Addition of File 809 from Richard L. Rice and is a * DOC FILE //* fixed copy of his DITTO program that used to be on * DOC FILE //* File 171. See his explanation in member $$NOTE1, * DOC FILE //* which tells you what the former problem was, and * DOC FILE //* how he fixed it. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* We should regard this file as a beta version, * DOC FILE //* until it is tested more. If you are using this * DOC FILE //* file, please write your feedback to Sam Golob, * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Hopefully this will be a good alternate DITTO * DOC FILE //* package for those shops which block BLP. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 52 Addition of File 810 from Richard L. Rice and * DOC FILE //* contains his ONSCREEN package, which is his * DOC FILE //* complete reworking of his file browser package * DOC FILE //* called FM (File Manager) that is on CBT File 745. * DOC FILE //* This package is completely original, although it * DOC FILE //* has features that were suggested by the REVIEW * DOC FILE //* program from File 134. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The idea here is to create a flexible file browser * DOC FILE //* package which is customizable. The reason for the * DOC FILE //* rename from FM, is that FM sounded too much like a * DOC FILE //* utility for pre-formatting datasets, rather than a * DOC FILE //* data viewer. * DOC FILE //* email: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 53 Addition of File 811 which is a very useful * DOC FILE //* LIBRARIAN program package, and which was * DOC FILE //* completely new when written (Mar/06). The package * DOC FILE //* was written by Richard L. Rice. This is a fixed * DOC FILE //* version of the LIBRARIAN program that was on File * DOC FILE //* 711. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This LIBRARIAN is a free package, unrelated to * DOC FILE //* any other package having the same or a similar * DOC FILE //* name...... * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 54 Addition of File 812 which is a fixed version of a * DOC FILE //* Disassembler from Richard L. Rice, that was on * DOC FILE //* File 171. This program is a redesign of the * DOC FILE //* disassembler on File 217, but broken into csects. * DOC FILE //* This disassembler calls the assembler and allows * DOC FILE //* you to use real macros and their dsects for label * DOC FILE //* mapping. * DOC FILE //* email: Richard.L.Rice@conocophillips.com * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 55 Addition of from Richard L. Rice and contains a * DOC FILE //* fixed version of his SUTL (System Utility) package * DOC FILE //* that allow you to get system information from an * DOC FILE //* MVS system on your network that you are NOT logged * DOC FILE //* on to. This utility was previously packaged on * DOC FILE //* File 171. * DOC FILE //* email: Richard.L.Rice@conocophillips.com * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 56 Addition of File 814 which was sent in by Eugene * DOC FILE //* Vogt and contains a huge collection of old XEPHON * DOC FILE //* MVS articles in text format. These come largely * DOC FILE //* before the 1998 lower limit of the articles found * DOC FILE //* in: * DOC FILE //* www.cbttape.org/xephon * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This collection is still extremely valuable. * DOC FILE //* See member $INDEX for contents information. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 57 Addition of File 815 from Bob Glover and contains * DOC FILE //* an extended string search facility called SRCHE * DOC FILE //* that runs under ISPF. We trust that it will be * DOC FILE //* useful to you. * DOC FILE //* email: "Glover, Bob" * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 58 Addition of File 816 from Sam Golob which contains * DOC FILE //* an APF-authorized TSO command called BDMNNOTC, to * DOC FILE //* quickly and instantly change the default number of * DOC FILE //* Global Notices created by an ACCOUNT/SYNC combina- * DOC FILE //* tion, when it formats a SYS1.BRODCAST dataset, or * DOC FILE //* create, when it formats a SYS1.BRODCAST dataset * DOC FILE //* any active Broadcast Dataset. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* IBM officially makes this number very difficult to * DOC FILE //* change. You have to zap the hex number into csect * DOC FILE //* IKJEBLMT of module IKJEFXSR and the change will * DOC FILE //* not take effect until the next IPL. Fortunately, * DOC FILE //* there is a solution. The actual number that SYNC * DOC FILE //* looks at, is located squarely in the CVT itself. * DOC FILE //* It isn't even chained off it! The number is a * DOC FILE //* fullword at location CVT + X'5A8'. And loading * DOC FILE //* this up initially, is the reason for the necessity * DOC FILE //* of the IPL. This TSO command, called BDMNNOTC, * DOC FILE //* just goes in and changes that number in the CVT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 59 Addition of File 817 from Mike Wojtukiewicz and * DOC FILE //* contains his program called FIXCATLG to generate * DOC FILE //* JCL that recatalogs (without scratching) all * DOC FILE //* datasets on certain volumes in a new catalog. * DOC FILE //* This program also contains a second output to * DOC FILE //* create input to SMP/E that makes DDDEF entries for * DOC FILE //* all the mentioned datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-477 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-477 CHANGES FOR VERSION 477 JAN 18, 2009 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 019 from John Hooper to change the * DOC FILE //* COMMAND, CONSOLE, FLSMFJOB, and LISTF programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 035 to change the version of PDS86. * DOC FILE //* Also, load modules from File 731 (ADIS, CINMX, * DOC FILE //* EESCB, INMXD) and from File 797 (LLWA, LWATMGR, * DOC FILE //* TSUB) were added. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 120 to add articles that DO NOT * DOC FILE //* belong to NaSPA. One is on TSO Authorization * DOC FILE //* Tables, and the other is about TSO Control Blocks. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 134 from Greg Price to update the * DOC FILE //* REVIEW command to Level 42.0. REVIEW now has an * DOC FILE //* UPDATE capability which is like ISPF EDIT (done * DOC FILE //* from READY mode if you want) and it is no longer * DOC FILE //* strictly a file browser. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 135 to change the REVIEW program * DOC FILE //* and OFFLOAD program from Greg Price, and also the * DOC FILE //* PDS 8.6 program (ISO dates) from John Kalinich. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 182 which is PDS 8.6 from John * DOC FILE //* Kalinich. Current level is 8.6.09. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Update to File 185 from Sam Golob to add some * DOC FILE //* entries to the Auth Table assemblies, add an Auth * DOC FILE //* Table assembly for the LLWA program (File 797), * DOC FILE //* add an article on TSO Auth Tables, add some very * DOC FILE //* powerful programs to the load library, and add * DOC FILE //* help and examples for the TSUB program (source on * DOC FILE //* File 797). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 247 from Sam Golob to add the latest * DOC FILE //* version of load module BDMSCAN from his commercial * DOC FILE //* product, and allow its public use. BDMSCAN (which * DOC FILE //* reports on the status of a Broadcast Dataset) can * DOC FILE //* now show how many (and which) NOTICE records are * DOC FILE //* active, and it can detect an error condition with * DOC FILE //* empty User Message records, that other programs * DOC FILE //* could not detect until now. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 264 from Sam Golob to add the UKEYCSA * DOC FILE //* authorized TSO command. The LOOK program, which is * DOC FILE //* a tremendous aid to browsing virtual storage, acts * DOC FILE //* by allocating User Key storage in Common Storage. * DOC FILE //* As of z/OS 1.8, and as a default in z/OS 1.9 and * DOC FILE //* later, this is now a Parmlib setting in the DIAGxx * DOC FILE //* member and is not allowed. So, to be able to use * DOC FILE //* LOOK temporarily, you can disable the restriction * DOC FILE //* using the UKEYCSA program temporarily, use LOOK, and * DOC FILE //* then set the restriction back, using UKEYCSA again. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck. Packages * DOC FILE //* FTPB, LISTPRC, and PLPISPF were upgraded. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Updates to File 314 from Lionel Dyck. Packages * DOC FILE //* XMITIP, TXT2HTML, TXT2PDF, and TXT2RTF were * DOC FILE //* upgraded. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 321 from Roland Schiradin to upgrade * DOC FILE //* the COBANALZ program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 323 (REXX Function Package) from * DOC FILE //* Gerard Nicol. Former Files 323 and 324 have been * DOC FILE //* combined into File 323. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Addition of File 324 from Gerard Nicol to contain * DOC FILE //* a package that checks how HSC (from StorageTek) * DOC FILE //* is doing. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to the documentation for File 397 which is * DOC FILE //* from Frank Clarke. This file contains conversion * DOC FILE //* routines in REXX to convert numeric values to, and * DOC FILE //* from, packed decimal format. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 404 (which is TSSO). A fix to the * DOC FILE //* TSSOSS09 module was necessary at the z/OS 1.8 and * DOC FILE //* higher, levels. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Updates to File 434 from Mark Zelden. Members: * DOC FILE //* $SNGLTSO, FINDMOD, IPLINFO, ISPCMDSA, ONEPAKZ8, * DOC FILE //* REXXSTOR, TSOB, TSOE, TSOR, TSOV, TWOPAKZ8 * DOC FILE //* have been added or updated. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Updates to File 452 from Dan Dalby. This is a * DOC FILE //* complete reshipment of his programs, plus a new * DOC FILE //* version of his STEPLIB program, marked in this * DOC FILE //* file as member STEPLIBN. The same source is * DOC FILE //* found in File 797 as member STEPLIB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, to * DOC FILE //* upgrade SHOWzOS to Version 7.17. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 612 to fix an assembly error in the * DOC FILE //* LOCATE program. IBM's YREGS "register equate" * DOC FILE //* macro was added to the source deck. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 614 to add load modules for SHOWzOS * DOC FILE //* 7.17 that work for z/OS 1.8, and z/OS 1.9; these * DOC FILE //* have to be separate assemblies - the macros are * DOC FILE //* incompatible for SHOWzOS (at the 1.8 and 1.9 * DOC FILE //* levels). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 642 from Rich Hobt, to update the * DOC FILE //* AFCLOGR1 program. The AFCSMP1 program is the same * DOC FILE //* as it was in the last version of the tape. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 731 which contains TSO-related * DOC FILE //* programs from Sam Golob (to show and/or manipulate * DOC FILE //* TSO/E control blocks). The ADIS program was added. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 738 from Terry Miller, with a new * DOC FILE //* version of the REORGVS program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 757 from Ken Fitzgerald, with the * DOC FILE //* new V1R1M09 version of his LOGGRASM package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 770 from Deru Sudibyo with a newer * DOC FILE //* version of his zCBT automation program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 771 from Karl-Heinz Doppelfeld, * DOC FILE //* with a new version of his ICSF statistics display * DOC FILE //* program called ICSFSTAT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 779 from Bill Bass to correct a bug * DOC FILE //* in his symbolic substitution program called SYMBSUB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Addition of File 781 from John McKown, containing * DOC FILE //* his modification to IBM's RACSEQ program that they * DOC FILE //* allow to be distributed or modified. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* This is a modification of the IBM supplied RACSEQ * DOC FILE //* program. It has been modified to be able to write * DOC FILE //* its output in XML format. It has also been * DOC FILE //* extended to write to a specified DDName, DSName, * DOC FILE //* Sysout class, or UNIX Path. When writing to a * DOC FILE //* DSName, it can either be an existing DSName, or a * DOC FILE //* new one. If it is a new one, the DSName will be * DOC FILE //* allocated with either the system defaults, the SMS * DOC FILE //* defaults as assigned by the ACS routines, or with * DOC FILE //* the characteristics specified via a USING() and/or * DOC FILE //* LIKE() parameter. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Addition of File 782 from David Trout (aka Fish) * DOC FILE //* and contains his PC program to look at the contents * DOC FILE //* of an AWS-format (virtual) tape. Member AWSBR152 * DOC FILE //* is a folded-over FB-80 file which is the image of * DOC FILE //* a zip file of the executable. Member SOURCZIP is * DOC FILE //* a zip of the source code. These members are meant * DOC FILE //* to be downloaded in BINARY to a PC and used there. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 783, which is the PL/I Scientific * DOC FILE //* Subroutine package for OS/360 (public domain). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 784 from John McKown, which * DOC FILE //* contains two implementations of a web page under * DOC FILE //* z/OS Unix System Services that allow the user to * DOC FILE //* obtain ISPF 3.4-like information about datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 785 from Karl-Heinz Doppelfeld * DOC FILE //* and contatins 2 REXXes and an edit macro to * DOC FILE //* substitute system symbols into JCL. The package * DOC FILE //* is called JCLSYMB. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Addition of File 786 from Paul Gilmartin and * DOC FILE //* contains a program (a POSIX shell script) to * DOC FILE //* separate the CBTF1.zip file from www.cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* into individual HTML datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Addition of File 787 from Karl-Heinz Doppelfeld * DOC FILE //* and contains an online File Transfer Utility for * DOC FILE //* sending data to a generated list of remote hosts. * DOC FILE //* The list of remote hosts will be generated from * DOC FILE //* ClonePlex System table BWSOSDAT. The target name * DOC FILE //* can include system symbols like &SYSNAME, &SYSUQ, * DOC FILE //* &SYSCLONE and &SYSRZ. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Addition of File 788 from Craig Schneiderwent. * DOC FILE //* This file contains the MA1K application for MQ * DOC FILE //* Series, which was authored by him. This * DOC FILE //* application used to be distributed on an IBM * DOC FILE //* website, but it is now distributed here. The * DOC FILE //* purpose of this application is to encapsulate * DOC FILE //* triggered message processing for MQSeries * DOC FILE //* applications triggered in CICS TS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Addition of File 789 from Al Ferguson and contains * DOC FILE //* a batch job to automate and run IBM's SCRT * DOC FILE //* (Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool) report every month * DOC FILE //* automatically, and to email the result to IBM. * DOC FILE //* This will help all of you who have to do this, and * DOC FILE //* use a person to perform all the operations * DOC FILE //* manually. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Addition of File 790 from Dave Danner (by way of * DOC FILE //* Ken Tomiak) and contains his SRS (Sysout Retrieval * DOC FILE //* Services) package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* SYSOUT Retrieval Services (SRS) is a product that * DOC FILE //* retrieves data from the JES spool using the SYSOUT * DOC FILE //* Application Program Interface (SAPI). SRS supports * DOC FILE //* a robust set of SYSOUT selection criteria * DOC FILE //* (documented in the $ABOUT member of this pds) that * DOC FILE //* can be specified by the user on the EXEC PARM= * DOC FILE //* statement. Using these criteria, SRS builds the * DOC FILE //* necessary data structures and calls SAPI asking for * DOC FILE //* SYSOUT data that matches the selection request. If * DOC FILE //* JES finds and returns a spool data set, SRS copies * DOC FILE //* the data to a file specified by the user. There's * DOC FILE //* more to it than that. See the documentation. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Addition of File 791 from Anthony Rudd (by way of * DOC FILE //* Ken Tomiak) and contains a REXX function written in * DOC FILE //* Assembler, that accomplishes GETMAIN and FREEMAIN * DOC FILE //* functionality from within REXX. For further * DOC FILE //* documentation, see comments in the GETMAIN code. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Addition of File 792 from Keith Cowden * DOC FILE //* and contains an updated copy of the DISKMAP * DOC FILE //* program from File 260. This version of DISKMAP * DOC FILE //* contains the EAV enhancements from z/OS 1.10 but * DOC FILE //* it also runs on lower levels of z/OS and before. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Please address inquiries to Sam Golob: * DOC FILE //* sbgolob@cbttape.org. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Source code for DISKMAP is contained in this file, * DOC FILE //* but it can only be assembled with the z/OS 1.10 * DOC FILE //* versions of the IECSDSL1 and TRKADDR macros. * DOC FILE //* Therefore we have included an already assembled * DOC FILE //* load library in XMIT format, as member LOADLIB. * DOC FILE //* If you have z/OS 1.10, you can assemble DISKMAP * DOC FILE //* for yourself. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* All z/OS 1.10 macros needed for assembly (I think): * DOC FILE //* CVAFDSM DCBE IECSDSL1 OBTAIN TRKADDR * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Addition of File 793 from Richard Rice. This file * DOC FILE //* contains a nice modification of SDF (Spool Display * DOC FILE //* Facility) for JES3. We have to consider this an * DOC FILE //* alpha test version (until somebody tries it and * DOC FILE //* verifies it) for the following reason: Richard * DOC FILE //* has SDF 2.9 (a backleveled version of SDF) running * DOC FILE //* on his JES3 system. The source code in this file * DOC FILE //* was forward-fitted to SDF 3.4 (the current version) * DOC FILE //* and it assembled cleanly. But it was not tested * DOC FILE //* while running SDF 3.4. Someone will have to run * DOC FILE //* this version with SDF 3.4 and send any changes * DOC FILE //* back to me (sbgolob@cbttape.org) so this file will * DOC FILE //* then be a "tested version". * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Addition of File 794 from Daniel F. Gaeta which * DOC FILE //* contains a useful REXX function. * DOC FILE //* The RXMEM function has the following features : * DOC FILE //* - to manage token pair service, using IEANTxx * DOC FILE //* modules * DOC FILE //* - to manage GETMAIN and FREEMAIN memory * DOC FILE //* - to manage linked list options * DOC FILE //* As I am working on improvements, I am not * DOC FILE //* delivering the source code. Just REXX samples. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Addition of File 795 which is an ALPHA TEST * DOC FILE //* version of an HTTP Server written in Assembler by * DOC FILE //* Richard Rice. This package DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY * DOC FILE //* as is. See member $$NOTE1 in the package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* The reason why we are putting this package out, IS * DOC FILE //* TO GET SOMEBODY (who knows what he/she is doing) TO * DOC FILE //* FIX IT! IF YOU KNOW THIS STUFF, PLEASE TRY TO GET * DOC FILE //* IT TO WORK, and then send it back to me. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* email: sbgolob@cbttape.org * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Addition of File 796 from Lindy Mayfield. This * DOC FILE //* is a collection of his utilities. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* So far there are two utilities: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 1) A Rexx/ISPF exec that shows control blocks and * DOC FILE //* information regarding 522 timeouts. * DOC FILE //* 2) A Rexx assembler function to write SMF records. * DOC FILE //* Uses BPX1SMF. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 45 Addition of File 797 which is the combined work * DOC FILE //* of Dan Dalby and Sam Golob. This file contains * DOC FILE //* programs which can dynamically reload, or otherwise * DOC FILE //* control, the copies of your own TSO session's * DOC FILE //* "authorization tables". These are IKJEFTE2 * DOC FILE //* (AUTHCMD), IKJEFTE8 (AUTHPGM), IKJEFTAP (AUTHTSF), * DOC FILE //* and IKJEFTNS (NOTBKGND). Since these are the tables * DOC FILE //* which your own TSO session actually uses, the scope * DOC FILE //* of the reloading is to your own TSO sesion only, * DOC FILE //* and the effect of the reloading or altering of the * DOC FILE //* tables is immediate. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* Dan Dalby is the author of the LWATMGR program. * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob is the author of the LLWA and TSUB * DOC FILE //* programs. If you install (and authorized in the * DOC FILE //* E2 table) either LWATMGR or LLWA and you authorize * DOC FILE //* Dan Dalby's STEPLIB program somewhere in there, * DOC FILE //* you can re-create the authorizations of an APF- * DOC FILE //* authorized STEPLIB, without actually having one * DOC FILE //* in your TSO session's LOGON PROC. See instructions * DOC FILE //* in the file, and the member called @ARTICLE. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 46 Addition of File 798 from Kevin Kang Dengsong and * DOC FILE //* contains two job scheduling systems written in * DOC FILE //* COBOL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 47 Addition of File 799 from Kevin Kang Dengsong and * DOC FILE //* contains a package to process SMF Type 30 records, * DOC FILE //* written in COBOL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 48 Addition of File 800 from Enrico Sorichetti which * DOC FILE //* contains a RECEIVE/UNXMIT tool that works on a PC. * DOC FILE //* I am just offering Enrico's zip file here, because * DOC FILE //* the programs are PC REXX programs and they are not * DOC FILE //* for MVS use, directly. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* You should download the ZIP member of this file to * DOC FILE //* a PC in BINARY (no translation!) and unzip it on * DOC FILE //* the PC. Since I am not knowledgeable in this area, * DOC FILE //* I'd suggest that you email Enrico if you have any * DOC FILE //* questions. (SG - 2008/12/19) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 49 Addition of File 801 from Rick Turnbull which * DOC FILE //* contains an EXEC called XAML01 that can produce * DOC FILE //* browse-able bar charts in Microsoft Silverlight * DOC FILE //* XAML format. See the included Word Doc file or * DOC FILE //* PDF Doc file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-476 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-476 CHANGES FOR VERSION 476 APR 18, 2008 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 035 to change the version of PDS86, * DOC FILE //* to fix a bug in the RELEASE command, the OFFLOAD * DOC FILE //* program, and the TAPEMAP program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 093 to fix a source bug in the * DOC FILE //* OFFLOADW source code. Fix is from Greg Price. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 094 from Michael Cleary, to bring * DOC FILE //* the level of DAF to 1.4.8. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 120 from Sam Golob to add more * DOC FILE //* articles. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Updates to File 135 to reflect the new level of * DOC FILE //* PDS 8.6.08. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 171 from Richard Rice, to add a new * DOC FILE //* utility called DLIUTILS (or to at least fix it). * DOC FILE //* Also, DITTO which used to be here, has been deleted * DOC FILE //* because on later z/OS systems, the fake open will * DOC FILE //* crash the system, so it was eliminated altogether * DOC FILE //* to avoid any possible problems. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* the PDS package to level 8.6.08. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 296 from John Kalinich, to set the * DOC FILE //* source code of the RELEASE command so that SWA above * DOC FILE //* the line is the default. If you have an older * DOC FILE //* system, you can still assemble it the other way. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 299 from Sam Golob, to temporarily * DOC FILE //* regress the changes to TAPEMAP from Steve Myers * DOC FILE //* that put in the "big file sequence number support", * DOC FILE //* because of a small problem, but to include the FDR * DOC FILE //* device support code from John Kalinich, which John * DOC FILE //* had gotten from Bruce Black (of blessed memory). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck to raise the * DOC FILE //* level of CSVEDIT to 1.11. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck to raise the * DOC FILE //* level of XMITIP to 08.04. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 322 which is a collection of * DOC FILE //* programs that perform a "sleep" function similar * DOC FILE //* to what you find in VM. The ILBOWAT0 function * DOC FILE //* written in COBOL was supplied by Joseph Caughman. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden with multiple * DOC FILE //* changes. Members changed were: * DOC FILE //* $$CHANGE, $$INSTAL, HLISTB, HLISTBL, HLISTM, HLISTML * DOC FILE //* IPLINFO, ISPCMDSA, LOGRREXX, RXSTOR64, TWOPAKZ8. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 529 to add a note that mentions that * DOC FILE //* some of the materials to assemble programs in File * DOC FILE //* 529 can be found in File 527. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 566 from Sam Bass to fix his SPY * DOC FILE //* (i.e. CONSOLE) program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 571 from Jim Morrison to fix a bug * DOC FILE //* in RECV370. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 642 from Rich Hobt to make * DOC FILE //* enhancements to AFCLOGR1 and AFCSMP1. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 757 from Ken Fitzgerald, to raise * DOC FILE //* the level of the LOGGRASM package to V1R1M06. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 758 from Craig Schneiderwent to * DOC FILE //* add fixes to the LOADWORD package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 766 from Stephen McColley which * DOC FILE //* contains (what used to be) the Mellon Mods for * DOC FILE //* JES2. This set of mods applies to z/OS 1.7 and * DOC FILE //* z/OS 1.8. They have also added some extra mods * DOC FILE //* to JES2 of their own. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 776 from Edgar Hoffmann to enhance * DOC FILE //* RECV390 that runs on the PC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Addition of File 778 from Daniel F. Gaeta which * DOC FILE //* contains a set of programs to access the SMP/E * DOC FILE //* API called GIMAPI through REXX variables. These * DOC FILE //* programs can produce customized reports from SMP/E * DOC FILE //* zones. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Addition of File 779 from Bill Bass which contains * DOC FILE //* a sophisticated COBOL program that can read SDSF * DOC FILE //* job output and produce symbolic substitutions of * DOC FILE //* the variables in the JCL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Addition of File 780 from Daniel F. Gaeta, which * DOC FILE //* is an interface to use REXX to create panel-like * DOC FILE //* effects without ISPF. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-475 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-475 CHANGES FOR VERSION 475 DEC 20, 2007 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 120 to add several more articles. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 134 from Greg Price to enhance his * DOC FILE //* excellent REVIEW browsing (and file editing) * DOC FILE //* program. REVIEW is now at Level 41.0. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 135 from Greg Price, to reflect the * DOC FILE //* load modules for the new level of REVIEW (41.0). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 171 from Richard Rice. DITTO was * DOC FILE //* deleted, because its "fake open" processing now * DOC FILE //* does not work on the latest z/OS systems. A new * DOC FILE //* application called DLIUTILS was added. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 183 from Gilbert Saint-flour to fix * DOC FILE //* many of his utilities. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 185 to add some names to the auth * DOC FILE //* tables and to add two new programs to the LOADLIB * DOC FILE //* member. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 No change to File 299. A change was applied, but * DOC FILE //* it was then taken out. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* his CA-View Extract ISPF Dialog to accommodate a * DOC FILE //* new CA-View release from Computer Associates. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 321 from Roland Schiradin to adjust * DOC FILE //* his COBANAL program to the newest COBOL from IBM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden to upgrade * DOC FILE //* many of his utilities and members. Updated * DOC FILE //* members are: $$$INDEX, $$CHANGE, APFVER, * DOC FILE //* CATSRCH, CLONERES, CLONERSO, COLADD, COLUTIL, * DOC FILE //* FINDMOD, INSLINE, IPLINFO, LPROG, PREFIX, * DOC FILE //* PREFIX2, RDATE, RDATEF, REXXMEM, RXSTOR64, * DOC FILE //* SUFFIX, SW. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin to supply * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS Release 7.16, which is up-to-date for both * DOC FILE //* z/OS 1.8 and 1.9. SHOWzOS 7.16 must be assembled * DOC FILE //* differently (with the appropriate level of macros) * DOC FILE //* for z/OS 1.8 as opposed to z/OS 1.9. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 495 from Tom Conley, to bring his * DOC FILE //* DYNISPF (Dynamic Allocation of an ISPF Application) * DOC FILE //* package to the V4R1 level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 614 from Sam Golob which contains * DOC FILE //* load module libraries in TSO XMIT format, for many * DOC FILE //* different levels of SHOWMVS and SHOWzOS (originally * DOC FILE //* from File 492, and more anciently, from File 183). * DOC FILE //* The reason why these materials are not included in * DOC FILE //* File 492, is that SHOWzOS is sensitive to different * DOC FILE //* release levels of each component, and ideally, each * DOC FILE //* assembly of SHOWzOS should accurately reflect the * DOC FILE //* actual level of each component that is resident on * DOC FILE //* your system. Problem is that assembling SHOWzOS * DOC FILE //* also requires a very high release and PTF level of * DOC FILE //* HLASM (the High Level Assembler), and not all shops * DOC FILE //* have that necessary level. So File 614 was created * DOC FILE //* for shops that can't assemble the latest release of * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS. The SHOWzOS release 7.16 assembly on z/OS * DOC FILE //* 1.8 is now included here. Not yet z/OS 1.9. I * DOC FILE //* don't have the macros yet. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 708 from Glenn Siegel. This is the * DOC FILE //* MPFXTALL general MPF exit facility which responds * DOC FILE //* to multiple conditions and messages on the system. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 713, only to change the current * DOC FILE //* email address of Steve Meyers. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob, to add another * DOC FILE //* program to this collection of TSO/E control block * DOC FILE //* display and manipulation utilities. The new * DOC FILE //* utility, called ALPL (which must be APF-authorized * DOC FILE //* in order to do any changes) will display, and/or * DOC FILE //* change the default DISP (OLD or SHR) for the ALLOC * DOC FILE //* command, if OLD or SHR is not specified in an * DOC FILE //* invocation of an ALLOC command. This is a * DOC FILE //* globally set quantity, and ALPL can change it from * DOC FILE //* OLD to SHR and vice-versa. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 741 from Bill Godfrey, to fix his * DOC FILE //* MAKEB64 program that encodes/decodes a text file * DOC FILE //* to/from BASE64 format. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 No change to File 749 from Gilbert Saint-flour. * DOC FILE //* This file is a collection of his utilities, that * DOC FILE //* were adapted to work on MVS 3.8 (under Hercules). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 757 which is the LOGGRASM package * DOC FILE //* from Ken Fitzgerald. The new level of LOGGRASM * DOC FILE //* is V1R1M04 - Fix Pack 4. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Addition of File 764 from Alex Kara. This is a * DOC FILE //* collection of several utilities, called CATSRCH, * DOC FILE //* TTL, and XMEMSTOR. CATSRCH is originally from * DOC FILE //* Mark Zelden with the SAYIT option added by Alex. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Addition of File 765 from Stephen Odo, which * DOC FILE //* contains a home-grown forms based authentication * DOC FILE //* system for the IBM HTTP Server for z/OS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Addition of File 766 from Stephen McColley, which * DOC FILE //* contains the Mellon Mods for JES2, for z/OS 1.7 * DOC FILE //* and 1.8, together with some extensions to them. * DOC FILE //* Very valuable for those shops which use extensions * DOC FILE //* to JES2 standard capabilites. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Addition of File 767 from Daniel Gaeta, which * DOC FILE //* contains a frontend for TRSMAIN to both terse and * DOC FILE //* unterse files in TRSMAIN compress format. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Addition of File 768 from Rick Bourgeois, which * DOC FILE //* adapts Sam Golob's VTT2**** programs to convert * DOC FILE //* real tapes back or forth to AWS or FLEX-ES Faketape * DOC FILE //* (TM) format, to run on CMS under VM. Sam Golob's * DOC FILE //* original package for MVS systems, is on File 533. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Addition of File 769 from Robert Prins, which is * DOC FILE //* a collection of REXX execs that are run as ISPF * DOC FILE //* edit macros, which turn code (from various * DOC FILE //* programming languages) into HTML source. Optionally * DOC FILE //* these REXXes will invoke a browser to display the * DOC FILE //* resulting HTML code. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Addition of File 770 from Deru Sudibyo which * DOC FILE //* contains a free z/OS event management system; in * DOC FILE //* other words, this is a kind of Automated Operations * DOC FILE //* System. This system uses a custom REXX function * DOC FILE //* package that is supplied with the system. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Addition of File 771 from Karl-Heinz Doppelfeld, * DOC FILE //* which contains an ICSF (Interactive Cryptographic * DOC FILE //* Service Facility) monitor that is written in REXX. * DOC FILE //* This package will display various ICSF statistics. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Addition of File 772 from Stephen E. Bacher. This * DOC FILE //* is a large collection of programs in various * DOC FILE //* languages, which represents a portion of Steve's * DOC FILE //* public work. A lot of useful stuff is here, as * DOC FILE //* well as programming examples in Assembler, C, and * DOC FILE //* PL/I. Worth a good look. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Addition of File 773 from Arthur Fichtl. This file * DOC FILE //* contains an interactive disassembler which can * DOC FILE //* interpret portions of a storage dump, or any chunk * DOC FILE //* of dumped storage, as Assembler instructions. It * DOC FILE //* should prove highly useful to all of you folks who * DOC FILE //* make the effort to learn how to use it. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Addition of File 774 from Richard L. Rice, which * DOC FILE //* contains a reworked version of the CBT973 compress * DOC FILE //* and decompress program that is used to compress * DOC FILE //* FB-80 format files on the (actual) CBT Tape. There * DOC FILE //* is one simple extension here, that is, if all of * DOC FILE //* the characters in an 80-byte record are the same, * DOC FILE //* then the record will compress into a five-byte * DOC FILE //* record, instead of expanding to a 94-byte record * DOC FILE //* (if the characters are not all blanks). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 775 from Craig Schneiderwent. * DOC FILE //* This file contains a proof-of-concept application * DOC FILE //* allowing CICS COBOL to respond to HTTP requests. * DOC FILE //* This application and the accompanying subject * DOC FILE //* material is the topic of a SHARE presentation by * DOC FILE //* this author. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 776 from Edgar Hoffmann which * DOC FILE //* contains a version of RECV390 that expands a file * DOC FILE //* in TSO XMIT format. This program runs on a PC, * DOC FILE //* and is not initially designed to run on an MVS * DOC FILE //* system. Therefore, it is presented as its original * DOC FILE //* zipped file (folded into FB-80 on MVS) which * DOC FILE //* expands into a C program (with appropriate doc). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 777 from Philippe Cochy, which * DOC FILE //* contains a REXX exec to read a dcollect report, and * DOC FILE //* check disk space occupancy. This REXX contains an * DOC FILE //* original algorithm to filter dataset names. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-474 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-474 CHANGES FOR VERSION 474 AUG 06, 2007 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 00 This tape now contains 780 file slots. That should * DOC FILE //* hold us for a while. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 035 to reflect changes in PDS 8.6 * DOC FILE //* and other programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 120 to add more articles. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 135 to reflect changes in PDS 8.6 * DOC FILE //* and other programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 182 which is the PDS 8.6 utility * DOC FILE //* package. Addition functionality was incorporated, * DOC FILE //* and the level is 8.6.06 currently. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 185 to add more names to the tables, * DOC FILE //* and tested on z/OS 1.8. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 234 from B. Einsargueix and John * DOC FILE //* Kalinich, to fix a bug in the Disassembler. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Update to File 247 from Sam Golob to fix a few * DOC FILE //* minor bugs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 297 from Mike Cleary to enhance his * DOC FILE //* GRS package to the 1.4.2 level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 299 (TAPEMAP) from John Kalinich, to * DOC FILE //* add new device type definitions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck et al, to fix * DOC FILE //* and enhance CMT, FTPB, and LISTPROC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck et al, to fix * DOC FILE //* and enhance SDSFEXT. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck et al, to fix * DOC FILE //* and enhance XMITIP to the 5.68 level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 404 from Larry Lawler et al, to fix * DOC FILE //* TSSO so that it will work under z/OS 1.8, where * DOC FILE //* only 4-byte console name support still exists, and * DOC FILE //* the concept of Master Console has been eliminated. * DOC FILE //* The previous version of TSSO is still in this file, * DOC FILE //* in PDSLOAD (IEBUPDTE-like) format, as member * DOC FILE //* $$PREZ18. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to include * DOC FILE //* numerous changes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 452 from Dan Dalby, which is a * DOC FILE //* complete refresh of his collection of programs * DOC FILE //* and utilities. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, to include * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS 7.15. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 510 to include the current email * DOC FILE //* address of author Ricardo Paranhos, who is now * DOC FILE //* living in Brazil. (Thanks to Philippe Leite.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 520 which is Robin Ryerse's REXX * DOC FILE //* function collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 523 from Paul Dion, which is his * DOC FILE //* SMFSLCT (SMF Selection Program), a general utility * DOC FILE //* to select and copy SMF records from current datasets * DOC FILE //* and from archived datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 558 from Sam Golob, to fix several * DOC FILE //* of Dick Thornton's programs so they display Y2K * DOC FILE //* format dates properly. (MODINFO, LMODHIST, PDSHIST) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 566 from Sam Bass, to add his console * DOC FILE //* display program that works under TSO. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 589 from Philippe Leite, to enhance * DOC FILE //* his HSC package, and to add a program that issues * DOC FILE //* Hercules commands under MVS (similar to the VM * DOC FILE //* command type programs that run from TSO). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 606 from Dave Cartwright, to Reed * DOC FILE //* Petty's AWSSL program that creates an AWS or a HET * DOC FILE //* format tape, from datasets. The fix is to allow * DOC FILE //* for 64K block sizes on the tapes. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 614 to add load modules and assembly * DOC FILE //* JCL for SHOWzOS 7.15. Source is on File 492. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 647 which is Level 1.9.3 of PARSEXML * DOC FILE //* (a REXX XML Parser) from Andrew Armstrong. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 708 from Glenn Siegel, which is his * DOC FILE //* MPFXTALL generalized MPF exit program. Many * DOC FILE //* improvements have been made over older versions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 731 from Sam Golob (TSO commands to * DOC FILE //* display or alter some TSO/E control block contents) * DOC FILE //* to add Mark Zelden's TSOV and TSOR execs, which * DOC FILE //* capture SYSOUTTRAP output from PUTLINE-enabled TSO * DOC FILE //* commands and ISPF VIEW, or TSO REVIEW the outputs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 739 from Ron Brown, to enhance his * DOC FILE //* powerful ISPF command table handling package to * DOC FILE //* work under z/OS 1.7. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 743 from Terry Miller, to enhance * DOC FILE //* his MODLIST load module display program. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Addition of File 750 from Ted MacNeil. This is * DOC FILE //* a nice collection of useful ISPF REXX execs for * DOC FILE //* session setup, which Ted wrote for the IBM Systems * DOC FILE //* Magazine. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Addition of File 751 from "Somitcw" which contains * DOC FILE //* tape handling code that is particularly applicable * DOC FILE //* in a P/390 or FLEX-ES environment. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Addition of File 752 from Robin Ryerse, which is * DOC FILE //* an ISPF Profile dumping tool, written in REXX, with * DOC FILE //* an Assembler subroutine. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Addition of File 753 from Robin Ryerse, which is * DOC FILE //* his REXX function package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Addition of File 754 from Henrik Salminen, which * DOC FILE //* is a (mostly) REXX based tool (with ISPF panels) * DOC FILE //* to search ISPF profiles. I have found this tool * DOC FILE //* very useful (SBG). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Addition of File 755 from Scott Vetter, which is a * DOC FILE //* version of the JRP (JES2 Remote Printers) package * DOC FILE //* that runs on MVS 3.8. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Addition of File 756 from Daniel Gaeta which is a * DOC FILE //* REXX-based JCL preprocessor, with very powerful * DOC FILE //* capabilities. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Addition of File 757 from Kenneth Fitzgerald * DOC FILE //* which contains source and doc for a system to * DOC FILE //* teach Assembler Language to college students and * DOC FILE //* other beginners. This system is called LOGGRASM. * DOC FILE //* From the looks of it, it might be helpful for the * DOC FILE //* rest of us, too. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Addition of File 758 from Craig Schneiderwent and * DOC FILE //* contains a package to search loadable modules for * DOC FILE //* a specified string. The package is called * DOC FILE //* LOADWORD. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Addition of File 759 from Kevin Wailes, and * DOC FILE //* contains an implementation of the CICS MQ api * DOC FILE //* crossing exit which traces all MQ api calls for * DOC FILE //* all or selected transactions. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Addition of File 760 which is from Ken Tomiak and * DOC FILE //* is his collection of PC and z/OS based tools * DOC FILE //* geared for both novices and gurus alike. A good * DOC FILE //* portion of the collection is geared towards * DOC FILE //* transporting data from one platform to the other * DOC FILE //* using FTP at some point. The file is in zip * DOC FILE //* format, folded into FB-80 on MVS, and should be * DOC FILE //* installed by downloading it in BINARY to a PC, and * DOC FILE //* unzipping it. (Then you follow Ken's directions.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Addition of File 761 from Mark Baron which contains * DOC FILE //* several REXX execs which help you to find things on * DOC FILE //* an MVS system. The name of the principal REXX * DOC FILE //* exec, and the name of the package itself is * DOC FILE //* FINDALL. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Addition of File 762 from Ken Tomiak which * DOC FILE //* contains information about special DD names that * DOC FILE //* are connected with either IBM products, or OEM * DOC FILE //* products for z/OS (i.e. MVS). This is a very * DOC FILE //* useful list to have. Anybody who wishes to add * DOC FILE //* to this list is welcome to do so. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Addition of File 763 which is collection of * DOC FILE //* utilities from various authors to convert 80-byte * DOC FILE //* card-image hex data, such as a PTF or an object * DOC FILE //* deck, to two lines of printable code, per line of * DOC FILE //* data. And of course, there's another conversion * DOC FILE //* program, to convert all the printable data back to * DOC FILE //* hex. This file has been moved. It was originally * DOC FILE //* File 760. And there's a four-line version as * DOC FILE //* well. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-473 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-473 CHANGES FOR VERSION 473 JAN 14, 2007 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 035 which is a load module library, * DOC FILE //* for fast install of many CBT Tape products. Since * DOC FILE //* Version 472 of this tape, PDS 8.6 has been updated * DOC FILE //* to PDS 8.6.05. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 120 to add more articles. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 135 to add ISO Date versions of the * DOC FILE //* PDS 8.6 load modules. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 182 which is PDS 8.6 source code and * DOC FILE //* panels and messages, etc. Latest level is 8.6.05 * DOC FILE //* dated Dec 29, 2006. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 183 from Gilbert Saint-flour which * DOC FILE //* is a refresh of the marvelous programs in his big * DOC FILE //* collection. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 247 from Sam Golob, to fix minor * DOC FILE //* errors. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Updates to File 312 from Lionel Dyck. Change to * DOC FILE //* LISTPRC. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Updates to File 313 from Lionel Dyck. Change to * DOC FILE //* SLM. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Updates to File 314 from Lionel Dyck. Change to * DOC FILE //* XMITIP package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 321 from Roland Schiradin, which is * DOC FILE //* his COBOL load module analyzer. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 437, to add JCL that puts ZZSA IPL * DOC FILE //* text onto a given volume using ICKDSF. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, to raise * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS to level 7.14. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Updates to File 513 from Jose Maria Martinez * DOC FILE //* Besteiro and Angel Luis Dominguez Martin, to fix * DOC FILE //* bugs in their OPERLOG package. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Updates to File 582 from Gerhard Postpischil, to * DOC FILE //* fix TAPEMP38 for MVS 3.8, and to add code for * DOC FILE //* versions of BUILDCDE and PDSLOAD, which work on * DOC FILE //* MVS 3.8. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 614 from Sam Golob, to add a load * DOC FILE //* module library for SHOWzOS 7.14, whose source code * DOC FILE //* has been updated on File 492. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 713, which is the EMPTYPDS program. * DOC FILE //* This update is from Steve Myers. Now tested on z/OS * DOC FILE //* 1.7 and 1.8. Documentation change only. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 736 from Mark Naughton which is his * DOC FILE //* Perl script that displays IODF information. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 738 from Terry Miller which is his * DOC FILE //* REORGVS package that can be used to redefine a VSAM * DOC FILE //* dataset from an existing VSAM dataset. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 743 from Terry Miller which is his * DOC FILE //* MODLIST program that displays detailed information * DOC FILE //* about load modules. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Addition of File 747 from Mark Naughton, which is * DOC FILE //* a program to read the System Logger. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Addition of File 748 from Jose Neto, which is a * DOC FILE //* REXX program and/or and Assembler program to * DOC FILE //* convert BASE64 code to message text. Also included * DOC FILE //* is an email sending system to support Change * DOC FILE //* control approvals by a system administrator. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Addition of File 749 from Gilbert Saint-flour, * DOC FILE //* which is a version of many of his utilities from * DOC FILE //* File 183, which were adapted to assemble and run * DOC FILE //* on MVS 3.8. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //***SECTION V-472 SECTION * DOC FILE //* V-472 CHANGES FOR VERSION 472 SEP 25, 2006 * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 01 Update to File 019 from John Hooper, with multiple * DOC FILE //* updates to his utilities. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 02 Update to File 035 which is a load module library, * DOC FILE //* for fast install of many CBT Tape products. Since * DOC FILE //* Version 471 of this tape, PDS 8.6 and DAF have been * DOC FILE //* updated. PDS 8.6.04 and DAF 1.47. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 03 Update to File 060 to restore some sort of source * DOC FILE //* code for the module PRSTRNG, whose source code * DOC FILE //* seems to have disappeared. I disassembled the copy * DOC FILE //* of this module in the load module file, File 061, * DOC FILE //* in reassemblable form, and included the REASMLNK * DOC FILE //* PROC as well, so you can reassemble easily. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 04 Update to File 088 from Brian Westerman. Please * DOC FILE //* refer to the COMMAND program on File 019, pending * DOC FILE //* a rewrite of COMMANDZ here. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 05 Update to File 090 from Greg Price, which adds some * DOC FILE //* of his modifications to David Noon's DELINKER * DOC FILE //* program to get it to work on newer MVS modules. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 06 Update to File 094 from Michael Cleary, to bring * DOC FILE //* DAF to the Version 1.47 level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 07 Update to File 120 from Sam Golob to add some new * DOC FILE //* articles. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 08 Update to File 134 from Greg Price to contain a * DOC FILE //* revised version of REVIEW (40.02). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 09 Update to File 135 from Greg Price (et al) to * DOC FILE //* contain REVIEW 40.02 load modules, the latest * DOC FILE //* version of PDS (8.6.04) with ISO date support, * DOC FILE //* a load module for SHOWzOS 7.13, a fixed version * DOC FILE //* of SHOWDS, and an updated version of DELINKI. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 10 Update to File 182 from John Kalinich, to contain * DOC FILE //* source code and other materials for PDS 8.6.04. * DOC FILE //* (You need to install the panels and message member * DOC FILE //* from this library, to run PDS in ISPMODE. You can * DOC FILE //* run PDS in XISPMODE with just the load module.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 11 Update to File 234 which is Dick Thornton's later * DOC FILE //* disassembler, that can disassemble PDSE load modules * DOC FILE //* as well as the old type. There was a problem with * DOC FILE //* the STORAGE macro invocation, which was solved by * DOC FILE //* B. Einsargueix with a source code fix. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 12 Update to File 257, which contains zaps to the old * DOC FILE //* linkage editor, so it will accept object decks that * DOC FILE //* are blocked up to 32720 bytes per block. The IBM * DOC FILE //* imposed limit on the old linkage editor was 3200 * DOC FILE //* bytes for object deck blocking, and this was never * DOC FILE //* remedied for the linkage editor, only for the newer * DOC FILE //* binder. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 13 Update to File 299 from Steve Myers, to add support * DOC FILE //* for the z/OS 1.5 modification to tape labels, that * DOC FILE //* allows support for file numbers greater than 9999. * DOC FILE //* (Question mark followed by 3 binary numbers, Wayne * DOC FILE //* Rhoten's design.) * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 14 Update to File 312 from Lionel Dyck, with a new * DOC FILE //* version of LSTPROC (REXX exec that ISRDDN's your * DOC FILE //* PROCLIB concatenation). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 15 Update to File 313 from Lionel Dyck to supply a new * DOC FILE //* version of SLM (System Library Manager). * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 16 Update to File 314 from Lionel Dyck to update * DOC FILE //* XMITIP to the 5.48a level. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 17 Update to File 321 from Roland Schiradin to supply * DOC FILE //* a new level of the COBOL load module analyzer. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 18 Update to File 404 to correct the assembly jobs * DOC FILE //* for TSSO. This version of TSSO has been tested * DOC FILE //* on z/OS 1.7. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 19 Update to File 434 from Mark Zelden, to provide * DOC FILE //* changes to IPLINFO, REXXSTOR, and AMBCLIST. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 20 Update to File 492 from Roland Schiradin, to upgrade * DOC FILE //* SHOWzOS to version 7.13. Sample load modules are * DOC FILE //* in File 614, for many versions of SHOWMVS. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 21 Update to File 510 from Alexander Vasilenko and * DOC FILE //* Sam Golob. This is Ricardo Paranhos' IEBLIST * DOC FILE //* program that lists contents of DASD packs, allowing * DOC FILE //* various kinds of filtering of datasets according to * DOC FILE //* different criteria. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 22 Update to File 518 from Sam Knutson. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 23 Update to File 571 which is an XMIT and RECEIVE * DOC FILE //* batch program from Jim Morrison. The update is * DOC FILE //* from Phil Roberts to fix U370DATE for after Y2K. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 24 Update to File 614 which is contains XMITs of load * DOC FILE //* module libraries for various versions of SHOWMVS * DOC FILE //* and SHOWzOS. Since SHOWzOS was updated on File 492, * DOC FILE //* this file also had to be updated with the correspon- * DOC FILE //* ding load modules. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 25 Update to File 621 which contains NPF exits that * DOC FILE //* allow printing to printers having PCL language * DOC FILE //* support. This file is from Hunter Zhou. Hunter * DOC FILE //* has moved, so the corresponding addresses had to * DOC FILE //* be changed on all his files, and internally in all * DOC FILE //* his programs. I don't think any functionality has * DOC FILE //* actually changed in any of the programs. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* See also corresponding changes in: * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* File 623 - Automated IPL and Shutdown * DOC FILE //* File 638 - SENDMAIL * DOC FILE //* File 639 - SETHOUR * DOC FILE //* File 668 - JES2 Spool Offload * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 26 Update to File 634 which is a LISTUCB program that * DOC FILE //* lists both online and offline UCBs. The update is * DOC FILE //* a bug fix to UCBSUBR by Alan Buschmann. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 27 Update to File 647 from Andrew Armstrong. This * DOC FILE //* package is his XML parser written in REXX. The * DOC FILE //* upgrade is to Version 1.9. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 28 Update to File 661 from Peter McFarland. This is * DOC FILE //* his HOTRDR package to submit jobs to the internal * DOC FILE //* reader from pds libraries. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 29 Update to File 682 from Bob Glover. This is his * DOC FILE //* ESO TSO display, to show system esoterics. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 30 Update to File 686 from Warren Whitford. This is * DOC FILE //* a fix to the SMFDUMP program that was distantly * DOC FILE //* derived from an IBM sample that had not been * DOC FILE //* distributed by IBM for a long time. Fix was for * DOC FILE //* the multi-line WTO. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 31 Update to File 688 from Larry Altman. This file * DOC FILE //* contains the RCNGNINT REXX exec (formerly called * DOC FILE //* DBRCINIT) and supporting code and samples. The * DOC FILE //* purpose of this code, is to generate DBRC INIT * DOC FILE //* commands in order to transfer database registration * DOC FILE //* information from one recon to another, or to create * DOC FILE //* database registration commands which may have been * DOC FILE //* lost. This is an IMS tool. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 32 Update to File 708 from Glenn Siegel. This file * DOC FILE //* contains his very generalized MPF exit system. * DOC FILE //* This version of MPFXTALL is Version 5.0. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 33 Update to File 711 which is the LIBRARIAN package * DOC FILE //* that was contributed semi-anonymously. This is an * DOC FILE //* upgrade, with many fixes necessary. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 34 Update to File 717 from Joe Caughman. This is his * DOC FILE //* JumpList program package that provides a convenient * DOC FILE //* programmer's workbench environment. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 35 Update to File 718 from Gary Green. This file * DOC FILE //* contains two TSO Logon exits. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 36 Update to File 724 from Ed Jaffe. This file * DOC FILE //* contains his remaining improvements to IBM's HLASM * DOC FILE //* Toolkit, which haven't yet been incorporated in the * DOC FILE //* Toolkit package by IBM itself. This package assumes * DOC FILE //* that the PTF for APAR PK01283 has been installed. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 37 Update to File 725 from Andrew Armstrong. This * DOC FILE //* file contains his CICS Auxiliary Trace Visualizer. * DOC FILE //* The current version is now Version 1.2. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 38 Update to File 726 from Philippe Simon. This is * DOC FILE //* the VC REXX exec to create source DEFINE statements * DOC FILE //* for a VSAM dataset, from the dataset itself. This * DOC FILE //* update is a further update of Ted MacNeil's update * DOC FILE //* to Jim Connelley's original version. The added * DOC FILE //* REXX from Philippe Simon is member VCP in this file. * DOC FILE //* All three versions are still here in this file. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 39 Update to File 738 from Terry Miller. This file * DOC FILE //* contains a facility to reorganize VSAM clusters * DOC FILE //* (from the original clusters) without having to code * DOC FILE //* any of the DEFINE statements. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 40 Update to File 739 from Ron Brown. This file * DOC FILE //* contains a package to update your TSO session's * DOC FILE //* ISPF command tables dynamically. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 41 Addition of File 741 from Bill Godfrey. This file * DOC FILE //* contains code to create and decode BASE64 character * DOC FILE //* encoding. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 42 Addition of File 742 from Bob Birdsall. This file * DOC FILE //* contains a source code versioning system that works * DOC FILE //* for PARMLIB, TCPPARMS, and other system level * DOC FILE //* datasets. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 43 Addition of File 743 from Terry Miller, which * DOC FILE //* contains his MODLIST program to list linkedit and * DOC FILE //* Binder attributes for load modules. * DOC FILE //* * DOC FILE //* 44 Addition of File 744 from Eugene Vogt and Alain * DOC FILE //* Steffen, containing their R